Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1102, how to turn over? (Add more)

At the same time, late studio.

"Come, this." Meng Chang did a "please" gesture for Qiao Liang.

Qiao Liang rushed to keep up with it, and the face is looking forward to the frightened expression.

Unexpectedly, Tengda would ask himself to do this new VR game special experience!

Although Qiao Liang is also invited to experience "back is shore", but it is already a long time, nearby games, such as "mission and choice" and "fitness battle", Qiao Liang did not get this Treatment, even even the wind of the new game has not heard too much.

He didn't know that this is a special, and there is always a special, propaganda or marketing consideration.

Although I always wareched a lot of reasons and excuses, Joe Liang's heart is still a little pair of "new games do not ask for themselves".

YEY, I gorge as the people who know the general, even if I experience the privilege of Tengda game in advance?

This is really hard.

Therefore, this Joe Liang is invited by Meng Chang, and later the studio experience Tenda's participation in the first VR game, which will be so expected, excited, and favored.

Tenda's new game needs yourself, will this be a very active, positive signal?

Is it not far from it to Tenda's external employees?

Qiao Liang can't help but start brain supplement.

It is about to walk into the work area, and Meng Chang stopped.

"Qiao is wet, it is like this."

"Because this game is still in the test stage, the quality of the current phase cannot represent the ultimately completed quality, and will not be determined to make changes, so I hope you can keep this project, don't have any news to pass through Online. "

"If you can, I hope you can do some online discussions as much as possible, including forums, fan groups, etc."

Qiao Liang shot chest: "You can rest assured, I am a professional person!"

"Absolutely guarding the mouth is like a bottle, the word does not disclose!"

"That ... daily fan group chat, but don't say this game, ok?"

Meng Chang thought about it, nod said: "Yes."

Although it is only an oral promise, according to Meng Chang's understanding, Qiao Lao wet this person is still more calculated, and as long as it promises, it will work hard to obey.

Moreover, Meng Chang is also a promise of an oral man.

Otherwise what can I do? You can't always give Joe Liang to your hungry during the demise. Do you speak in a fan group?

That is too outrageous, it is impossible to do it.

So, you have to promise, it is enough for Meng Chang. Even if Joe is chatting in a fan group, but as long as you don't say something about "Animal Island", then no problem.

After all, he let Qiao's wet to try this game main purpose is to transfer the attention of Qiao's old wet, let him not be in the "Yong Yu Return".

For "Animal Island" confidential, just a thing that is taking.

After reaching a consensus, two people continued to go, soon, I saw Lin Xiahe and Ye Zhou.

Lin Biao, Ye Zhou and Qiao Liang have met each other, and then shake hands, and the scene is very harmonious and harmonious.

However, Lin Xiahe and Ye Zhou looked at Meng Chang's eyes, but not very friendly, and a little vigilant in indifference.

Although Meng Chang is now the person in charge of the propaganda marketing department, it is also a piece of Tengda from the identity, but Lin Xia and Ye Zhou have some understanding of his preceding style and what you have.

Although after entering Tengda, Meng Chang is gradually being changed by the summary, but who knows which phase changed?

Therefore, Lin Hao and Ye Zhou and others are still in a natural alert.

Meng Chang felt that he didn't feel the atmosphere of yourself, so I was ready to open after I was hit: "Okay, I will take Qiao Lao Wet, and tell him about the game experience. gone."

After leaving the late walk, Meng Chang took a breath.

Fortunately, everything goes well!

Although there is a little little flaw, his plan is successful. Qiao Ni Wet will definitely invest in the "Animal Island" evaluation in the next few times, and will not pay attention to "Yong Yu Return".

Cove off a hidden danger on the road!

The so-called little flaw refers to his plan to have a slight doubt.

Meng Chang called Lin Evening, saying that Qiao wets would participate in the test of "Animal Island", after I promised, I called Qiao Ni and invited him to the late studio to participate in the "Animal Island" test. .

In this way, it is on the bridge.

This plan is not a seamless, the biggest hidden danger is that Lin Biao, Ye Zhou and Qiao are very familiar, but Lin is late, Qiao's wet and Meng Chang is not familiar ...

Why is the acquaintance need to take a bridge ...

