Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1096 Congratulations to the Jobs Add to GOG Full Bucket (add more)

June 11th, Monday.

Tengda gaming department.

Hu Xianbin and Yan Jing more than two people are seriousing ideas about "back is the" New Return of Return ".

Since last Monday, I have always opened a meeting, Tengda's designers are all inspiratory, and they can't wait to turn this DLC's idea to reality.

However, a week has passed, and this inspirational burst has become a torment to everyone.

Because it is empty, there is no way to start making it immediately, and it is uncomfortable.

It is uncomfortable!

As a letter, it is clear that it is a wonderful idea, but it can't immediately write it out. In turn, it is necessary to repeatedly consolidate, grind, perfect, and the text is not written. This is nothing. People can bear it.

The same is true for the game departments.

They can only conduct some of the preparations for the sub-branch festival, such as simple ideas to make a small repair small repair for some art resources.

But true planning, specific design, formal development, etc., all are all.

As for why, I didn't say it very well. Everyone guess, it should be to let everyone accumulate the inspiration, do it well, don't worry, don't make this good idea.

This can be understood, but it is still very uncomfortable.

Hu Xianbin and Yan Jingchao are also similar.

Hu Xianbin has developed "mission and choice", and the game has been stable after sales, there is no large DLC or sequel development plan, so Hu Xianbin is considering "Yongxuan Retrieving".

And Yan Jing, the game of GOG is about to carry out the final of the Spring season, the game version is already very stable, temporarily does not need to update the version.

Yan Jing is not too else to do, and I am very interested in "Yong Yu Return", so I also help the design and concept of playing.

The more I think, the more I want to make this DLC immediately.

Especially this unique combat mechanism, the brain doesn't feel very good!

Of course, the premise is in the master.

However, the general order cannot be violated, and Yan has not officially began to develop, then it is absolutely unable to develop.

Hu Xianbin said some worries: "This kind of inspiration is not impossible to formally develop!"

"The always let us wait for two months to formally develop, it is good, I hope that we will predict the extensive inspiration, ready to make it,"

"But ... Do you need to precipitate for two months? This is too long!"

"In the case of this DLC, in fact, it can be a big thing in two months. After all, the main scenes and monsters do not have a very large change, and many art resources can be reused. Even if there is a test tuning Time, three months, is almost enough. "

"It's a bit uncommon."

: "It is really a bit strange to feel a little, this progress is a bit too drag."

If you hear their conversations, you will definitely, say, you know a hammer!

This is no relationship with the drag, it is delayed for two months, mainly just caught up with the settlement period!

Because the previous game project, development is just within the settlement cycle, so it is possible to develop according to normal progress.

But "Yong Yu Returning" This DLC is special, and the card is at the end of the settlement cycle. If it is now developed, it will see the development for three months, just delayed the settlement.

So I decided to delay for two months, it is to be displaced with the settlement cycle.

But Hu Xianbin and Yan Jing have not known this. They feel that this is a little embarrassment, and then considering the "Beneficial Behavior Behavior Behavior will have a deep meaning", and naturally, there is a question.

They were inseparable from them, they were seriously conceived, so this question was temporarily buried in the heart.

But now, the design is almost the same, and the draft cannot be written, but it is not possible to start making it.

In this paper, this question is once again emerged, and it is difficult to neglect.

The two are all caught in silence, thinking about it.

Hu Xianbin's eyebrows, said: "You said, l l l l l l l d l l l l l l l l ? "

: "I think there is this possibility."

"What is the other thing? Is there any job that can be completed within two months, and have some relationship with" Yongxuan Return "?" Hu Xunbin thought, but there was no eyebrow.

Suddenly, Yan Jing is a flash: "Hey, I think!"

"Is it possible to give GOG a new hero?"

"Two months of time is enough for us to have a new hero, and this new hero can use the combat mechanism in" Eternal Retrieval "."

"Since the birth of the wind, the Welcome New Hero is born, the GOG has had no new hero who has been popular with this energy."

