Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1051 True Probability and Ding Probability

After this idea, Qiao Liang was shocked by himself, and I felt that I might think more, but the more of the turntable, the more I felt this likelihood.

Wherever the general is, there must be deeply!

For the game of "Fitness Big Battle", this lucky prize system has to do it. In fact, there is much more impact on the profitability of the game itself.

Even if it is replaced with a regular draw, the players will still pick it up.

Since ...

This intention currently can't see, but it is probably that .

Therefore, if you want to really analyze the summary intentions, you still have to start from the players.

Qiao Liang immediately found a post on "Fitness Big Battle" draw on the Internet, and the image analysis of different user groups.

He quickly found a lot of cases.

Because the desires of "fitness big battle", the desire of the game seems to be much higher than other games.

Whether it is very good, it is very poor, and it is very passionate about the results of the lottery in the Internet.

If analyzed according to the traditional golden game, it is generally divided into microenteri, Chinese and heavy jew, which can be transformed with each other. .

But in "Fitness Battle", this difference does not seem to be too good.

For example, someone fills hundreds of thousands. After a little pumping, I left my favorite single, and the other all refunded, and finally only spent more than 1,000 pieces, then this is a middle junior. Or is it important?

Although this situation is relatively rare, it must exist.

Qiao Liang watched a lot of cases online, and found that it is really a five-flowers, and there is no.

For example, some people have pumped five ten-piece pumping in a row, and the result is a blue sky and white clouds, there is a purple props, the result is not what he wants.

So this brother is crying, I have a refund.

If it is in other games, he may have to find a customer service, but since "fitness battle" is casually refund, then come back three times.

Some people have smoked three ten-piece pumping in a row, all have oranges, I originally intended to pick a result of the best ten consecutive pumping, the other two ten-way refund, this is not refundable, Exciterate online.

There is also a maximum of fifty ten psiots, just keeping a ten-cached two-cent of orange, other refunds, but also proudly posting yourself "wool "Wang", it is recommended that everyone will learn Tenda to bare.

Even some people regard this lucky draw system as a test site, anyway, I can refund, I will refund again, I have no money, I can have a lottery.

These wonderful situations that never see in other game drawings.

Even if the players in other games are sun, they are probably only two results of "Europe" and "non-". Of course, Europe may be very Europe, but it is not too much.

"Tenda's lottery mechanism ... It seems to be true probability?"

Qiao Liang suddenly moved to the machine, listed in the document, listed the traditional lottery model and the "fitness big battle" lottery model.

"True Probability" is relative to "false probability".

If the traditional lottery mode is considered to be pure, it is wrong.

Qiao Liang also consciously tonic many game design, very clear that the lottery in the game never really probably, but the probability.

Of course, the false probability is not all the merchants in order to make money, sometimes to ensure the feelings of the player.

This must have a comparative basis probability to understand.

For example, the merchant sets an explosion rate of a commodity of 20%, which is already very high.

Then, in the case of the number of people, the sample is very large enough, the player of this product is probably 20%, which is very understandable.

However, there is no probability that the five times, it is five 80% multiplication, that is, 0.32768, which means that about 30% of players will not be out of five times.

And the probability that the probability will not be taken in ten times is that ten 80% are multiplied, which is about 0.1, which is 10%.

A 20% explosion rate props, if calculated according to probability, 10% of players will not be out of ten times.

And if you add, the probability that the probability will not be taken in twenty times is 1%.

Suppose there are 100,000 people to participate in this lottery, 1% is a thousand people.

There are thousands of people who have pumped twenty times, they can accept something 20%, can they accept?

This is obvious that it does not match their intuition: 20% of the explosion rate is not five times?

But the probability is something that is different from person, 20% explosion rate is not equal to five times, and even can't guarantee ten times.

The probability is not accurate to an individual, and only the real probability will be infinitely approaching the theoretical data when the data sample is large enough.

That is to say, draw once, what is likely to happen; but taking more than 100 million times, the probability will be infinitely approaching 20 million times.

But people who don't know the probability of basic knowledge, I don't know this.

It is conceivable that this thousand people have never drawn twenty times, and there is a burst rate of 20%, and will definitely go to the forum to make a lot, will it produce how much public opinion pressure?

Moreover, most of these people are Chinese or heavy jewels, get such a lottery experience, will they participate in the event later? It's good to uninstall the game.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, many game manufacturers will set the probability in the game.

That is to say, a 20% explosion rate is something, if the player didn't smoke it for the first time, the second explosion rate increased, and it was not yet, then 100% will be.

