July 5, Thursday.


He is usually the same as usual, and the daily affairs of the investment company.

He feels that his recent work is slightly boring, nothing means.

Because the current dream venture, it is no longer the past dream.

The previous dream, that is, the summary personality personally fought, and it is a shared telephone booth. How interests!

He is better than the investment for so long, that time is his most eye-catching, the happiest date.

He looks at these items that look for money and enter the never-return, in the MiChe, the decay is a magical operation, and the congratulation will have a feeling of witness the miracle of investment.

However, with the more and more work of Tenda Group, the situation in which Tong always invested in the lower hand is increasing.

I'm no longer responsible for the specific matters of investment, and I only left a living investment myth.

Have to say, this is really a little sorry.

For the greetings, God who can see the total investment in the near distance is one thing that makes him feel happy, but now there is no such eye.

After the people who are no longer personally responsible for investment, they also left a few "kids".

The first is to let the congratulations in investing in the same benevolent in order, and the initial investment is the same amount. If the investment is losing, it will continue to chase, and the investment will be invited.

The congratulation felt that this law is free, but it is true after a period of time, it is magically to form a screening mechanism.

Those who want to exceed the high valuations are faked, and they can't defraud the dream venture, because they just made a little profit, and the dream venture has already ran.

Those companies that really need money have been cast, until it turned into a profit and got returns.

Coupled with the mechanism to dispatch financial supervision to the relevant company, put an end to the possibilities of these companies to deceive money, transfer assets, and invest in the formula to formulate such formulas such as cultivation, which can also be stable and profitable.

Finally, the biggest killings of the: cold noodles!

Although I have no longer responsible for the specific affairs of the dream, I will take the time to kill a hundred, through Meng Chang's experience, let the experience of Tenda to deceive money in a busy schedule. The people have respectful.

It is planted with Meng Chang's intelligence, who dares to deceive money?

I am afraid that even if it is deceived, it is impossible to escape the total flavor gold eye, and then I still have to eat.

Of course, there are still some entrepreneurs, I am really interested in entrepreneurship, and I am really in a loss.

Because entrepreneurship is also a high risk, failure is normal.

But for these projects, the dream venture capital is still incorrect.

This is a test error, vote for ten projects, nine will be lost, but a profit, you can make it back. Other investment companies are basically the same, but it is only different.

This makes the leader of the congratulations, but it is a bit nothing.

Of course, he is not completely a handkerchief, and many investment projects will see. Just like a lot of automatic software, it is also necessary to stare, correct.

Although this "fully automatic investment" mechanism is very easy, people are very happy, but time long, I will feel a little bit boring.

Let him nostally, I have a day to follow the total investment.

Suddenly, the mobile phone wins on the table rang, popping up a schedule tip: "Investing in Stars Fitness".

He has soon remembered what happened.

"Right, Monday morning, I gave me a call, let me find a time in a few days, 'naturally' giving the star bird fitness a money."

"It is already a matter of thinking on Thursday," "

"But I always say, 'Nature', how is it natural ..."

He has considered a moment, soon there is an idea.

Calling directly to find the boss of the star bird's fitness to invest in, definitely not natural.

Because the local boss of Jingzhou knows that the money of the dream is best, but it is also the least good.

Said to take it, it is the lowest threshold of the dream, it is a little longer, it will pay for the project. It is the dispatch of finances, all according to the process, unlike other investment companies, I have to try to convince investors. Let investors see the potential of their projects.

It's not good to say that it is too much company who wants to take a round dream to invest in investment. I don't know how to get to the years. I will go in accordance with the process of dreaming, I don't know when I can really be true. To yourself.

If the dream creation is actively looking for the door to invest, it is obviously not very conventional.

Naturally, it does not meet the requirements of the total "comparative natural".

But congratulate a solution.

He tangled in the investment plan receipt of the dream in a few months, and found the investment plan of Stars and Fitness.

Obviously, the boss of the Star Bird's Fitness is a long time to seek the investment in the dream venture, but the time to wait for it is too long, and it is equal to it.

He won the winning, according to the normal queuing process, the conservative estimate has to be three or four months.

