Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1138 is discarded, a discount is not discounted! (Makeup more)

There are also some an an an anchor to get a live broadcast after getting a VR glasses, but there is no "animal island" on the current glasses. Even the Demo of this game is not, there is only some VR games on the market.

Although these aesthetics can feel that these VR games are more smooth than other glasses, but because these games are not high, there is no way to pull the gap.

And VR is live broadcast, this effect is really difficult.

Whether it is a computer or a mobile game, live game screen is consistent with the live screen, and the audience see is the picture of the anchor is playing.

However, the VR game is completely different, and the perspective of the anchor is a free view, and the swing is four times, and the immersion is very strong. But in the viewer's seems to have only one feeling, it is dizzy!

I can't see it for a while, I can't stand it, so that the immersion of the VR game is not completely experienced.

So, even if there are some UP master and anchor to release the game in the game when you experience VR, it is useless, because it is not only possible to simply communicate to the audience in front of the screen. What is the feeling.

Even the spectators can't see this VR glasses, what is the difference between the other VR glasses on the picture.

Qiao Liang couldn't help but very wonderful, this small aquary with thousands of fans arranged VR glasses experience, why didn't you?

My Joe is wet, is there so many cards?

And I have been so close to the official, whether it is a good relationship with the relationship between the relationship between the relationship with the latecomer studio, how come I forgot me when I evaluated?

This is really this!

This makes me want to help, and I don't get started!

This makes Joe becomes a little anxious.

The propaganda program of VR glasses has suffered a huge setback in the early days. It seems to have a one-step fault, a step-by-step state, from Meng Chang published himself on Weibo to cooperate with late studio, after each step behind It seems that I have stepped on the players who are more annoying, dragging down the entire project step by step.

Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel very anxious, and quickly found the call of Chi Jiadong, the main designer of the studio, played.

After this time, two people are more familiar, so many words can be simply saying.

"Lao Cai! VR glasses of the vriors have long seen? What is going on? Reverse is very bad!"

The phone came to Cai Jiadong, there were some confused sounds: "Hey ... I saw it, but this propaganda film is not what we do. Learn Lin always said, this propaganda program, all the advertising marketing Responsible, all the programs are all of them. "

Qiao Liang asked: "That is to say ... all is Meng Chang, responsible? Didn't consult your opinion?"

Cai Jiandong: "Yes. I am not very clear, but the advertising marketing department is professionals, should be more understandable than us."

Qiao Liang is a bit anxious: "Then you don't pay attention to it?"

"Meng Chang, this person, there is an expensive, how can you give him peace of mind!"

Cai Jiadong has no choice: "Where do we have time to pay attention! Now" Animal Island "has to guide the newcomer to guide the newcomer before the requirements, and cannot work overtime, and our work is very nervous."

"But ... I really want to listen to the general inadvertently mentioned it, saying that this propaganda program seems to have a total of."

"So ... there should be no big problem."

Qiao Liang silent for a moment: "Ok, I know, thank you old Cai."

Hanging up the phone, Joe Liang suddenly calm down.

I saw that the initial propaganda of VR glasses was so garbage, and I finally played the anti-effect, and I combined with Meng Chang in the cold-faced girl in the cold face, Qiao Liang was very worried.

Who knows that Meng Cashui will not suddenly smoke, do something destruction?

But one I heard that this publicity program has the general case, Joe Liang suddenly relieved.

There is always the general case, the little Meng Chang can also turn over?

That's absolutely impossible!

Meng Chang is even if there is anything, it is absolutely impossible to bounce out the pennant.

Moreover, once the "all propaganda programs are actually passed by the generals", Qiao Liang suddenly felt that there is a feeling of recognition.

Where is it, I have met ...

Especially this, make a lot of an anchors and UP owners feel blowing their own games, so that Qiao Liang has recalls the feeling of "game producer" just online.

"Don't I say, what is it deep?"

Qiao Liang can't help but think deeply.


At the same time, Qian has just finished eating, returning to his residence, contact Hu Xiao again.

"How, my brothers under my hand have been completed." Hu Xiao couldn't help but be a little self-satisfied, because everything was advancing in advance.

