Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1052, the wool is not strong!

May 19th, Saturday.

Longyu Group is working properly.

Eric is working overtime with Zhao Xu Ming, and other ordinary employees will not dare to rest at home.

What's more, during the Tongda Burning War, Longyu Group's employees "conscious" are very high, all are consciously overtime.

In fact, some employees have not been conscious, but that employees are basically not possible.

In the meeting, Zhao Ximing was reported to Eric in the eyebrows.

"Since our lucky draw is online, the players' response is quite warm, and the heat of the IOI mobile game is also rushed!"

"Many players are unparalleled on the spot, and even our activities are more attractive than Tita 515 games."

"So far, our lucky prices are still in progress."

"The most important thing is that our lottery activities not only didn't burn too much money, but also earned some. Although it is three fold, under precise calculation, there are still some profit space!"

Zhao Xu is very proud, after all, this idea is what he thinks.

Although the lottery is not a fresh game, in that case, in the case, it can accurately select this kind of gameplay in the way, should it be good?

Although he gaves most of the credits, he gave Eric, but if this is, Eric is definitely got a definitely yourself; if it fails, the biggest pot is definitely also Eric to back.

Therefore, when Zhao Ximing reported, it is more expensive than usual.

Erik nodded, asked: "What is the situation over Tengda?"

Zhao Ximing he left, replied: "Hey ... As far as I know, they still rest this weekend."

"For the 515 gameplay ... seems to have no adjustments."

The Eric's face is also invisible to expose a surprised expression.

... What is younger?

Eric was originally thought that Baicong will definitely not give a new activity, whether it is a lottery or something, will be struggling to cover himself.

I didn't think that I didn't think that I didn't do anything, but I still have a rest on the weekend.

Eric is thinking, according to the personality of the general office, it is enough to come up with the countermeasures on Friday, on the weekend.

But there is no more cases, nothing is nothing more than two cases.

The first is that I always feel that I don't need to do anything.

The second is that there is always a powerful force.

Don't really do anything else?

Eric is not so much, after all, from the current online feedback, Longyu Group's sweepstakes are very enthusiastic, obviously snatched a lot of heat belonging to 515 games.

Then it can only be the second case.

I always want to do something, but I can't do it!

Eric could not help but show a smile: "Sure enough, I don't expect it."

"It's like I burn, although it is happy, it is not long enough. While we are fine, fine water is cost-effective."

Zhao Ximing instantly understands what, the eyes are slightly, "you said ..."

"Tenda's funds are finally not enough?"

Eric is slight smile: "If you can't tell, it is very likely."

This is very in line with their previous inferior.

Tenda Group's funds have been put into so many projects, the previous "mission and choice" has not yet arrived, the smart fitness drying rack overlooks a lot of stockings.

Strong to do the 515 game festival, I am afraid I have consumed the last large amount of funds that can be used.

Now, even if you want to raise money again, you will definitely take a certain amount of time.

Therefore, the chief talents did not immediately counterattack, but they were natural, and they were robbed by Longyu Group's sweepstakes.

After the funds are raised, they can begin the counterattack.

Zhao Xuming couldn't help but look forward.

To analyze, it seems to be so awkward!

Of course, it will never be low to estimate.

But one piece of fact is increasingly in line with this bold inferior.

Suddenly, Zhao Ximing thought of a thing.

He also known this thing, just reported when Eric is in good faith.

"Yes, there is something that I have just known, I will report it with you."

"Fitness Big Battle" seems to have a lottery system. Only this lucky draw system is to unlock the first chapter, so I didn't pay attention before, I also saw the discussion on the Internet. "

"This lottery is very special, it can be refundable without condition."

"Do you see this will be a post?"

"Fitness Battle" is just not on the line for two days, Zhao Ximing now discovers that it is more fast.

Originally, as a competitive game, Zhao Xuming and his people have a play, but the problem is "fitness big battle" is not the kind of hanging machine, moving your fingers, can upgrade the mobile game, it is much more Time to exercise!

Zhao Ximing and the people under his hand are busy with the prize, and a lot of work in hand, how can I have time to work out in "Fitness Battle".

If it is not the post on the online sun "fitness big battle" lottery, Zhao Ximing is afraid that it will find it later.

Eric stunned: "There is unconditional refund of the lottery?"

"This lottery is only a props in the game? Is there any other game? Is there a real thing?"

"Is there any other special place in addition to refund?"

Zhao Ximing replied: "It is only the lucky draw system in the game. It is naturally only the props in the game. There is no real thing, and there is no other specialty, a simple lucky draw system."

Eric fell into a contemplation.

After a moment, he said: "Although it is really better than our conscience, but only the game props, the players should be not strong."

