Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1091, the good idea is simply a letter!

Yu Qian is simply amazing by his own genius.

I can think of this kind of escape method, I am a genius!

Different from "Pudu", this furry weapon, Yu Qian used a "lamp black" method.

Pudu did hide very deep, but he had to say that the players were so thick, they were deep, and the players can also dig.

Therefore, the setting of the magic sword is not hidden, and it is directly to the plot.

Let all players feel that it is a plot props, continue to find "Pudu" to find "Pudu", but I have been in my own body.

Want to fade with the magic sword, the conditions are very demanding.

First, the damage of the magic sword is lower than other weapons, from any of the weapons you have in BOSS, such as the black and white crying, more than it is much stronger than it.

The protagonist is not fighting with a magic sword at the beginning, but with the most satisfying sword of his life, this sword is also full of magic swords.

Moreover, the more BOSS, the harm of the magic sword will become lower.

The conditions that have accumulated into the magic value are also very harsh, and they must only take a magic sword, and can not take any other weapons.

Because the setting of the protagonist is a Wushen, the weapon setting of "Yonghao Returning" is more free than "turning back".

The protagonist can be held anywhere, even the left and right hands take a two-handed weapon.

The two-handed weapon is that the attack distance is still much higher than the one-handed weapon, but the attack interval is relatively long.

In this case, the old players who "turn back is the shore" will inevitably choose the highest injury, the most smooth weapon, so it is better than BOSS.

The attribute of the magic sword is so rubbish, even if you take it, you will definitely take another other weapons.

But this is not possible to accumulate magic values.

I have to take only one attribute to the most garbage, and I don't hurt the magic sword, I have to die many times, I can feel the change in the magic sword.

Moreover, the changes in the previous period are not obvious, because the previous entrance to the magic value has the upper limit. The plot is then promoted, the higher the upper limit of the magic value, the "automatic counterfeit" situation will appear.

All in all, the magical sword is not easy to use, but after a few times, I have no problem with BOSS. After the late stage, I will continue to die, the more it, I can only play the bad end.

For Yu Qian, as long as this mechanism knows in advance, it is nothing more than a few times, and it is bitter in front. But after the later periods, the BOSS that is difficult, you can escape.

From the game development, there is a long time to formally online, as long as you die, you can always customize.

For players who don't know this mechanism, they will only use more powerful weapons, or to search for weapons such as "Pudu", which will never think of the true escape artifacts.

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, some big is forced, the powerful weapon has not challenged, deliberately use the most garbage magic sword to play BOSS.

But still don't have to worry about the stuffing.

Because this big brother has already practiced the skills of the furnace, it will not be frequent, and naturally, it will not accumulate the magic value, trigger the magician automatic parry.

Simply, that is, the rookie does not love, and the big brother will not trigger it.

Yu Qian, the more I feel very perfect.

Oh, stupid players, don't you think? I have hidden in the place of the class weapon!

As long as the players can't find the correct usage of the skating weapon, they have to go to the BOSS knife, adding "Yong Yu Ren", "back is the shore" body sales will not fall?

After falling, you can get this game free of charge!

In order to let the game free, Yu Qian is also painful.

Moreover, the difficulty of the game is so high, just abused those players.

Do you like it too difficult? Then let you feel what is really difficult!

I don't believe it, I can't cure your group of players?

On the other hand, the designers are quickly recorded on small books.

Hu Xianbin simply wanted to shoot a case.

This design is really great!

The with Pufu is a completely different routine, but there are some collections.

This setting is quite anastomotive with the plot.

The protagonist is getting deeper and deeper, representing him, gradually being grasped by the magic, fighting under the manipulation of the magic, but can perform automatic block, but will slowly lose self, no longer awake, become a hobby Instead, it will cause the whole world into a disaster.

The original game is very difficult, but after joining this setting, the difficulty of the game is equivalent to a dynamic adjustment.

When the player is playing, frequent death, the magic value is gradually improved, the artificial intelligence system automatically takes over, the chance of automatic perfect courtesy is getting higher and higher, the difficulty is naturally reduced, the player can play.

Of course, all the premise is that players have to know that there is this mechanism.

