Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1116 of the humanistic connotation of snacks!

After the cold, Yu Yualor said: "This is Zhang Yahui, the head of the snack market, let him take you to turn, introduce the situation of the snack market."

He was slightly lowered: "Also, he was originally a dolly-off owner, this can also be deeply excavated!"

Yu Yuchen is obviously not going to grab the limelight, and the things of this kind of appearance are given to Zhang Yahui.

After Zhang Lizhen heard the introduction of Yu Yu Chen, his eyes were clearly put on.

Originally a snack owner?

That's too much behind this!

An ordinary snack owner, how is it becoming the person in charge of a snack market?

Seeing Zhang Yahui is so young, it is certainly impossible to struggle against self. So, is there any story of " "?

I think so many wonderful content can be excavated, as a newsman, she feels that her full blood is boiling.

"Then let's get started!"

Zhang Yapu did not expect the reporter who had a TV station to come to interview, not ready.

But when the crucial moment, how can I get a chain?

After all, he is not ourselves, but the image of Tenda Group.

This time does not stand up, what qualifications are the three words "person in charge", how do you have to trust your own trust?

What's more, the whole snack market situation, he is all cooked in mind. As for your own experience, you don't need to consider it, and you will come.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yahui nodded: "No problem, let's talk about it."

Zhang Yahui led Zhang Lihe and video Big Brother to visit the best route.

Zhang Lizhen is a professional reporter, although I have never been able to have a market, but I asked a few very critical issues.

Because she just came here, this snack market with other snack streets, completely different!

As a provincial capital city, Jingzhou has of course a snack street.

But the snack streets in Jingzhou are not too much with the snack streets in other cities, and there is no obvious advantage.

Zhang Lizhen has also reported over the contents of Beijing local snack street, but every time I feel a headache, because there is no special detonation point on the content.

But after coming to the snack market, she pays attention to the decoration style, overall atmosphere, snack price, tour route planning, interactive game, etc., all have many obvious differences with traditional snacks!

Therefore, she as an entry point from these aspects, while introducing the booth, try to eat, asked Zhang Yahui.

And Zhang Yahui answered her question one by one.

"The decoration style of the snack market is the Saibon-cut style. This style is a movie that is hot yellow studio," Beautiful Tomorrow "."

"We are mainly considering two points when designing: The first is to play with the movie, so that everyone can taste the food, feel the movie scenes in the immersive; the second is to make differentiations, at the same time Bo-Peic style is also more in accordance with the spiritual core of snacks. "

"Moreover, this snack market design, completely depends on a warm friend of Tengda game department. He arranged many interactive content with the game design concept, including half-price stalls regularly refreshed, stamped, etc. It has greatly improved the interaction of the entire snack market. "

"Here, I want to thank him!"

"As for the price of these snacks so low ... In fact, this is a special requirement, after a lot of subsidies, the price is pressed to the extent."

"Opening a bargack? No, the future will always be this price."

"This is priced, on the one hand, in order to let everyone enjoy the food without burden, it will not feel the arm of gourmet, and the other aspect is also because the profit is not the first goal of the food market."

"The mission of the food market is to respond to the call of the old industrial area, showcase snack culture across the country, which is not pure business nature ..."

Zhang Yahui talks before the camera and talks about it.

Zhang Liyu could not help but nodded frequently.

It's great!

Obviously, Zhang Yahui as the person in charge of the snack market, is very profound, and the positioning is very accurate, and the interpretation is also very easy to understand.

So next, you have to ask some more critical issues and sublimate the theme.

"I heard that you are also a snack owner, how do you turn into a snack market?"

Zhang Yahui has grown a breath, telling his own experience.

Because the family conditions are not good, I graduated in high school and dropped out of school with my parents.

It's flexible in your mind, likes yourself to study, and the roast surface made in the local area.

Later, the cold noodles held the Food Competition, Zhang Yahui did the praise of the evaluation of the judges and was hired as a food consultant.

After that, the summary of him broke him into the person in charge of the snack market, this has a present scene.

