Meng Chang has sent people a good investigation on the Aliance website and other video websites. It specializes in finding many of the fans, there is a UP master of harsh, or less fans, there is no influence UP Lord.

This VR glasses do not have "Animal Island" game, but only several ordinary VR games on the market.

Because this propaganda program is propaganda VR glasses itself, did not say to promote the game?

The game is delayed for a variety of two weeks or even half a month, is not very normal, very reasonable?

Jump for half a month, can you call jump?

I don't like you have never seen the world.

At that time, these UP main will definitely blow this glasses, but there is no glasses in players. .

These UP mains cannot be proven that this glasses have such a cow.

Moreover, Tengda will sign a confidentiality agreement with them, which is before the glasses are officially released, and the specific parameters of the glasses cannot be mentioned.

The name is to prevent leakage, in fact, avoiding too high parameters of glasses, causing too many unnecessary attention.

These UP mains either have no name, or it is the forekuography of malicious paintings, plus late studio and Meng Chang's bad name, everyone must doubt that they are collecting money.

Even if they live broadcast, because the VR's picture is cast on the screen, the unique immersion in VR is completely lost, and the glasses have no "animal island" game, only some of the existing VRs. The game does not have any effect at all.

Plus the propaganda film and the previous pavement, put the players' expectation unlimited elevation, when the true face of this glasses will definitely let the players live!

In this way, the glasses can be officially released after a while.

Because the heat has been pressed, the sales are absolutely poor.

Don't you complete the reverse publicity?

The plan is very perfect, and the key will not have any problems during the process of implementation.

Meng Chang hurriedly followed 100 carefully selected UP main contacts, filed an electronic protocol with them, and then packaged DouBTVR glasses.

The effect he wants to pursue is that the best way to find VR glasses will appear on the Internet immediately on the Internet, and live a number of experience video and live broadcast of this glasses!

Although the previous pavements have made players full of doubts about this VR glasses, but after all, some people are looking forward to.

If any of this expectation is constantly fermented, do not release the real thing, saying that it is increasingly higher.

Therefore, be sure to let the players see the real thing as soon as possible, feel this huge psychological drop in a short time, this expectation will be transformed into the feeling of being deceived, for this glasses because of love hate!



July 4th, Wednesday.

Today, Joe Liang did not go late, but lie at home.

Because of "Animal Island", his work is over.

So far, the main tasks of "Animal Island" are in accordance with the general requirements, and the newbie guidelines for this game will change, the core content of the game and the rough gameplay have been completed.

Although this game has a lot of money, after all, it is not the kind of pile, the game of the pile, but a casual game, all the plots happen on one island, daily gameplay is also made up of various games. The volume is not so big, so the progress of development is relatively fast.

Next, almost waiting for the official version of this game to be sold.

Although Qiao Liang has a belly, I want to say to the fans, but he still endures.

Before Meng Chang found him to the late studio to try this game, I hope he hopes to keep him confidential, do not have any messages to the Internet, otherwise it may affect the publicity plan.

At that time, Qiao Liang agreed.

Although Joe Liang was fishing in the fan group, he also made a "Yong Yu Returning" Oolong incident, but after that, he has always kept this, no new news about "Animal Island" in the fan group. .

Including the next two days of online pairs of studios and Tenda Group have been boiling, and Qiao Liang has not sounded.

Because he thinks, after the game comes out, everything will naturally be true, the water falls!

Although the Tenda and the late studio are indeed investment relationship, the idea of ​​this game is a summary, responsible for the role of the knife is the original person in charge of the Ocean game, this is the original Tenda game!

But why Tenda wants to send a microblogging to clear the relationship ...

May be not so much pressure to the Lin night!

After all, "Tenda's orthodox" This title is too heavy, not anyone can afford. If the players are expected to be too high, they did not reach their expectations after the game came out, and they were not a good thing for Lin Nung, who had just created late studio.

Therefore, Qiao Liang did not pay too much attention to the discussion on the Internet, but patience waited for the propaganda film.

Because the propaganda film, it means that Tenda's propaganda offensive will be officially launched. Everything will step into the right track!

Someone knocks outside the door, is a fixed meal time to touch the fish.

