Yan Qian also looked at other people, everyone's expression is different.

The two people in the old and Cai Jiadong did not have a hand with the bail, so the expression on the face was a little proud.

They are responsible for VR glasses and "Animal Island" game, now finished, they feel very proud, even can't wait to see proud of the past.

Even if you are, it will be very satisfied when you see this finished product?

As for the night, Ye Zhou and others, because the total cooperation has been many times, so the expression is still relatively calm.

Because they are all very clear, how good products or games, there must be a problem in the eyes of , and it is impossible to do it.


Even if this product or game is really perfect, it is not a particularly surprising thing about the summary, because all of this will inevitably expect.

Seeing everyone's expression, Yan Qian is silent.

At this point he panic, but it could not be expressed.

People settlement and image can't be collapsed!

Especially Meng Chang is still using this kind of eye to look at yourself, it can't be in front of him!

: "Well, you can do it."

"However, I have two small changes suggestions, don't change, you decide yourself."

Lin Nate in front of his eyes.

Sure enough, I always see the problem, I will point to it!

She nodded immediately: "I am telling you."

Yan Qian said after a moment: "The first suggestion is the LOGO of this VR glasses."

"My thoughts are in the middle of this lottery, draw a horizontal line, run through the entire logo."

Everyone is all stunned.

Especially two people in the old and Cai Jiadong, very confused.

What does it mean?

Said to the manufacturer, change the pattern slightly changed, nothing hard, after all, the VR glasses have not entered the mass production period.

And even if there is no big problem, this six-sided part can be removed, this is the old saying that the future may have a new model or with other IP collaborative version, this location may print other LOGO, made some detachable module design.

But the problem is ... What is the meaning?

Yan Qian did not explain more, because he could not say his original idea.

And he knows that even if these people will naturally find a suitable explanation.

In fact, his intention is very simple: metaphysics.

After seeing this VR glasses, he saw that this is very flat hexagon, let him think of the Ninja lottery in an anime.

In that anime, a horizontal line was placed on the lottery, representing a big problem with this ninja, and betrayed the original nature.

Therefore, Yu Qian hopes that all VR glasses can draw such a line, that is, it is implicit that this product is destined to have a big problem, to fail, to betray the story of the studio.

However, this world does not have a similar anime, so this tendon is not getting Get.

Old Song took a piece of paper, painted a sketch on it, then ended for a long time.

Suddenly, he seems to realize what: "Hey, after this, it seems to be better, it seems better!"

"Understand, this line changes the structure and layout of the baking pattern to a certain extent. The LOGO in the late studio shows the center of the hexagon, and the logo seems to be empty, and it seems to have no hexagon. A lot of interaction is produced. "

"But after this line, the entire hexagonal and late line of Logo have been integrated, it looks more pleasing!"

Lin Xiaoshi, said: "Well, I think this can reach a newly-established effect."

"Other companies are printing self-owned logo in their own products. This behavior is too common. In fact, in addition to some self-contained companies, other companies don't care how good LOGO is designed, I can't see it. Where can I go. "

"So on a horizontal line, it is completely distracted to other companies, but also distinguishes a unique personality!"

"Moreover, this line also represents a traditional break and subversion. VR glasses is originally a product that transcends the era, and the VR glasses we have developed have made many subversive designs, just in the spiritual core Combined with it! "

Ye Zhou and Wang Xiaobin have also emotion: "Wonderful!"

"Before the line, just printed an ordinary company LOGO, it is unmortic."

"After the broad-line, it can communicate such a spiritual connotation, match our studio, and this VR eye product, and left a deep impression on the players!"

"This is probably the effect of painting dragon, the real design master, as long as a horizontal line, can it be decaying into magic?"

Everyone is amazing.

Even Meng Chang is a bit conquer.

Originally he didn't think there is anything, but listen to everyone, it is true!

After adding this line, it has improved the dexterity of the United States, but also adds cultural connotation. It is simply a pen!