Speaking here, Zhang Yahui said: "I really specially thank you very special!"

"As an ordinary snack owner, it is very proud to be able to have a person in charge of the snack market. I am very honored to be a big project."

"But this is just one of them."

"More critical is that snack markets let us whom have the warmers, and there is a special humanistic care!"

"A small stall, a means of business for the doctrine, and it is said that the earth is economical, the small shop economy can also increase the job position, is a firefighter, is the taste of the lives of the people."

"But to tell the truth, there is too much difficulties you want to set up!"

"As the doctrine, the stalls mean that it is a big greedy, falling in the early morning, and it is necessary to get ready until the night is going to go back."

"A lot of doctrine ownership, the quality of snacks is not good, not integrity transactions, throwing garbage, etc., so many people have a prejudice for snacks."

"Just like the previous street: most people support snacks and night markets, but the premise is that they cannot be downstairs in their own house."

"So, even if I have a stalls before, I have always had a very contradictory mentality, which is a lack of identity for what I am doing."

"Is there a meaningful thing? In addition to making money, can I still have some other pursuit? Is it going to stand like this in the past ten years, I will continue to put it? "

"This makes me feel confused and confused."

"And snack markets are not only providing more guaranteed life for all of our doctrines, but also show us a more orderly, healthy and civilized style!"

"Here, we don't have to worry about the risk of life, don't worry yourself to filter raw materials, don't worry about being misunderstood, just need to make good snacks, meet the taste of customers."

"We can feel respected, you can feel the future is optimistic, full of hope, but also see that the snack booth will not die, but will use a more advanced, more civilized way to modern city life In part, it is part of the urban diet culture. "

"I think, this is the concept of the borrowing by the snacks, I want to convey the concept!"

Since coming to the snack market, Zhang Yahui has been thinking about the deepness of the ever.

In the process of preparatory, these ideas slowly born in exchange with other stall owners.

Obviously, the market is not to make money.

As analyzed by Yu Yak, this may be to build a huge catering empire, let the snack market, cold face, and "stall" documentary together, create a snack catering brand.

But Zhang Yahui firmly believes that in addition to business purposes, there must be a human factor in it.

And this humanistic factor is to save, show outstanding snack culture, conduct correct norms and guidance on the stalls, let them survive, develop and grow, and finally integrate into people's lives, let this smoke fire It is also burning in increasingly seemingly icy big cities.

In the face of interviews, Zhang Yahui has sent it, and makes yourself for so many years of hardships and many emotions, one by one.

Zhang Lizhen listened to the two eyes.

Take a look! It's great!

It is very grounded, which is easy to resonate, and has a deep economic and human analysis after pulling high!

Have to empty, three hundred and sixty lines, travel out.

An ordinary stall owner can be said so good, it is really a big.

Of course, it does not rule out that after entering the platform of Tengda, it is improving, and the eye is improved.

In short, this interview with the snack market is too perfect!

First use unique layout and decorative style blogging, causing high attention; then tasting a cheap food, introducing the cause of the birth of a snack market, and finally improving the idea, talking about the more macroecation of the economy, urban planning, catering culture. .

On the way back, Zhang Yahui passed a stall of the cold noodles, but also baked with himself, so that Zhang Li was full of praise.

After a circle, I returned to the entrance.

Zhang Yahui took a notebook used in the grocery store, gave Zhang Lizhen, photographer, and other TV colleagues as a gift.

"Thank you!"

"Every time I come to interview, I'm sorry, I am sorry ..."

"In short, thank you for accepting our interview!"

Zhang Lihe confirmed that the photographer confirmed that the material was completed, and this was reluctantly left.

Although there are still many delicious snacks in seduce her, but those can be eaten next time.

Anyway, in Beijing, you can come over at any time.

Now you must have the fastest time to give this news to the clip!

Zhang Lizhen has a premiere. This news will definitely report to the taking the fish takeaway and the general interview column of Li, causing a warm reaction!

After sending Zhang Lizhen and camera brother, Zhang Yahui took a breath.

"Call, I haven't given the shame!"

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