Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1119 The cold side girl will appear again!


"Some, I really can't eat it, thank you for your hospitality!"

"Especially lobster, I can't eat anymore!"

The door of the name of the restaurant, Li Shi played a fullness, refused to have a good idea of ​​eating a big lobster.

Moreover, Li Shi has recently consciously controls himself, can't eat too much seafood, because he last medical examination found that his uric acid is a bit high, if you don't add the cream to drink or eat seafood, I am afraid that it is divided into gout to find it. Come.

Speaking of this, Li Shi felt that he must learn to the general.

Although I have a nameless restaurant, I want to eat seafood average, but I am very controlled, I only go to the unknown restaurant every week.

When other times, all are all colorful touched touches and foods and work meals, health meals.

It is so young, it is so much attention to health. It is clear that this means that it is always a very self-discipline, and the goal is long, it must be the health of his body, for Tenda to sixty years old, seventy years old or even older, Hand to create Tenda into a very brilliant business empire!

Li Shi couldn't help but sigh, and some things were born.

When he is young, he is still a young, but he is self-satisfied, he is very heavy at that time, sometimes there is more time to do more, there is less and healthy situation, it is impossible to be like a total, it is already Taking a few decades in advance.

What is the old saying?

The fighter, three meals, the abdomen is still true; suitable for hundreds of miles, accomplice food; suitable for thousands of miles, March grain.

Popularity, the farther away, the more you need to prepare enough rations in advance.

I will always be a thousand miles, and you are standing in the age of 20, you know how to restrain your own mouth, usually to take a healthy meal of fish, obviously to ensure that your body is always in perfect state, It can still be prepared in the job position for decades.

Li Shi felt that he should do more to learn from this point!

"From tomorrow, I also reduced a little success, eat more to take the fish takeaway!"

"Well, first make an appointment tomorrow's dining."

Li Shi sat in the car, while playing full, open the fish takeaway app, scheduled tomorrow's work meal.

"Well? Isn't this section?"

After opening the app, Li Shi found that the interface layout has undergone a small change.

The layout of the fish takeaway app is completely different from other take-out software.

Other takeaway software, because it serves at the same time in many stores, so the homepage will look more messy, there are search bars, there are different classification labels such as "quality dinner, home cooking, pizza burger, buns porridge", and nearby Restaurant list.

Point to a store will display this store's specific menu.

But the fish touched the fish is different, which is all all kinds of restaurants.

Although these restaurants are also divided into work meals, fitness meals, health meals, nutrition meals and "food and" high-end meals, etc., but it seems simple and clear.

In addition to these contents, there will be some dynamic publicity pictures on the taking fish takeaway app, mainly for publicizing recent new activities or new meals, guiding customers to buy new products.

Li Shi noticed that the fish takeaway app seems to withdraw a few new meals that have been rolling forward for some time, in the key position, replace it with a fixed publicity map!

It is written in it: a delicious snack package!

Also equipped with a mouth-watering rendering diagram, there is a roar cold noodle, fried bananas, seaweed cakes, and the components are not large, and a small package with a taste.

This delicious snack package is divided into two kinds. They are all matching, such as roast cold noodles, and the pancakes are almost the same type of snacks, so they will not appear in the same package.

Therefore, two packages, a total of six kinds of snacks, are the kind of relatively easy production.

"Well? No.?"

Li Shi's first reaction is an error in the position of the APP.

Just like other take-out software, taking the fish takeaway app will automatically filter the nearby nearest shopping door store according to the customer's mobile phone.

Li Shi just took the car to leave the unknown restaurant, and the default store he often clicked was in Fuhui's capital is also near the company. After all, there is only noon at noon when you go to work.

But these two places, all from the snack market!

Why do I have a "delicious snack package" propaganda?

Before the APP touched the fish, it has always been very rigorous. Everything in the fishing shop is different. Sometimes a piece of restaurant in a store does not go to the shelves or recently out of stock, then positioned to this shop app Users will not see publicity of related meals.

This avoids that, seeing the propaganda is very interesting the result point to enter, but if you can't buy it.

