Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1101 must be staring at Qiao Lao Wet!

It is indeed alert from the truth, but what about how to guard, Meng Chang is not a bit.

In the case of the relationship department, it will be aware that the probability of the problem in Tengda is already a minimum, and it is basically not possible after the internal leakage is still available.

How can I have alert?

It is difficult to find all the players along the network, and they say their neck. "You don't give me the things of the inspiration"? That can't do it.

This sentence will ask Yu Qian.

How to guard?

I have to predict this kind of thing, will I still think about how to lose money every day? I also need to turn all the work reports every day, and I will see the pair of claims.

Your own question you think! I remind you that it is already a righteousness!

After the moment of silence, I said: "I don't know this, you think about it, there is anything that is omission, anyway, I can't get the commission, don't blame the sky, I have remind you."

After hung up the phone, Meng Chang looked at the phone to fall into meditation.

He doubt that Yan has always seen the problem, but it is deliberately not tell him.

This is entirely appreciated, after all, the interests of him always keep up with him, can remind a sentence, it is already a righteousness, can't expect more.

But ... Where is the problem?

Tenda should have no problem, so you should turn your gaze to the outside and turn to the player group.

Especially the "Yonghe Return" This DLC has already put it up the development schedule, and it is said that the design manuscript has already been eyebrow. In the near future, most of them are on this project.

And this is another game project ...

Meng Ji thought for a long time, suddenly the spirit flashed, a very dangerous figure appeared in his mind.

Joe wet!

Anyone who involves the game is to forget Qiao Lao Wet?

To know, Many games in Tengda are all hot because of Qiao's wet.

Although the visibility of Tengda's game is increasing, Qiao's wet influence is no longer as obvious as before, but he still acts as a flame role, it is not possible.

Meng Chang, more thinking, the more I don't take any measures to prevent Joe's old wet is a huge mistake. If it is not a reminder, maybe in the next two days, it will be turned into the car when you are beautiful.

It is necessary to take the necessary measures to Qiao's wet, so that he can't help it, you can stick to the best at the end of this month, even if you can't, at least you!

But what do you do?

Let Qiao's wet hair?

Not easy to operate, but will be desperate.

Give a sealing fee, let Qiao Ni wet absolutely can't mention any information about " "?

The problem is that the sealing fee cannot be considered in the promotion.

If you have a pocket, you will not see the jujube in Meng Chang Map.

Besides, Meng Chang is basically the state of the moonlight, but it is impossible to have this idle money, even if there is, it is also reluctant.

So the final idea is to fall to the publicity funding.

Meng Chang quickly thought of a way.

You can't do it, but you can transfer your sight.

Take a part of the promotional funds to transfer the eyes of Qiao's wet to other places. He has no energy, there is no time to pay attention to the work of "Yong Yu Return" and the work of the class, isn't it?

So, where is it?

Meng Chang suddenly thought of a nice direction: the VR project in the late studio also has a new game "Animal Island" in the development!

Take a propaganda fund, let Qiao is wet to experience the "Animal Island".

The late studio has Tengda's investment. Tenda's propaganda department took out some small money to arrange a pre-publicity work, but

Of course, "Animal Island" is also propaganda. But when Meng Chang does not choose this project, choose other projects, can you not?

Abandoning these men will succeed, to make this month's commission, Meng Chang thinks this is a quite cost-effective trading.

Moreover, Qiao Ni wet is a game fan, let him experience the new VR game of Tengda in advance, he will be particularly happy.

At that time, the new project needs to be kept confidential, let him turn off this month to experience the experience, cut off his relationship with the outside world, is not perfect to achieve the purpose?

Meng Chang, more thinking, and immediately asked the development schedule of VR game.

At present, the work of the late line of business is in an orderly manner, "Animal Island" already has the initial Demo can play.

Although VR glasses have not yet finished, it can be experienced with foreign VR glasses of foreign countries.

After all, the development and testing of "Animal Island" also needs to use VR glasses, it is impossible to wait until the VR glasses on Shenhua have completed the game, then they don't hurry.

Therefore, Meng Chang intends to communicate with the late line of travel, say Joe old wet intends to experience the new VR game, test test, and sufficient opinion; then find Qiao Ni wet, say the late studio is developing VR game I want to invite him as a special experience, to go to the closed experience for a while, help improve the game, and there will be a special evaluation fee.

