After rapidly studying the situation nearby, Yan Qian immediately went out and took the taxi.

Since I decide to buy, let's go as soon as possible.

It is not worried about the problem of the rise and fall of the house, that is more than ten thousand, it is not enough to let Yan Qian.

Mainly, Yu Qian felt that he was a typical single-threaded animal. At the same time, it was still able to think of a good solution; but many things are all piled together, it is hard to get it. .

The reason why money is so difficult, this may be a key reason.

At the beginning, Yu Qian was a new project, thinking about opening a new project, which failed the chance. But I didn't expect the project to get more, but he didn't say it, and I can't remember it.

The result is to demolish the Wall to make up the Western Wall, the more you earn more.

It's a sad story.

So, like this need, I have been remembering more and more heartless things. Yan Qian is tend to solve it as soon as possible, and the cerebers have been cleared to their brains as soon as possible.

This time, Qian put it all the suit, wearing a very ordinary casual, and changed a mask, ensuring no one can recognize himself.

If you are seen, you have to go to this side to buy a house.

You know, Yan Qian is not expected to expect him to buy the house will appreciate.

Because the increase in housing prices is very considerable to others, it is not high for him.

A set of 120 flat houses, even if it is averaged from average price of 8,000 in a year, this is already high? But the growth price has also only 240,000.

Yu Qian even as the wool of the system, a cycle is in half a year, and there is no problem for hundreds of thousands. Don't you have more than 800,000 last cycle?

Compared to this income, a house rose 240,000 houses, it is not a temptation to him.

What's more, Yu Qian bought this house for living, even if it appreciates, it is not too likely to sell money, and the appreciation is not much significant.

The most important thing is that this news will trigger the overall rise in surrounding housing prices.

In this way, the shops just bought ...

Isn't it take off on the spot?

Yu Qian only bought a house, with a total price of more than one million, in accordance with 25%, up to 2300,000.

And Tengda Group bought shops in the snack street, but bought a small half street, with a total value of more than 6 million.

This is to rise by 25%, that is 15 million!

At that time, the default system capital is not 1,500,000, which means that the upper limit of the income of the income of the money is 1.5 million.

If the increase is bigger, it will not be cost-effective.

If it rose 50%, the house bought a house earned more than 500,000, but the snack street has made him less than 3 million losses.

It will be found in this comparison, don't make it at all!

Therefore, Qian must find ways to do not let others know that he bought a house here, and never wants this room price to rush.

After more than half an hour, the taxi stopped.

Yan Qian did not go to the snack market, but in the north, I was separated from a street. This piece is still a new community.

The land of the old industrial area is more tense, there is no new community opened this year, but only second-hand housing, but the same as the second-hand housing, there is the old house for three or forty years, and there is also a family for three or five years, relatively new. house.

The community of Yan Qian is the latest real estate. Last year, the overall environment is still good, and there is a distance from the snack market, but it is not far away, still within acceptable range.

This range, walking in the past, but it is difficult to think of it.

Just there is a store near this property, and Qi Qiang has been away.

Although he is nothing more about these intermediaries, there is a lot of things, and work is also very busy. Yan Qian can't bother your employee to help, and can only find these unused agency.

Moreover, more stupid is mainly the leadership of these companies, these intermediary, although there are indeed some intermediaries in order to make a full range of trains, but most people are just working, so in order to raise their families. It is also not too enemy.

"Hello, is it to rent a house?"

A intermediary in the store saw that Yu Qian pushed the door and immediately greeted it.

During this time, the heat of the snack market rose, and they did a unparalleled, and they had a lot of light.

There are recent people from all walks of life from all places in Beijing, and some are to see the house, want to buy second-hand housing or buy shops, and people who work nearby are intended to rent a house.

He looked at the age of Yan Qian, very young, like a college student, mostly to rent a house.

Yan Qian said: "Buy a house. Next to this auspicious garden house, is there? 150 flat."

As soon as I heard it, I have to buy a house, and the mediation pony will be spiritually.

"Buy a house? Please take it! I give you a glass of water."

Soon, the intermediary brother began his performance.

"If you want you to hear a nearby house to rise, so you have to invest in a property, then I have to explain you, the house here is not worth it!"

