Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1107, I will teach you how to do good work!

Something, I finally took Meng Chang to persuade.

Although the last Meng Chang will continue to make a boy, depending on what the next month, the propaganda program can achieve, but the next month, the next month.

Even the system is difficult to fall me, let alone your little Meng Chang?

In fact, Yu Qian gave Meng Chang's publicity task, but it is only equivalent to a weakening version of the system requirements.

The system requires a comprehensive loss, and the Meng Chang's publicity task, as long as it guarantees that the propaganda program in an industry cannot afford it.

The more difficult challenges of Yan Qian can be paid, and this simplified version of the challenge will not pursue the highest difficulty of 200,000 commissions, should it still take a nine stable ...?

The thing is here, I don't make sense to think about the next month.

Still focus on the moment.

Meng Chang's propaganda program is a comprehensive failure. He can take the hand, lying flat, but can't.

Poor always has to find ways to clean up this rotten stall.

The current situation is that the boiling boiling, netizens and many game media, all the games of Qiao Ni wet trials as "returning is the shore", and it is, the more pass, the more the spectrum.

Players who have been playing "Yonghao Return" are a bit magic, and even the symptoms of "Yongxuan Remote" under any Tenda.

For example, the official Weibo shares a full-time GOG hero's fishing screen long wallpaper, there are players in the bottom: "I understand! The official hints that" the official turning back "will be the extended version, at least two times the ordinary game ! "

Official Weibo issued a sister's COS photo, and there is a player in the bottom: "understand! The official hints" Yong Yu Ren "will have a cute little sister, there will be love to develop a system!"

In this way, I am afraid that I will pass, the more the spectrum will be, and the ghost knows what the players will make up.

In the future, there are other projects to be on, in case this heat continues, there will be more chain reactions after the rumor, bringing huge heat to "Yongfeng Retrieving", and this DLC has not been released. It's fired, what should I do?

The rumors now have been passed out, and they will pass two months, and the ghosts know what terrible things will happen.

Slightly clarify, let the hot focus drop, let the players don't have such unreal expectations, affecting this matter as soon as possible to calm down.

This month, I will do other publicity programs next month, and I can clean a little obstacle in advance.

How do you cool down?

I thought about it, at least, I have to clarify two points.

First, "Yong Yu Retrieving" is not "back is the shore" to continue, but only a normal DLC, the volume is very far away; second, Qiao's wet demort is not "always turn back" Accurately, "Yongxuan Returning" is still not settled, and even the folder is not new, it is officially developed to wait until August.

As long as the two points are clarified, the players don't say that they are looking for, and the enthusiasm will definitely drop?

This is equivalent to going to the high-grade restaurant to eat. I thought that there were still five minutes of great dishes, I would have to go to the table, and I will definitely look forward to it. The mobile phone will take it out ready to send a friend circle.

As a result, the waiter suddenly came over, sorry, it's not a big dish, just a normal precursor, and the big dishes have to wait for half an hour.

Although this will be remembered, it will definitely be a discount.

Before Yu Qian could not clarify, because this behavior will have an impact on Meng Chang's propaganda program. When Meng Chang smashed things, he went to yourself.

But now Meng Chang has given up, and it is natural that this thing is impact on him.

He is going to go, and Yan Qian hurriedly called him.

"If this way?"

"It's not that I said you. After you do things, you will always look at the publicity program failure, take your ass to leave, completely unfirgous consequences."

"Take this thing, netizens are so high of" Yongfeng Return ", even very fast. Now not to seize the time to handle, after the" Yongxuan Reincarnation "is sold, the heat is sure to explode Table, when you make a propaganda plan to heat-resistance, have you been there? "

"Working for the former project, it is also equal to clearing the obstacle to the next project!"

"Do you not pay attention to detail, is it not reasonable?"

Meng Chang stunned, a little bit.

His present expression is a bit like a primary school student who is educated by the class.

The summary of the education is a bit reasonful!

If this thing continues to ferment, the netizens are not discharged, the more accumulated, the more accumulated, and there will be some unknown chemical reactions in the future.

I will know if I'll shoot.

Meng Chang has begun to think that always take himself, saying that it is to give himself a propaganda program to demonstrate, but it is always a busy person, and there is so many industries need to arrange, how can all energy to make a propaganda program? ?

So, Meng Chang did not expect too much.

But now I look at the attitude towards the details, obviously to teach yourself by hand.

Meng Chang was even a bit of a pet, and it was a moment of

Of course, it is just a moment.

"That ..., what should I do? You explain, I will do it." Meng Chang was very humiliated to teach.


Well, the scorpion can teach, this attitude is only right!

As long as Meng Chang knows that you can learn, it is still a material.

: "To calmness, you must do it simple, clean and neat."

"It's too much, it is easy to trigger the brain supplement of players."

"So, use Tengda official Weibo to clarify the explanation, mainly to clarify the two points before I said:" Yong Yu Return "is just a DLC, and it is officially started in August. So, the players Will not continue to pay attention to this, the heat can slowly fall. "

"To be slightly simple, it is official."

Although Tengda official is worrying about the operation of "wolf comes", this time the credibility is relatively high, and the players should believe.

Meng Chang stunned: "Some of the bails, do you have to do this?"

Yan Qian asked: "Is there any problem?"

"Hey ... Nothing."

Meng Chang just felt that it seems to be a bit wrong, but I can't think of it in a moment.

Since it is a general program, let's go, there is no problem, I will know it for a while.


After fifteen minutes, Meng Chang came to knock on the door.

"Head, statement, you are over."

Yan Qian took a mobile phone and looked at this microblog.

"Tenda Group, Tengda Game Department noted recent netizens discussing the '" looking back "" Renewal "related content, there is unidentified false information, in order to avoid misleading for players, special statements are as follows:"

"" Yong Yu Returns "is not" returned to be shore ", but only a routine DLC of" returning is the shore ", the two have a huge difference in the volume. Tenda games are in the next period, there is no development" back is the shore "continued Make a plan. "

"" Yong Yu Retrieval "has not yet entered the preparation stage, and the official standby design time is after August, not the Netbed 'has entered the test phase'."

"I hope that players can identify false information, don't be deceived."

"This statement is listening to seeing it."

There are many words, so you need to use long Weibo to release, and now you only have to edit the content, there is still a draft, yet officially released.

Meng Chang is not sure that the statement is not allowed to write, so we have to let the pauses.


Well, write it.

Although it feels a bit engraved, the official state is slightly heavy, but this is also beneficial, the players will definitely not feel that this is a living, and the credibility will be better.

No matter whether this statement has a problem, at least the purpose is to reach.

"Yes, send it." Yu Qian said.

Meng Chang took a mobile phone and pressed the "Send" button.

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