Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1143 What should I do if I want to give me a dragon?

July 13, Friday.

In your own office, I looked at the work sent by the departments and gave birth to a shortness.


This week is too difficult.

On Monday, the news did not say, bringing a heavy blow to Qian, let him homes for two days at home.

Then, the summer promotion event ended on Wednesday.

For this summer promotion, Yu Qian can only use four words to describe, then "Sorrelless"!

Originally, I should comply with the fingers, I did not expect the other party to not pick up.

This seems to be quite a wishfulness.

Not only that, there is still a bad news, and Eric is running over, and now I have returned to the headquarters of Da Ka Group, and the future is not.

Yu Qian is inevitably has a feeling of furious foxes.

The most sad thing is that Yan Qian still has the mysterious reward for the system.

When the last settlement, the system gave a reward, allowing Qian Qian to consume up to 100,000 personal property, converted into 100 times the profit volume, and is a resident option, each cycle can be cashed.

That is to say, at a critical juncture, Yu Qian can directly sell 100,000 pieces of purse, unconditionally, to the user to sprinkle 10 million.

Yan Qian originally wanted this reward to burn the crucial moment with the finger company.

Imagine that the fingers come to the company, the two sides desperately reduce discount discounts, and difficult to make difficulties.

Just then, Tengda suddenly throws thousands, completely white, will it be what a gap!

I will definitely scare the header.

However, there is no chance, but the opponent has already set an idea to withdraw from the battlefield. Who is it to use this quota?

Of course, you can't waste. Finally, if you can't find a way to spend money, you can use this method to force the last spend 10 million.

But after all, there is so no sense.

Then, the end of the Chinese network also came to a bad news.

Since the development plan of "Yongxiao Remote", the copyright development plan of the inspiration class is inevitably transmitted.

During this time, there is a large number of authors in the end of the Chinese network, and a large number of new authors have emerged, and there are even many authors written in other novel websites, and they have also hopped.

Because this copyright development plan, there is no intention to play the effect of "Qianjin to buy horses"!

What is the most important thing about the author?

Of course, the first place is the reader, it is a subscription, it is a draft fee. It is possible to support the family, and the book can write it.

But there is still a little can't be underestimated, that is, it is a higher copyright development!

For a book, copyright development is superior to subscription data because it is equivalent to letting a story reborn, transforming from text into an image.

Whether it is a web drama, anime, movies or games, expressive, and awareness is much higher than simple words.

For a authors, if your own work can get copyright adaptation, this opportunity is extremely rare.

Although many classic works are excellent, but there is no opportunity to have copyright development, this has to be said to be a regret.

And the work of "Yongfeng Back" can be developed by Tengda, becoming the classic game of "returning is the shore", many authors are sour.

It is also too happy to write the orthodox renewal of the official entry of the same novel.

Many authors have pondered, as far as this level, I seem to be fine?

What's more, even if you are unsuccessful, the end of the Chinese web spiritual duty is not low, life is absolutely safe.

Therefore, the status of the end of the network is once again improved!

Yan Qian worried again.

It seems that the next cycle must find a way to make the three works of copyright.

On the one hand, in order to lose money, on the other hand, it is also to persuade these authors of the outside!

Otherwise, the author runs here, more and more works, readers naturally come over, this is a matter of self-evident.

In addition, it is a matter of late VR glasses on the studio.

Thursday, that is yesterday, Yu Qian also looked at the online public opinion and felt that the timing was almost mature.

So he told the late studio and began to officially sell DoubTVR glasses.

However, strict restrictions have been made on the number of sales, sell twice a week, only 1000 units each time.

Although VR is a small product, the players who are really willing to pay, but this quantity is obviously unable to meet market demand.

And this is the effect of .

Because the mainstream public opinion of DoubTVR's glasses is very unlikely, how the specific quality of this glasses is temporarily, and most people have focused on its negative evaluation mainly in "Marketing", "hype" and "buy water" military".