This will ensure that the player's luck is poor and there is always a guarantee.

From this point, false probability does have certain effects of protecting players.

But the problem is that since the gamer has already made a false probability, it is certainly impossible to protect the interests of the players, and they naturally protect their interests.

For example, there is a very precious, worth tens of thousands of items, which explosion rate is 0.1%, if there are 100,000 players to participate in the å, there will be 100 lucky people to send a soul, more than 90 lucky Both children are out ...

If it is an unlimited number of precious props, it doesn't matter.

But if this item can be protected, it is 500 copies, 1000 copies?

According to this sound, I don't see the most people who have a lot of money, and most of them are those true Europe.

It may be that there is no thousands of pieces, and someone will come out.

It was taken away by these European, regardless of the pumping, will be psychologically unbalanced, because even if the mood is smoked, it will definitely spend far more than the money of the Emperor.

Lucky and banknotes are unbalanced.

Therefore, the game operator will tend to set a prerequisite at this time, it is possible to smoke this thing after the total number of money consumption XX, and the more charging, the greater the chances of drawing.

And doing this, it is also in line with most players' psychological expectations: I only smoke it once, it didn't make normal; the mood is pumped dozens of times, and it is reasonable.

But in fact, this is a gaming manufacturer arranged through false probability.

In this way, the gamer guarantees the consumption feelings of the local luxury, thereby saving their consumption, and naturally keeps their own gains and reputation.

The sacrifice is the interests of the little pure, but this doesn't matter, because they don't know that they are actually pure Emperor, I don't know if I can actually take this precious props, I thought I didn't smoke it is normal. of.

And the players also have no authenticity from verification of data, because no matter the detailed rules of the lottery or the data after the lottery, players are in the game company, players have no channel contacts.

And the total lottery model is obviously the probability, that is, 20% is 20%, and there is a thousand people who haven't affected twenty times. I will give you a full refund.

After in-depth comparison of two different draw mode, Qiao Liang suddenly produced an idea.

"Do you say that I always want to use this new draw mode, deconstruct traditional lottery models? Let some players realize that they think the lottery, just in the framework of the game company?"

"And Tengda's draw, in fact, it is actively breaking this framework, giving players a definite fair, but people are a little uncomfortable true probability?"

"That ... this is a task that is almost impossible to complete!"

Qiao Liang can't help but pay respect for.

The probability has long been accompanied by a lottery system, even before many game drawings, some websites, the app has been done.

But so many years have passed, but few people have questioned this matter.

Instead, more and more players began habits, passionate about draw, more and more businesses have studied a variety of ways to take care of players, in fact more convenient for their lucky draw.

For the game merchants, the lucky draw system is equal to a stable shake money tree, so that no matter whether it is an end tour, mobile games, and even many merchants are just a lot of activities, they have started frequent draw.

Someone earned, then someone naturally lost.

The game company likes to make a lottery event, they certainly don't lose.

Who lost this is not a thing that looks?

And the summary of this lucky draw system, obviously to poke this veil, tell the players' cruelty, change this status!

Of course, the current situation is not optimistic.

Because the vast majority of players do not have knowledge of game design, and human nature is like touching, accounting.

Many people like to draw, you told him that the probability of eight passes, speaking expectations, speaking a lot of pits, he all hesitantly can't hear, must think that he is lucky, even pit, spend a lot of money After taking a bunch of garbage, I still said that I was not good at this time. I will take out what you want next time.

The general business will only want to do every way to tell consumers, the lucky prize is a kind of promotion, players and merchants mutual benefit, and draw a lottery.

Top more is a tip of a very small line in the lottery: the lottery is risky, and the recharge needs to be cautious.

But this suggestion will definitely be small, and most people will not be placed at all.

After this analysis, Qiao Liang has drawn a quite amazing conclusion.

"There is always this kind of behavior, isn't it the finishing of all lucky draws?"

"Although it is not necessarily successful, it is indeed efforts through the lucky draw system of" fitness big battle ", lets everyone can see the so-called prizes."

"Even if there will eventually be a few people, even if you will attract other companies that are expected to make money, it is uncomfortable."

"It's really hard!"

Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel it, this kind of thing is only to do, I hope to do it, dare to do!

It's just that most people react is too slow, and I have no good intentions in the whole.

You must give a video, say the key of this, you can't let the total heart!

The lucky drawing of the company and Longyu Group looks very conscience, but it is only a conscience than the other blacks that can not be black.

In fact, I still change the soup without changing the medicine, even if I have been three fold, I still think about what I want to make money from the player!

What is good idea than Tengda's approach?

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