Lin Xia said: "Torry, other suggestions?"

Yan Qian and twice, continue to say, I am afraid that the group will continue to make my brain, and the brain makes it unable to come.

"The second suggestion, I hope to do some newbie guidelines in these small games."

This is simpler and rude, and the purpose is clear.

"Animal Island VR" provides a new game interactive mode, and the player's learning cost will be very high.

It is not like those ends, do an FPS game, after playing, you know that the left button will shoot, right click, press RC. After all, these settings are the same in all FPS games.

However, there is currently no visibility, the number of VR games in the player has a wide range of VR games to develop the VR game operation standards, so after the "Animal Island VR", how to take the bow, how to fish, these operation players must be from the head Learn.

Yan Qian also does not expect no newbie guidance, and the players are all advised, it is impossible.

Because a game may be to be determined by the system to be semi-finished, what should I do if I don't give a settle?

But slightly reduce some novice guidelines, or can.

Can persuade a few players, advise a few players, persuade a little less, persuade more than 100,000.

Anyway, as long as you can persuade players, it is a good design.

This time, everyone is more confused.

This behavior is more controversible, because all game designers, you will know the most basic design concept when you just enter, the more detailed newers, the better, the better.

Because you can never imagine what players will experience a new game.

People and people's game IQ are different. Some people are born to be smart, and they will play when they play; and some people are very understanding in the novice stage, and they can't do it.

Moreover, sometimes the player is not stupid, it is just a brain circuit with the designer, so I have stuck.

The number of players in the game is large enough, so it is inevitable that there will be a few brain loops. Once there is no adequate new hand guidelines, they caus them to stick, then they may lose.

Therefore, when the newfriend is, it will be particularly mentally mini, it seems to be prepared for the three-year-old child, which is also something wrong.

Lin Said again frowned.

Suddenly, she felt a bright light: "I understand!"

Yan Qian quickly raised his hand and interrupted her: "It is good, don't have to say it every time!"

Good guy, now I am talking about what I said, I'm going to spend, instant misinterlete, I am not overnight, this is okay?

How do you think about it is your business, don't say it in front of me, add it to me!

Lin Ming immediately gods the gods: "Good ."

"Hey ... There is another problem."

"Would you like you to give this glasses?"

Yan Qian is a bit speechless.

How do you give me a name now?

He has already remembered how many names have been played.

But when I think about it, I will give yourself a small genius? And you are named, you can also discuss a good color.

"okay then."

Yu Qian considered, named most of the VR glasses in the impression, all in English, and there is a certain meaning, so it is more comparable.

Separate Chinese characters are not bad, but Yan Qian doesn't want to over-emphasize the domestic identity of this glasses, and save you to support the psychology of domestic goods. Get an English name, just a little bit.

The names of others are similar to Quest, Index, Rift this name.

"That ... is called Doubt."

The intention of Yan Qian is that the success of this glasses is full of questions, it is impossible to succeed.

The word "doubt", with questions or proBLEMs will have a neutral meaning, and DouBt may be more negative.

It means that it is completely uncertain, it is very unreliable.

Lin Xiao nodded.

Although she has no way to understand this name well now, they will definitely want to understand.

"In short, thank you very much, I am always!"

"It's just like it is a daily day."

Yan Qian put his hand, said that there were small things in the district, and they were insufficient.

"Ok, I will go first without anything else."

After Hold live scene, Yan Qian recruited, leaving Meng Chang.

In the final operation, Yu Qian was completely earthquaked in the old Song and Cai Jiadong.

They have thought that glasses and games have been very perfect. As a result, I didn't expect Haizheng to find a problem.

And it is not a small problem with no harm, but it is a key issue that is greatly improved.

This makes them could not help but feel it, it is not the total!

I have been listening to everyone, I have blowing , I don't even believe it, but now it seems that it is really not exaggerated!

In addition to their two people, there is also Meng Chang.

Originally Meng Chang is already in a way to see that there is a poor mindset, and now, he is now completely not daughter.

