Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1093 Experience Shop Transparency

Yao Bo and Zhou Wei have just saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, isn't it?"

Yao Bo's eyes, I saw the familiar back in the crowd.

Although the balance of this at this time, it also deliberately changed, but Yao Bo and Zhou Wei often saw him, so I still recognized it.

The total back of the poem is too unique. It will be unforgettable after seeing one side.

The two quickly came forward, whispered: "Total?"

Yan Qian was shocked, turned his head, it was Yao Bo and Zhouqi, which was lowered: "Small point!"

Both people immediately got a god meeting: "understand!"

Yao Bo said whispered: "Don't this be a micro-service private visit? If you want to be discovered by the clerk, what is the service of the experience store?"

Yu Qian said hehe.

Micro-service private visit?

Visiting a hammer!

I have no way!

Hey, this kind of popular troubles, you will not understand.

Yan Qian asked some curiosity: "What are you doing two?"

Yao Bo smiled: "This is not to take it. I want to learn the advanced experience of Tengda experience store, and strive to make our stores look at this."

Zhou Wei also nodded: "I also have a similar plan."

Yu Qian said again.

Then you are wrong place!

My name is an experience shop in the name. In fact, its first goal is to spend money, the second goal is to persuade customers.

How do you learn to persuade your customers?

Do you have any system?

However, Yan Qian also said something, anyway, etc., the two entered the experience store, seeing that the clerk will leave, you will leave, don't worry about them will learn.

Three people followed the crowd very low, and they took the escalators.

Have to say, although it is just a trial operation, the huge people are still far more imagined, and he also makes him feel very confused.

Where is the so many people!

A month ago, Yu Qian has just been here. At that time, Jinsheng Square is still a bit cold. Although it is just a street, it is only a lot of traffic.

As a result, the current people are now in a long time!

"Calm, after all, the first day of the trial industry, people are very curious. Then, Jinsheng Square should also make some propaganda, and the traffic is normal."

"Waiting for over time, people will definitely fall."

Yu Qian comforted himself silently.

Yao Bo said: "According to I know, Jinsheng Square has not intended to promote, all publicity offensive is two weeks, that is, the big screen is officially decorated."

"I didn't expect Tengda's appeal to be so strong, just the customer who came to the mouth, there is already so many people!"

"This is enough to explain the site selection of the experience store very successful. The people in the future will never be small! Jinsheng Square is earned!"

Zhou Wei rock nodded: "Yes, this experience store is not only a good location, the renovation and layout is also great. From the outside, it is like a huge art. It is simply necessary. Can people live a small? I will be very lively in the future! "

: "..."

This two people have a rainbow fart, and they will take the balance of .

If you don't talk, you can't do your mouth!

I am coming from the field from the field to Yangzhou, just for the whip corpse?

It's really this!

Yan Qian sap quickly accelerated, I hope he is less to heep, and touched the clerk as soon as possible, see Tengda Experience Store to persuade customers' brutal truth.

Come to the second floor, first go to the game experience area, and then the digital area.

The game experience area is separated into a lot of small units, and the equipment is different.

Some is the pattern of fish netfish, and the ROF machine plus the competitor to power the auction table chair; some is the living room model, the big TV plus single sofa plus host, or a single sofa plus G1 mobile phone.

There is also a zone temporarily empty, act as a seating area, but actually leaves VR glasses.

All devices are like some mobile phone stores, which is fixed with a line to prevent theft.

The game experience area is as far as possible to reproduce all game scenes, so that customers can play with Tengda games in these scenes and buy them according to their own needs.

Although the traffic is not less than, because the layout of the entire game experience area is relatively scientifically, the space utilization is not bad, and the customers are walking, the quality is relatively high, and there are very few long-term equipment, so there is still Several vacancy.

Zhou Weiyan is more interested in this area, looking for a single sofa, picking up the handle slightly experienced.

"Hey, is there no clerk?" Zhou Wei asked a little curious.

After he sat down, he appeared four times. He didn't see the Tenda employees wearing overalls, the eyes and seemingly all customers.

Zhou Weiyan is invested to the Total Total.

Yan Qian replied without expression.

You ask me, who I ask?

I don't know where they are!

The sales of the experience store did not uniform uniform, this is the deliberate explanation of Yu Qian. Now, Tian Mi and other major sales should be a cat in a corner, secretly experience the game?

Zhou Weiyan is a little puzzled, what is the meaning of this eye?

Originally, the general expression is enough, and the results have wear a mask today. This eye is full, but it is completely not understanding that always want to express meaning.

Yao Bo smashed Zhou Wei: "Don't ask this kind of stupid problem! Have you seen a button?"

Zhou Wei: "Button? Which?"

He carefully observed that this is found that no matter whether it is a computer or a game host, there is a very inconspicuous small button on the computer desk or cabinet placed, it should be a call button.

As long as you press it, the experience store's clerk should come over the table.

