Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1100 is more approaching, the more you can't relax!

At the same time, Yan Qian is also in your own office, asking for a shortness.

what can we do about it?

This championship is really not related to me!

Say everyone may not believe, this is the FV team self-propelion, it is their first hand ...

Yan Qian apparently also seen the harsh impact of this champion skin from the comments of netizens.

Solving the image of the hedgehog Mo Dormat, afraid that it is going to be more deeply rooted.

Moreover, the finger company is also communicating with the FV team, and it is no longer day and night to change the program. Finally, it will make such a fine championship, but all the heat is all grabbed, which is the fingers. What a huge blow!

Of course, the champion's skin is much earned.

The key is a bit unbearable in mindset!

Yu Qian even a little bit of self-calling, please ask Eric, or at least a psychologist, to guide it.

After all, everyone has this kind of unfair, more fearless mentality, more frustrated. People like Eric this psychological person, afraid that it is easy to crash under heavy pressure.

Yu Qian absolutely does not want Eric to collapse.

If Eric doesn't want to do it, what is the person in charge of the head of the big Huaxia District, which finger coming?

In case, he will see the tragic end of the three owners of the three major Chinese districts, especially the miserable shape of Eric, the second into the palace, and directly choose to give up the big Huaxia market. What should I do if I send an A cat a dog?

At that time, regardless of how to burn money, the new person in charge of the finger company is not with it, isn't it very stiff?

How happy is it happily?

Although it can continue to be burned in overseas markets, it is not convenient for all whickers.

Therefore, Yan Qian can only be secretly prayed, I hope that Eric can be strong, the more frustrated, more and more daddy, and the blood of life and vast blood.

If there is a way, Yu Qian really really wants to help Eric, but unfortunately, no.

This champion has been made, and now there is no matter whether it is changed or not changed, and the heat has been grabled by Tenda.

Even if Yu Qian is standing out, it is said that this skin is not related to Mo Duth, let everyone don't guess, it is useless!

Instead, it may be counterproductive, let everyone think this is ridiculous and further hits Eric's mentality.

Eric's mentality should be very collapsed, and you must not be stimulated.

Therefore, Yan Qian can only choose cold treatment, and it is not annoying.

Can only be silently prayed Eric to come over!

There is no matter what the champion skin is not allowed to open the work report of each department again. See what other departments worth paying attention in the next few times.

Next week, the snack market will be officially opened.

For the snack market, there is no confidence in Qian. After all, in Meng Chang, like a snack market and experience store, it is a top-staple, which must be fired.

Meng Chang's eyes have been under the experience store.

The snack market, most is also a few fierce.

But no matter what to say, it has been prepared for so long, the business is still to be open, I would rather bite to make money, and I must not delay, affect the settlement.

Even really fire, big earning, can only bite your teeth.

But talk about Meng Chang ...

Yan Qian opened the calendar and found that Meng Chang's propaganda program made by Meng Chang's Chinese web spiritual presence is from formal propaganda to the present, it will last until two weeks.

The program is on Monday, because the propaganda program is particularly simple, it is just a picture, so it is very fast.

At the next Monday, this propaganda program was two weeks. When the end result, Meng Chang could got the adaptation of the guarantee, that is, the basic wages of five thousand pieces plus two thousand packs, a total of seven Thousands of blocks.

Maybe this money is still not much, but for Meng Chang, I can only take 3,000 basic salary, it is already doubled.

What's more, these two thousand blocks have blended the problem of money, and he also involves dignity problems!

Meng Chang has always been self-promoting big hand, psychology master, self-thinking can make the attention of netizens to the palm, turning over to the cloud, the hand is rain, make a lot of heat easily .

However, after Tengda, it was a repeated battle and became more and more furious.

This is a heavy blow to Meng Chang's three views.

Getting this two thousand bonts, will greatly boost Meng Chang's confidence, let him confident also have enthusiasm, put more energy into the future propaganda program.

And the critical moment, it is still four days.

Today is already on Wednesday, I have been able to get my hand on Wednesday.

From the current situation, Meng Chang's propaganda program can be said to be very successful.

