Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1130 is transferred to the four-handed stream news

Yu Qian looked at the time, today is already Friday, and there is no too much thing.

First go with Meng Chang simple communication, let him prepare, then arrange the water army, let them stir fry over the weekend, do the paving.

Then, on Monday, Tenda officially issued a statement, Meng Chang's side of the propaganda film, sending Weibo telling the players to cooperate with the late studio ...

Work slowly and walk on the right track.

The next month is estimated to be busy late whether the studio and VR glasses are too busy, and it is almost the settlement.

Although this cycle has failed, there is a multi-experience shop, and the snack market is called a good but not making money, plus the money to buy a lot of business, and 515 games and summer promotion Two burns of burn activities, Jun Make efforts to make progress, still very hope.

Anyway, the next cycle is said next cycle, first find the way to perfectly accept this cycle.

Yu Qian got an idea, immediately rushed to the Shenhua Haojing Building, did not go to his own office, but it came to the advertising marketing department.


At the same time, the advertising marketing department.

Meng Chang is playing games in his own station.

He is not a person who specially likes to play games, but there is no way, it is too bored here, there is nothing else to do, in addition to charting, you can only play games.

Meng Chang often wants to do a propaganda program related to the game, naturally play more games, understand, and use it when it is reversed.

Although it can be temporarily assault, but the temporary assault has nothing to use, it is still a lot of learning, and it can be integrated.

Now Meng Chang is already a child who doesn't want to do it, but the habit of playing the game is still retained.

On the other side, Yu Yao is stealing with colleagues next to it.

"It feels a little low in the previous time. The last two days is a bit better. What is going on, the promotional program is not a big success?"

"How do you feel that the style of Meng Ge is more and more likely to be more likely. He is now the worries and worries?" Colleagues were confused.

Yu Yaoyi shook his head: "I think it should be, or, not all."

"First of all, near Zhu is red, near ink. Meng Ge is working so long, and the summary of the sales strategy will pour your sales strategy, and Meng Ge is affected by the total, some changes have changed slightly. This is normal. "

"But I have to say 'the worries of the first Tengda" ... I think it should not. "

"After all, the role of the two people played. "

"I think the reaction of Meng Ge, more accurately, should be ... a state of dissatisfaction with yourself, stronger figure?"

At the same time, some doubts: "How do you say?"

Yu Yao explained: "You see, Meng brothers should be very confident to their own publicity strategies, I want to be in the cold girl, and the hand is rain, and the heat is played online. All netizens' eyes, why is it. "

"But after Tengda, Meng Ge has negated his own marketing method in the general point of advice, but the program is more popular than before, and it is more popular."

"This is enough to explain that the general propaganda marketing is far above him!"

"So, the more successful, the more successful, the more you will see yourself with the huge gap. And this gap makes him very happy to be happy, he feels dissatisfied, feel pressure, naturally showing a pair Worried state. "

"I think this is the essence of his and the generals."

Colleagues suddenly: "It turns out!"

Two people were discussing, and they saw that the bail came in from the door, and then came to Meng Chang's station.

"Come on the meeting room, tell you about the propaganda program."

In the past, two people entered the conference room afterwards, Yu Yao and colleagues paid their own guess.

"You see, I said, there is a total shadow behind the Men's publicity program! This time it may be because the next propaganda program is more important, and the summary does even find the advertising marketing department."

"I just don't know what the next propaganda plan is ... I look forward to it!"


Two people from Yan Qian and Meng Chang came to the meeting room and sat down.

"Before saying, this propaganda program is involved in the whole process. Since the whole process is involved, the handle will be taken, don't have any questions?" Qian asked.

Meng Chang nodded immediately: "Of course no problem!"

For this proposal, Meng Chang is of course not seeking.

Because he is indeed very curious, how do you do it in the end. Look next to it, many details can't see, I will always don't engage in a small action.

But if you participate in the promotional activities, you can perform this publicity program, and what you know is sure to be much more than simple.

Yan Qian simply took the part of Meng Chang to cooperate, talked about him.

It is mainly to shoot a propaganda film, as well as in the individual Weibo to announce the cooperation with the late studio, in fact, to bundle Meng Chang's personal image and the next series of marketing activities next series of late studains.

"How to shoot the propaganda ... You look, I only have three requirements."

"First, try not to show the true image of DouBTVR glasses in the propaganda film, but use a very outline, it is very exaggerated, and there is a virtual image of the technology."

"Second, to shoot enough awareness, even inexplicably, so that most people have seen very doubts. At the same time, pay attention to it is not too high."

"Third, add some exaggerated slogans, such as 'can not barte",' The best VR product "you can buy within three years, you will play freely."

"I will give foot, how much spending, how much spends, you can grasp it."

The problem of funding does not have to explain, Meng Chang is naturally understood.

There must be more money to spend money, so that the transformation is more. If you don't have to spend a lot of money, I finally earned such a two thousand commissions, that.

