Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1099, the general plan, will always make people can't prevent it!

When I started, I didn't care about this problem.

Improving, it is inevitable.

The same is a Moba game, the designer's sense of inspiration is easy to encounter together, let alone use the golden element, it will be more like, there are some kinds of passwords.

On this point of view, I can't talk about plagiarism.

The header is a home company, should still be face.

However, Yan Qian gaven the gods and turned the netizens to the comments of this skin, and suddenly realized that the situation was not right.

Obviously, netizens also think this black golden topic championship, I feel similar to GOG's slogan.

Among them, some netizens' opinions are the same as Qian, I think this is a simple "hitting shirt", it is coincident.

But there are many netizens who have different views.

"I think this is not a coincidence!"

"You look at this picture, I put the slogan Hedger P to this black golden subject championship, and the results found that there is no sense of violation, even inexplicably harmonious!"

"How do this explain?"

This netizen put a picture below.

Originally, the IOI hero in the championship is different, standing, there is half-squat, horizontally, it looks quite handsome.

But this netizen has a huge Motuth on their back!

And this Motuth is still deliberately exaggerated. It was originally enlarged by burly and powerful body. The hero of IOI only went to his waist.

Mo Drester's generous arm, the thick arm and the golden light effects like the wings, completely occupied the first half of the picture, just like the angels, the five IOI heroes below it in myself. Golden rays.

The difficulty of this P map is not high, because Mo Dormat is from the high-precision original painting, and there have been some gold special effects.

But the final result is that there is no feeling, it seems that these six heroes are the same, the five heroes underground are like Mo Shister's younger brother ...

Soon, this picture triggered a warm discussion of netizens.

"I am going, there is no feeling! It's too suitable!"

"Although Mo Dormat's original painting has no technological element, but the five heroes of the championship are not fit with Mo Dormat ..."

"I saw this picture, I suddenly realized a question, that is, these five heroes and Mo Dormit are not only like Jin Guang special effects, and there are some gods in many places!"

"There are also many kinds of gold special effects, and some are more biased to gold coins, and some are more biased towards Xia Guang, and there is a water tattoo ... and the golden light special effects of Mo Dormit and the champion skin are closer to the gold coins. The feeling, the style is unified. "

"And the five heroes of this series of skin give people a feeling of , this is also very similar to Mo Shiste's character. You look at these people standing, and I have to take two or five million It seems that Mo Duth is engraved in a mold ... "

"I have a small news! I have a friend who knows the FV club staff. It is said that this skin is to pay special!"

"To know, the FV team just started just a second-class team, why can you take the world champion? It is the powerful logistics guarantee for them, and send data analysts to provide data support! So, this champion The two topics of the skin are 'golden' and 'data', which is to commemorate the general! "

"Do you still have this thing? That is to say, after all, Mo Duth is designed with the summary of the prototype, and it is in order to pay special, naturally, it will hit a little crash in design ..."

"I think you may think too complicated, mostly the original painter of the company is lazy, I want to use the golden element, and see Mo Duth's golden element is very nice, so I will" learn "!"

"You are not right, I can't look at the professionalist of the original picture of the company! I think it should be like this: Mo Duth's original painting is the work of Yan Dai, which is very good, Mo Dormit as a GOG. The hero is too famous, the image is too deep into the hearts, and the original painter of the company is much more, I want to create some original painting with golden elements, I don't know, I will use Mo Duth. style……"

The players have fallen, and they can't clearly clear these small news. What are true, which are fake.

But in the discussion, players gradually established a consensus.

Is it really like!

Especially after this picture of P, it is simply what you look.

As for why it is like, everyone is in a word, whoever persuades who is. Some people think that the original painting teacher of the fingers is deliberately borrowing, and some people think that the original painters of the fingers are unintentional, which is a creative crash.

But no matter how to discuss it, it will not change: This set of skin is completely bundled with Mo Shister!

This p picture influence is too broad, too profound, so many players see that when the five heroes standing together, I always feel like missing something.

What is missing?

Obviously, behind them behind them, using the gentle arms to cover the wind to stop the rain.

Once this is accepted, the championship of the black gold technology is not able to exist independently, but tied to Mo Duth to firmly bundle it.

This happens, not only because they grow like, but also because of the story behind the championship.

It can be said that there is no thousand gold and data support, and there will be no FV team won the championship.

Therefore, many elements inside and outside the game, tie the image of this championship and the image of Motterster, and can no longer be separated.

And more terrible is that players are still moving, and they are not intended to have more meaning ...


Longyu Group.

Eric flips online comments, all people are in an angry and shocked state.

"What exactly is going on!"

"How could this be?!"

"It is clear that we have sent a championship, how can I all discuss GOG, Mo Dormat and Tengda?"

Zhao Ximing's propaganda program he also looked at it. I didn't think there was any problem. I feel that I have always been a counterattack, and it has to wait until the summer.

