Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1106 I personally! Hello to learn!

I heard the number of "five thousand pieces", Meng Changru's dead water is once again raised again.

"Ah? 5,000?"

"It is not that the bottom salary is four thousand. Do you have two thousand booties in two weeks?"

"Now I haven't made the guarantee, is it too hard, so I added a thousand pieces as an encouragement?"

Meng Chang suddenly had a little touched.

Although this money is not much, it is still very warm.

: "Ah? Was only one thousand basic salary?"

"Sorry, I remember, I have always thought that two thousand are coming."

"Then we still have to do according to the agreement ..."

Meng Chang: "..."

The rays in his eyes quickly dull, replaced by a confused, confusion, incredible expression.

Too gas!

Even if you remember, it shouldn't be wrong at this time, do you give me a thousand?

How can I say if I have exported?

Deliberate, must be deliberate to be angry!

Meng Chang silent for a moment: ", I don't do it! I have to stop the agreement!"

Yu Qian hurriedly stood up: "Don't impulsive! If you have anything, let's say, don't talk, don't talk."

"This way, see if you really have worked hard, I will give you a thousand pieces in your bag! How do you think?"

When I listened to Meng Chang, he didn't want to do it, and Yan Qian was a little panic.

Can you not do it, you don't do it, where can I find you this kind of propaganda?

The people outside, I believe it!

That is, Meng Chang has a huge debt, and Yan Qian can just take him, and use this way to stimulate him to make reverse propaganda.

Although Meng Chang has not been a propaganda case, he has a big advantage, that is, it will not be corroded by Tengda.

If you change someone, you can quickly Dihua soon, so that the entire advertising marketing department will fall quickly, be the same as other departments, in addition to making money and Zazhen's heart.

So, Meng Chang can't go!

The advertising marketing department is not full of Meng Chang!

In order to retain Meng Chang, Yu Qian is also a blood. These more thousands of systems are not given, they can only have their own pockets.

Fortunately, although there is not much loss, although there is not much loss, the transformation of personal property is not a lot, but after all, the usual fancy is eating drinking, or I have a money.

Personal property has also exceeded more than 3 million.

One thousand pieces can be fully available.

There are not much this money, just a little unwilling. But in order to retain Meng Chang, this money cannot be saved in order to retain Meng Chang.

Meng Chang face is green: "The balance, I have already decided, saying is useless!"

Because this thousand, Meng Chang is completely out of date.

See what I am talking about this?

Also pay for me to make up one thousand pieces?

There are too many slots, I don't know how to spit!

The whole Tengda is yours, that a pen is hundreds of thousands, and millions of publicity funds are not all you all to the advertising propaganda department? How do you think how to spend?

From the propaganda funds, a few copper plates are cashed, don't I solve my basic salary and proposal for a long time? Need you to pay yourself?

Moreover, even if you ask your backpack, how do you seem to be tangled?

The entire Tenda is your private property, and it will not say that the cash flow is, and the building has bought several. You are afraid that you have a few billions. Don't say it is a thousand pieces, that is, I have tens of thousands of scenes. Nothing is hard!

As a result, take one thousand pieces, it seems to be greatly determined?

Pack, continue!

Oscar doesn't give you a small gold, I will not promise!

Originally after such a long torture, Meng Chang's perceived ability of the money has been seriously degraded.

Or is it more sensitive?

I used to squander invested in investors, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands didn't blind, very chic.

But now I don't know why, I actually tangled for so long for the basic salary of these thousands.

He suddenly realized that this is not his life.

Don't do it, say nothing is this kind of grievance!

Meng Chang was firm.

Let you have a spring, I will never be fooled again!

Yu Qian saw Meng Chang's expression, it feels a bit uncomfortable.

Why do you have to leave the only one with my heart?

"Come, drink cup of tea is cold and quiet, don't impulsive."

"You think about it again, there is still a long time in the future."

"We signed a ten-year agreement, until now in less than half a year, which is this?"

Meng Chang was originally a tea cup to drink a bite. When he heard this, put it down the cup.

"Then I have to go!"

: "..."

Get, it is wrong.

Yan Qian quickly explained: "I mean, after our unremitting efforts, now your propaganda scheme is getting closer and closer."

"I can get a full advice for a few months."

"It's just that the opening is not smooth, and it takes a basic salary for a few months. Just because this setback is given up, it will give up for the next ten years. This is too unwise!"

, ...... ,

However, Meng Zhang has a polite smile, and his face is written.

That means, I'm lie to me for a few months, I'm really going to lie to me for ten years?

Although it is now an uninterested person, it is really not very good to find a job, but Meng Chang is still very confident, even if the entrepreneur is failed, what is the difficulty of earning a three or more than a month?

In Tengda, although the most ideal case can take 200,000 communities per month, the speed of the debt is great, but this money is like the carrot in front of the scorpion, the light can not eat, can't get the hand. What is it?

What's more, go outside will continue to accumulate, just start earning less, you can make more earn more, but also have the hope in advance.

So, Meng Chang is to set up an idea.

Let's take a short tongue, and it will never be deceived.

Yan Qian also helplessly, it seems that Meng Chang is the heart of the iron.

This moment he regretted a little bit, when the protocol is initiated, the default responsibility should be more important ...

The protocol signed in the initial signed is not set to be too dead in terms of default, but it is agreed to pay the breach of contract in accordance with a certain proportion of the original debt quota.

The three-year default liability is the lighter, the ten-year default liability is the heaviest, but the heaviest default is only 30% of the original debt quota.

Of course, Meng has made millions, which has more than 100 million.

