Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1098 How does it look like a slogan?

in the afternoon.

Yu Qian is in the office, it is full.

Experience the store is full of the first day, the response is warm, and Yao Bo and Zhou Ran have said a cross talk in front of him, a teasing, squatting his heart, taking his heart.

It is too difficult to top!

As a result, the rents of the experience store itself have been reduced, and the site selection is so good, and even the advice of the sales of the sales is also all played.

It is not enough to achieve the expected effect in Qian!

Yu Qian is even a bit trying to thoroughly give up the plan to build a huge sales team spend money.

But after reading the report of the experience store, Yan Qian hesitated again.

Because the turnover of the experience store does not have the worse in his imagination.

Originally thought that this experience store would make a big earner, but according to the turnover on the first day, it seems that ... I don't make it very much?

The entire experience store is about 7,000 flat, and the sales of these two days change, although the sales of the first day broke millions, but today, the average is about 800,000.

This is pure sales. If the actual profits, there will be other expenses such as the cost of the goods, rent, electricity, person salary, etc.

Although the rent itself has given a six-year discount, the rent itself has also given six fold, but because of the experience store of Tengda is the most perfect area of ​​Jinsheng Square, the original rent is relatively high, and there are 8 dollars after discounts. The core area and the general area have a difference).

In this way, there are nearly 60,000 costs per day, couple with dozens of sales, catering areas and other high-wages of other staff, and other overhead, the cost of every day is twenty.

And revealed the retail store of the pineapple mobile phone, and the daily sales of each square is probably more than one thousand.

This is a very huge gap, and the experience store of Tenda compared to the retail store of the pineapple mobile phone. The sales of sales will not be in one tenth of others.

What's more, although the G1 mobile phone has a high profit margin, there are also products such as cooperative furniture, intelligent fitness drying racks, and fully automated intelligent lifting bar.

Therefore, this sales is very virtual, it seems to be much higher than cost, but it is really not able to earn much money.

Even if it is not more than pineapple, even if it is compared with some mobile phone brands in China, this data is still not enough.

Many domestic mobile phone brands of mobile phone brands are only three or four hundred levels, and the turnover can break millions. It is much earned more than this high experience store.

This data is really too optimistic, so that Yu Qian is a bit can't believe it.

But he calm down and carefully, I think this situation has the following reasons.

First, most of the goods in the Tengda experience store are sold first on the Internet, plus the presence of against the wind logistics, and Tengda's customers still prefer to shop online.

Therefore, the old customers come to Tengda experience store, most of them are only available.

Second, Yan Qian arranged Tian Mi's persuasion service, although there is no particularly obvious persuversion effect, it is indeed a positive role in reducing turnover.

Many people are coming to a meal, anyway, I can't see the sales, I can't want to buy things, just visit anything, don't have any responsiveness.

And the sales of sales will not be promoted, they are all dead salary, naturally strictly follow the requirements of Yu Qian, conduct "transparent services".

The last point is also the most critical point, the whole experience store is really dominated by experience.

The store of pineapple mobile phones and other domestic mobile phone brands is mainly retail stores. The customers are going to buy things, and these brands have a wide range of users, and sales are naturally high.

But Tengda's store is not a retail store, most areas are experienced, whether it is playing games or watching movies, do not need to consume at all.

Most people are holding the mentality of playing, and they have not planned to buy things at all.

In this way, although the experience store of Tengda is big, it can't make more money.

Of course, Tengda's experience store is a trial operation stage, no formal development, and is one of the few reasons for turnover.

But even so, Yu Qian wondered and found that the situation was more optimistic.

If you recreate some sales staff, let sales can play multi-wheel, and the overall wage level rises, or gives some other overhead projects to the experience store ...

Isn't it possible to put more money?

Moreover, this is the first large experience store, or is on Tengda's big battalion, so there is such a huge traffic.

If you open more experience stores, site selection is not so good, the decoration is not so cool, the number of concerns is not so much, but the overhead is still at this level ...

Don't you say, still hope for money?

When Qian is thinking, I feel that this experience store should still open more.

