Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1095 , standing in higher dimensions to sell!

Yao Bo said something to play with a lifting bar, saying: "Although he is growing, it gives people a special close sense, not like other sales, although the relatives of polite smiles, it makes people naturally Alert psychology.

"This is very difficult!"

"In fact, when he first introduced the shortcomings of lifting rigging, I was a little bit, I was not very clear about him."

"But in the process he introduced, I suddenly produced a reverse and anti-psychology."

"The more I don't recommend it, the more I want to buy!"

"After another, I let him demonstrate the specific function of the lifting bar, and it is greatly strengthened my wish."

"So I think this sales is not simple! If it is not the precise control of the customer's psychology, how can I say me in such a short time?"

"But listening to his last words, this is obviously the summary of teaching. He did not sell too many experience. This is not surprising, obviously the thousands of miles often have a common, and the sales of Personnel, it is indeed different! "

: "..."

Reverse anti-psychology?

The more you don't recommend it, the more you want to buy it?

You ... is it a good?


What is the meaning of saying that I think about my mind is not normal.

Sales tell you not to buy, you don't have to buy, this is not a brain into the water?

Zhou Xiangyan nodded: "It is true!"

, then look at the old week.

Sure enough, there is still normal!

Zhou Xuli obviously also thinks that Yao Bo has reacted excessive, and the reverse and anti-psychological is not reasonable, and it is not normal.

This is obviously good news for Yu Qian.

However, Zhou Xiangyan predezed and continued: "Why is this anti-anti-psychology? It is indeed worthy of our reflection."

"I am also like you, I have a reverse and anti-psychology, and there is a very strong purchase impulse."

"If I have already bought it at home, I have to go to order."

"In the reason, I think it is the result of multi-facet psychological factors!"

"First, Tenda products have always been a good reputation, whether it is expensive products or cheap products, basically have a very unique personality, which has formed a first in the heart of consumer."

"Secondly, the environment of the entire experience store is very taller, and it has opened a huge gap with other stores. This environment has further strengthened the 'Tengda's ability to strong', 'products are the impression of boutique."

"Again, I have learned after entering the store, including a large number of customer crowds, sales of transparency services, this unique shopping experience in other experience stores, has further strengthened this impression."

"Various factors are superimposed, so that the customer's psychology in the experience store has formed a" product here is absolutely worth buying 'subconscious! "

"At this time, sales first introduce the shortcomings or deficiencies of the product, or use a very objective, fair perspective, which will conflict with the subconsciousness in the hearts of the customer, stimulating customers to produce anti-negative psychology."

"Customers will feel that this is clear, but you have been talking about it, what do you mean?"

"This anti-psychological will prompt customers to be product ', requiring sales to demonstrate this product, or introduce more content."

"With the exhibition of product advantages, the previous shortcomings will be full, and will once again comply with the subconsciousness of the customer, so that customers feel very comfortable and feel that they are right."

"So, 'These all the impression of the boutique products has been further strengthened, so that customers who have not purchased this product have produced a strong purchase will!"

Yao Bo suddenly headed: "Gao Ming!"

"Is this a legendary ... I want to think about it?"

"It's just a set of combined punches, which makes people can't fight!"

"But there is also a premise that the brand must have excellent, and all products must be particularly special. The overall reputation must be extremely high, and then with the storefront of the series, it can smoothly manufacture this inverse and counter. "

"It turns out that the store is so beautiful, but it is not only for forcing, but also actually in it!"

The two people use the very admirable vision to see Yan Qian.

The two eyes on the hood of the Qian Qian hurts are confused.

You ... what is it?

Reverse anti-psychology?

Want to ?

Don't pull the scorpion, I don't have this idea in the roots!

This is entirely unexpected, it is unexpected!

Qian Qian said twice, explained: "If you don't say this, there are always some customers who will be persuade."

It is really like this two people saying, then this experience store is too failed!

Not only did not reach the purpose of advising customers, but reached better sales effect than general sales?

This is too cruel, and Yan Qian feels that he can't accept it.

Zhou Xiangyan nodded: "Well, it is right, of course, there will be some customers being persuade."

"But this is precisely the highest place!"

"This set of boxes is characterized by 'May the hook', in other words, 'I don't want to hook'."

"The premise of this inverse and anti-psychology is that the brand of Tengda is highly recognized. From the subconscious, it is necessary for Tenda to produce a boutique."

"If the customer can't see the ribo machine, the sales will not form a reverse and anti-psychology when introducing the walker shortcomings, but will strengthen the subconsciousness in the heart, he will not buy it."

Hearing here, Yan Qian is slightly tone.

OK, if you want to say, the situation is not particularly bad.

There are always some people who will be persuaded.


Zhou Wei Ran is turned: "For this case, the case is not hook ', in fact, Tenda is not lost."

