Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1092 helps Meng Chang buy a water army (add more)

June 8, Friday.

Since the last time I opened the meeting, the pre-preparation of the DLC of "Yongfeng Back" has begun to advance.

Of course, in order to avoid system warnings, DLC is not formally established.

The employees of the Tenda Game Department are only written in the job, and the art resource is changed, and this wiping ball system will not take.

This week is relatively flat, because there is not much new project worthy of attention.

Yu Qian put most of the attention, focusing on Meng Chang's propaganda program.

That ugly picture is not just a lot of advertisements on the Internet, and has also been laid in the line. In Jingzhou, there are many bus stops have been put on this picture.

According to Meng Chang's propaganda planning, emperor, Magical and other cities have bought some advertisements, soon it will form an ugly landscape, pollute the eyes of innocent passers-by.

As for the effect of this program, it can be said that it is very good.

There is no big concern, but it has also stimulated a lot of ends of the Chinese network readers on the dissatisfaction of the inspiration, and the voice of criticism is endless.

Seeing these criticisms, Yan Qian is also gratifying.

Too good, this time is a smooth way!

Just say, how can it be a publicity plan? This is not scientific!

The wisdom of the two people in the collection, and the wisdom of the two people, they can't do a failed propaganda program. It is really too fail!

This time, Meng Ji bites his teeth, and did a publicity program for such garbage. The response of netizens was normal.

I think so many propaganda funds can finally be drifted, and Yan Qian is not satisfied.

"But the words come back, look at the flowering sales of Meng Chang ... I will take a lot of 780,000."

"Maybe he is small, spending money."

"How can this? Since it is determined that the propaganda is not very good, it will be decisive to spend money!"

"You can remind him."

Thinking of this, Yu Qian dialed Meng Chang's phone.

"The effect of the propaganda program is very good! Just spend money, it is not enough. Do you still have a follow-up to spend money?"

Meng Chang stunned, said: "Hey ..., always, there is no time, the regular channel has been bought, the bus stop and the subway station have already bought a lot, I think this is almost."

Yan Qian said: "Are you ... forgot to buy a water army?"

Meng Chang is a bit awkward, and she asked again: "Can a publicity fundament?"

: "Why can't you? As long as the bought of the water army is in the forward propaganda!"

"You can spend some water troops, please refresh some of the contents such as' inspiration classes, the source of God, the source of the holy place," This is not also a very good way of publicity! "

Meng Chang was shocked.

Is there such an operation?

I have never thought about it before.

Take this set of operations, on the surface, it looks in the blurred class, but in fact, like Meng Chang's poster, it is completely high!

Big God Cradle?

It is the big god tomb!

It sounds really a fairly reliable spending spending, but ... this suggestion is that the summary is raised, will this misunderstand?

Will it be fraud?

Meng Chang thoughtfully thought.

It seems that ... no fraud.

Buying Water Army blows down this operation, it seems that it is a Baili without a harmful operation, completely no problem!

Meng Ji wants to think, say: "But I am, where I want to find the water army?"

: "Is this not doing? You rest assured, I am coming!"

"But this is available to promote funding, I tell you in advance, you can doubt me again."

Meng Chang: "..."

There is a feeling of magical realism.

As the boss of Tengda, I actively made recommendations to Meng Chang's propaganda department, requiring the use of publicity funds, or use the discussion of the language, it is leaving!

Moreover, Meng Chang wants to do reverse publicity, and the summary proposes a great reverse propaganda program ...

This kind of crack is too much, and the Meng Chang is turned into, and once again, it is confused.


After hanging up the phone, Yu Qian immediately found Hu Xiao.

"Buy the water army!"

Already the old customer, the routine is also familiar, and Yan Qian directly opened the mountain.

Soon, Hu Xiao replied: "What is the specific content? Is it in a website or in the whole network?"

: "All net! As long as you see discussions related to the online novel, you will let the water army have no brain brush: the end of the Chinese network is a big god, the source of inspiration, the creation of holy, famous ...... "

"Around this theme, give me a big blow, how to come to meat!"

Hu Xiao Micron, this time the request is quite clear.

"That price, also 20% discount as before, can you?"

: "This time you don't have to offer, wait for the next time you need it!"

Just kidding, this system can be reported, what is the discount?

This offer is obviously bitter, and then use the water army to use it next time.

Hu Xiao screamed his head and a little bit.

what's the situation.

The person in charge behind this account is changed back?

He still remembers that this person is very big before, but it has become very tangled, and it is fine. How come this time be big?

How many people are in the account?

But the doubts are confused, Hu Xiao also didn't ask, immediately arranged the water army brothers in the hand to go to the busy.

This time, it's a big life, you can make a good one!



June 10, Sunday.

Tengda experience store official trial operation industry!

After the site selection of the experience store is officially finalized, the relevant work has been advanced. The various containers, samples, household goods, etc. in the experience store have continued to be sent, and Liang Wei has gradually handed on the work of the experience store to Tianmer.

The arrangement of the entire experience store has been completed yesterday, and the trial operation is started according to the original plan.

Compared with the initial plan, the VR experience area has not been officially opened, because the VR glasses on the late studio have not yet developed, the quantity is complete; the large screen outside is still in construction; the snacks of the food area are stall owners and The big kitchen is not full, but the flow of people during the trial operation should not be a problem.

In addition, the goods and staff of the entire experience store are all in place.

A business car parked at the entrance of Jinsheng Square.

Yao Bo took the car, and he looked up and saw the ultra-large LED display in renovation, and also saw the interior of the core area of ​​Tengda experience through huge glass curtain wall.

The other side of the door is also opened, Zhou Wei also got off the car, looked at the experience store of the style: "Sure enough, the first experience shop is such a big hand!"

Yao Bo smiled: "Of course, when is it a small gas! Go."

Two people walk to the experience store.

Their two people ran in Beijing, and they were to take them.

Want to see what is the case of Tenda's experience store!

Although Tengda did not promote the experience store, Yao Bo and Zhou Riyan news, naturally, accurately know that today's experience store just started trial operation.

If it is an experience store of other brands, it is not necessary to visit, because it is to come back, it is so something, I have learned what I have learned.

But Tengda's experience store is different!

As we all know, it is a magical, and it is one of the best abilities as the boss.

Regardless of entering any industry, always can always find a new business model.

In addition, in other aspects of the company's internal management, project propaganda, investment, etc., the general is also very exclusive, unique.

Every one can take a textbook.

The avenue is simple, the sword goes forward, but the same.

Only people who have deald from the total length of the long-term, can you understand how all it is always!

So, will Tengda's experience store will be a general experience store?

Certainly not!

This experience store must be an experience store containing the total sales ideas, with other brands of experience stores, and the physical store is completely different.

To observe, learn, nature, it is necessary!

Yao Bo and Zhou Weiyan two people just urgently need this knowledge.

Yao Bo is located in the main business of sportswear and sports drinks, and there are also many sportswear stores in the country.

However, in recent years, due to the increasingly fierce market competition, it has been squeezed by foreign brands, and it coincides with the fast-promoting tide of online shopping, and the entity store of Jinding Group is more and more difficult.

Yao Bo wants to see Tenda's experience store, learn, if you can learn something, update the Ding Dynasty Group's stores, and then train people, it is best.

Zhou Xiangyan as the boss of the auger studio, in order to better promote the game developed by their own company, and there is also the idea of ​​opening the game experience store.

Only because of lack of experience and preparation, this idea stays in an idle phase, and there is no feasible plan.

So, two of them want to take a look at Tengda's experience store, learn how to arrange the experience store in this special period.

If you can learn something, you will definitely help their stores!

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