Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1108 Sexy , online (seeking a monthly ticket ~)

Yan Qian observed the state of Meng Chang and found that his emotions were completely calm, and it was no longer as excited as the beginning.

This is a good thing.

"Come, take a while, drink some tea."

Yu Qian intends to appease Meng Chang again, save him after going back and repeated.

However, after Meng Chang sat down on the sofa, he had been brushing the Weibo just released, viewing netizens' comments.

"Head, do you determine this is what you want?" After a few minutes, Meng He asked.


Yan Qian is some accident.

What does Meng Chang do?

He hurriedly took out the mobile phone to open Weibo, and found that this Weibo sent a few minutes, there was a few hundred responses.

"Players are so enthusiastic?"

"How many are some disappointed emotions?"

I have been looking forward to playing "Yong Yu Return" immediately. It is now that the official will have a lot of emotions.

What do players should be more disappointed?

He Qian slippery, randomly picked several comments.

"Ah? Just a DLC, isn't it a continuation? It's too disappointed!"

"The volume of DLC can be far away, it is far away, and it is at least ten hours. DLC is afraid that it is four or five hours."

"And there is no setup of the contingent items? At that, the monkey is going to go!"

"Other gamers say 'is doing' is in the new folder, you fell, even the folder has not been new?"

"Oh, forget it, the recent is still not paying attention to, wait for the game to make it again."

Obviously, after seeing this statement, many players who have been playing "Yong Yu Retriever" are some disappointed.

I originally thought that I can play it again, but now I have to wait at least half a year, and where you are here!

Many players said that they didn't pay attention in recent times, and they can't play, this more painful.

Yan Qian couldn't help but face it.

Plan this is not very successful!

This pot of cold water is poured down, at least "always turning back", the heat accumulated before it is down!

And look at the current trend, players will definitely decline the attention of "Yongxiao Return". This heat wants to rise, at least three or four months.

Not bad.

However, Yan Qian continued to revoke comments, but suddenly found a bit wrong.

Because Gao Zan comments are completely another style of painting!

"I feel disappointed is a fake Tenda fan? The real Tengda fan saw this news should not be ecstatic?"

"This surface looks a bad news, but it is actually two good news!"

"The first good news, this is equivalent to the official real-in-style copyright development is true, and the game" Yonghao Returning "is true, and has been established to develop!"

"Before everyone, everyone just doubts whether this game exists. Now the official is really hammer, is this not good news? Nothing is to wait, but good food is not afraid!"

"Second good news, this also proves that there are another Tenda game to be sold in the near future!"

"Before Qiao Ni wet, he was trying to play Tenda's game. We all thought it was" Yong Yu Returning ", and now it seems to be wrong. But this doesn't mean that Qiao's wife is trying to play. Is a game? "

"Yong Yu Return" is not playing in the short term, but can this game you can't expect it? "

Yan Qian was very stunned.

Can you still understand so?

I am talking about "Yong Yu Returning" here, how do you turn a bend, turn to "Animal Island"?

These players' brain circuit, the reaction can be fast enough!

Yu Qian looked up and looked at Meng Chang and looked at the phone again.

Obviously, this is not the effect he wants ...

Meng Chang's face is suspicious.

The actual effect on this statement, with the effect of the forever, it seems that it does not consistent?

Look at the neighborhood, it seems, maybe, maybe ... is it easy?

In this way, I still want to get the Bao Subject to the next month?

I am afraid not to dream.

In the heart of Meng Chang, there is a little hi.

It seems that the general is not a matter!

Open the company, make a big money, and it is indeed very good.

But reverse promoting this thing, it is really difficult, and even the poor can not be perfect! If you don't care, you will turn your car!

Of course, Meng Chang is only doubts and does not dare to completely affirm it.

After all, I have left the accommodation to him, and occasionally a small truck, let him not determine that this is really turning, or I am always teasing.

If the opposite is not a balance, but someone else, Meng Chang should have been smiling and three, starting yin and yang strange.

But in the total ... Always give people a feeling of unpredictable feelings.

Meng Chang also unclear, this is intended to be interested in, there is a bigger plan in the future, or play away?

He strive to observe the general expression and want to see a little bit.

Yan Qian is reluctant to cough, and there is a little bit of a little in the situation. He now says something, eliminating Meng Chang's doubts.

Otherwise, isn't it the same on the spot?

Sexy , online?

That is not very good.

"There is no problem, although there is a little small problem, but all in my expectation."

"My handling method, you may not understand now, don't understand."

"But it doesn't matter, wait for a while you will understand."

"In short, this is prepared for the next month's propaganda."

Yan Qian also wanted too good to speaking, it can only be blinking.

I hope that I can be strong enough, I have used my own acting to deceive Meng Chang.

Yan Qian's acting has reached the point of fire. Meng Chang has been very doubts, but I saw that I have always been so confirmed, and I associate the ghosts before the ghosts, he also questioned his guess.

Suddenly, Meng Chang has an idea.

He said after a while, said: "Some, I have already thought about the propaganda plan to do next month."

"Selected VR glasses projects next month to make propaganda programs!"

"If you give this project to make a propaganda plan, you can still stick to two weeks, help me get the guarantee commission, then I admit that it is not as good as people, learning is indifferent, continue to stay in the advertising marketing department, study!"

Is it not to say that everything is planned?

I have to see, how do you propagate this project!

This statement, although let netizens have dropped the attention of "Yong Yu Return", but netizens have a sense of "Animal Island VR" in the "Animal Island VR".

In this case, the VR glasses are promoted, and the explosion is difficult!

Moreover, Meng Chang has still been buried in a thunder before, that is, Qiao Wet!

Although the behavior of Qiao Ni wet tried to play "Animal Island VR" behavior, it triggered a series of intricate chain reactions, but now, Meng Chang pat right, this problem is left to the total.

It is conceivable that as long as the VR glasses and "Animal Island VR" are officially released, Qiao's wet will definitely put their own demo experience in the first time, blowing this game.

With the influence of Qiao's wet, this VR glasses and "Animal Island VR" can't think of it!

I have to look at it, this ultimate hell mode, can you hold Hold?

Yu Qian was shocked.

I am a Meng Chang, I'm going to book!

It turned out to be the main visit, provocative me?

Can this bear it?

Speaking of the experience of reverse propaganda, I don't know where you are too high, why do you think I can't do?

Sticking for a month, is not a hand for two weeks?

I have to prove to see you, anything else may not work, but in this respect, I am professional!

: "No problem, isn't it the plan of VR glasses, how do you advertise when I see it?"

Although , Measures, Yu Qian believes that he can at least hold two weeks.

At that time, don't count all the costs, a gods saver operation, you must let Meng Chang look at what is the real reverse propaganda, staying him in the Advertising Department!

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