"These people don't like this product, don't plan to buy. Even if they have been sold, I will have it, I will definitely regret it, ask for a refund return."

"At that time, it will not only have a series of troubles such as returns, but also leave the customer 'sale and flicker, this adverse impression, which will affect the reputation of the entire Tenda Group, so that this relaxed atmosphere of the experience is destroyed."

"In contrast, if the sales first steps clearly, it will make the customer who don't plan to buy it is very real. What is the saying, not a place to sell performance, but a solid standing Customer perspective Consider whether this product is really required. "

"This way, even if the customer does not buy it, it has been impressed with the sales of Tengda, and sales in the Tenda Experience Store."

"When he encountered the new product he was interested, he would become the batch of the 'I would like to hook', voluntarily bought!"

"From the short term, although advised customers, it has left a seed in the customer's heart. It will gradually root, germinate in the next period, and will finally convert him to faithful customers."

"This long-term vision is fully compliant with Tengda's consistent style."

"Too high!"

Zhou Wei rock smashed the thumb to the balance.

Yao Bo suddenly, he was said: "It turns out, I know where the gap between our store and Tengda experience store!"

"Not just in money and investment, is not simply in the quality of the salesperson and the quality, category of goods."

"Although there is a big gap in these aspects, this is not an fundamental reason."

"The fundamental gap is that the overall synergy!"

"We are thinking about improving the shopping experience of the store, it is often very simple, very shallow place."

"For example, renovate the store, change the light, let the customer's shopping experience better; organize sales staff training, improve their professional skills; change the location of the store and the layout of the store and the in-store layout, enhance the traffic ..."

"But these moves are too late, too shallow, although it will play a certain effect, but it is impossible to solve the problem fundamentally."

"Thank you, I have provided a new, higher dimensional idea!"

"Experience the store and store, as a window to show customers, can play a lot of roles in the end, and a multifacence work together."

"The shape of the brand image, the planning of the product, the renovation and layout of the experience store, how can the sales staff sell ... These seemingly related points are not big, in fact, it is closely related!"

"Only in order to unify them, it is included in the overall consideration to form this wonderful chemical reaction, so that the experience store has also become part of brand shaping, giving customers the best shopping experience!"

"The balance, I am so grateful, this time I came to Tengda experienced the store is really unique, I learned too much!"

Yao Bo couldn't help but hold the total hand of the bang, and the eyes were full of gratitude.

Jin Ding Group's store has never walked in recent years, has always been a heart disease of Jinding Group.

In order to solve this problem, Jinding Group has also thought of many ways, such as selling sales personnel, training sales personnel, excavating competitors, trying to open online stores.

But all are unsuccessful!

Although it is slightly improved, it is still unable to fight the big potential.

Today, I saw Tengda's experience store, and I have a study with Zhou Wei, Yao Bo suddenly understood the gap between Jinding Group store and Tengda experience store, and also understood the crux of their own store.

The question before, I got the answer, I simply had a feeling of moving the cloud!

Of course, I know, I don't necessarily solve.

Tengda experience store so successful, the most fundamental or relying on brand and product force, if there is no corresponding product force to support, ran to learn Tenda experience store sales model, will definitely die very miserable.

If the product quality is not good, then the sales of "false persistence" immediately become "true persuasion", the sales of the store is afraid to have a thousand miles.

Therefore, this mode is not necessarily to solve the current problem of Jinding Group, and may even be reversed. After all, Jinding Group's brand appeal and product power, and the Tengda still has a big gap.

But in any case, is always in the processing method of Tengda experience store, and it is indeed a new one to Yao Bo, which has never considered the possibility.

This is equivalent to let him stand in a higher perspective, re-examine the problem of home stores.

Even if it is unable to solve it, it is finally the cloud to see the day, move forward into a big step!

Looking at Yao Bo's face, he was excited to hold his hand, and even some forgotten the expression, Yu Qian fell into a stable state.

Is this special?

I originally thought that the training of the sales group was Tengda's long-term, cultivated, which made a lot of money, which made a lot of effort, so he gave such a big effort, but also let Tian Mi back sales guidelines, but also giving Tian Miao. Open an experience store to practice.

As a result, the first day of this large experience store tried to open the car? ? ?

Yan Qian couldn't help but remember what the Meng Chang said.

When I got an eye at the door of the experience store, I knew that this place will definitely fire!

At that time, Yu Qian was still very uncomfortable.

Do you know what happens to experience the store? I think it will fire? Is it too wish?

It is now proved that Meng Chang does not have a wish, but in contrast, he can understand very well.

If the situation is willing to think that the experience store will not fire, it seems to have only ourselves ...

Yan Qian could not help but look forward to the sky, speechless.

Ah, a sad story.

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