Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1129 I want the propaganda program

June 29, Friday.

In the big living room in the residence, Yan Qian is sighing against his own notebook.

From the three days after the late studio returned, he didn't go to the company, but closed at home, seriously thinking about the matter of the VR glasses next month.

Although it has been in front of the chamber of the studio and the Meng Chang, Yan Qian has a deputy, but he has a panic only having its own hearts.

Although it is temporarily in the hands of the super-level acting, it is just a moment. Can you keep Meng Chang for a long time, let him work to work, retain the only good brother who lives the entire Tenda Group, and also see if the next propaganda program can succeed.

This is too difficult.

Because VR is originally self-contained, coupled with Tengda Group's golden signboard, and attention is natural.

And the sample of VR glasses also saw that the Demo of the game was also played, all of which were currently the first-class level in the industry.

How to see, is an impeccable dead.

Now this propaganda program is even for people who don't understand, he uses the feet to do it casually, and the effect will not be poor.

Meng Cenzheng is because it is very clear, so I can't do it.

Yan Qian took this rotten stall, I want to give it a lot of money, and how easy it is easy.

But good, Yu Qian is talented in this area, plus the deep understanding of Tengda Group, and experience accumulated with the system in length for three years ...

Thinking of now, it is finally a little bit eyebrow.

"I want to achieve this purpose, I have to be a process of 'three steps'. I will go forward, it will be violent."

"The first step, you must cut the word of mouth with this product to this product."

"Now the players are devil, one heard the four words of 'Tenda Game', no matter what game type, what product, there are a group of people who buy bought to buy."

"This is very bad."

"DouBTVR glasses and" animal island "release, everyone heard that this is Tenda's game, plus the people like Qiao wet, this propaganda program is trying to persuade, will be overwhelmed in players' Buy buy 'and buy'. "

"So, first let players know that this glasses and games are all done in the studio, and the late studio is just an investment relationship between Tenda, let everyone do not have too many expectations."

"Procurement for a while, etc., you can make the next plan in the next step."

Yu Qian stood up and went to the terrace to walk.

"Step 2, the third step, I have to think a special way."

"Previously Meng Chang has failed many times, the reason is that the reason is to make a desire first, and the front is too low. As a result, the game or product is coming out, and the momentum is expected to exceed everyone. I can't clean up. "

"So, you must work hard to make the effect of you!"

"First think of a way to pull out everyone's psychological expectations, cover the sky, no sense, so after the actual product comes out, there is no need to achieve everyone's expectations, the effect is naturally a discount."

"The second step is to pull the psychological expectations of everyone. The third step is to try to reduce the influence and effect after the product is coming out."

Yu Qian sits back to the computer quickly records your own ideas.

"Step 2, take a very conscious stream, very cool promo. In this propaganda, try to show all the virtual reality final, the most outrageous scene."

"And then bring some of the 'future has been full of propaganda words, using a little such as' can not bother', 'unprecedented",' no product surpass "three years, there will be exaggerated descriptions" "

"Go to buy a water army, blow it."

"This way, everyone's psychological expectations are unlimited, even if they don't have the brain-made black technology, their brain remedies will definitely be higher than the actual effect of DouBTVR."

"At the same time, the more fierce it is, the more it is easier."

"More than the first step, the late studio and Tengda game have been separated, which gives people a late studio to do things exporated, the title party, excessive marketing impression, further reduction "

"Then is the most critical third step, strive to make VR glasses don't meet the expectations of players when they are on sale."

"I have to sell a group of VR glasses products within two weeks, but absolutely can't."

"Although you can also choose to sell products at all within two weeks, this propaganda program will also produce a promotional effect, the more it is, the higher it, but it is possible to control it."

"So, it is best to have a period of time until the time is so fast. On the high-blown node, the development clip will release a group of products, so that most of the players can't see it. They will Very disappointed, there will be a lot of questions on the Internet, and the publicity effect is naturally. "

"And, my propaganda program is only for glasses, and it is not targeted."