Touching the fish takeaway app to promote the snack market, which is normal, but the problem is, can you send this far?

Li Shi suddenly came to the trend, and the store was switched to Fuhui capital near the store, then a few "delicious snack package".

After a long time, normal order, prepared, distributed!

This shows that these snacks are not made in the snack market, but they are made in the store of the fish taking!

Li Shi has arrived in his company, and the delivery of Xiaogong, who took the fish, was just arrived.

"Your meal is here, please use it slowly."

Delivery to send a little brother is still so polite.

Li Shi got a few snacks and came to the office to greeted: "Everyone first puts a hand of the hand, come to eat something!"

Now is the afternoon of Saturday, there are many employees who are still overtime.

For this company, overtime is very normal.

Companies that are not overtaken like Tengda is a very small number.

Li Shi is very clear, it is impossible to become a boss like, there is no need to force himself to become the boss. Sometimes people do things, just try to do it, it is enough.

Like this, I saw that the employees were working overtime, and they gave a few snacks in the boss, and they didn't look at it.

"Thank you, Li!"

"Li, what is delicious? Zhexiang!"

Everyone has surrounded.

Although the snack package is a snack, it is still a consistent style of Tengda: Recycling tableware.

However, these tablets are obviously small, it looks probably special customized, depending on the different snacks, the shape of the tableware has a subtle difference.

"I have already eaten, everyone will be free, I want to eat what to eat." After Li Shi opened the tableware, the fragrance was immediately filled.

"Hey? Is this not a cold surface of a snack market? This shape is absolutely fault!"

"But the snack market is far from here, is it distributed?"

"No, from temperature and taste, it is not a distance distribution. And there seems to be some gaps in taste, and there is a certain difference from the roast cold noodles of the snack market."

An employee who has already went to the snack market tasted the roasted cold surface, and the taste is tasted.

The amount of snacks is not big, so I will soon see it.

At this moment, someone said surprised: "Hey, you see, the sign on this cutlery is a bit more eye-catching? Is there a sign on this chopstick?"

Li Shi also noticed this sign.

Fangfang's form in the form of a seal, it is four traditional characters, not a small oriental, but a more special floral word, and beautiful patterns act as a embellishment, it seems to be too spent, It will not appear to be dead, the seal plus this font, there is a feeling of unity of traditional and trend.

The four characters in the seal are "cold noodles!"

Li Shi is recognized, this is the cold girl's logo!

Previously cold face, this LOGO has also appeared in many places, and the cold girl has been silent for a long time, so these memories have been forgotten.

But when you see again, these memories are immediately awakened.

"How is cold girl?"

"Is this a snack of a snack market?"

"It is to take the fish outside for delivery ..."

Everything is eating all kinds of snacks.

This feeling is a bit like a steamed dumplings, and it is as magical as the LOGO of the open dish on the cage.

Li Shi suddenly realized what, he immediately took out the mobile phone, view the promotional page and details page of the snack package, and found that there are two words below to ignore themselves.

"All snack formulations are provided by cold girl!"

"Welcome to" the stalls ", understand the past and present people in these snacks!"

The point that was confused before was quickly stringed, Li Shi took a look at the table: "I understand!"

The employees are very puzzled: "Li, what is it?"

Li Shi haha ​​smiled: "I will know that the shares who will definitely be earned! Today, don't work overtime, go home! Go back and rest!"

Everyone is all overjoyed.

There is also delicious, don't worry, double happiness!

"Li, I have a good thing, share it with us?"

Li Shi smiled slightly: "Who do you remember the shares of the cold girl we bought?"

Everyone looked at each other, there were three or four people nodded.

"Remember, then? That is not once ... isn't it too successful?"

Li Shihe smiled: "Isn't it too successful? Just when I haven't succeeded!"

"Do you see, isn't the cold girl who is going to die immediately?"

There is already a smart employee to react when you react: "I understand! Lee, you said,

Li Shi nodded: "You are right, but not all this!"

"If you only use the APP that is touched to take the fish, you can let the cold girl will die, then the bailout has done it, why bother now?"

"You only see the top of the top, but the deep content is not seen!"

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