The first suggestion is not to say, and everyone presents has given an understanding.

The second suggestion although there is no clear explanation, it is obviously a huge improvement effect on the game from the expression of Lin Dynasty.

After coming out, look at no people around, Meng Chang asked curiously: "Some of the bails, do you really confream?"

"I feel that the reverse propaganda program will be able to succeed, so even if it is suggested, improve the product, there is no impact on the propaganda program?"


Which eye is you suggesting that I am advancing the suggestion and improve the product?

The two recommendations I mentioned are hard to reduce the difficulty for the next month's propaganda program!

But they understand a little bit of deviation ...

But this kind of thing is not explained, it can only be silently, refuse to answer.

Seeing that the general of this deep and unspeakable expression, Meng Chang has identified his guess.

Sure enough, I always have to prove to me in reverse publicity, but also make VR glasses and games to make money!

If it is not possible to prove reverse propaganda, it is clear that the game sales is not good, and it is clear that it is clear.

Only by completing the purpose of reverse propaganda, VR glasses and games have earned big money, that is the ultimate goal of the total!

But ... can this really do it?

I don't say it for a month, Meng Chang feels impossible for two weeks.

But I will see that I have the same thing, I obviously didn't make this matter as a problem.

Sure enough, I feel that I have always been very difficult, that is completely a kind of illusion.

Still old, look at the total operation!


After waiting for the total, Cai Jiadong asked: "Why is

Ye Zhou and Wang Xiaobin looked at each other, and he looked to Lin Xia: "We have some ideas, but may not be comprehensive."

Lin Night: "That's still me."

"Considering that many players are playing VR games for the first time, I don't know how VR games should be, so I have to do more newcomers. This is the problem that general designers will think."

"But is it a general designer?"

"It is definitely a higher level!"

"I always say this, I am definitely not let us give up the new hand guidance and persuade the player."

"The general meaning is that we will cut off the complicated steps while completing novice guidance, making the whole process more smooth, simple, natural!"

"The best newbie guide, not using the paragraph text or voice tells the player how should be done, but should let the player see a moment of something, immediately use common sense to judge, know how to use it!"

"For example, put a few born apples in the fire, then put a few cooked apples next to the fire. Don't tell the player 'Fire, you can roast the apple', players see this scene, I will immediately understand this game. Mechanism. "

"Animal Island VR" is also the same. If we use interrupted voice or text to teaching the players, it is very cumbersome, and the two will make players feel more. "

"If we use more natural way to guide the players, it is simple, let the players will learn these operations in the process of experience the fun of the game. The most critical is that this teaching method is more likely to show the superiority of the VR game. ! "

"Just take arrow, if you press on the computer game, you will be a bow with a bow. The arrow is completely dependent on the designer's idea. Unless a lot of arrow games are fixed, the players will only Form a memory. "

"But in the VR game, don't teach at all, players will naturally explore the left hand, the left hand, the right hand, and let the hand archery."

"So, we should abandon those cumbersome instructions and guide players in a more clever way."

"For," Make similar operations. "

"Ingenious integration into the game content, let the players naturally explore, think of how should I do it, can this not bring a lot of sense of accomplishment?"

Cai Jiadong suddenly realized: "It turns out!"

"Convert a game mode, the way novice guidelines naturally also change."

"The summary of the generals is to consider the special form of VR games, from the higher level to think about the results!"

The old concierge will not help but

Although he does not understand the game design, he listened to Lin said so, and immediately felt that it was always too powerful.


"Doubt this name, I don't like it very much. This is not a particularly good word."

As a project manager for VR glasses, it is also a practical design, people who develop this glasses, and the old concierge is a bit unsatisfactory for this name.

Lin Xia said: "The name of the name, there must be any special meaning in it."

"At present, everyone feels that this name is not good, mainly because the meaning is not revealed, did not give this name a special humanity of humanity."

"After the total real meaning of the , then this name will be impressive!"

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