"So, you can release glasses first, and release the game after a week, this is completely reasonable."

"And the first batch of glasses that go out must not be too much, because the products that go out, there are more people, the online evaluation will tend to be fair, and it is not good to put the water."

"It is best to designate a part of the player, including UP Lord. Looking for some UP Lord with black material, it also gives them a lot of money to let them say good."

"Although they are really good, but in the player, they are not blowing."

"The product is less presented, and it will be jammed."

"Finally, I will find some water army to fight on the Internet, inciterate the angry emotions of the players, this is not alive?"

"Although I have adhered to it in a month, I have no problem, but I have no problem in two weeks."

"Just ... I don't know what the whole process is Meng Chang, I will think."

"Forget it, manage him think, as long as he continues to stay in the person in charge of my propaganda department."

Thinking about Meng Chang, Yu Qian suddenly turned out, and there was a new idea.

"And ... can I use the bad impression that Meng Chang is left to everyone?"

"Although many people in Tengda have known Meng Chang's work in Tengda, 'Change Self-new' news, the previous online also spread some similar sayings, but most people's impression of Meng Chang, still staying in the original cold The girl's dates. "

"Everyone thinks he is still the person who can have no bottom line for the heat."

"So, if you know that this propaganda program is actually Meng Chang, the late studio has reached a cooperation with Meng Chang, and naturally, the entire propaganda program, even the product itself, and wear a colored glasses!"

The two cooperation will eventually be a bigger name that will affect a small name.

If it is Tenda Group and Meng Chang, then everyone will feel that Meng Chang is impacting.

However, the late studio is a newly established company. If there is no great name, if you cooperate with Meng Chang, everyone will only feel that this company is in the same way with Meng Chang, and the wolf is raped.

Using Meng Chang's stereotype impression on everyone, it really makes the success of this program more high.

As for Meng Changle, not happy ...

He is not happy, this is his initial act. Besides, he is not happy to be happy.

Yu Qian also checked his plan from his head to the tail.

Although it is not perfect, it is already the best solution that is currently used. If this program fails ...

Then you have failed, and Yan Qian has nothing.

The result of failure is nothing more than Meng Chang intention to run, and then I will think about other ways. Anyway, his debt is still in his hand, there is always a way to arrange him to understand.

Since the task is set, then the first step is to perform the first step: clear the relationship with the late line of life.

Tenda Group issued a statement and is the most direct effective way.

But this statement is a good consideration.

If there is no one by the head, I have sent such a statement inexplicably, which will cause the players' skeptics.

Everyone is not paying attention to late studio, why do you send a statement to tell yourself? Oh, just, take this opportunity to understand late studio!

That is not finished.

Therefore, this operation must have someone to cooperate and sing the reed.

Make a miniature version of the desire to advance the road, try the effect.

Ask the water army to blow, Tengda's new game "Animal Island" is about to be released, this positive blow, the system is reimbursed, you can get it.

Of course, it is not too much, and it will stop.

After a little brunette, after a little bit a little, arrange the official statement of Tenda: Tenda official did not develop "Animal Island" game, Tengda Group and the late studio are investment relationship.

Although it is truth, it will give players a kind of illusion, that is, the relationship between the studio is working hard, and the Tenda Group has issued a statement.

In this way, it can reduce the expectation of everyone, but also affect the first impression of the late studio!

Well, I feel my head!

First, I want to clear the relationship. At the same time, I will arrange Meng Chang to shoot VR glasses promotional video. How do you consider how to come, you must give the players to the clouds, clouds.

Before the propaganda film came out, let Meng Chang published a message on his Weibo, saying that he is working with the late studio, responsible for shooting a propaganda film.

After the promotional film came out, everyone naturally felt that this is a project that is not practical to be practical because there is an impression of Meng Chang's stereotypes.

Well, very perfect!

Yan Qian wants to be, the more appropriate, now on Friday, the time to arrange the preparatory work, will usher in the real challenge next month!

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