But the more full of funds, the more likely the thing that is shot, the degree must be well grasped.

Yu Qian feels that this thing should be able to handle it.

Meng He is a detailed taste of this three-point requirements.

After a moment, he asked: "Torry, you want ... Want to happen?"

"This promise is repeatedly suggesting that our VR glasses is an epoch-going product, which creates an unrealistic expectation. At the same time, we will create controversy in different viewers' groups. So after the products are sold, they will feel one. Drop, right? "

Yan Qian couldn't help but be very happy.

Yes, I finally have anyone who is not a chicken, but I understand my true intention!


It turns out that it is such a happy feeling!

Talking to what people talking, it is so bright.

: "Yes."

Meng Chang hesitated and said: "But, , just like this is still far away ..."

Yu Qian couldn't help but have turned over white.

I don't know if I have special?

Yan Qian continued: "This is just starting, there are other follow-up arrangements, you are patient."

"Then you have to bundle your image with the marketing activities of the late studio. Your Weibo I remember there is still a lot of fans, use it, declared in the right time."

"I will say hello to the late studio, I will not remove your desk."

Meng Chang stunned: "Some, you are really like it ..."

He is so smart and instantly understands the general intention.

It is intended to use your own bad name to drag the late studio, which will let everyone wear the colored glasses to treat this series of publicity activities.

Meng Chang instantly regretted a little.

This is a good idea, I didn't think it before!

But I think about it, it seems wrong. It was not very easy to think about it before.

Because this publicity activity is to start around the late studio, I always have to cut the relationship between the late studio with the Tenda Group, and then move out of Meng Chang.

It is the project that Meng Chang is responsible for the project. It is also a project that it is, it will definitely not be like this.

Therefore, Meng Chang is not entangled.

And the total gameplay, also provided some inspiration to Meng Chang.

I have a bad reputation in myself, can I find a way to use it?

For commission, I can do anything!

Yu Qian determined that Meng Chang was fully understood, there is no misinterpretation, very happy.

"Well, it's almost like this. Today, you first experience this process, put the propaganda film to the idea. Wait next Monday, the entire publicity activities will be officially advanced."

"I told you that this time I have a good job, I want to give you a success, you can't drop the chain here."

Meng Yinxin huh, completely do not believe.

But he still nodded: "I understand."

The two came from the conference room, and Yan Qiang left, and Meng Chang was returned to his own station, turned off the game, and opened the document to begin to concealment.

Yu Yaohe colleague looked at the eyes, nodded slightly, and everything was inhere.


Leaving Shenhua Haojing, Yu Qian looked at the time, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Almost can go home and enjoy a pleasant weekend.

But at this time, his cell phone rang.

"Who, this is!"

"How? I'm going to get off work on Friday, I am still busy, I will call me a call?"

"Let me see who it is, I must give him a class volume!"

Yan Qian took out the phone and looked at the call display, and then got silently.

"Mom? What is it? Is it going home this weekend?"

The voice of the mother came from the phone: "Ah? No, you are busy with your job there. Mom wants to ask you something, you now ... how much?"

: "Ah?"

Because the number of times, Yu Qian returned home is not less.

But the old couple did not let him go, because all the sons now have a flying yellow studio to make the wind, work is definitely busy, let him take advantage of your young busy work.

Especially the "mission and choice" box office has exploded, so that the old couple will like it.

They all think that the movie box office is so high, the son can always get a lot of dividends?

Thanks to the son.

But how do you ask for money this time?

: "More than 300 million."

The mother is obviously surprised: "Ah? What is your kid make money so fast?"

"Then don't worry too much, you must take care of your body."

Yan Qian is somewhat helpless: "I know, work is not busy."

He said that the sentence is true, work is not busy, even a bit of health, it is necessary to need a very powerful psychological adjustment, otherwise it will be spurred sooner or later.

Mom is like this, when the son is starting, I have to work hard, and I will worry about making more money. I am worried about my son's body.

But how much is this special?

For a person who gains a system, it has been three years of personal property. Even if the house bought before, it is less than 5 million!

It's a shame!

In fact, if you go smoothly, you will be 34 million a cycle, but the situation is always less smooth.

OK, we think that at least one cycle has been shocked, and the system's initial amount is getting higher and higher. The theoretical upper revenue that the loss can be obtained is increasingly higher.

Qian asked: "Do you have anything to use in your side? How much is it, I have given you in the afternoon."

Mom said: "No, what can I have an urgent use of money."

"I just listened to it recently, the house on the old industrial area should increase the price, I can earn it. I think, you are busy working, I don't pay attention to these news, you don't take this opportunity to hurry Buy a set? There is a deposit, don't let it lying on the bank to eat interest. "

,,:: . .

