Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1085 Meng Chang's Three Nobility Principles

June 3, Sunday.

After the laptop in his own residence, the body was slightly behind, and he carefully looked at the labor results of his own day, and then nodded satisfied.

Yes, very perfect!

Of course, this so-called "perfect" is the conclusion that stands in his perspective.

To celebrate, Meng Chang also deliberately opened a cans of fat house, so that he was a little more happy.

Although Meng Chang lives, this computer is the office computer for Tenda, and all kinds of configurations are full, and this simple work will be dealt.

This high-definition notebook is configured with billions of colors, the 2K high-refresh rate screen displayed, and this screen is very enough for professional film and television big.

But at this time, this computer has only opened a simple PS program, and the picture inside is a solid color background, and the theme content is made up of a lot of text, which looks messy.

It is some information like this: "Yong Yu Returns" is 24 in the highest station, the top five in the fantasy zone, the total recommended ticket is 370,000 ......

Other books of the inspiration class, as well as the results they have, and it is also in columns.

A total of seven books and the results of these books.

These contents are placed in a messy manner in the poster, just like a mess, with each other, intricate.

I can't talk hard, but I can't talk.

For the layout of the poster, Meng Chang is very understandable.

In general, the number of words in the poster is, the better, because of a large, concise pattern, will be more conducive to form a visual impact.

The more the number of words means that the word will become small, the audience looks hard, or the root does not want to see these words, the promotion effect is naturally a big discount.

Of course, there are also some inevitable situations, such as many museums, often need to use a lot of text to introduce some exhibits, and this time the designer will deliberately adjust, such as adjustment words. Size, font match, typography, etc., allowing the entire poster overall layout more comfortable.

Meng read this, but he deliberately did it.

He just threw these contents on a poster, and then made a simpler adjustment.

Although most people can see the content on this poster, this poster is absolutely unique.

The reason is also very simple, what is the poster is so beautiful? Isn't that the target of reverse propaganda?

Simple repair, let this poster look at it.

The content of the poster is also a deep thinking of Meng Chang, and I finally finally finalized a lot of relevant knowledge.

These various works of the inspiration class, the results are really not good.

Ranked more than 20 in the whole station, the top five, the total recommended ticket is more than 300 million ... Even in the end of the Chinese website, this is not a good data, but it looks very cold.

If it is a person who doesn't look at the netwen, seeing this data may also feel good, but as long as there is a deeper understanding of the network, it will know that this data is quite worse.

So I played a kind of way of making a dark blow.

The most important thing is that everyone will feel that people who do this propaganda program "do not understand the network industry" is a foreign line, but not to think he is deliberately doing this propaganda program.

In this way, Meng Chang's purpose is reached.

In order to prevent leaks, Meng Chang is also a painful. When he was investigated, he sent it to the place, and it was low-key in private. It was not seen by anyone; The data collected in some people can see.

Even the posters of promotion are also Meng Chang personally P.

Waiting for work on Monday, Meng Chang will directly handed this poster to the advertising marketing department, so that they immediately hung up this poster to the bus stop, subway station, and webpage.

In this way, even if there is an eyeline or inner ghost in the advertising marketing department, it will not change your own propaganda program, and even the difficulty of never wants to have a sharp increase!

Meng Chang wants to feel very perfect, and it is seamless.

He preserved the poster, and he drank two fertilizers happy water, and then prepared to go downstairs to eat something.

People are happy, Meng Chang decided to take more steps, go to the nearby food square to eat buffet barbecue.

Although Tengda's work meal is very delicious, it is a unified distribution of fish, but after all, it is too healthy. Sometimes I want to worry about myself, I still need a little sin.

"The new interactive fitness experience learned?"

Meng Chang screamed with a small song to the food square, suddenly heard the familiar sales sound, and there were more hands and a flyer in front of him.

He didn't think of consciousness, but suddenly realized that the slogan of this gym today seems to be different from the past.

It used to: "Swimming fitness understands?"

Today, it has become: "The new interactive fitness experience learned?"

This difference seems still very big!

Meng Chang reached out to the flyer, found that the content of the flyer is different from the traditional gym.

The flyer is printed on the role inside "Fitness Battle", puts or handsome or charming Pose, also printed a rendering illustration of a smart fitness drying hanger.

There is also a series of propaganda texts below, mainly introducing the intelligent fitness drying rack and "fitness battle" game.

The back of the flyer is the name and logo of "Star Bird Fitness" and LOGO, as well as the specific location of this place in the gourmet store. It also stated that the card can now be a 155% off, very favorable.

Meng Yizhen.

"What is this?"

"Intelligent fitness clothes rack Is this not Tengda's product?"

