Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1126 VR Games Three Movements

The forefront is that the other three fingers have a button!

These buttons are distributed on the gun, the horizontal direction is very narrow, the width is slightly wide than the finger, there is a depression that meets the ergonomic depression, and the hand is right.

The button itself is hard, the key is not long, because there is a tapered belt, so it will not trigger it when you are in the mouth. Only the tiger port is powered, and the finger is pressed.

Of course, other buttons, like the most basic HOME key and return function keys, it is only in a relatively important location, after all, it is basically not used in the game.

Yan Qian couldn't help but feel: "... so much button ?!"

Compared with other common VR handles, each handle is more than five buttons, and the two handles are added together, they are more than ten buttons.

Although the middle finger, index finger, the unknown finger refers to these three fingers are more flexible, and special functional buttons will not be arranged on these three buttons, but even if they don't count these three buttons, the handle also has the upper rocker. The hammer key and the retracting folder button next to the gun.

This handle is outrageous!

Old Song Point: "Yes, I'm always, the R & D is too much, I can only do more in the handle!"

"I am thinking, the button is absolutely too much, the more the button can be used, the more interacting operations can be used in the game, and it has already added so much buttons, and you don't care more."

"Anyway, these buttons are in the game, and can slowly develop and adapt."

Lin Yong took the words: "Don't worry, the function of these buttons has been arranged in the game."

: "..."

What is the research and development expenses, "can only" do more articles on the handle?

Do you blame me for more money?

Shenhua Group also gives more money, why don't you blame them?

It's really this!

Yu Qian is very clear, he really gives a large funding for the studio to develop this VR glasses. But he still does not have a clear concept for specific VR glasses that can develop a VR glasses.

I didn't think that it would make a look that it looks so perfect, and the functions are so rich!


But now it looks, it seems that I have guess it ...

Wear VR glasses silently.

Then, a very open scene appeared in front of it.

The front is a burst of waves, and the coastline of the island extends on both sides. Looking back, it is the forest on the island, occasionally see the small animals who are gone in the forest.

A translucent interface is suspended in the sky, and there are various app icons.

Although the current VR has little resources, the APP is still some, such as some video software, now a simple VR game, etc.

What's more, VR glasses are Aiy toroid systems, any Conterior software can be displayed in a plane in VR glasses, and it is easy to make up.

Installing so many software, obviously wants to test how these software can work properly on the VR glasses, and how to effect with other VR glasses.

: "This login interface ..."

Lin Double explained: "Oh, because time is comparable, the login interface is all made of ready-made game resource."

"The default is a scene map of" Animal Island VR ", and the other two scene maps are prepared for players to replace, one is a" mission and choice "commander space scene, one is" back is the shore "three-way The river scene. "

: "..."

I didn't have time to do it, so I just made it!

You are quite playing, directly using the scenes in the original game to do the login scene of VR glasses, it is better to re-create!

This is to let the players who have "mission and choice" "look back is the shore".

In a APP, there are several commonly used system applications that are specially displayed, which has a destination button.

"Animal Island VR" game DEMO is in the computer, and the wireless destination is in the VR glasses.

After clicking the Power button, you will automatically pop up an interface. There are a few simple tips to connect your computer and VR glasses to the same network environment, or you can also connect directly to the plug.

After connecting, click on the game icon on VR glasses, the computer will automatically run the game, and the glasses will also enter the game screen.

Similarly, others can also see the scenes in the VR glasses through the computer screen, but it will be more shaking. Of course, if you don't want someone to see, you can turn off inside the destination setting, so you will only show black screen on your computer.

Seeing that the summons and Meng Chang have already entered the game screen, Lin is explained: "At present," Animal Island VR "is still in development, this demo DEMO is mainly a gameplay of some small games."

Game development is like painting, like a movie, definitely not in order from head to tail.

Drawing is a first-line draft, and the big frame is no problem, it is constantly refined; and the movie is based on the stroke arrangement of the view site and the relevant personnel. It is possible to take the front and then take it together.

The game development is also the same. Generally, you can first make a big shelf, then focus on some core games, basic functions, and finally from the head to the end of the tail, all the details are all perfected.

For the game "Animal Island VR" game, it is obviously the most core content, and it is necessary to develop, test, and open an animation, different plot phases, and NPC dialogue. It is not that important, the priority of development is going backward.

And this demo DEMO is mainly tested in the game, hunting, fishing, mining, cutting trees, making props, placing props.

Although these small gameplay is simple, it may only be able to complete the button in the regular game, but in the VR game, it is necessary to play a lot of players, although there are many, but the fun is also increased.

The quality of these small games will directly decide the actual experience of this VR game to players, so we must develop, optimize, and huge tubes as soon as possible.

Two people who have done and Meng Chang are all experienced.

Just two people's mood is different.

Yan Qian is, the more you feel, the more you feel cold.

The VR game has now been able to do this?

This is not scientific!

The late studio is set up such short time, how can it be!

Meng Chang is completely immersed in a shocking and enjoyment of emotions.

Is this a VR game? Too magical!

It can only be said that in the field of game, Meng Chang did not see the world, the foreign VR glasses have not used it, and the simple VR game has not experienced, and I will experience such a high VR device and game. This brings him a strong impact.

I know the specific principles of VR, and I really use glasses to see the entire VR world, which is a completely different concept.

When you just entered this game, Meng Chang felt that he was like a baby, and it needs to be turned to observe this completely unfamiliar world, learn from the head and interact with the world.

"Animal Island VR" provides three mobile models: normal line, transient jump, vehicle movement.

From the mobile efficiency, the ordinary line is slower, the carrier moves slightly, the transient jump is the fastest.

The reason why three different mobile models are provided, mainly to meet the needs of different players.

Everyone is different, and some people can only use transients in VR. If you move with a rocker, you can't even vomit, and some people's adaptability is relatively strong. A few minutes after the rod movement can be fully adapted.

Move with a rocker, it is relatively strong, which allows players to slowly observe the surrounding world, rather than feeling that they are inconsistent with the whole world like transients, always reminding themselves just a bystander.

The carrier movement is a one-fold approach.

When entering the game, the player will automatically obtain a balance of steam technology, which can use the trigger key as the throttle, brake manipulation.

There is no obvious difference in the surface of the carrier movement and the rocker movement on the surface.

In the VR game, the VR racing is dizzy, which is far lower than the first person shooting game with a rocker moving.

There are two main reasons.

First of all, in reality, people's body is not moving, driving in VR games, people's body is not moving, so the game is consistent with reality; but with the rocker moves, the game is moving, reality The human body does not move, which makes the brain have a confusion that caused vertigo.

Second, the two control methods are different. The rocker moves only three grades can be adjusted: still keep moving, slow, run. The difference between these three moving speeds is very obvious.

From the ground to the rapid change in the random run, it will make people's brain difficult to adapt, thereby producing dizzy.

The carrier movement is different, because it is controlled by the throttle, so the instant carrier in the throttle is slow start, there is a step-by-step speed, let the brain adapt to the process, and according to the size of the throttle, the human brain It will have an estimate in advance, which also helps to relieve the halo.

In the game, these three movements are integrated, and players can choose freely without entering the setting interface.

The push left rocker is routinely moving. The thumbs are pulled by the hammer key on the left rod. There will be a parabola to point to the target. After the release, the hammer key is automatically rebound, you can instantly move to the target location.

In addition, the shot of the left handle will make a skill wheel, keep the left-handed state and move the left hand to the steam balance car, you can summon the balanced car and automatically stand up.

You can then use the trigger key of the two handles to control the balanced car as a brake and throttle, and the left roller can be used to adjust the direction of the balanced car.

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