Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1105 is unfortunate, not to discusses (10,000 words, monthly ticket!)

The screenshot of the two chat records quickly sent into the bookmates of "Yongfeng Reincarnation", and sent back the big group of Qiao Niki.

"Real hammer! So hammer!"

"You see the dog author, this attitude is obviously true!"

"Wait a minute, how do you see how to real hammers? Dog Author doesn't mean that your guesses are wrong?"

"He is said, 'some guesses are wrong'! That explains this big direction no problem!"

"Ah, which species are wrong?"

"I look at the chat history ... Joe is a new work that" look back is the shore "should be true; this new work is developed with the story of" Yong Yu Returning ", it should be true ... Then only the last In a word! 'Inspired class, there will be a work that is made into a game', it is wrong! "

"That is to say, more than one work?"

"Yes! It is not just" Yong Yu Return ", isn't there a few books in a big repair? That is to say, in the overhaul book, maybe copyrighted plan?"

"I just came back from the pigeon! He didn't reply to me directly, but this hid a shock, definitely something!"

"Don't continue to ask again, it is clear that this is to be confidential, and

"I understand why these authors have played the blood of the blood. If only" Yong Hui "is changed to the game, they may not be excited, but so many works have copyright development plans, other author affirmation Specially stimulated! "

"It's all right, it's all right!"

"Hey, what is the propaganda poster in the end of the Chinese online network, is there anything else?"

"Is there anything that is deep? Is the poster not simply put the results of a book of the inspiration class? And the results are still not good, self-sufficiency."

"Your thinking is just in the first floor. If you rise to a layer? In fact, this poster is showing, seeing, inspired these books, but they all have copyright development, making a game or other form, cattle Don't you do? "

"Ah? Can you still understand this?"

"You can only understand this! That advertisement is covered, online and offline is everywhere. You think, the advertisement of the end of the Chinese network must have to let the person in charge of it off, even if the person who does not understand these data Can the person in charge of the end of the Chinese network? But this poster is still out, one is half a month, is this not enough to explain the problem? "

"It turns out that this poster is to promote the premises in advance!"

"And you still remember this poster, is there a lot of water forces?"

"Oh, I remember, the content is almost, 'Inspiration class is the big god radiator, the source of inspiration, the land of the dream', the format is almost, but it is."

"Now think about it, these water troops are not quite correct? It is said that the probability of copyright development is the probability of copyright development, and what else can comply with the inspiration class? These water troops repeatedly brush these content, on the surface is high-end black In fact, every sentence is a big stroke! "

"This is not the 'behavioral art fashion" when "game producer" is the "behavioral art"? By continuous repeating some exaggerated advertising words, form a fixed impression in the netizen's mind, play a good communication effect ... "

"And the most critical is that these do not involve false propaganda, the content is true!"

The clever talents of netizens are unlimited. After finding a breakthrough, the people of the people will find more breakthroughs.

A lot of things that seem hangy, so that I have been string one by one, form a very complete logic chain!

So, the fact became very clear.

Although the work of the end of the Chinese network is not good, but there is a very high copyright adaptation opportunity, and the "Yongfeng Return" of the official orthodox novel is a good example;

The publicity of the inseen class is clearly focused on this aspect. The surface is emphasizing that these works are not good. In fact, it is the special development of "data is not good,", "

As the first batch of works, "Yong Yu Retriever" is the first batch of work, the game is completed, Joe is a senior player of "back is the shore", it has been tried!

In a short afternoon, netizens are like detective generally smear, through all kinds of spider silk marts, and scatched the truth that they think.

This "truth" will soon spread it in general.

Because "look back" itself has a large number of hardcore fans.

Although it is already a game two years ago, because the high difficult game is too natural, and "Turning is the shore", "Pudu" is also left too much to give players, so it is still very high. heat.

Until now, "Looking back is the shore", there is no one-fifth of the month, enough to explain its popularity.

All new and old players are looking forward to its sequel.

Now, the news of the continued is coming out, how can people not be excited, not excited?

Of course, you must immediately share this good news!

Netizens discussed, all major game media have followed.

Because these media know, as long as the keywords of "Tenda New Games", the taste and reading amount absolute explodes, the discussion and heat are absolutely not low!

Many unscrupulous media are added to the oral vinegar, the title of the title is a ratio than a ratio. In order to attract it, it is not necessary.

And these outrageous content will flood all nets in just one or two, let this news spread to more netizens ...

The situation is instantaneous and cannot be cleaned!



June 16th, Saturday.

Qiao Liang is in his own accommodation, click on the mouse to flock the online traded report, a black question mark.

"Sapphire! Millions of fans UP Lord Qiao Lao Wet exclusive revealing Tengda new game! "

"Looking back is the exposure of the shore! Yong Cut back to the original novel to see first! "

"The publicity poster of the ingenu class seems to be unrest, but it hides such a huge shock secret ..."

"The most difficult domestic game continued is about to be released! Are you ready to suffer? "

He is completely forced.

Where is this?

Who said to you, what I tried is the new work of "look back"?

I tried the "Animal Island VR" of the late studio!

Here is that there is no "back is the shore"!

But look at these media articles, you are a source of messages.

Even Qiao Liang doubts himself, I thought it was a mouthful, I specially returned to the chat record.

Chat records are written clearly, and Qiao Liang only said that he was trying to play Tenda's new game, there was no other way.

I don't know how to work with Trouble and "look back"!

But continue to turn down, see the discussion records in the group, Joe Liang Mingbai.

Make Oolong!

This group of people met his previous trial "back is the shore" and "Yong Yu Returning" novels, and after a series of intricate reasoning, he thought he was trying to play "back is the shore" to continue!

It was just a guess, but everyone is very reasonable, so they have become true ...

Take the rumor, who is looking for it!