However, I didn't expect that the championship of the original 10,000 has a lot of moth!

This bend is too anxious, and Eric has been concentrating on doing something else, and there is no full psychological preparation, almost flashed the waist.

Others in the conference room are also low, and the air is not afraid.

Because the current situation is too bad.

Head Company and Longyu Group released a black gold scientific theme championship, although it triggered a good response on the Internet, everyone is all discussing Temple and Gog's Mo Hosts!

Discuss the netizens of this skin itself, almost no!

More terrible is that the players have open, excavate, and they have attracted many other meaning.

The representative of Mo Drester, is a champion of the black, and the golden representative of Tengda, the strong data support for the science and technology representatives, and this skin symbolizes the general formation team to conquer IOI, and In the Honorary Hall of IOI, I will always leave a concentrated color.

After a few months, people re-recall the previous IOI Global Finals when FV serve as Tengda and the general representative team.

In fact, the company has already expected it when making a championship for the FV team. After the skin came out, it will definitely be once again a whip.

But I didn't expect that the whip of the corpse would be so fierce, so don't talk about Wu De!

Eric's hard work deeply and looked at Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun turned his head.

What do you think? What is the relationship with me?

Indeed, the propaganda program is what I did.

But I just made a very normal, very reasonable propaganda program according to the championship skin! This time, isn't the problem of the skin itself?

You should find someone who is designed to design the skin!

I saw that the Eric's expression was not good, Zhao Ximing felt that she was immediately, and immediately took the black pot of the head to her head.

"This is a total conspiracy!"

"Due to the real figure, this is obviously a good plan when winning from the FV team, today's picture is poor!"

"Everyone thinks about it, what state is now in the country's MOBA game market?"

"In fact, the incremental market is already finished by melons, and the popularity of Moba games is very high, and other types of games are basically transformed."

"So, the War of GOG and IOI now has gradually been transformed into the stock market. That is to grab each other's players!"

"What is easy here."

"Moba game itself has a high learning cost, familiar with a game, then play another game will be very uncomfortable. At this time, you need to find a broken point!"

"This break point can be a hero image of a high identification, or a story that lets players who have passed by the players."

"And the balance combines these two points!"

"After the FV team won the championship, knows that we have to give the FV team to make a championship skin, so it will definitely be a good morning, let the FV team make a series of skin similar to the Mo Duth style."

"At the same time, in order to eliminate our suspicion, the FV team's team members deliberately do not mention Mo Dormit when they ask for demand, but they can ask our pictures to repeatedly modify the program at a little bit. Mo Dormat is guided by the style. "

"So the last finished product will be very appearance with Mo Duth!"

"The general purpose of the purpose is poisonous!"

"The FV team is his team. Within a short period of time, he built the FV team from a domestic second-class team to the world champion, and won the first champion of the IOI Global Final. This is the general Say, it is a quite worthy of commemorative glory. "

"But he wants to obviously these."

"His reasoning to have a championship skin, just want to combine this championship with Mo Duth, and later IOI players see the championship skin, they will naturally think Motist, I associate GOG and Tengda Group! "

"This is a broken point, it will subgnof to make IOI players recognize, accept GOG, and gradually ease our group of players ..."

"This is the general conspiracy, and there is no relationship with the skin promotion plan!"

After listening to Zhao Ximing, everyone nodded, and his face also revealed.

This analysis, I'm always poisonous!

It turns out that this conspiracy is already planning when the FV team has just won the championship?

It seems that the total planning of the general is seamless, not only deceives everyone who fingers the company and Longyu Group, but also deceived players.

Until the champion skin officially began to promote, the wood has become a boat, and the picture is poor, a sword is sealed!

Now, the header and Longyu Group are afraid that they want to regret it.

Even if they now put this championship, it is not necessary to make things, even the situation will be worse.

Players will still let this championship and Mo Drester, and if they return to the opposite, it is equivalent to the whole victory again, and I will see the fingers twice a joke.

Therefore, it is clear that this champion is in the wall of the IOI, which is clearly to make a wedding dress for Tengda, but can not withdraw, only hard to sell!

This can be too uncomfortable.

Eric is slightly closed, sighing sighing.

Zhao Ximing said, this accident did not have the relationship with him, not a propaganda program, is a problem with the skin itself.

You can't give the pot to the championship designers. After all, they just finished their work seriously.

Eric and Zhao Xing two people have been talking to the generals, and they have not seen the summary of this step. Moreover, those who are far from the other side of the ocean, never have to fight, only responsible for designing skin designers ?

This is really no wonder, it is necessary to blame it, it is too embarrassing!

Eric relies on the chair and has not spoken for a long time.

When he became an IOI's large Huaxia District, he was very ambitious and felt that he found Tengda's life, defeating, never left.

But now, he has only a deep feeling.

Sticking up, it seems that any hope is completely seen.

what can we do about it?

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