"Our sweepstakes are erased back," fitness big fighting "sweepstakes will greatly reduce the income of the game."

"More than the" fitness big battle "has long been developed, this lucky draw system may be more early, most of us is a coincidence, no nature."

Zhao Ximing immediately nodded: "Yes, I think so."

"I have seen it carefully. Although the" Fitness Big Competition "sweepstakes have triggered a certain discussion on the Internet, they will not constitute any threat to our luck at all, and there is no heat."

Eric's mood is very good. He sorted out the work of his hand and said: "Okay, after the end of the overtime, you will not have to come!"

"Since I have a rest, then we also rest!"

Tengda is obviously gave up, the employee is not going to work, and if you want to do things, no one works.

In this case, you can stare again on Monday.

Anyway, 515 game is over 24:00 pm, at night, and this heat is always maintained, it is clear that the finger company and Longyu Group will win.

When I thought here, Irek revealed a smile.

This emotion obviously also infects the employees under the bottom.

I have worked hard for so long, I finally went to see the bright!

Although no one dares to make the ticket, most people believe that Tengda's funds may really have a problem, and there is no first time to return to prove!

Even if I have a very critical level, this is always a good thing to rose.

Under this optimistic emotion, this news naturally spreads ...


At the same time, Yu Qian just got up.

At Thursday, he bought a 3A masterpiece, which is a bit fun, so on Friday all day, including last night, he has been homes at home.

Yesterday, staying up late yesterday, so I got up today until noon.

After the washing is finished, Yu Qian did not want to take out the phone to see it.

Nothing new news.

In particular, the Xinmike will not send a news, let him deeply regret.

Because this means that Tengda's funds have not had problems, they don't need him to prepare to sell.

This is a bit uncomfortable.

515 The game festival has been spent, and it is reasonable to spend money.

Continue to turn your mobile phone and see the two days of news.


"Longyu Group has made a lottery activity?"

"Special Award is a car? This is also!"

"I didn't think of this!"

Yan Qian was dizzy.

He played the game in the past two days, and didn't pay attention to the online news at all.

The company doesn't have to keep staring, because there is something that will naturally call him, no one called everything.

As a result, I didn't expect that I didn't pay attention to it. Long Yu Group gave this event!

It is reasonable that the general lucky prize is not on the eye, but this is a car ... it is really eye-catching!

"No, this activity is not limited?"

Yu Qian suddenly realized a bit wrong.

Because in his memory, only certain companies' annual conference prizes are cars, and they have never seen this kind of consumption activities are car.

I have seen the prizes worth the value of the lucky draw, which is something like laptops.

It seems because there is a prize sales, the highest value of prizes must not exceed 50,000, which is clearly stated in this manner.

The annual meeting can take the car because it is not a consumer activity.

Yan Qian hurriedly searched it and found that it was because of the cause of the world, the relevant provisions became a lot, from the original 50,000 to 40,000.

In other words, Longyu Group's special prize is just on this bar of 400,000, it is not a violation.

"Rely! I know that I also make a lottery!"

"You have a lot of money, isn't I finished?"

"You have seen it, this is how they start, I am adding to the attack."

"Unfortunately, today is not a working day, this lucky draw event is going to do everything Monday. After the development, the 515 game festival has passed."

Yan Qian couldn't help but sorry.

Let the employees work overtime on weekends, it is impossible, this is the principle problem.

However, let's think, let Longyu Group have a weekend.

They grab more hot, and Yan Qian is better to increase their efforts, otherwise the system does not agree.

Eric is always mistaken for the heat, but it is really not such a thing.

He has not cared for the heat, he only cares how to burn more money.

Next, he looked at the news that "fitness big battle".

Seeing that the players have a refund, there is still a wonderful player who filled with hundreds of thousands of pieces, and Yan Qian is just laughing.

" !"

"These players are really worrying, they don't have to teach, they will understand my intention!"

"How do you have some players too lazy to refund? Is it not convenient enough for the refund mechanism I design?"

"Plus hard! The wool is not strong, but also dare to say that he is a wool party?"

Looking at a refund of a pen, Yu Qian's mood is also.

It seems that everything is very smooth, waiting for the next Tuesday, that is, after the 515 game festival, then think about the way to assault money, it will be able to build a tree.

However, at this time, the Aili Island website APP on the mobile phone popped up a push.

Special attention is the UP master update video!


Because this video is Qiao Lao wet, and the title is "Game Talk: Draw Things"!

But after seeing the title of the game, Yan Qian is a little peace of mind.

Fortunately, it is not a video of the god.

It seems to be a popular video of this title.

What damage should be caused ...?

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