But Meng Chang is obviously in a state of a piece of scorpion, and there is no state in the state, and millions of debts will have to return, how is the zone of one million default?

But there is no way, because when I do this agreement, I didn't dare to pay too high, and I was afraid of scare Meng Chang.

If Yu Qian, I originally defined the default, Ten Million, tens of thousands, and Meng Chang will definitely feel that there is a huge conspiracy in this, and the root will not sign this agreement.

It is because there is not so much breach of contract, and Meng Chang is hooked.

So, now regret it.

Yan Qian silently drunk the tea and continued to think about the new speech.

"Meng Chang, I think we all need to calm down, we must weigh the pros and cons."

"You work here, I will have all interests of debt, this is also a benefelted by your Tengda employee. If you go to other companies, this interest I definitely no reason to continue exemption ,Right?"

"I don't count, the highest interest rate of private lending is bullying you. But even if it is in accordance with normal bank commercial loans, these millions of things are still ten years, twenty years, how much this interest is you calculated."

"Do you sure you want to leave Tear?"

Yu Qian also doesn't know how much this money is, but the loan to buy a house know that bank loans are not high, and once it is extended to ten years, twenty years, it is also a quite scary number.

Five million loans, the last light is going to be two million, which is not exaggerated.

If you can't come hard, you can only come hard. Since Meng Chang is in mind, then Yu Qian doesn't mind when a wicked.

Meng Chang: "..."

I can't think of it, I still have this trick, it is too ordered!

Originally, he only considers a breach of contract, feels more than a million money, and bite it can still endure.

But if you add interest, then you can't endure it!

Such a miscellaneous oriented, the arrears must have doubled, and the difficulty of working in the work is still a sharp increase, which has almost become a task that is impossible to complete.

Meng Ji is sitting on the couch, there is a bit of life.

"He is always, you must look at me, is it happy, is it?"

"I understand, starting from the beginning this is a circle, you just want to give you a white work in this life!"

"I am not the most don't want to lie to investors, and the entrepreneurs who deceive the money goes too much. Why do you catch me a person who is tossed ..."

Meng Chang did not install it, there is a bit of breaking the meanings.

, this state is not right.

Don't give up!

He hurriedly coughed two: "You misunderstood, I will definitely don't want anything to pit, I am also sincerely for you, I want you to pay attention to the debt early!"

Meng Chang said hehe: "He is always, do you say this? Do you believe it? If you have been messing up, I have already got a high!"

: "?"

How can this pot be taken to my head?

I am not helping you?

It's just a dog biting Lu Dongbin!

Yan Qian said: "Well, I will not be able to pay with you in front of it. You will say that the publicity program is the publicity program, can this be blamed?"

"Is it related to me?"

Meng Chang Zhang opened a mouth, a time stories.

It seems that it is really nothing to do with .

Think of this promotional propaganda program, the reason why it has played a good propaganda, mainly because many coincidentally combined together, have an inexplicable chemical reaction.

Qiao's wet and flying mistakes are on the one hand, netizens' mistakes are another aspect.

The correct conclusion is derived through the wrong known conditions.

In this process, is indeed a pot, because the general is not able to manipulate netizens.


Only netizens are all spontaneously reasoning and believe that all this will cause the current situation.

In other words, this pan is always in general.

I didn't say it a few times before, this time I didn't have a pot.

Meng Chang's mouth slightly picked up: "Then I am more gone! If you have not made it from the middle, it is fully committed to support me, but it will still fail, then explain the difficulty of this thing is much better than my imagination, the opportunity to succeed is very. "

"What is I still insist?"

: "..."

This Meng Chang is still a logic, not very flicker.

But it doesn't matter, increase the flicker.

It is even necessary to personally go to the horse, give him a prove.

Yan Qie thought, continue to say: "I don't think so,"

"Next month, I personally give you a propaganda program, you will do it according to my propaganda program."

"I don't dare to guarantee a whole month, but two weeks should still be."

"If my program also failed, then let's discuss the play."

"If my program is successful, I insist on the two weeks, I will help you get the advice of the guarantee, then explain it is a problem with the propaganda program you have, don't mention the things in the future, and I'm old and realize. How should follow-up should be promoted. "

"What do you think?"

Meng Communit the blink of blinking, and I didn't expect that I would like to suggest this.

Now, it is equivalent to Meng Chang to complain, saying that this is too difficult, you are on.

As a result, Yan said, I will go to me, you are so good, learn, I will prove that it is not difficult, it is your too.

Originally Meng Chang didn't want to stay, but listening to this, he felt that you can stay for a month and see how you always operate.


At that time you can learn the general propaganda ideas and continue to pursue the highest 20,000 commission.

In short, I will stay a month to see the total operation, if you don't lose.

Thinking of this, Meng Chang nodded: "Okay, then I will stay again. If you can really get the Bao Bao in the next month, and let me feel orally, then I will continue to do it."

"However, I have a request."

"The next month will be specified by me to specify the propaganda project, can you?"

Yu Qian is not very surprised.

Hey, this will learn to be the main way?

Before, Yu Qian gave Meng Chang, designated a propaganda project, and selected one in a few projects that was about to go online, Meng Chang chose the wrong answer.

Now Meng Chang also thinks about a pleasant addiction?

Yan Qian nodded: "No problem."

Real warriors dare to challenge facing.

For Yu Qian, all the projects of Tengda are the plate. The person in charge of all industries is his appointment. Just come out a project, and confidently think of the right reverse propaganda program.

Although the final result is a failure, it should not be a problem in two weeks.

Let me think about the Meng Chang!

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