This is still in the Star Bird Fitness as a Beijing local company, and the investment plan is submitted earlier, and the investment priority in the dream venture capital is relatively high.

However, the specific investment schedule of the dream venture capital is never announced.

When, which company is round, the outside world is not known.

So, you can naturally do some articles around this.

He is considering, as long as the investment schedule of the star bird's fitness is a little bit, it can be.

The boss of the star bird fitness will not know where the process is in particular, this is not "natural" "natural"?

Thinking of this, He Ziyin direct dark box operation, add a plug in the internal system, and in advance to this group of investments in advance.

"Let the company who wants to invest in the name of the name, it is definitely not a general company."

"There must be something special."

"More than one, this is also a gym. In the case of Tenda Group, he has a hosted fitness, and the gym is still in the gym?"

"This task, must definitely be more important than imagination."

Although I have repeatedly emphasized that "this is just a little thing", he is a deep understanding, and he is always in person.

The so-called small things are just relative to other work, it is a small matter.

Specifically to a certain department, it is the most important thing in this department!

He was a little ready, and the status of Stars Fitness was returned, and then the number left by the investment plan was allocated to "naturally" and discuss the details of the investment.


"Okay, then you will be so fixed first!"

"He is always, thank you very much! This investment is really very important to the star bird fitness!"

Starbirds in fitness, hang up the phone.

Li Shi asked with concern on the side: "Dreaming, decided to invest in starbird fitness?"

Cheung is very happy: "Yes! And gave the internal highest rating! Although the congratulations of the dream venture vote did not speak, everything looks like being a normal process, but it is obviously that Yan Zong is in advance. ! "

Li Shi is also happy: "Too good, I really agree with me!"

I always feel that this will don't know the ghost.

After all, he is doing these things that are doing, and it is in the process of dreaming of dreams.

According to the common sense, how can the Rover will take "the young people who meet a house last weekend" and "Investment in this Thursday, I have got a dream of the dream," these two things? "

It seems that it is a thing that can't beat the eight rock.

However, Yan Qian just missed a little: There is Li General point behind the car ...

In fact, the reason why Yu Qian felt that the name of Stars and Birds was a bit familiar, and because Li Shi and Yu Qian, Baoxao took a mouth when eating in the unknown restaurant, once mentioned a mouth.

At that time, when Yu Qian didn't know what the star bird is fit, it is still thinking about the things of the Beijing TV station to interview the food market, so I don't care.

So, Yan Qian thought that God did not know that the ghost did not know, but it was actually waiting for this phone, Cheung and Li Shi.

Cheung couldn't help but pick up the thumb: "Li You have grasp the summary of the general mentality, it is too in place!"

Li Shuhe smiled: "A small thing, not enough to do it."

The money of the dream venture can make the star birds to open the store, buy more equipment, expand faster, this is of course not to say.

Although other investors have also dollyled, the Royal Money has also matched the money, but in this high-speed expansion period, the money is not too much.

The faster the star fitness is built, the more you can seize the business space other than the Handong Province in addition to the hosted gym.

But this is not the most critical.

Li Shi has been analyzed by Cheung, and the most critical investment is another two points.

First of all, this shows that the summary has received the starfront fitness, allowing it to integrate into the system of Tenda Group. This official recognition is equivalent to being a thigh, not afraid of falling again.

Secondly, this shows that it will always recognize the business model of Star Birds Fitness, which undoubtedly indicates that the star bird fitness has a very high success chance!

Why did so many companies have been invested in the investment of dreams of dreams, will you be happy? Is it so happy to get other company investment?

Not all things.

The key is that everyone knows that they have been invested by the dream venture, especially from the total person's person's own investment, almost equal to inevitable success!

This is not because of superstition, not because of metaphysics, but because of the total 100% investment success rate.

The god of the investment of Jingzhou, is it?

Therefore, after Li Shi and Cheung really got this investment, it was very happy.

"The next step is to hurry the time to open the store, spread the business model of the star bird fitness!"

"Of course, I have to pay attention to the training, pay attention to the details."

"However, these should be difficult."

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