Can't deny yourself since you can't encounter a setback!

You can go to other cities, more expensive places to open several shops to verify verification.

You can't always be like this is like Jinsheng Square, and it is also a discount is free.

Opened to a place for a rent of particularly expensive, the land price is particularly high, but the turnover has not significantly increased, can you lose money?

After considering the thirteen, Yan Qian decided to wait and see the wait and see, can not be so easily admitted.

The experience of the experience is not considered first, and Yan Qian opens the page, just turn over the most recent news.

"Well? The FV team's championship is coming out?"

"And Long Yu Group also made activities for this championship skin?"

"Too good, Ai, Zhao, you have been quiet for so long, finally have a move!"

Seeing the news from the official website of Longyu Group, Yan Qian could not help but be happy.

Since the 515 game, he has been waiting for the finger company and Longyu Group to burn the money. How do you wait, etc., you can give him a hurry.

This champion skin does not set the initial discount of the shelves as a 20% off like other skin, but it is directly 5 fold!

And in the official announcement, the discount will be flat with the skin discounts during the summer vacation, please rest assured to buy.

Moreover, after the end of the ICL league, the hero used by the team will also play a 15% discount on the perfect discount.

But considering that ICL League Spring is still half a month, so if you can't wait, you can directly start this championship.

After all, I will fight eight or five folds after all, and I can't buy a few dollars, I will enjoy early.

Moreover, the winning team of the ICL League Spring Festival does not necessarily use the five heroes of the championship. At that time, this eight-five fold does not exist, or two.

In short, this finger company and Long Yu Group can be said to be very generous and sincere.

This is also forced by Tenda.

If you don't have a madness of the heart, you can sell the skin's competitors, the finger company and Longyu Group are absolutely impossible to discounted this.


Very good, there is such an opponent, burning money!

Moreover ... Longyu Group's propaganda program for championships, the discount when the header is skilled in the summer vacation.

If there is no accident, the finger company should give most of the sale of the skin to 50% in the summer, and may even present some of the skin.

After an early estimation of the header of the company's summer promotion, Yan Qian can do something.

He intended to open a summer promotion in the first four days in advance of the fingers, and the preferential strength will be fully exceeded by the current planned concession!

Four days, enough fingers to respond.

At that time they can only be forced to continue to increase discounts, and they will burn money with Tengda!

When I think of it, I can't help but show a smile, as if I saw Tengda's money such as flowing water. The wonderful scene.

"I have seen so much, I don't know what this champion is like."

"Pressing the champion skin will be divided into the FV club, but it is good to give the team members. The club only takes a small part, and will be used for daily operations of the club, even if you make money, you should not pay for Tenda. This is a great impact on this. "

Now the FV team's championship has not been officially sold, but the company and Longyu Group's official website have already released relevant promotional materials, including the original paintings of the champion and the model in the game.

This champion's skin name is "Black Gold Technology", the overall tone is also black gold color, which looks low-key, deep while also has a little luxury.

All hero is in both states in the big tricks, and the helmet coverage will be different.

When the big move is not ready, the armor's armor is covered, and the color effect is small, and the black high-tech armor after the big move is ready, and the whole body will be very strict, and the whole body will have a flowing gold light effect, very bright .

In addition, this set of championships has many details, such as green code effects and LOGO of the FV team when going back to the city, and the scope skills will explode a large amount of gold special effects.

It can be seen that for this skin, the finger company is still quite a bloodbook, and the final effect is also very good.

But after Yu Qian finished, he always felt that there is an inexplicable passage.

"How do you feel so familiar? Especially this special effects of this explosive light ..."

"How is it like a slogan?"

"And not a two questions, five are very like ..."

Yan Qian has not found it yet, but the more you look like.

Although Mo Drester does not have a black armor and a similar program code, the scientific formula is the same green character effect, but the overall feeling, especially when the golden light is explosive, but it is really a look.

Moreover, these models of the model seem to have some similar, do not know if it is an illusion.

Even Movisters thrown into these five heroes, will make people suspect that this is not the same series of skin ...


"What is this? Is it a coincidence or what happened?"

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