That ugly figure really didn't cause too much wave, even if there is discussion, it is also discussed this picture to have ugly.

Some netizens feel that this propaganda program may be responsible for the outsourcing, so the picture is ugly, the propaganda method is not new, the most critical is to do not understand the industry data, make a joke.

Putting the data of these works, thinking is something that is very proud, actually instead of self-sufficiency, laughing.

If you keep this momentum to the end of the month, Meng Chang may not be able to take tens of thousands of commissions.

However, Yan Qian always feels not practical.

What is this strange crisis feel?

It may be a tragic experience that is from Qiao Qiang countless times in success ...

In the past, Yu Qian himself was also a young man who was full of blood and always luck.

Every time I feel that it is necessary to settle, as long as this project remains a loss, it must be no problem!

However, when you think about it, the loss of the loss suddenly burst into fire in an inexplicable reason!

Is this coincident, or the destiny?

Yu Qian himself is not clear.

However, after the five times of the three times, Yan Qian has already understood a simple truth: the more you have to win the spirit of the twelve points in the eve of the success, and it is fully prepared.

Meng Chang ...

I am afraid I haven't recognized this matter so profound.

Therefore, Yan Qian felt that he came as a person, and the responsibility ä was obliged to remind him, the province, he was invested, and he lost his mind.

Pick up the phone, Yan Qian sigh silently.

I am too easy!

Not only should I adjust my mentality, but I have to help Eric and Meng Chang to adjust their minds. I am afraid that their mentality suddenly collapsed without playing himself.

Who knows how to know?

The phone is quickly connected.

"Hey? ?"

Meng Chang's voice sounded a little relaxed, a little bit is relieved.

Obviously, after a week, after a week, he found that his program was very successful, did not trigger any necessary or unnecessary attention, so the mentality gradually relaxed.

Yan Qian asked: "Your propaganda program, how is the last situation?"

Meng smiled and laughed, replied: "Torr's total blessing, it is still smooth."

"Especially if you send a notice, you will have a confidentiality of the people's internal departments to the copyright of the inspiration work, it is really busy!"

"Moreover, internal leaks can take the regulations to take it, but also make my mentality have a lot of mind, which can develop a publicity program with a more calm state."

Although Meng Chang always reminds yourself, you should be vigilant, vigilant, and vigilant.

But this time, I'm always helped to help!

If there is no ,

Especially after I heard that the Tenda Game Department has begun to prepare for "Yongxuan Remote", Meng Chang is scared by a cold sweat.

If this news is passed out, the attention of the entire inspiration is absolutely skyrocketing!

These promotional funds that spend out, there is also the publicity plan of the ugliness, afraid that it will become a combustion firewood, and the situation will inevitably not pick up.

Fortunately, the secret effect of Tenda is well done.

Therefore, Meng Chang gradually put down, and the eyes can be commissioned for three or four days, and the whole person is in a pleasant and relaxed state.

When I heard it, I felt some bad.

Pride must lose!

Meng Chang This state is clearly aware of an objective law in the world of fruit law, and does not recognize the seriousness of the problem.

Yan Qian immediately said with a very serious attitude: "You have this mentality, very dangerous!"

"Indeed, just four days left, but you don't forget, half ninety!"

"The propaganda program has been smashed out for more than a week, and the promotion funds have also spent a lot. Now it is just that the heat does not appear on the surface, but in fact, it has been buried in the hearts of netizens."

"Now this state, it looks like a song and dance, it is actually the crisis of four or the most dangerous!"

"How many times did you have before going to turn around? It hurts?"

"The more this time, the more you want to start my spirit, seriously alert!"

When I was so, I said Meng Chang.

Although whether it is tone or the content, it is a very normal superior, but how is it feeling a bit wrong with this taste ...

Although Meng Chang felt some inexplicable, he was serious about the words, and found it is quite right!

How many times is it in the end?

The more this situation, the less you can't fall!

Like a pot of cold water, Meng Chang instantly has a feeling of , collapsed, the ability to spread, optimistic mentality, and instantly become serious.

"Yes, I am right!"

"I must pay attention!"

"But ... how should I guard?"

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