I didn't have to go to work on Monday. Meng Chang took a propaganda program to the general office.

He was originally planning to go straight to the advertising marketing department, gave this program to Yao, which made it up with it.

But weighing, considering it three, or decided to come to find a little, because there is a very important thing must be dealt with, this is the success or failure of the entire propaganda program.


The Meng Changning does not make publicity, does not spend a penny publicity fundament.

Because Meng Chang urges a summary of the general sentence, there is no such commitment, Meng Chang feels that his failure is still, and it is very big.

But if you have given this promise, then his success chance will increase significantly!

That is necessary to continue to advance the follow-up work.

Although the follow-up of this propaganda program is handed over to Yao go, Meng Chang himself is not affected, but if this propaganda program is destined, although it will spend money, it will give it a huge income, That Meng Changning allows this propaganda program to abort, and never be cheap in white!

No way, Meng Chang has never recognized a very generous person.

I always have so many times, let me complain with morality?

no way!

Anyway, it is conducive to Tengda, I will never do it!

After confirming that the front desk was always in the office, Meng Chang immediately knocked on the door.

"Please come."

Meng Chang pushed the door to enter, I saw that I have always wand my eyebrows on the computer screen. I don't know if it is in the industry.

Meng Chang also could not help but feel some emotion.

I don't talk about the character, and the spirit of this struggle is really admirable.

Meng Chang has also started, but his highest goal is nothing more than a hot a company and then has a departure, let himself finance.

If this goal is 1, then the goal is now completed, is 100 or even 1000.

After all, the total hand created a lot of business myths, and the success of the success across many fields and industries, which must be more than blowing a magnificent luggage.

Tenda's industries are not blown out, each industry has a unique business model, and all can make money very much!

Meng Changxin, I ask, if I can do it now, I am afraid that one tenth of the level, the white hand started to create some industries in it, maybe he has long sold the company to a big company, realize After the freedom of finance, the mountains will play water throughout the day, enjoy life.

Why bother to develop it for the company?

But the general is completely different.

Just achieved huge success in the intelligent fitness drying hanger and "mission and choice", but the whole is still a slack, and the company will continue to worry about other industries.

This kind of struggle is to make Meng Chang some sweat.

Of course, the sweat returns to sweat, which does not affect Meng Chang's anger and hatred, and does not delay the merits of merits.

It is a bit of Meng Chang, and Yan Qian is also a little surprised: "Is there something?"

He originally thought that Meng Chang had to spend two or three days of time to investigate several industries, and then we can decide which industry will make a publicity program.

Meng Chang said: "The, I have been investigated almost, the propaganda program, and there is already a more clear idea."


"Before doing this propaganda program, I need you to guarantee one thing. If you can set an agreement, it is better ..."

Meng Chang's voice is getting lower and lower, especially afterwards, the more insufficient inception.

After all, he is a bit big and proposed to this request, and it is really a bit nameless, which is too much to take it too much.

But in order to ensure that it is successful, Meng Chang has to mention.

Yu Qian is slightly unexpected.

Hey, this Meng Chang, I have made a new trick?

Also let me sign?

Yan Qian couldn't help but be curious: "Can consider that the premise is not violating our previous signature content."

Meng Chang nodded and took out a lot of printed propaganda programs from Huazhong.

"I hope you can set an agreement to ensure that the Tenda Group will never announce the copyright development of the three works of the inspiration class in the outside world in two months."

As the saying goes, eat a long and a long.

Meng Chang is not stupid, and the loss that has eaten will definitely eat again.

At the beginning, he gave the "mission and choice", it was found to get his hand, and the result suddenly changed the date, let his plan fail, and the commission of the hand fly.

After the inspection of Meng Chang, I naturally known the copyright development of these three works.

But he also told that the top three works have the fastest development to begin two months.

Normally, it should not be able to make progress. After all, it is the propaganda effect of this month.

What is the relationship between two months?

So Meng Chang finally finally in several options, chose the inspiration class as its own propaganda direction.

But not afraid of 10,000, it is afraid of in case.

In case, I always deliberate people. This month suddenly promoted this matter, isn't it more variables?

Therefore, Meng Chang specially ran a trip, so that the gave the registration.

If you agree, you can use it with confidence.

If you are not willing to, then you will definitely want to be in this place.

In that case, Meng Chang will give up this program, this month is a salty fish.

I would rather continue to take a basic salary, and it is absolutely not to give it a lot of money!

Yan Qian reached out and took the Meng Chang's propaganda program.

Although it is a color, it is actually not too many colors, but some of the words are different.

Seeing this poster, Qian Qian learns to the outer packaging of a coconut juice. That is already chaotic, but Meng Chang did this publicity poster than that!

After all, there are a lot of size, and the number of words accommodated is much more.

Look at the above content ...

Yu Qian couldn't help but show satisfied smiles.

Well, very good attempt!

's data, know that the number of Meng Chang put into the poster is not only a kind of show, but it is a humiliation.

This propaganda program is playing, and then the inspiration class is not a good reputation in the end of the Chinese website. It will be generous, and it will not be able to promote the promotional effect on the inspiration!

It seems that after the increase in the agreement, after the increase in the salary salary, Meng Chang is indeed incentive, and it is a welcome to make such a propaganda program in a short time.

In the eyes of Yan Qian, Meng Chang asked that Junan has not only made him unhappy, but feel very pleased.

Because this represents Meng Chang, it is indeed wholeheartedly, and the brain juice is thinking that the program that makes this reverse propaganda can play a maximum.