"Tenda's own gym called the hosted fitness, not called the star bird fitness?"

"Is it ... Business cooperation?"

Although this is nothing to do with Meng Chang, but he still has a layer of gourmet, and found the position of this starfoot fitness.

It's just a city!

Previously, Meng Chang did not impress this star fitness, but he was very confirmed that the gym was definitely not so fire.

But now I will find that I will find a lot of intelligent fitness drying racks in the mainstay of the lobby. Many members are experiencing, and there are even many people in onlookers.

Several customer managers are more traveling, introducing this new device and its gameplay, and take the opportunity to sell membership cards for new customers attracted by flyers.

Meng Chang couldn't help but feel emotion: !

The propaganda plan for the intelligent fitness drying rack is what he did, and naturally understand this product very well.

But Meng Chang has always thought that the intelligent fitness drying rack is a home fitness equipment.

Never thought that,

This market is open, and it will be a very considerable income.

This gym has to buy more than a dozen, there are so many gymnasiums, how big is this market?

It can only be said that the general eye is really open!

Meng Chang has always been self-cultivation, but it is too far from the total one, still too far.

Although I don't want to admit it, this is the fact that I don't fight.

At this moment, Meng Chang suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Lee is full?!"

Meng Chang rushed to the side to prevent being discovered by Li Shi.

Fortunately, Li Shi is chatting with the boss of the Star Bird's Fitness. There are many people in the gym, so I didn't see Meng Chang.

Judging from the situation of two people smile, it is clear that the status quo of Stars Fitness is very satisfied.

"Sure enough, there is a total of Li!"

Meng Chang couldn't help but have a "Sure" feeling, and realized that it failed before you did a smart fitness drying rack, it was absolutely not accidental, but it is inevitable!

The project with Li Tong's relationship is definitely the key projects in the , the chances of success are extremely high!

If you know that Li Gong is also incorporated into the intelligent fitness clothes rack, Meng Chang will never do this publicity program.

It can only be said that Li is hiding too well.

If you don't want Meng Chang's blood to eat to this food square, you will not hit the boss of Li, with the star of the star bird, and will not know the relationship between Li Heongs with the intelligent fitness drying rack.

"I have to determine a principle after it: Three don't touch!"

"All the Tengda project participating in Li, absolutely can't touch it."

"Any Tengda project with high relationship with the game is absolutely can't be dip."

"Any marketing project that Tengda burns money to send welfare is absolutely can't be dip."

"As long as you keep in mind the principle of these three non-pain, you can avoid most of the successful projects!"

"It seems that the promotion of the intelligent fitness drying hanger should not be an accident, but it is inevitable."

"As long as it is sifted in strict accordance with the principle of three non-contained principles, the probability of sieving the correct answer will definitely be greatly improved."

"The programs of this inspiration should be OK, will not be affected."

Meng Chang was happy to think that he was completely uncovered from Tengda and the mystery of the mystery. It was more nearly a step away from peacekeeping, so he was happy to eat self-help barbecue.

Starbirds in the fitness, Li Shi and Cheung are chatting.

The day before yesterday, the intelligent fitness drying rack has arrived in the goods. After the place of resettlement and propaganda yesterday, the passenger traffic today has been significantly increased!

This allows Li Shi and the car, and the two people are happy, because this means that their direction is correct, the new model taken by the starbird fitness is really good!

Li Shi said: "I will discuss with several other investors, and give the Star Bird Fitness and open more shops. This wind must be firmly caught, do other gym with other Beijing. Brand is distinguished. "

Che Rong hurriedly noddate: "Thank you, Li! But ... This is the big branch, and is there still been angry?"

Li Shi smiled: "Don't worry, this little thing will always take care of it. As long as the person in charge of the Gull Tu Technology is nodded."

"Common friends have very supported our program, I have talked to him a good delivery. The pattern of star bird fitness can succeed, meaning that he can sell the intelligent fitness clothes rack to more gym, he will definitely be very happy. of."

"If you are really worried ..."

"This way, I will talk about the person in charge of the eremous, and let the Stars Fitness's shares, and if they are handed over to Tengda, isn't it?"

Chess is very happy: "Of course! I can be in my heart."

Li Shi said: "Now, our previous plans are still too conservative. More than a dozen intelligent fitness drying racks are not enough, many people don't use it."

"When we open new store, we simply put those equipment that have not been used all, 70% of the entire gym, all the intelligent fitness drying racks, one ordered 30 sets, forty! A special membership card I can only use a smart fitness to dry hanger and treadmill, give a discount of several items in "Fitness Battle" ... "

Li Shi and Che Rong chatted to walk towards the gym, pointing to Jiangshan, a magnificent blueprint seems to be slowly launched.

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