Qiao Liang took his dinner from the hands of the takeaway, sitting in the computer, while eating on the side of the Aliance website, ready to take a video next time.

Just then, he saw a new dynamic that had just been released.

"Well? The propaganda film of VR glasses is finally out!"

"I don't know how this film is taken? I look forward to it!"

Qiao Liang immediately opened the video to view.

Others don't know anything about this VR glasses, but Joe is very clear, this VR glasses are too busy!

Compared with those VR glasses on the current market, DouBtvr is not inferior compared to foreign VR glasses that have been commercially used abroad, mass production, even in many details.

Whether in the configured stack, it is also very good at the adaptation of the handle function and the overall shape design, or the adaptation of the system software.

Qiao Liang can make the brain to make this promo how to shoot the most perfect.

First, you must put the real rendering chart of DouBtvr glasses, especially for two unique handles a big close-up, in detail, and introduce the functions of each part, let the audience form a deep first impression.

Secondly, to list the detailed parameters of this VR glasses, including the resolution of two lenses, refresh rates, chip configurations of the machine, and it can have cables or radio streams.

Finally, I have to mention a new game? "Animal Island VR" is a game with DouBTVR developed. Many features in VR glasses must be fully utilized in the "animal island" game.

Looking for a beautiful girl with a picture of the sun, let her wear a VR glasses to do a few archery or actions, and then match the "Animal Island" game Q cute animal role as the same archery or shooting screen ...

Don't this happen?

In this publicity program, Qiao Liang feels that I will go.

More simple!

The key is that the product itself is enough to force, and the propaganda program will never have any problems as long as it is doing the class according to the office.

Want to make a propaganda plan for this product? That is also very challenging, very skillful.

Qiao Liang also noticed that the name of this promo is not "VR glasses promo", but "VR era concept promo".

But he is not too much, it may just feel that it is very much higher, things should still be a set.

When Qiao Liang fans self-fulfillment, the propaganda video has also begun to play.


In the pure white virtual space, a little messy otaku is looking at two buttons on the pure white platform.

One of these two buttons is blue, and "virtual" is written below, and the other button is red, and "truth" is written below.

After a short entanglement, the otaku has pressed the blue "virtual" button.

Then, a very small, like a VR glasses that appear in sunglasses appear on a pure white platform.

Otaku picked up the glasses and worn on the head.

In this moment, he suddenly passed into a snowy forest.

The lens rapidly pulsate the drout, the otaku runs on an open long road in the forest, and the towering on both sides covered the snowy forest, and it is also rapidly retreat with the lens.

The lens is turned, and the otaku that has been replaced with a complete set of high-tech costumes came to a similar to the high-tech temple. They all were deeply gray, cold, frightened and distinctive metal columns, and the empty Temple hall wanted to be marginal.

The otaku rushed in this cold hall, while he runs, the scenery of the two sides quickly changed, and when it turned into a broad desert, sometimes it became a hug of the sea ...

There is also a scene, in the vast interstellar universe, the protagonist is rushing in the Star Ship, and the insects have torn the shell of the star ship, chasing him ...

The body of the otaku gradually became stiff in the run, and his body seems to be solidified, turned into a slide, and can only put it a fixed action, and the face is also full of horror.

Suddenly, the pure white platform appeared again in front of him. This time he took advantage of his full land and took his own red button to write "real".

At a moment of his photographed, everything around it crashed!

His high-tech clothing has also disappeared, turned into the daily clothing that he was originally wearing.

Finally, the homestron's heart has taken down the VR glasses that has been wearing, throwing out far away.

Fragile VR glasses hit on a wall, flew out far away, fell in the ground, turning back, and finally broke into a part.

The otaku surrounded by it, found that he has returned to the real world, the familiar bedroom, desks and computers, just have a special sign on the computer screen and a line of words.

This special sign is the LOGO of the late studio, and the center is passed through a horizontal line, and the small character is "the virtual reality era is coming"!

The otaku has grown up, and it is obvious that the scene he saw at the time is his own illusion, which may be sleeping, and a nightmare.

He took the water cup on the table and got up and went out to drink water.

However, after he turned around, a pot of flowers in the room could not be angry, and a pot of flowers suddenly became confusing, and different colors were mixed into mosaic.

Just like the game has a bug.

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