If the player doesn't just take a magic sword to play BOSS, you will not trigger more times.

Although this mechanism is a bit deep, Hu Xianbin is not worried.

At the beginning, "Purdue" is so deep, and the players are not the same?

It turns out that players' wisdom is endless, as long as they are hiding in the game, they will definitely be found, the difference is only to be early or late.

I have to say, I really have a luxury.

Such a combat system and story background can be used to develop a new game.

Call it "back is the shore 2", it is completely no problem.

But such a good idea,

But this also shows that the total good idea is too much, like this level of design is a letter to the hand, a little unfusually exhausted things.

Thinking of this, Hu Xianbin's admiration is more energetic.

After the big direction, some of the contents of the sub-branch will be good.

For example, the weapon system in "Permanent Return", there will be a lot of changes compared to it.

All weapons can be free, and according to the difference between the main deputy head weapon, the effect of light attack, heavy attack, the special attack of the weapon weapon will change, and the players can make weapons according to their own preferences.

In addition, after the total of the bailout, the plot of the game has become clearer, some of the details related to the plot can be improved.

For example, in hell, the protagonist will encounter some enemies and wicked people in his life. These people have become powerful in hell, come to find the protagonist to be revenge, but still defeated.

Kill these enemies, or in the Sanshi Stone and other places, there will be some special props for a little bit of a little bit of the legendary story before the protagonist.

The designers feel that they are inseparable, and they are carefully designed.

And flying this original author, I also feel that I am deeply inspired.

Although he is the original author of "Yongfeng", it is absolutely less than the understanding of the entire story.

Through the general case, the whole story seems to be more profound.

Compared to the total understanding, many details in the original novels are rough.

"Yongfeng Round" DLC condenses the elite power of the Tenda game department, but also personally guided by , personally, this is how big the card!

At that time, there must be a lot of players who came here, read the original novels of "Yong Yu Returning".

At that time, if the novel is pulled, let the players are disappointed, how can it be?

So, the novel has been repaired!

Decided by flight, you can't let your own original novels, after going back, you should adjust the content of the novels to the novels, fine-tuning in the original story architecture, strive to make the novels are full of perfect!



June 5, Tuesday.

Meng Chang also came to the company in the morning, checking how the current effect is currently in the publicity program.

Have to say, the efficiency of the entire advertising marketing department is still very fast. After gave the program to Yao yesterday, I have already put a variety of web advertising today.

The speed of the bus stop, subway station and other entity should be slow, but it should be fully available in a week!

Like this advertisement, it is a long time.

But Meng Chang did not consider so far, now the best described with his mentality is: Ten thousand years old, only to respect the evening!

First define a small goal, reverse publicity insist on two weeks, get the guarantee commission.

Then set a medium goal, reverse publicity insisted for a month, get higher commissions.

As for the highest goals, it is definitely full admission.

But Meng Chang felt that the admission is still too difficult, and it is already possible to thank you to thank you, Xie Yu is not killing.

Feel free to turn online on this advertisement.

"What is the new advertisement of the end? I am ugly!"

"Ugly, the key is that the content is also a bit wrong. These books are very bad in the end of the Chinese network, but can still blow?"

"There are more than 30 in the whole station that can be publicized into honors? Is this really high-end black?"

"This propaganda program is not outsourcing, the person who feels the plan does not understand the network industry at all, do it too unprofessional!"

"Don't you check it over there?"

"I feel that this inspiration class is not working, and it is a pile of garbage. It is all being pitted. High-priced bought breaks!"

Seeing these comments, Meng Chang could not help but rose slightly, show satisfied smiles.

The same is exactly the same as before!

In fact, many readers themselves have a lot of dissatisfaction with this inspiration.

The author writes the original theme, and the hardcore readers also love. As a result, because this inspiration class built the temptation, let the authors wrote the subject matter that they were not good at, the author wrote uncomfortable, readers also see uncomfortable, what is this picture?

And the propaganda program of this insept duty is so bad, nature is further excited, let readers are more dissatisfied.

And Meng Chang wants this effect.

As long as the readers' anger and dissatisfaction can continue to keep it, this month's commission is not stable?

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