This is quite strange.

Meng Chang's explanation is that he is the person in charge of the Advertising Marketing Department, just in the next month, it is necessary to have a relationship with Joe's wet and late studio.

It is confident that the excuse of this slightly, but it is obviously not to completely eliminate the doubts of Lin Dynasty.

Of course, this is not what big problems, even if there is a doubt about his motivation, it is impossible to guess the truth behind it. After all, Meng Chang and the total agreement are absolutely confidential, and there will be no one knows.

After Arranged, after Qiao's wet, Meng Chang was in a lot, ready to go back to continue to think about there is a vulnerability.


In the late studio, Lin is giving Qiao Liang to find a working area in the office, and then I have given him a foreign VR glasses of a foreign brand.

VR has "Animal Island" Demo.

"It is still in the development stage, the problem is quite a lot, if you find any problems during the experience, you can feedback to our project." Lin said.

Qiao Liang nodded immediately: "Don't worry!"

"Before, I will ask me to participate in the internal test of" back is the shore ". I also made a huge contribution to the balance of this game!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Liang is proud.

The so-called "a huge contribution to balance" is actually his hard-working weapon in the game, and then cut it once by .

Especially a few a few weapons that can reduce the difficulty of the game, it is simply being cut.

At that time, Qiao Liang was very disintegrating, and even mistakenly thought that always smashed himself.

But "Pudu" came out, Joe Liang understood the intention of the baili chopped these weapons.

It turned out to highlight the power of "Pudu", so that players can better experience game content!

Therefore, Qiao Liang has always been proud of the contribution to himself "back is the shore".

Lin Xia laughed and smiled: "" Looking back is the shore "? That is exactly, our project is about more than a month to develop, and it is just seamless."

Qiao Liang stunned: "Seamless connection? What?"

Lin Gah was originally to say that "back is the shore" new DLC, but suddenly it is not right.

I can't say it.

Because "Yong Hui Retriever" this DLC involves the copyright development of the end of the Chinese online, I can't tell you that you can't disclose!

Fortunately, I only said a "seamless connection", and there were no mention.

Should this don't discipline?

Lin Xia has rushed to change the mouth: "Nothing, you will know."

"Okay, I have to go forward, you experience the game, if you have any questions, you can always find me."

Lin said that he quickly opened, and the Qiao Liang took the abnormality and the roots of the roots.

Looking at the back of the Lin night, Joe Liang is somewhat confused.

How is it seamless?

After more than a month, there is a new game to give yourself experience?


At the end of the Chinese network, the authors are crazy to modify their works, and more and more readers are discussing the same problem.

What happened to the salted fish authors of this group?

Before, now, it is entirely two different working conditions!

In particular, three authors such as Cui Wei, which are simply high-intensity modifications, and we have to repair ten chapters every day.

And this is not a normal small repair, many of the plots have changed, gain more reasonable, and more complete.

Estimated, these people have at least five or six hours a day, which is not to re-conceive the story, and the time of the novel.

If you calculate the time, it is estimated that the work time is over eight hours.

For this group of salted fish, how far is it over eight hours!

Other authors, although the frequency of modifying works is not so frequent, it is either updated, or it is either preparing for a new book, and all get rid of salted fish.

Is this a distortion of human nature, or is morality?

Happiness is too sudden, and even a bit is not true, let readers guess what is going on.

"Salted fish took one place to turn over, there must be any special reason behind this! If everything is constant, they are absolutely impossible to be this state!"

"Over the draft fee?"

"Not like it. As far as I know, the budging fee of the inspiration class is already a high level of the industry, and the possibility of rising is not big. Not to mention the draft fee, Cui Wei and Yu Fei have updated or Open a new book, always caught the old book repeatedly to modify it? Punition does not give money. "

"Maybe it is a new regulation, and it's money?"

"Why don't you do this other author?"

"That ... can you still? I can't think of it."

"Maybe it is based on a special recommendation? Or other channels? Or is there any boot bonus?"

Netizens have the cerebral holes, but they have not guessed the ideas.

After all, there is no copyright development work before the end of the Chinese network, so the consciousness of netizens did not want to think about it.

They can think of, nor is better recommendation, better distribution channels, or better website contracts.

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