"The new heroes are also good, and the balance can be, but there has never had a hero that is like the wind."

"In these two months, we can give the GOG design new hero 'That is inspiration, while giving" Yong Yu Returning "to accumulate inspiration, do a good job in preparation."

"At the time, I will first go to the new hero, and I will propagate warm-up to" Yong Yu Return "to" Yong Yu Return ". Is this rhythm?"

Hu Xianbin suddenly said: "Yes, this is really reasonable!"

"If you always set up ideas to make us do what we have in these two months, that's this is this!"

Two people think about it, I think this is indeed a possibility of the highest possible option.

And, now it is also idle, do you have a new hero?

Originally, Yan Jing was still intended to release the news of the new hero in the stage of the GPL Spring Festival, but two people discuss it, or forget it.

In this weekend, the GPL Spring Festival is a bit slightly late compared to the normal spring race. After all, this is all in June, and it is said that the summer season will be opened.

But this is mainly to take care of time in other competitions.

Other divertes are more late because they have been built, so the league is too late. The time in each competition is unified, almost simultaneously open the summer season, so that the Summer Race schedule of each unit is already finished when the 2nd Global Invitational is held.

Originally the spring finals is a good time to promote the new hero, but considering two aspects: First, I want to be a prominent film in a week, it is absolutely too late, but only releases text information, there is no video information. It is very interesting; the second is that the summary of the premises, any information developed by the inspiration duty can not be disclosed in more than a month, and this new hero should also be considered a part of copyright development.

So, the two gave up this intend.

However, after more than a month, the Summer game in GOG in the world will be played.

You can announce the news of the new hero when you start playing in the summer!

After having a goal, Yan Jing and Hu Xunbin are once again full of power.

The inspiration and finalization of the "Yongfeng Retrieving", I can use it in the design of GOG's new hero, and I will try to develop a peaceful ink, and the Welcome hero!


Under the work of two people, the new hero's design will come out soon.

This is obviously benefited from the sum of the inspiration to them, as well as this week's constant conception, and the accumulation of playing.

The new hero is called "Tainer", and the positioning is a physical assassin.

Its passive skill is "interest", which is similar to the mechanism of the ostly value in "Yongxuan".

The town is not a manifold and there is no energy bar, which is the physical strip. Whether it is release skill or normal attacks will consume physical strength.

In addition, there will be a circular radioper effect under the foot of the town, which will be expanded and reduced according to certain frequencies, this circle is the atmosphere value, expanding represents the inhalation, and reduces the representative exhalation.

When the circle is expanded to a maximum range, it is the best state of attack or release skills. Frequent attacks under this condition, you can play the interest rate, so that the physical response of the town prison is accelerated, the movement speed is small, and the gear ratio is high.

Conversely, if the skill is attacked or released in the wrong time, the imperial person will automatically adjust the breathing to accommodate the attack frequency. However, the side effects lies in that the atmosphere is gradually disordered.

The status state will be represented by the color of the aperture under the foot, or as "permanent reincarnation", the initial routine white, the disorder is yellow and even red, while the breath is green.

If the aperture is green, the physical strength is full, then it is best not to fight against him at this time.

The first and second skills of the Juan Jiller are "perfect inlay" and "cushion".

This mechanism is the mechanism of the rocker or dodge of the rocker in the protagonist against the enemy attack.

These two skills have a certain difference.

The cooling time of the perfect parriage is short, there is no displacement effect, the physical value is not high, but it has a certain failure chance, and the mouse pointer refers to the right direction, in the right time to use skills, can trigger the perfect horn, otherwise it is not The perfect parliament is even in the parry.

Whether the inlay is perfect, it will affect the harm, atmospheric changes, physical value consumption, and skill cooling time.

The cooling time of the steam is longer, there is a short-distance displacement effect, the physical value consumption is relatively high, but it is easier to operate more than the courtier, and the opponent is more friendly.

The difficulty in the fight can be divided into three types: the hostile hero's ordinary attack is relatively easy to fight; in addition to the ordinary skills of the big move will be difficult; the big trick is the most difficult, I want to success not only need skill, but also need good luck .

