Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1117 Summer Promotion Activities Preparing!

June 22, Friday.

"Well ... this should be almost."

In the office, Yan Qian looked at this summer activities, and nodded with satisfaction.

Since Wednesday, a snack market is officially opened to now, has passed for two days.

These two days, Yan Qian is not going.

Not only don't go, even even the information there is not too much attention.

Because I don't have to pay attention, I know that I definitely be cold!

When I opened it, I will definitely be very hot, so even if I understand it, I understand that I will be some news, I have no help to pay for myself.

Therefore, Yan Qian decided to go through its natural, wait for the heat of the snack market to be slightly dropped, and then think about how should be saved.

These two days, Qian Qian is a lot of strength, and tatched the activities of the summer promotion.

This summer is not the invention of , but many foreign companies, especially the tradition there.

There is a difference in the time of each company's summer promotion, some are the end of June, some of them in early July, but the difference is different.

The head of the company's summer promotion is June 26, which is next Tuesday.

In Tuesday, it is also a tradition. Some of the actual origins are not sophisticated. Some people say that it is because the TV station has been repaired or rest on Tuesday. It is also because there is the least shopping in Tuesday, to stimulate consumption.

In short, I chose to engage in summer vacation on Tuesday at the end of June, which is the schedule that has already determined early in the morning.

And for preheating, the finger company has announced the time of summer promotion in advance, but has not yet announced the specific scheme of summer promotion activities.

And this gives the excellent time to intercept the horizontal knife!

To be honest, the last 515 game festival, Yu Qian burned the money and baked a little, even a little sorry.

The company and Longyu Group came to make such a big bursting, and finally, the grass was closed, and it did not follow up, which is disappointing!


As a result, this building is hard to sell, you say that the gas is not angry!

After the activity of the 515 game festival burned a wave of money, the fingers did not believe it, let Yan Qian have an extremely anxious.

He wants to continue to burn money, but there is no good excuse to persuade the system.

Now, the excuse is finally coming!

Tenda can also make a summer promotion!

Only this summer, and the previous 515 game will have a significant difference.

It may be because it has already burn a money, and the finger company has no provocative behavior, so the system is much more than the size of this burning money and the specific means.

However, this small problem is difficult to fall.

He quickly thought of the general approach to this summer.

First of now, since the system is limited, then in order to better stimulate the fingers, this summer promotion is mainly focused on GOG game, especially overseas markets.

After all, domestic players have not very high acception in the summer, and the 515 game festival is just crazy, this is only more than a month, many players have not slowed down.

Jack a similar activity, it is not meaningful.

Second, this summer promotion is best to stimulate the finger company, but you can't scare them away.

Only by fingers seem to have to work hard, you can burn, will increase your summer, this burn the battle to play again.

,, ,,,

The head of the company is definitely out of the company, but from the past experience, there is no external excitement, and their summer promotion will not be very powerful.

Therefore, Yan Qian gave a more exciting summer programs one weekend, and the company saw the original plan after seeing it.

It must give more favorable programs than Tengda!

Will wait until June 26, after seeing the plan of the head company, Qian can consider the second round of activities in the summer, and then put the head of the company to the company ...

Is this one after another, is the money burn out?

Yu Qian took a long time, this summer, he decided to simply, no longer got too much flowers.

It is mainly afraid that the flowers of the flowers are so many offers, and they are dizzy, they don't follow it.

Just like the previous 515 game festival, all activities are basically around "white", and the result will give Eric to the side of Eric, can only be cool, can't be cool.

So, this time it is simple, rude, fingers "After seeing" ", it is the best.

This summer, all of them spread around GOG, mainly divided into three aspects:

First, GOG's full skin discount, 3 to 50% off. Specific discount depends on the player's proficiency of the hero, how much playing is playing, and there is less playing.

Second, the summer is maintained until July 10. During this time, the players will accumulate points in the GOG, they can be exchanged for some rare avatar, avatar box, expression and other small fun.

Finally, it is the promotion of overseas markets for GOG. During the summer vacation, many operators in overseas markets can carry out activities regarding the actual situation of the local market, and the relevant activities, Tengda will subsidize half.

