Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1118 You don't see news?

Saturday afternoon, unknown restaurant.

"Come on this."

Yan Qian smiled and took Baoxu to the largest private room in the unknown restaurant.

Baixu is a whole person to shrink into a group, and the war is very good, it is a bit like it is going to Hongmen Banquan.

He felt out, not very right!

How do I suddenly think of looking for yourself?

He didn't want to come at all, and he wanted to hide to play games at home.

After all, I have been busy with the market for the market. I have no time to play games. Now that the snack market is finally performed, can you make a good harmoniously?

But I will not come, I can't come, I can't come.

I only hope that hard my head is going to have a hurry, then go back to continue playing.

After the fall, Baoxu found that only two people in the big private room, looked at a good place, can't help but panic.

I feel more and more uncomfortable!

Baoxao has always been low-key, careful, and fear that he is exposed to everyone's vision, and then proof the second place in the best employee, go out to travel.

Later, he found that he was mistaken after he was so angry, and he still had to go out to travel, which decided to do something little thing.

But find some things to do, you don't mean you have a shocking!

That is not all, have you been in the second place to be traveling out in the second place of excellent employees?

Therefore, the goal of Baowu is to let everyone know that he is busy, but not busy out what is too much.

But now, I will always ask yourself to eat? I only ask myself alone?

This award, but very few!

This doesn't mean it, I am helping in the snack market, helping a little over?

Baixu wants to panic, if these meals are too delicious, he has no heart to move chopsticks.

It's almost the same, I feel almost the time.

"Baoxu, you are also the old employees of Tengda, have been working hard for so many years, hard work!"

"I have a letter, you have a look, is it satisfied?"

Yan Qian smiled and handed a good commendation letter to waiter, and passed the service to Baoxu.

The table is a bit big. The two are sitting at the farthest position, and the hard hand is not in the past, and can only let the waiter work.

Baoxao heard the three words of "expressive letter", the whole person was shocked, after a while, this only put down the chopsticks, and pulled it over.

After watching the head, after the end of the head, Baoxao shakes more powerful.

He is very clear, this commendation is sent to Tengda, and it is afraid that it will be ready to book a ticket!

Seeing Baowu's expression, Yan Qian smiled slightly.

Yes, the purpose is achieved.

"Baoxu, I plan to send this commendation letter to the various departments of Tengda, how do you think?"

Baowu was shocked: "Some, I don't feel it!"

"In fact, the things there side have, I just want to help it, I have no credit at all, this trust is too exaggerated, I am affected!"

, um, know that it is afraid.

"Well, since you demonstrate that I don't want to send this letter, then I will not send it, and I will remember it in my heart."

Yan Qian suddenly talked.

It has been frightened, and it has to be talented and let him change before.

But how do you communicate with Baoxu?

Yan Qian can't tell his thoughts. Although he knows that Baoxue doesn't want to travel, Baowu doesn't know how to let him be a salted fish!

If you want to do not cause misunderstanding, it is quite very difficult, and Yan Qian also can't think of a good statement.

Just then, a familiar sound came out outside the private room.

"? always is there?"

:: "Li Zhong?"

"Come come, eat together."

Li is also a frequent visitor of the unknown restaurant, let him help to eat two mouths, and eat more dishes.

Li Shi rushed: "I always have a good idea! But I just had eaten."

Yan Qian smiled: "It doesn't matter, how much can you eat?"

He turned his head and looked at the waiter: "Add a chair to add a set of tableware."

Li Shi's eyes saw the good relations, nodded: "Okay, then I am not congressed!"

They are old friends, and there is nothing to welcome. Li Shi sat very calmly.

Yan Qian also didn't think too much about how to "communicate" with Baoxao, so there is a chat.

"How do I have time to come today?"

Li Shi smiled: "This is not an appointment before more than two months, isn't it a waste?"

"More than one, the time of the stars and bird fitness, there is also a thing to buy shops, I have to pay a blessing of your blessing. I have a boss of the Stars Fitness, there are several other investors to have a meal. , A slight table celebration. "

Li Shi is also very pithi, knowing that the unknown restaurant is very difficult, so every time I appoint once, play the advance quantity.

As long as you make an appointment, you can guarantee that you can eat here every week.

Of course, it is necessary to have its own pockets to support such high frequency consumption.

For Li Pi, the soup that is drinking from , do you have a meal?

What's more, the recent star fitness, the shops in the snack street are also a big better, although there is no big money, but this pot has been boiled, and the soup is boiled, of course, it is worth celebrating.

Yu Qian heard a bit.

Star bird fitness? Shop?

What is it?