Considering that the front time of each hero's skill, the flight speed is different, so it will be the specific to the player's reaction and operation.

Once the parcel failed, it would be very serious.

These two skills plus the setting of the atmospheric value, is the key to the hoby hero.

The third skill is "replacement weapon". According to the settings, the town is a martial art, which is proficient in various weapons, so he can also switch between different weapon types.

Because it is not advisable to do it too complicated, has designed three weapons modes.

One is a double-handed weapon. When the attack is shaken before the attack, the attack distance becomes large, the attack power is slightly improved, and the sweep attack has an AOE effect, but the attack speed is significantly reduced;

The second is one-handed jam, the attack distance, attack speed, and attack in this mode, but will have a slight improvement effect on the effect of the block;

The third is that the dagger, the shortest attack is the shortest, but the attack frequency is extremely high, and the extra crit effect can be generated when attacking the enemy behind the enemy.

When you choose different weapons modes, the current ostly value status and equipment are also taken into account. For example, I want to take a clutch to attack the singer's singer, and I want to take a half-meat warrior.

But you can't use a weapon to use it. In order to encourage players to exchange weapons, each switching weapon will have a short time of injury and small improvement of BUFF.

It is also very well explained in the setting: Because long-term use of the weapons will be touched by the enemy, replace the weapons to change the attack routine, the enemy will be able to add harm.

The big trick is "Wushen Awakening", which has passive effects and active results.

When the passive effect is to continue to fight with the enemy, every successful parry or attack can weaken the enemy's breath, and a ring appearing under the feet of the enemy, showing green, white, yellow, and red four colors.

The enemy's breath is turbulent, and the movement speed will slow and the damage is increased. When the breath is a red disorder and the blood is less than 8%, the injury of the town will directly trick the effect.

However, the premise is that it must continue to attack. If you fail to press the enemy's breath, the enemy's breath will gradually improve until it will return to green and disappear.

In addition, another passive effect is an entrance. When the player frequently uses the parry, it has been failed. When the number of deaths is constantly accumulating, the injury will enter the magic state, at this time his courtroom skills will be improved, and even a chance Trigger the effect of the automatic parry.

And the active effect of the big move is to enter the wake-up of the martial art. When weakening the enemy, the effect is greatly improved, and the enemy's breath is slow, and the killing line has also increased to 12%. After killing one person, the effect will increase a small amount. time. In other words, it is easier to harvest the battlefield.

But this killing effect is not brainless, but it is necessary to chaos the breath value to kill, so it will not be too invincible.

In general, this is a hero that is difficult to operate.

Its game mechanism is very worthy of drilling, and if you can play well, it will be a strong choice to a single or harvest battlefield.

But I want to play well, but the conditions are very demanding.

Need to get the breath of attack or release skills, need to release every lunger skill according to different skills of different heroes, correctly choose the inlay and dodge, you need to think about what weapons you play and match the equipment, adapt to three weapons modes The rhythm, and it is necessary to choose to strap or participate.

Men's play and hand is playing, it is not a hero.

But what is interesting, even if the hand is tested, this hero will be sent, or you can guarantee the bottom line through the magic state. Let this hero can eat skills through the courtesy. Will not be like the wind of the ink, after a few times, after a few times It turns into pure waste, only happiness is left.

In terms of balance, this hero is completely different from the high-end bureau and the game, compared to the low-end bureau.

In the low-end bureau, most people are not playing well, so don't worry that he is too strong, there is no need to worry about him too pit.

In the high-end bureau and competition, the enemy can respond to the setting of his atmosphere and weapon switching. And the hobs of the town look strong, and once the fault failure will be instantaneous, the high-yield is accompanied by high risk.

Professional players are not working hard, but if they show it, or they will explode.

Yan Jing is even prevailing, and the hero of the town is afraid that the hero will be in the future, and the sea is composed of happiness.

But no matter what, how can this hero of the Zhenloon, and it is more useful than a happy male.

This is also a designer merits!

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