in the afternoon.

I'm so fast, Yu Qian simply combed in the office, and the current situation is currently in the current industry.

Tenda games, ,, gull map technology, flying yellow studio and other departments have been launched, and it is very good, it feels a bit hard to save.

Touch fish net coffee, touched fish takeaway, anti-wind logistics, hosting gym, lazy apartment, etc. action.

However, near the end of the settlement, there are still some departments in the end of the collection, and there seem to have some possibility of salvation.

For example, according to the previous plan, the decoration of the snack market is almost complete, and it is expected to be officially opened last month.

Tengda's large experience store is currently in the preparations in the intensive drums. According to the original plan, the next month will be officially opened after the installation of the 24th screen installation.

The late studio is expected to take out the product of VR glasses at the end of July, and install a "Animal Island" Demo experience, and the game is officially launched, there may be another two months.

Because of the direct control of Tenda, the system control is relatively loose, and it is not necessary to have a formal product on the line before the settlement.

Therefore, Yan Qian is not very concerned about the period of this side, even if you have to worry, it is also the next cycle.

In addition, the roller coaster project in the hostel has been repairing, and the construction period is relatively long. It is expected to have at least four or five months to complete.

Yu Qian considers that if there is money to have money in the end of this cycle, you can temporarily give this rollerider project more points, and eat more funds as much as possible without serious impact time.

In addition, Yu Qian also planned a way to assault money this cycle.

Head Company and Longyu Group Since the "515 Game Festival" burned the battle, it was still in the state of hopper.

They are not anxious, I'm willing.

Since they don't spend money, then Qian must do something to stimulate them, let them continue to burn money. In this way, it will not cause a warning of the system, and the name is going on the spot.

The selected date is the end of June. This time period is a "summer promotion" of many rice companies, and the company will definitely launch a series of promotions in this special time. Otherwise, it will be too inconsistent.

And Qian is doing, it is a few days in advance!

First open the summer, and give a variety of generous benefits, can the company do not follow? Is the offer?

It is definitely necessary to bite the tendon after the first time it is officially started.

So, Yu Qian can launch a series of new welfare, and the two sides have a pleasant burn.

Of course, the new benefits launched in the second batch will certainly not affect the initial benefits, they should be related to each other, so they do not affect the first batch of players' interests.

Yu Qian has already planned to plan, just waiting for the feet.

Sometimes Yu Qian often feels emotion, thank God to give him a head company and Daxak Group.

If there is no existence of these two companies, GOG will quickly occupy the global MOBA game market. When you want to burn money, you can't find your opponent, then it's more uncomfortable!

After all the current situation is all over again, Yan Qian unexpectedly found that this cycle did not seem to have a non-cleaned situation, or acceptable.

Although "mission and choice" fire, the new mobile phone and intelligent fitness drying rack of Gull Tu Technology are also sold, and the various departments of Tengda are also in full swing ...

But there is also a hope of loss!

Yu Qian feels that this represents his growth!

I want to start a few settlement cycles, often have not yet arrived at the end of the month, and the fate of making money has been destined. Yan Qian is like a fade of salted fish.

But now, salted fish can work hard!

It's a gratifying.

Yan Qian continued to turn over the reception of each department, and suddenly found a department that he had not paying attention to it.

End point in the network!

In order to further throw the functions of the authors, reduce the content output of the end of the Chinese network, and Yu Qian deliberately opened a "inspiration class".

Big TV, massive movies and games, comfortable single sofas, and the "collection of instructions" and "work area", all in the hearts of the authors.

After this inspiration is officially opened, Yu Qian has not paid more attention.

On the one hand, because the end of the Chinese network is compared to other sectors, the profitability is not enough, and it is not worthy of Qianhua expensive. On the other hand, it is because these authors are very slow in "inspiration". The creative speed, it is not bad for three months to write a 400,000 words.

And a book has to be a fire, but also have to be three or four months, the cycle is very long, and there is no significance of staring.

Yan Qian looked at the date, this inspiration is open in early February, until the end of May, time can be said to be just right.

The immersive class is the number of words required for these authors, which will not be too long, so the rough creative time can also be estimated.

Fast writing, maybe the work is nearing; the write is relatively slow, and at least half is also written.

Therefore, Yu Qian feels that you can understand the specific situation of this inspiration.

Maybe there is an unexpected joy?

Yan Qian also specially collected a new book opened at the time, so I immediately opened the end of the Chinese network app that I had already eating airs.

Just opened the details page of the first book, Yan Qian looked up in front of him.

"The data is so bleak?"

Whether it is recommended tickets and monthly tickets, or reward, comments, and other data, even the number of updates, all are very bleak.

Previously, this author often in the top three in the classification list. Now it has fallen to more than a dozen opens, and it can be seen that the data has fallen.

Open four or five books again, the situation is all the same!

Among them, the data is the best in the official novel "Yongfeng Return" created by "back is the shore". The data of this book is in the first five in the fantasy novel area. It is approximately twenty or 30th. .

Even so, it is already the best achievements of these authors of the authors.

Yan Qian turned a little over the comment area of ​​these books, and looked at the feedback of the readers and immediately showed a smile.

Because these authors are good at the creation model of the network novel, now suddenly change to this structure, many authors are actually uncomfortable, because the previous creation experience is difficult to use.

The slow update speed also makes most readers unbearable.

When the website is 4,000, it will be very tormented for the readers, but if the quality is superior, it is barely acceptable.

But if the day is 1000, it is a disaster.

Unless the quality is too good, some people are also seen.

But it is obvious that these authors do not do this.

Therefore, the scores of these books are not good. Some of the authors seem to have been hit. In the author's message, he said that he will go back to continue to write the subject of the original good at the original.

In addition, Yu Qian also deliberately looked at Cui's new book "successor", and found that this book is a bit bad more than " ", the whole station is about 40.

For Cui Lu, who once wandered over the end of the Chinese network, forty results were obviously a fairly unacceptable result.

After all, the end of the Chinese network is different from the unlimited Chinese network. The reader group and the author group are relatively small, fifty positions, and the books of the book may shrink the book before Cui Wei. Multiplier.

Yan Qian all saw a pass, and the results were more than imagined.

If you are judged according to the standards of the network, these inspirations are basically said to end in full failure!

This is not to come out, comfort the author's injured heart?

Yu Qian immediately decided to go to the inspiration class.

Although the authors of the inspiration is written, there are a lot of money, but many authors have not wanted to continue writing.

For many authors, this longevity is not seen, and it is more terrible than if you earn some money.

Therefore, Yu Qian feels that he should look up again, and firmly write confidence in these authors.

Even if you run a part, you have to stay a part!

Otherwise, the whole is full of empty, no one is coming again, how can it be?

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