Zhou Weiyan surprised: "This is good! Hidden clerk service?"

"Let the clerks all wear the casual hidden, leave a customer, can not be disturbed, absolutely free space."

"And when customers have demand, just press the button, the clerk will immediately come to the service."

"This' transparent service" is very worth promoting and learning! "

: "..."

What transparency, don't give me a life concept?

Simply just don't want to sell products to sell products, don't think too much!

Zhou Xiangyan is amazing, standing on the side, three people come to the digital area inside.

The sun shines through a whole window, and the whole space will be translucent. Although it is summer, it is hot outside, but the temperature of the air conditioner is very suitable, and the warm sun is shining, people feel very comfortable.

Spacious, bright space placed a variety of Tengda digital products, including G1 mobile phones, automatic smart lifting bar, intelligent fitness drying racks, etc. also in different areas.

The person here is obvious than more than the game experience area, some customers are playing G1 mobile phones, some customers lift the bar with lifting bar, a scene of their music.

Yu Qian felt that he was a bit depressed.

What are these people are shopping ...

In addition to this mobile phone, do you have anything to have been released for a long time? Especially lifting the bar machine, how come someone else to play this is not tired?

Zhou Wei came to the counter of the G1 mobile phone, got up and played.

Yao Bo has surged: "Hey, are you using this mobile phone now?"

Zhou Wei said: "What happened? It's not a feeling in playing your own and play."

"Such a high experience shop, there is a special addition effect on these items. You look at this automatic lifting bar machine, shiny in the bright place, the color of the color rose, don't know how many grades!"

"It's too stimulating shopping desire!"

"Is the transparent service here? Not bad."

This time I no longer need Yao Bo reminded, Zhou Weiyan saw the call button.

Yao Bo also said: "Well, this atmosphere is really different!"

"After reading this place, think about the stores of our Jinding Group, it is simply nothing to with the pigeon cage!"

"There is no sales in this place to market, but just through the overall environmental layout and the control of the light source, it creates a warm, natural atmosphere, invisible to improve the product."

"And this kind of environment without sales, it is easy to let customers relax, not resisting, more likely to stimulate customer buy desires!"

"I heard that this place is the bar, you are looking for the architect design. Sure enough, the master is not the same!"

"This is not only involved in architecture, but also related to many of the special knowledge of psychology and art, which exudes the taste of money, and is filled with the fragrance of art, which can combine high cost and such art design. I am afraid that there are very few companies to do it! "

Zhou Wei rose a sentence: "Last given this feeling, or the store of the pineapple mobile phone."

Yao Bo looked at a huge floor window, and looked at all kinds of simple but very artistic shelves, said: "But this is not easy to learn."

Zhou Wei rock nodded: "Of course not learn!"

"I want to reproduce this shopping environment. First, you have to have a designer of the cattle. Second, he will be able to spend a lot of money. These shelves, including the lights on the ceiling, although at first glance is in a quicker, but carefully observe It will be found to be very expensive! "

"Of course, expensive is still the second, the key is that this money must be able to earn back!"

"If it is selling clothing or other things, the profit margin is not high, it is difficult to recover the cost. And Tengda sells digital products and games, and the physical goods have a lot of stockings in the inventory, and the game is even more impossible. , So you can make money! "

"This kind of store is very simple, but it is necessary to have strong brand appeal and commodity profit margin support to play."

"Therefore, there are only few companies such as Tenda and Pineapple, and you can make money."

Yu Qian listened to the dialogue between two people, slightly with mouth angle.

Do you both ... What to put this?

How can I still hold a funny, I am tied to my heart?

What is the only way to play this model can make money? I am mad, do you have any benefits?

Yu Qian is very angry, but it can't say anything, it can only be black.

I didn't have any reaction, Yao Bo said: "Hey, we are a bit too strange. With Tengda's excellent performance in various industries, although this experience shop has kills 99.99% of physical store, but for Tenda It is also normal to play. "

"We ask the clerk to ask? For so long, it is still not seen by a clerk."

Yao Bo said, press the button on the table.

There is no prompt tone, there is no voice broadcast, and only the aperture around the button lights up, and the prompt is already calling.

Yan Qian was slightly excited.

It seems that Liang Guangfan is a bit hard, and the entire experience store is too much higher, which makes Yao Bo and Zhou Wei's two people have misunderstand.

But just call the sales in the store, it must be the original shape in an instant!

When the button is pressed, I saw that Tian Mo didn't know which corner stood up and hurriedly came.

Seeing Tian Mi, Yan Qian couldn't help but show a smile.

Protecting disciples!

If it is the other person in the sales department, Yu Qian may still worry. If the bad habits left in other places have not been clean, what should I do if I sell it?

But for Tian Mu, Yu Qian is more assured.

Tian Black Dog, you are my last hope.

Yan Qian is a bit for a little or not to see that Tian Mimi will persuade the operation, Yao Bo and Zhou Wei's face are in the face!

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