Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1137 did not find Qiao Wet? (Makeup more)

The prominent film is over here.

Qiao Liang smashed his own eyes, and I couldn't believe the scene you saw.

"this one?"

"This is it?"

"What is this shot?"

Qiao Liang was completely speechless. He had three points before his brain, and this promo has not been taken!

There is no physical picture of DoubTVR glasses, only one VR glasses, and a high-tech product with sunglasses, is not the level that can be made now.

There were no any introduction of DouBtvr parameters, and the game of "Animal Island" was not mentioned.

Even the protagonists did not find a good-looking little sister, but found a very ordinary actor to be a male actor.


The surface of this film seems to be able to express "the future VR technology will make it difficult for us to distinguish between virtual and realistic differences", but it is only expressing such a concept.

Forced out, but there is no effect of any product propaganda!

The film itself is not too big, but the key is that such a high concept propaganda film is not eligible.

This brand must have a high brand recognition.

If it is pineapple or Shenhua to take a similar meaning unknown promo's marine, it is no problem, everyone is really trustworthy. You will take out a sufficient burden to shock the whole market.

But if it is a small company that is not seen, a similar propaganda film? That everyone will only think that you are bragging, lie to investors.

And the first time the previous time network public opinion is coming ...

Most of the online people apparently believes that the late walkhouse is the latter.

Qiao Liang quickly check the review below the video.

"It's okay, it is short."

"It's cool! If you really have such a VR product, you are so good!"

"Is this Meng Chang shoot? The previous announcement with late studio. Meng Chang is really a bit of power, but unfortunately, it is not working."

"Hey, the propaganda film is so useful for Hu whistle? Your product? I am afraid that it is the same as a lot of lie investment, engage in a tall concept propaganda film, cheating the player's bundry or lie investors!"

"Indeed, the electric motor, do VR, and various Internet projects, all like to engage in this Yunshan hover, the film is really good, and the product can not be able to produce."

"Taking into account Meng Chang's predecessors, I seriously suspect that this film is playing a marketing means, properly selling a family show! Otherwise, why don't you dare not let go of the product's true image?"

"And there is a scene in the propaganda film" Mission and Choice "! Even if it is investment, it is not so doing it!"

There are several positive comments that have just begun, but it will be negatively pressed by negative comments.

This propaganda film is really good, although many details and character movements are not unknown, but they can also feel the meaning it will express.

But the problem is that once it is with Meng Chang, it will become!

Because Meng Chang has been doing a cold-faced girl, it has always been full of hair trains. The concept of all kinds of false air is throwing out, and everyone is very disgusted by his bragging.

And this promo is photographed, it is particularly like a braggy.

Otherwise, why don't even the product does not dare?

The video in the video is really handsome, but everyone knows that it is definitely the technology that is impossible at the stage, even if it is afraid that it is not a play, even if it is barely, The effect is not good.

In other words, this promo is really a pure concept.

And "Pure Concept" is associated with Meng Chang, and people think of "scam".

Therefore, the heat of this promo is not high, although some people are discussing, but pure concepts are not hosted in the product, it is impossible to produce extensive influence.

Inside the vintage, the glimpse of the stars, which caused many players' dissatisfaction.

Now everyone knows that Tenda officially announced, clarifying the relationship between herself and late studio.

However, the late studio is still used in the propaganda film, which is similar to "mission and choice", although there is no direct use of the game, but has made a certain handling, but this looks more cottage.

Of course, the Xinghai, the insects, no one can be used, but this time, it is obvious that there is a lot of heat.

This also further triggered some players' dissatisfaction.

Qiao Liang is a bit anxious.

"This Meng Chang, in the hair!"

"The film is taken, but why do you want to cooperate with the late studio! Is this not a latter studio!"

"It's too pit!"

Qiao Liang can't help but worry.

You look at this, late studio and Tenda Group are clearly a family, how do you get more and more?

He has created a wonderful chemical reaction in Meng Chang's speech on Weibo. Drag is dragged down the image of the studio. The direction slipped.

This makes the ridges are eager!

He is eating a meal, while thinking about what you can do, change the current situation.

However, he didn't think about some good ideas, and he saw someone in the group @ him.

"Joe wet! Are you got a VR glasses? Open the live broadcast!"

"Yes, how do you still hide? You said before trying to play new games, should it use this glasses?"

"This glasses are like, take a photo to let us see."

Looking at this series of @, Joe Liang is a bit confused.

What is it?

Why do you think I have already got a VR glasses?

He immediately replied: "I haven't got a VR glasses yet, I really tried it, but I am trying to play at the company, I have not taken home."

The fans completely do not believe.

"How is it possible? All in the company tried, don't you send you?"

"There are so many small UPs on the Internet to get the prototype evaluation, but didn't give you?"

"Just, I saw two three thousand fans's small UP main boxes!"

Qiao Liang looked at the discussion in the fan group, and the head is constantly floating.

What is this? !

He immediately opened the Iried Island website and hurry.

Sure enough, after the "VR Times Concept Promotional Film", the "VR Times Concept Promotion" is released, many small UP Lords are like discussing, and they have released the box of VR glasses!

And there are some anchors that are being lived in the live box.

Qiao Liang just did not believe, but also went in and saw it.

I saw a small anchor having only more than 7,000 concern was indeed in the DouBTVR glasses, and the glasses were full of glasses, which made the chicken bumps on the Qiao Liang fell.

"Dear audience friends, this is definitely a VR glasses that you can buy now, the highest, the most value, the most complete, the tailor of the domestic players!"

"This glasses will make you fuzzy virtual and reality, enter the virtual era in advance! You look at this cool shape, just like it is just like from sci-fi movie!"

"What? Clax? This is not so good to say, but I can guarantee you that it is definitely low, this is absolutely relieved."

"What is the use of this handle? Hey ... I also said that this is not very good. In the current game, I just have some bonds. But I think I will play a complex game in the future, but there should be more Is it convenient? "

Qiao Liang can't see it.

Although he is also touted for Tenda's products, it is also necessary to pay attention to the basic law.

Can you blow it!

However, Qiao Liang took the live room of several anchor, and several UP owner's unpacking video, basically born, not bleak, not natural enough.

The key is to blow, and the promotion effect is not good.

These anchors and UP owners have a lot of precursors. There are a lot of rice, and this time I blow, even their own fans think this is in pain.

Moreover, these people only take care of the most critical parameters of VR glasses, and even even the resolution avoids it, but let the fans have firm this idea.

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