Job is very helpless, but he also means.

Now stand out to clarify, but give people a feeling of destroying, and there is nothing necessary!

After considering the thirty, the Joe Liang decided to still matter.

How to discuss how to discuss it ...

Moreover, this is not a discipline, and there is no mention of the name of "Animal Island VR".

Meng Chang at the time, let Qiao Liang confidentially confidently "animal island VR" project, Qiao Liang feels very good to keep itself, and netizens don't know the existence of this project at all.

Only, everyone mistakenly thought that Qiao Liang was playing "back is the shore".

Netizens have over, misunderstood, can't I disclose it?

Joe thought about it, this matter even if there is a pot, it should not be on his head, so he will continue to play the game.


At the same time, Meng Chang also views this report in his own residence.

He obviously not as calm as Qiao Liang, holding the mouse slightly shaking.

Each report is a heart that is embarrassed.

"What is the situation? What is the situation!"

"Which news is spread out from the end!"

"It's evil, I have to get the guarantee for this weekend, why!"

"Calm, calm down."

"Things seem to have turning."

"Find the source of the leak, I always give me an agreement. If it is the internal discipline of the company, the propaganda effect is exploded, and no matter what, I can get 30,000 communities!"

"This is more cost-effective than two thousand pieces of binding in the two-week guarantee!"

In this critical juncture, Meng Chang's brain became awake.

He first found the summary of the summary, and seriously determined the above content.

It's really written!

Then the next step is to determine the source of the leak.

Meng Chang quickly found two most critical communication nodes, one is the chat screenshot of Qiao Liang in his own fan group, saying that he is trying to play Tenda's new game; the other is to fly with oneself a private chat screenshot.

"What should this be inside?"

"Although Qiao's wet is not a Tenda staff, he is trying to play games! Yu Fei is the signing author of the end of the Chinese network, but also the direct participants of the inspiration, will definitely count the internal personnel of Tengda!"

"Hey ... But Qiao is never played" Yong Yu Ren ", he tried is" Animal Island VR ", this eight-pointed ..."

"Forget it, no matter what, anyway, definitely is internal to disclose!"

Meng Chang decided, when I was waiting for Monday, I got to say that I said, I took this note, I have to give 30,000 yuan to come over!



June 18, Monday.

Yu Qian has went to the office, Meng Chang joked the door.

" !"

"I first declare that this time 100% is internal ventilation, it is definitely not the issue of my propaganda program!"

"We have an agreement!"

Meng Chang waved the small note in his hand, quite like the debt owner of debt, very reluctant.

Yu Qian did not pay attention to this matter on the weekend, and it was still sleepy in the morning, and it could not be very good at Meng Chang's emotion.

He blurred cup of tea and said: "Don't worry, slowly say, if it is a leak, I am sure to keep promise."

Meng Chang told this weekend to tell the story, emphasized that Joe Liang and the leaks of two people, leading to chain, so that the promotional publicity failed.

After a weekend fermentation, the work of the authors of the inspiration is copyrighted, especially "Yongxuan Return", was developed as an official sequel, so that countless authors were red, all squeezed Want to enter the imperial class.

And Meng Chang's ugly poster, the previously accumulated heat also broke out.

In accordance with the current standards, this propaganda program must be failed, did not stick to two weeks, a penny commission did not.

But if it is leaked,

This is the last hope of Meng Chang.

Yan Qian silently drunk the tea: "You said that they have two disciplines, how is it leaked? Is there evidence?"

Meng Chang nodded immediately: "I have a screenshot!"

After that, Meng Chang handed over the mobile phone and gave Yan Qian that two screenshots.

Yan Qian looked at it, caught in meditation.

Just these two pictures, it is obviously not enough to restore the truth.

"You sit here, drink some tea. I am going to play two calls, thoroughly investing this matter! If it is really ruling, you must pay you a clear!"

Yan Qian said that he was so strict, Meng Chang was even a little touched.

"Good ! I am waiting here!"

When I was finished, I was pushed out.

He intends to give Qiao Liang, and then make a call, and then ask those who understand the internal feelings, and complete the truth.

I can't listen to the words of Meng Chang's words. After all, Meng Chang is now in order to make an ulterior, and it is normal to add vinegar.

It is not that I will not have these 30,000 yuan. The key is that if you have not leaked it, this money will not be given.

Yan Qian and Meng Chang's agreement, it is considered "a special employment agreement" on the system, and the money to Meng Commune is also recognized. In this "Special Employment Agreement", money can be sent in a regular manner, but must meet the terms of this employment agreement itself.

In other words, the system has special criteria in this regard, far more freedom of other employment protocols, and Yan Qian can make a lot of time, but these Sao is still not absolute free, it is necessary to be restricted.

Just like this time, you must have a true discrimination, this money can be given, can't open a eye.

Yu Qian is very sympathetic, Meng Chang, but there is no way, the provisions are regulations.


Meng Chang waited anxiously in the general office.

After about half an hour, I have returned.

"How is it, I'm always?" Meng Chang immediately stood up and was extremely concerned.

,, , , ,,,,,,,

"Unfortunately, I have learned more, and I will communicate with two parties. I finally confirm ... this is not discussed."

"Qiao Lao wet only said that he was testing a new game, neither" Animal Island "also did not feel the spirit and" turning back is the shore ", this is not disclosed; if it is more difficult, not only did not discret, Instead, the netizens have made mistakes, and Joe is not a "never turn back". "

"This problem, mainly because netizens understand the wrong, producing some wrong associations, using errors known conditions, derived the correct conclusion ..."

"So ... a pity, according to the regulations, this commission cannot be given, because it is not leaking."

Yan Qian looked at Meng Chang, a grief.

"However, we think that your basic salary this month has five thousand pieces ..."

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