"The house in this belt is actually a particularly good appreciation attribute, but after the recent Tenda Group comes over, it has improved the nearby residence conditions, and there is an appreciation momentum."

"But the fastest appreciation, all a few good communities near the snack market, either with school district, or is particularly close to the snack market, next to it."

"I recommend you a few disappointments in the same value. Introduction, the listings of these communities are very nervous, the homeowners who sell are not much, there is a list of listings, as long as the price is appropriate, basically very I'm bought away. "

"Buy this community's house, your investment can have a better benefit."

"Or if you don't mind, I will introduce you to the nearby shops? Although the most preferred shops have been bought, it is slightly close to some shops, and trying to take it."

"Of course, I have to tell the truth, I recommend these places, all the price is relatively high. But the price is high, the rise is fast, you will consider it."

In addition to the intermediary, this auspicious garden community seems to have an environment, but it is actually there is no appreciation space.

Instead, that there were several communities that were fried to eight nine thousand, tens of thousands, or nearby shops, and more appreciation potential.


The things of the shops, he knows too much.

The first shopping shop near the snack street has been taken by Tenda, or bought it, or signed a long, definitely can't buy; the second shop, has been bought by Li with the investment people.

Even if there is a third shopping shop, it is also bought by some people who have some good style.

Now, when I bought it, I bought it, I bought it, I bought it, I was the fourth, and even the fifth business shop. These shops were almost 100,000 miles away. This is also a hammer's appreciation potential?

Moreover, these places in the intermediary are very hot. The price is highly fried, and it is a bubble in Yan Qian. He is in order to live, and it is not to invest or speculate. .

Look at this intermediary, it is estimated that he doesn't understand these, but according to the current market market, Yu Qian is not too angry, just too lazy to he.

"I have seen it, I have to have this auspicious garden community."

The mediation brother has heard that Yu Qian seems to be a bit impatient, hurry to nod: "Okay, I will give you a wake up."

"That do you think about this house, I think it is a suitable set of auspicious garden community."

"The rough house, according to the homeowner, after the house last year, he has not lived, and the price is also more cost-effective, but the homeowner has a condition, must have a full amount, he is with an urgent fund turn."

Some accidents: "Oh? Last year, I haven't renovated, I haven't lived."

It sounds quite strange, normal people buy a house, after the delivery, it is the first time to prepare for the decoration, how can I have an nearly one year?

The mediation little brother smiled: "Is this not very normal? He is not only bought this house."

"This owner, it seems that I bought three sets in the same community, not only this community, in other communities, there are also a house. How much is it unclear."

When he said, he was slightly lowered: "When this auspicious garden community is selling at the sale, the developers have been propagating, saying that this community is planning to have a school district, nearby key primary schools, and secondary school will definitely draw this. "

"Mingli is dark, have been using the school district, plus the nearby traffic is OK, it is a new house, all aspects are good, so there are many people to buy, including some speculation ... cough, Investment and other appreciation. "

"The result, you also know, this is the development of the developer."

"Before selling, there is a school district, but it is impossible to write to the contract, just in the darkness of the mortuary. When the last owner finds that there is actually no school, this house has also been bought, and there is no door."

"To say that the community developer is false propaganda, they are also hitting the ball, just let the sales mutant secretly hinted, and there is no directly to the contract, what is the way?"

"Waiting for the owners, finally found that it is not a school, the price is naturally falling."

"The seller is like this, the three sets of houses are all in hand, eager to get off."

"This is not the recent housing price in the auspicious garden community. He is going to take a little, he thinks it will be selling quickly. The reason why it is required, mainly the loan goes too slow, he is afraid that the money has not been got, There is also a change. "

"Of course, if you really want to live, it is not especially careful, then I think you can consider this house."

Yan Qian couldn't help but be silent.

Good guys, all sets.

The developer fake propaganda, and the result set a fried guest.

This will not have a purchase restriction policy, and it is still like other cities, but still have some other cities.

For Yu Qian, buy a rough house is also very suitable. If you save the original home, the renovation of the original home is not satisfactory or the quality is too small, but also have to reload.

And pay the full amount, you can talk about the price, which is more compliant with the needs of Qian Qian.

"Row, take me to see, if you are satisfied, please ask for a seller."

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