He also didn't care too much, just thought that Li Shi said that "Toro Posted" is a few trips, so I will bury my head, continue to think about how to knock to Baaxao, let him not engage in things.

There are some cold spots for a while.

After all, Baixu is also a non-good person. Although the name of Li's name is too much, he has never seen each other, and it will not know each other, not very good.

But Li Shi can don't think so.

This time I met, I was always accidental, but Li Shi had eyesight, and it was very smart. I feel that this atmosphere is a bit subtle.

I have been invited alone in the unknown restaurant, but it is enough to have a card!

Even yourself, although I have helped a little less busy, but I have never enjoyed this treatment.

In other words, this looks a bit black and thin young young man, it is not simple!

It is of course this opportunity to meet this person.

Li Shi has two dishes, and then chats after chatting, asked: "Pai is always, this little brother looks a bit of born, can you introduce?"

Yan Qian still considering how to knock to Baoxue, answer: "Oh, he is an employee of our game department, Baowu."

I listened to these two words, Li Shi's eyes were instantly went.


"Traveler Baoxu is it? Early hesoned, earnest heard!"

Li Shi could not help but attach it to it.

No wonder, everything is said!

I have long heard that this Baixu as the backbone of Tenda Group, has always been highlighted, and often rated the second place in excellent employees.

Such an excellent staff, I have a single banquet, and it is very reasonable!

However, since it is an old employee, why don't you ask, don't ask late, is it now?

Li Shi brain quickly turned quickly, suddenly the spirit of light, and thought of a thing.

"Oh! I think it!"

"When the Beijing TV station evening news interviewed the snack market, the person in charge said that the enthusiastic friend of the Tenda Game Department was particularly grateful, and arranged many interactive content with the game design concept. It should be the brothers. ? "

"It's no wonder that I must always have a banquet!"

Li Shi smiled, a "original" expression, eager to integrate into the dinner table.

However, the two people in Qian and Baoxu stopped.

One hand holding half of the big dragon shrimp, the other is holding a big crab plone, and it seems to forget that I want to send it to my mouth or put it down.

"evening News?"

Two people are all face.

Li Shi stunged: "Ah? Who, don't you read the news?"

The movement of the two people of Qian and Baoxu, the movement of the big dragonfish and the big crab pliers in his hand, then touched the phone, search online.

Although it is shocked by "evening news" four words, the two people are shocked.

Yu Qian is shocked, and the evening news actually went to the interview with the market?

Isn't that end?

The snack market is going to be more fire!

The Ba Xu shocked, the evening news interview interviewed, Zhang Yahi, you should say it is, you are, what do you give me!

The two touched the mobile phone at the same time, and the news of Jingzhou TV station.

Li Shi is a little bit a little, and it is a bit not impatched.

Yan Qian took the mobile phone's hand slightly trembled, I don't know if it is too heavy for G1 mobile phones.

"In recent years, with the rapid development of the Beijing-Shenzhen economy, tourism has also become an important industry in Beijing."

"As the saying goes, people are in the sky, people are always difficult to refuse the temptation of snacks. Every holiday, people always like to fulfill their mood and pressure, no matter which city, they will go to the local gourmet street, taste local features Food. "

"Recently, there is a new snack market in the old industrial area of ​​our Jingzhou, and its style and traditional snack street are great. What do you have to take it? Let me take everyone to see Let's! "

After a short introduction, the screen of the snack market has appeared in the news, as well as the interview with Zhang Yahui.

Zhang Yahui talked about it, talked from the sinter experience of the person in charge of the small doctrine to the snack market, especially the discussion of the humanistic feelings of the snack market, it is simply oscillated.

Zhang Yahui, the person in charge of the snack market, said that the snack market is to save, show outstanding snack culture, conduct correct norms and guidance on the stalls, allowing them to survive smoothly, develop, and finally integrate people's lives Among them, this kind of firefighter can also be burned in more and more refreshing big cities! "

"Everyone may wish to visit the snack market, I believe there is a unique environmental arrangement, interesting interactive mechanisms, cheap and delicious snacks, will let you experience a different delicious!"

In addition, Yu Qian also noted a little.

When Zhang Yahui was interviewed, he emphasized the design of this snack market is a enthusiastic friend of a game department. Although there is no name surname, but a little one knows that a little in mind can guess this person is a good .

After reading the news, Yu Qian looked up.

I just saw Baoxu raised his head.

The two are relatively comparable, and there is no words.

Yu Qian knows that the bureaucraped letter that he is prepared is, it is not used.

He doesn't need to race your brain, I want to be hit, suggesting Baoxu, because it is not meaningful.

Yan Qian couldn't help but sigh.

Baoxu, I want to protect you, but now, I love it!

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