June 13, Wednesday.

Magic, Longyu Group Headquarters.

Zhao Ximing knocked on the door of the Eric office very carefully, and then asked quite carefully: "The FV team's championship has been completed. Is it possible to prepare a propaganda program?"

Eric looked at another thing, and it was not interested in the championship skin, just put a hand: "Zhao always looks at the arrangement."

Zhao Ximing nodded: "Okay."

He just had to leave, Eric said: "It is time to promote, but the head is intended to continue promotional activities worldwide, and the promotion of the champion can also be included in the summer promotion."

"Especially in the ICL Division, the discount range can be slightly larger, after all, is a championship, I want to come to other different districts."

Since it is a championship, the champion's discount is of course more effort.

Do you not accept other events?

Then you have come back with a championship. If you get it, you can also enjoy this treatment.

Zhao Ximing hurriedly nodded: "No problem, I will preheat the summer promotion!"

After that, he carefully left to leave.

Zhao Xuming is very clear, recently Irek's mood is not very good, I have to act carefully.

Since the activity of 515 games last month, Eric has been in a state of an amazing state.

Obviously, this thing is not small to him.

Originally when I heard the news of Tenda to sell the building, Eric thought that her plan was so successful, almost want to open champagne celebration.

But I didn't expect that in just one or two days, the situation suddenly reversed!

The news of the Tenda Group's fund chain has just passed, there are many companies to extend their assistants, and Tengda's loyal users are also crazy consumption, but also buy games, but also buy mobile phones, even smart fitness clothes hangers sell crazy!

As a result, the is always a crisis.

Not only that, the 515 game event of Tengda is fully crushed on the activities of the fingers and Longyu Group, whether in the influence and preferential strength or the final reputation.

For Tengda, the burning is much, but it has reached its own purpose.

And for Eric is not so much.

He burn a lot, although there is no Tearn, but the high level of Dawak Group has been very dissatisfied with him. The most interesting thing is that this burning money does not reach the effect he wants.

Although the burning money also attracted many users, winning some reputation, but this is far from Eric's desired.

Now I Rick, facing the situation in inside and outside.

After the end of the global finals of IOI, he was blown to the sky in Daxiak Group and fingertips in the high-rise facial surface of Dawti, but now, he took over the iOi national service for a long time, but still There is no substantive achievement.

This is too embarrassing.

Of course, for this matter, Eric feels that he is very embarrassed.

Not yourself is watering, it's really not much!

GOG has already dominated the dominance in the domestic MOBA game market. Various publicity has passed the various channels underline. It is almost impossible to use traditional ways from GOG.

Unless IOI's game quality is significantly better than GOG.

But the problem is that the quality of IOI is not better than the GOG, even in the player habits, hero identification, cultural identity, details gameplay, and traveler travel.

In this way, more promotional funds are just equivalent to throwing out of no bottom, it is useless!

Therefore, Eric's way is to promote, while burn money with Tenda. When is the Tama's fund chain can't help, you can usher in the transfer, and you will lose!

The result did not expect that burning until the end is actually this result.

I feel that I will die quickly, and the result is a Pose, and the blood is full!

This appears that Eric's behavior is very honest, even some inexplicable.

The impression given to the outside is that a meal is like a tiger, and then look at the battle of the score.

Therefore, in Dawak Group and Head of Head, the voice of Eric's dissatisfaction occurs, in order to keep his own large Huaxia District person in charge, Eric has to communicate with the headquarters frequently, and even many times have to make Many compromise and concessions, there is no way to concentrate all energy all over.

In addition, Eric also can't find a way to break.

Tengda looks too terrible.

After the last fund is chained, Tengda not only quickly returns blood, but everything seems to have nothing to be affected.

Many projects such as snack markets, large experience stores are still in an orderly manner, and they will not be able to spend money.

It seems that the burning war with Eric is not existed.

Eric is confused and doubting himself.

Continue with Tenda than burning money, is there any use?

He thought about half a month and did not finally consider it.