At this point, Yan Qian is completely consistent with Meng Chang's position.

In this case, what happened to the regime?

Not only need to set up, but also make some extensions on the content!

Yan Qian immediately took a paper pen next to: "No problem, I will give you an agreement!"


He took the pen stopped a little: "The specific content has to be slightly built, it is serious, and the horse is not allowed."

Meng Yisheng huh.

I know that I have such a thief, I am definitely going to bargain.

However, Meng Chang felt that the problem was not big. If you always do too much, then he can also pat the ass to leave the ass, give up this publicity program.

Yao Qian said while writing: "Tenda within two months will not announce the copyright development of the three works of the inspiration class in any official channel ... Just this?"

"Don't you clearly, Tenda rarely release information to the outside world, is it inexplicably discussed, is it deeply tied by netizens?"

"I look at me, just like this."

"I will send a notice to the relevant departments, telling them that the top three works of the three works is temporarily confident. In addition, I can also assure you that if it is the company's internal leakage, your propaganda program has played very much. Good publicity effect, no matter what, I will give you 30,000 commissions. "

"Hey ... unless you vent it yourself."

Yu Qian is also worried, in case Meng Ying's eyes, the mission cannot be completed, deliberately venting 30,000 commissions, isn't it a pothole?

Therefore, this vulnerability is blocked.

I heard the "30,000" numbers, Meng Chang's eyes are straight.

Good guys, this is given, the bottom salary of ten months before top!

The conditions given by the summary are too powerful, and the conditions proposed before Meng Chang are rigorous.

Meng Chang demanded is only "announcement of official channels", and the sum of "leak" related provisions have been added in this basis.

Even, Meng Chang is a little doubt.

Which is the end?

He feels that sometimes seems to be a terrible behind the scene, the ultimate big boss, bad, secretly control everything, destroy his plan; sometimes it is a wise man who really wants to help yourself, help You can check the missing, fill the vulnerabilities in the plan, and even take the initiative to provide logistical replacement.

The contrast of these two images is too big, so that Meng Chang often feels confusion, feel confused.

But now is not confused.

I have already written an agreement, and the sign is handed over.

Meng Chang rushed to reach out and carefully viewed it.

no problem.

The above is very clear, Meng Chang has got a promise of the far exceeded him.

Yan Qian is slight smile, gently leaning on the boss chair.

In fact, this condition he gives, it is a little loss of herself.

In case due to the inside of the company, it has caused Meng Chang's propaganda program, which means that more than half of the big profit, Yu Qian is a blood loss.

In this case, I have to make Meng Chang, and I will be very unbalanced.

But Yu Qian considers it, I think that Meng Chang has recently suffered too much.

Every month is busy, but take 3000 basic salary every month, which is low than Tengda's sweeping aunt.

It's not a lot of sympathy to Meng Chang. Yan Qian is mainly afraid that he is hitting too much, and it is not good.

What's more, Meng Chang doesn't know the difficulty of this job, but Yan Qian is very clear.

, let Meng Chang do this work is really a bit too cruel, and give him a little requirement when the conditions allowed, let him not completely lose confidence, but it is necessary.

Meng Chang got an agreement, carefully put it into the pocket, it is simply because of the wish of the wish.

After all, this month's commission, all hopes to be on this small piece of paper!

"And slow."

Meng Changgang is going to go, and he is called by Yu Qian.

"Take the total, is there anything?" Meng Chang was slightly somewhat, and the heart shouldn't be a chance.

Yan Qian is serious: "I suddenly thought of a thing, survived three departments, plus the plan, this workload is not small. How did you finish it in such a short time?"

"Is it overtime weekend?"

Meng Chang didn't know what it means, but he had long heard that I didn't like employees overtime, in order to avoid external branches, so shook his head: "No."

"The summary, investigation, I was completed on Friday."

"Experience Shop Light is to look at the site and know that it will be absolutely fire, so I saw it and didn't have more time; the snack street, I also infer it through some spider martians."

"So the research quickly completed, I quickly made a version of the design, so I didn't work overtime."

In fact, it is strict, Meng Chang weekend is a little bit a little, after all, although the proposal is rubbish, but thinking that the plan for such garbage also needs some time, not to mention the poster P is so ugly. It is not easy.

However, Meng Chang's agreement with a total sign may not agreed that any company welfare and overtime pay will only have fundamental salary and commission.

When the signature, Meng Chang did not want so much, he felt enough for more than ten thousand than a month, and would other company welfare and overtime pay?

Of course, I know the specific content of Tenda's welfare, Meng Chang, is definitely remembered, and it has to make ......

But in any case, the content of the agreement has not changed, and now, even if Meng Chang works, there is no overtime fee.

Yan Qian is silent, and there is a sorrow of a silky egg in the eyes.

Ah, even Meng Chang can see that the snack street and experience store will definitely fire ...

And I am still looking forward to them will cool.

This is a sad story ...

However, this also means that Meng Chang seems to be its own barometer. For the project, Meng Chang can't see, most of the success probability is very large, you must be more careful.

Yan Qian looked at Meng Chang. He also felt that there is a person who has consistent with his own ideas, it is precious.

Unfortunately, Meng Chang did not work overtime. Otherwise, Yan Qian did not mind to change the agreement, gave him a duty fee, and encouraged.

However, since Meng Chang joined Tengda, he has never added class, which is enough to explain that he doesn't like overtime. At this time, it is counterproductive, so that Yu Qian will not mention it.

I hope he can get the commission smoothly this time!

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