The mother's tone is very calm: "You can rest assured that it is very reliable! Your mother, I have a good relationship. His son is a core employee of Fuhui capital. His son said that it is Fuhui Capital. Li Gong said! "

"People have been optimistic on the old industrial district, and this weekend is estimated to finish."

"Fu Hui capital can be a number of investment companies in the Beijing-Guangzhou number. If Li always says, can I have a fake? People must know some inside news, heard the wind in advance!"

"People also said, this news is now a small scope, or if your mother is related to people, I definitely can't listen to this news."

"You hurry, take advantage of the price now, I haven't bought a set, let's live, I don't expect investment, buy a set, enough, you have more money in your hands."

: "..."

This special message acquisition channel is simply God!

Li He knows a hammer, or sees that I bought some shops there, I did a snack market, so I bought it without brain.

But I am completely accidents in that buying shops, and the snack market has not considered what to make money!

I am in the investment for burning money, I have a system, your group of people is following it?

: "Mom, you don't see the news of you, you don't know your house, you don't know if you are in the old industrial zone. Hand. "

The mother is obviously dissatisfied: "At this time, you have to believe in the profession. You can also understand more than others in this regard."

"Take again, is there still a snack market? That's right. "

"However, you make a hard money, you still decide yourself, your mother is to tell you this news."

"When the house has increased, don't blame me."

: "... The way, my mother, I know."

Hanging up the phone, Qian's tall trough does not know where to spit it.

In combination with your own burning money, I formed an inexplicable closed loop!

First, I will temporarily, in order to prevent cold faces from shooting my mind, I want to get a snack market, and then I will bought a small half-street shop.

As a result, inexplicably was stared by Li, Li Li, this is certainly a big action, and it is not hesitant to invest.

Then Li summarizes this thing with a few core employees. One of the core employees said with her parents. I have a small mother with the mother, so this news will pass it to Yu Qian ...

Everyone else thinks that Li Shi is aware of the inside news, but Yan Qian is clear, what inside news?

It is completely coincidence, it is misunderstanding!

Buy the house in the old industrial area? Leisure egg pain!

Yu Qian was completely unreliable, but it turned to think about it, or open the app, I plan to look at the house there.

Although this house is not likely to appreciate, the mother is a little right, and the surrounding environment will definitely be more livable.

The old industrial area was originally broken, the environment was not very good, and the two words with "livable" were completely non-stained. But with the completion of the horizon and the food market, the surrounding economy is driven.

Live here, you can go to the snack market to go shopping. If you eat, you don't say anything else, you must have a lot of fire.

Now the house near the high-speed rail station, although it is good, the traffic is convenient, but it is clear that the old two is clearly a lot of fireworks, still in some beautiful.

The old people don't need to be convenient, and I don't like the big shopping malls, but the string of the streets in the streets of the snack street should be still nice.

What's more, the houses here should be very cheap, find a new point, a small community, buy a set, is not a big thing.

However, after browsing the app, Yu Qian was shocked.

"This is too fast, is it too fast?"

"This kind of broken house value has so much money? I leave the spectrum!"

"Bubble, it is definitely bubble!"

Yan Qian saw this price, and then threw the mobile phone aside.

In the past, Yu Qian saw the price of Jingzhou, the house of the city center is also like a five-six-six, and several real estate near the high-speed railway station are generally 10,000, 10,000.

At that time, the house in the old industrial area is the price of the entire Beijing-Shenzhen, the most is the six or seven thousand dollars.

Because the trend of the entire Beijing-Shenzhen is to west, in the south, the old industrial area is old and broken, and there is no development prospect. Most of the community is also the old community. There are only a few new properties, the price is very low.

But Qian is now seen on the Internet, the average price has already risen to more than 8,000!

Although the house price in the two years shows the overall rise, this is proportion, but the housing prices in the old industrial area can be eight thousand?

And this is average price, some good communities must have 10,000.

Yu Qian said that it is completely unacceptable!

Obviously, this is a bubble, all the people like Li Shi put this crazy to buy buy, others have no brain, put housing prices.

"Now people, can you think independently?"

"Nothing has no brain, wait for the house, the heat has passed, the price is low, is this not all in your hand?"

"Hey, it is true."

Yu Qian is very speechless and is worried about these people.

However, after calm, he still picked up the phone again.

"Forget it, it is 15.0 million in 150,000 square houses, and it is not worth affordable. It doesn't expect it to appreciate, and fall."

This time, Yu Qian looked at these communities around.

Have to say, although the overall house in this area has risen, but the magnitude of the rise is different.

The speed of rising depends on three factors: the distance from the snack market, the residential environment, and educational factors.

Those of the new campuses in the school area, obviously the most hot, and the most outlined.

And far from the distant community, the price increase is minimal.

This is also normal, the snack market can affected the scope of the snack market, and there is no investment attribute at all.

But Yu Qian is not intended to invest, as long as you buy it to the snack market, the new community is also a relatively perfect new community.

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