Therefore, the current publicity activities of Longyu Group on IOI countries are basically stagnant, in addition to the propaganda activities necessary for daily necessities, such as the propaganda of the ICL League, the publicity of the game update content, has no large-scale publicity activities.

I have been quiet to now.

But what day is still too much.

Now, from March, the FV team championship is finally made, and Eric and Zhao Xun think that it is necessary to use this opportunity to propagate.

After all, this is the first champion of the IOI, and the Chinese people win, this publicity event is made, which is conducive to absorbing more new players in the national service.

In terms of this world's game development speed, a set of championships in three months is obviously a bit for a long time.

But this is reason.

In the process of making this set of skin, the finger company designer repeatedly communicated with the FV team, hoping to be perfect as possible, not only when they started to make it, they also heard the opinion, but also modified during the production process. Several editions.

After all, there are differences in the East Western culture, and the designer has a certain exchange barrier with the team members, so there is a lot of energy in communication this.

In addition, this package should be made as much as possible, so I spend so long.

For the final finished product, the company's designers, and Eric is very satisfied.

This set of black-style skin is absolutely cool, it is definitely the top level of skin in IOI and GOG!

What is going to do with this skin in the end, Eric and fingers have also been tangled.

Even some people said that it is necessary to deliberately make ugliness. After all, the FV team is the general team, if you do it very good for the skin of the FV team, isn't it a ranking of competitors?

But this sound is soon being rejected.

Because this is also the first championship of IOI, if you don't have good look, isn't it more loses your company's face?

It can be said that this is a way to advance and retreat.

Be ugly, give priority to your face;

Do a handsome, priority to others' face.

This is very uncomfortable!

However, after weighing the pros and cons, the fingers can only eat this dumb loss, make the FV team, and cheaper.

Now the skin has been made, so handsome skin naturally has to promote it.

Zhao Ximing returned to his office, and the people under his hand have submitted a first edition of the champional skin propaganda program.

After he looked carefully, he added the relevant content of the summer promotion.

According to the arranging of the fingers, the last week of this month is June 26, will open the summer promotion.

At that time, IOI has a large discount in global, just like this opportunity to make a relatively discount discount to the championship skin, earn some reputation.

Moreover, ICL League will also welcome the Spring Festival in this month.

Although the time to start is much later than the GPL league, the ICL league is less team, the schedule is also short, will win the finals at the end of this month, than the GPL League, happens to be in the summer vacation.

The header considers that it is just a sector champion in all sectors during the summer vacation, and opens a series of discounts on the tail of the champion lineup in the tail of the summer.

If these three activities can condense together, the propagation effect must be very good.

But there is a small problem, that is, the championship has been made, if you come again, it will be released again, it is wasting these two weeks, it is not cost-effective.

Zhao Ximing took a close care, suddenly the law moved, and thought of a good way.

The champion skin is immediately on sale, but its first discount will be just like the summer promotion!

This will be two days: doing both the two weeks of time, so that the heat of the champion skin is fully fermented, and it has a good promotion effect, it has continued to the summer, and it is not because the summer promotion has affected the first purchase player. Interest, you can also preheat the huge discount of summer promotion in advance, so that players are full of premium activities.

Because the first discount of general skin is relatively low, the seven or eight folds, and the strength of the summer promotion is relatively large, and it may even reach the level of four or five fold.

If the champion skin is first sold for two weeks, the summer promotes falling to 50% off, and the players who buy first must be anxious.

If the champion is not discounted or only 20% off during the summer, it is also very strange.

So, simply in place, the first discount of the championship is directly in the same discount, so that after the players buy the championship, they will still look forward to other skin in the summer, the promotion is the best.

Moreover, the heat of related promotion can last until the next month's summer and ICL Spring Festival, it looks a fairly perfect plan!

Zhao Ximing wants to change the propaganda program submitted by the people immediately, and then look at Eric.

Eric also agrees with this program. After all, this is also the most reasonable and efficient propaganda program under current situation.

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