Of course, the actual funding and overhead of these activities should be strict accounting and check, and there will be no existing falsification.

, this level of summer promotion activities should I still agree?

He is quite restrained.

Nothing is a simple skin discount, a consumption point for small rewards.

In accordance with the usual habits before the company, most of the summer promotion activities are five to a 30% discount.

And the three to 50% discount on Tengda, the finger company will inevitably be forced to increase discount.

Wait until June 26, the company's specific summer promotion program, Qian can consider opening the second wave, a little bit of testing the bottom line of the finger company.

In short, the summer promotion is temporarily fixed.

The relevant functions of the summer promotion have long been developed, and now it is necessary to determine if it is a specific numerical issue. Yu Qian sent the final plan to the silent super, then he can sit and wait for the fingers to give the company.

The summer promotion of Tengda tonight can come out, after the weekend two days, the fingers will definitely respond.

Arranged in the summer, I opened a new document again.

Excellent employees to Baixu praise!

"The division of each unit, the company departments:"

"With the joint efforts of all employees, Tengda Group steadily and healthy. In this process, a group of outstanding employees who have been working hard, dedication, and achievements have been prominent."

"In the preparation process of the snack market, the game department's Baoxu uses the game design concept to determine the unique overall style, operation mechanism and a lot of detail design for the food market. Although this is not his part, but it is still hard , Try his best. "

"This kind of discovery of various departments, selfless dedication, mutual help, worthy of all employees to study hard!"

"I hope that Baixu can make persistent efforts in the work, achieve better results, and call on all employees of the company to learn from Baoxu, and pioneering thinking in the work, actively enter, contribute to each other's mutual exchange!"

There is also a chapter, time and company.

Obviously, the harm of Baosao is large, but it is still very difficult to take the first place with excellent employees.

Because the snack market itself is not a key project, there is no problem like "mission and choice", and even in the project of the snack market, Baowu is not the first person in charge, his contribution to Zhang Yahui, Liang Compared with the light sail, it is just between Jiefang.

Therefore, no matter who is the first place in the first place, most of them will not be Baoxu.

But the second probability is greatly increased!

This notice is equivalent to a sense of presence in front of all the company's employees.

Other people have achieved grades, they are in their own position, even if cross sectors, most of them have cooperated in two departments.

But Baixu is active, spontaneously go to another department to help.

The staff of a game department, do their best to help the snack market, how is this selfless spirit!

Therefore, the work of Baosao is not the most prominent, but it is the most memorant point.

What's more, Baoxao to travel is simply a matter of expectation, and everyone will not vote, mainly an excuse.

Now that the excuse is, this is not thrown to the second place and said it?

Therefore, Yan Qian looked at this bureaucratic letter, just like looking at a printed stroke.

As long as you send it out, I will set it out of the trip of Baosheng!

But Yu Qian did not immediately put this letter, but inserted into entangled.

Because he really wrote this commendation, he suddenly realized that this is more likely to be a big damage to himself!

This form of honoring, the employees who have been full of power is afraid that they have to come to a high concentration of chicken blood. The departments of crazy linkage are afraid that they are going to be more crazy.

At that time, I can't say that the general rear should be connected to dozens of knives in the back of the ring.

So, this is a notice, in the end, it is a pit, or a pit itself?

, limit, is it a little loss?

Although Bao Xu is really a bit hateful in the snack market, but he has been in the game department for so long, and the harm is far more than the person in charge of other sectors.

Therefore, Yan Qian has moved a little bit.

"Forget it, it is not a big mistake. I saw him as an old staff. I haven't made a lot of moving stains."

"Hey, I am still too kind!"

"But ... the crime of death, the sin is difficult."

"It is indispensable to beat him in private."

"Just tomorrow Saturday, the unknown restaurant is reserved. Looking for Bao Xu to eat a meal together, print this commendation letter coming out to scare him, I believe that he will definitely converge a lot later."

Yan Qian is a big idea, thinking that it is still not the same.

It is also necessary to hurt people again.

I still have a meal with Baoxu, take this commendation letter to hit him, let him live in the game department to pension, do not use the things of other departments, bring this kind of sorrowful evil.

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