Yan Qian replied: "Well, the matter is good, the fee is given to me, press it before, this time is equivalent to dividing two types, multiple transactions, each separation."

Hu Xiao: "Good , you will wait."

Although it is unclear why the big deal is divided into many transactions, it is separated, but since the customer puts forward this requirement, then it is certainly satisfied.

The activities of this water army were divided into several times, but in general, they can be divided into two categories.

One type is blowing, that is, this glasses that are infead if the road passengers blow the studio, how much, more cattle, the better, the better, completely don't worry, it is a water army.

Another category is rhythm, that is, in turn, changing the late studio and Meng Chang unreliable, questioning this glasses is just a heat, and it is actually not possible.

The first class blows some of the low-end water troops, although the amount is relatively large, but there is no technical content; the second type of water for the high-end, the information is true, hidden is better, the quantity is not Many, but the effect is not small.

Finally, the first class is more expensive because of the amount, but the second category is not cheap.

Hu Xiao also doesn't know what the other party is playing. Others buy the water army is either blow, or black, or the high-end black, which has this kind of mutter, one person blows a black?

Staying this to play around?

But since the old is to play with Lende, then play, and more simple to take money, why not think so much.

And Hu Xiao has long suspected that there is some relationship with Tenda, and there are some special purposes.

But the other party is too mysterious, and it seems to change people. Sometimes it is very large, and there is no counter price. Sometimes it seems to have a little bit of mouth, and it is also a discount, which also make Hu Xiao intertwined. Immach the bottom of the other party.

He didn't dare to inquire, in case, he accidentally gave this old and patronized, then he did not pay.

Soon, Hu Xiao finished this quotation.

Because it is the old master, it is very trustworthy between each other, so this time I pay a small part of the deposit, and I will pay the full amount after the event.

"This is the payment, you are expressed."

Yu Qian received a document of the billing, sweeping an eye.

"... good expensive!"

Can't help but go to spit.

The water army found in this time basically divided into two dials, and a low-end water army was responsible for blowing. Basically, the standards of 50 ~ 80 days, 200 people constantly change the number to post with rhythm, plus account Expenditure, spend more than 80,000 in five days.

This is better, because the money is blowing your own products, the system is allowed to be reimbursed.

And another dialed is the high-end water army. It is responsible for the rhythm. It is basically the standard of 200 yuan. After all, this is a technical life, it has a senior water army to do.

I have been 50 people, and it takes more than 50,000 five days.

Because the entire water army activity clarified from Tengda to clarify his relationship with the late studio, it is working until now, so these two digits are not stopped, and there is no need to be more thin.

Add a total of 130,000, of course, this is the original price.

Hu Xiao tried and asked: "All is coming before saying good prices before, do you look satisfied?"


Hu Xiao immediately replied: "Of course, remember! Then I will give you a discount."

Yan Qian rushed: "Slow!"

"The discount should not be counted together. The one of more than 80,000 is reported in accordance with the original price, and more than 50,000 people give me more."

Hu Xiao stunned.

What does this mean?

On the same batch, some of the results are all discounted, some are not discounted?

What is this?

Suddenly, Hu Xiao understood: "Oh! Understand! Please don't have the same department, right? These two departments are looking for you to do middle people, but can be used differently?"

: "..."

He doesn't know how to reply, can only be ambiguous: "Also almost."

Hu Xiao quickly replied: "No problem! You can rest assured that these details are very good."

"This way, the first money is not discounted, or according to the original price, 86500."

"The second pen is seven fold! A total of 38360, give you another zero, 30,000 eight, how!"

Yan Qian feels a little bit of a bit.

Meng Chang, Meng Chang, in order to continue to stay in the Advertising Department, I have a bloody!

30,000, this is enough to take the bottom pay for one year.

Oh, right, now the bottom salary has risen, I can get it in nine months.

If it is more optimistic, you can get the Bao Bao commission, then just six months, half a year.

Yan Qian thought half, could not shook his head: "I don't do this!"

For Yu Qian, this 30,000 eight is like a little bit of pain.

But there is no way, I can't help the child.

If the 38,000 investment allows Meng Chang to continue to do your best for yourself, if you can change the VR glasses project, it is still very cost-effective!

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