This operation is similar to the paragraph of "Bill Gates".

The only difference is that the segment is pure, there is no feasibility, but Meng Chang's operation is feasible, and the success of the success is about 100%!

Meng Chang immediately put into action, first to find a late studio.

After all, this thing can't be dragged, drag a day, one day, one day.

Qiao Laowhe is a huge threat to Meng Chang's commission, can't let him sway outside, must be closed in the cage as soon as possible, Meng Chang's heart can be practical!



June 14th, Thursday.

Terminal Chinese Network Author's inspiration class.

The original author of "Yongfeng Back" novel is in the work area, brows, and carefully modify the plot.

The original cold and clear work area is now full of half.

Not only the three works of Cui Wei have obtained copyright development, but also other authors of the work, the other authors of the inspiration are also busy!

Some are working on the work, some are refactivating the entire story structure, and some want to take the time to take the current work, and then open a new pit.

Compared with the atmosphere of the entire inspiration, a 180 degree big turn has taken place!


Before everyone, everyone was written in order to bought the money, and they were more enthusiastic, but they quickly lost their goals.

Because after a book is fixed, it is difficult to break through, and the authors naturally be burnout.

However, the copyright development of these three works allows all the authors all have seen the dawn.

They can do it, I have to work hard to do it!

Therefore, everyone has found the goal of struggle, and the authors who seriously created in the workspace have become more and more.

It is especially effort.

Because "Yongfeng Return" has been determined to develop the official DLC of Tenda as "back is the shore", it is also a series of new design on the spot at the meeting, letting this "back is the shore" old player listened. Excited.

As a person of the same person, the happiest thing in the world is not too much.

Your own work is officially recognized, but also as official orthodox development, even according to the characteristics of their own work, the original gameplay of the game has made great repairs, so that the game itself is more fit.

It's just a pet!

Therefore, the content of the novel must be guaranteed to be perfect, and the game cannot be dragged.

After another, after a plot, he flew against a lazy waist on the chair and drank his mouth coffee.

During the rest, he opened his own fan group, habitually wanted to see what the sand sculpture group was discussing.

"Hey? The dog author is modifying the content of" Yonghao Return "?"

"Really fake, how do you know?"

"My idle doesn't work is two brush. As a result, the app suddenly reminds me of the chapter content, I will brush again, the story is changed ..."

"Indeed, I haven't seen the content of my cached, I need to download it again. And this change is enough, more than 100 chapters in front, at least sixty chapters have changed ..."

"Isn't that?"

"Nor, some chapters just changed the names of changing dialogue and items, do not affect the plot, only a few chapters have been repaired by the plot."

"That is also very hard! In fact, I know that the big revolving is more painful than writing a new book, because writing new books is equivalent to painting on a white paper, almost no restrictions; but the big repair needs to pay attention to before and after The plot and the film are like a mess, a mess, very people! "

"The dog is not a brain into the water ... What is the need for this book?"

"I also feel that there is no need, this book is not bad, just not in line with the network mode. I think this book will give 80 points with" back is the shore "player, and the overturbation is nothing more than the 80 points. By 85 points or even 90 points, but 90 points are useless, there will be no new readers, buy and break the number of words, and there will be no additional income. "

"I want to say that the dog author has this energy, it is better to open a new book, and it is not necessary to die with this already fixed book."

The group friends have all express themselves, but it is clear that most people are not understanding for flying behavior.

Because in the field of online novels, "Da Xuan" is a very unprofitable behavior, death, excellence, the benefits obtained is not as good as updated, and the quantity is full.

Instead of making this kind of labor, it is not as much as many new content.

Yu Fei is also the old name of the end of the Chinese network, obviously clear this truth, but he has been in great practice, but there is no meaning to stop.

This makes many of his old readers very puzzled.

Yu Fei did not help but show a smile.

I really want to immediately share the good news of copyright development with readers!

However, Yan always said, confidential, the authors of the end of the Chinese network naturally abide by this regulation.

Therefore, the flying decided not to respond, continue to concentrate on revision.

Anyway, group friends are so smart, so wit, will guess sooner or later.

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