Moreover, because of the special circumstances of VR glasses, "Animal Island" game has not, the anchors can't make the audience understand the cattle of this glasses.

A lot of an anchors are considered to receive money because there is a predecessor, so when I blow this VR glasses.

This sale is still strictly limited, that is, the netizen who focuses on this glasses, only a small portion can buy the real thing.

In this way, even if many netizens who bought the real thing have changed this glasses. When they go online, this glasses are very good, others still do not believe.

In this way, the time to extend this negative public opinion can be extended, and in the way, it is further excited by hunger marketing, so that the effect of reverse propaganda is better.

Of course, it can't be dragged down.

This month is a settlement. One month in advance, these products should be officially released, and "Animal Island VR" is also available.

After all, the late studio has already completed the game development. Drafter it is not online, and Yan Qian can explain that it is hoping that they will test more tests, repair the bug, and then for a long time.

In short, Yu Qian's goal is to drag until the 18th, which is next Wednesday, giving Meng Chang to the guarantee.

Life, why is it so tough!

Yan Qian is on the chair, the brain is emptied, I don't know what to say.

After a few minutes, the office came to knock on the door.

"Please come."

Yan Qian looked up, stunned.

The people come to the road.

Although the road is taking a cap and mask, it completely blocks his face, but after all, cooperation has been many times, so I will recognize it in the first place.

The road is soaked in the hat and glasses, full of spring breeze: "!"

Some accidents: "How come you?"

The road smiled and smiled: "Oh, this is not the same gentlemanship, there is nothing."

"I think," mission and choice "will refer to tomorrow, and it is just a Saturday. It is also 20th next Friday ..."

"Just about Zhang Shu, several of them come to Beijing, come to Beijing, and enjoy a meal!"

"I heard that this time, Jingzhou has more snacks and Tengda experience stores, and the subway has to repair it? He is always, congratulations!"

: "..."

It's so straightforward, it's shameless!

After all, cooperate together for so long, the road is far away from this process.

He found that when each movie has been smashed, you will have to eat; after the film will be found together, the summary must eat.

And every month, the balance is generally on Saturday, Sunday arrangements, and arranged the package to dinner on the 20th.

I'm going to count, this time is right!

The movie is just a weekend, you can eat a meal; play a week in Yangzhou, to 20, eat a meal.


I think of the food in the unknown restaurant, and I can't help but go.

And this is not sorry.

Road, I think it is the starring of "mission and choice". This movie box office is hard to give up to 1.6 billion in the last hierarchy, and it is broken.

What happened to a meal!

Is that still straight?

I heard the five words of "mission and choice", and Yan Qian felt that he was a bit brain.

It's finally ended!

Although the key is postponed for two months, the box office has risen slightly, but the key post is a must.

Because after the extension, the movie's box office brochure is definitely the next cycle to return.

If it is not extended, in this world's extremely fast return speed, there are more than five billion funds before, what can I do?

I am afraid that I can only tear 50,000 profit transformation.

Not only the amount of money is more than 400,000, the most important thing is that there is no significant impact of the wealth converted value to more than 800,000, there is no mysterious reward.

That is blood loss!

In short, it is like this.

This nightmare finally passed.

The road is very coming, sitting in the sofa, I poured a cup of tea: "What is the first movie? I have can't wait!"

Yu Qian almost got angry.

Take a hammer!

You addicted it!

As you have more money to make me more money, there are more troubles!

The road is really addictive, like this kind of fire, where is it?

If you shoot a movie, you know that this movie will definitely fire. The full draft group is estimated to start the chicken blood, who can start with the sexy?

It is the feeling of following the Pei Tong.

No matter how to shoot, it is the box office and reputation double harvest!

Yan Qian said: "There is no short term. Flying yellow studio The next work should take the net drama, and go abroad to shoot, there is no role in your role."

The road is not happy at the time, put down the tea cup: "How will it not fit my role? My foreign language is also very good, just arrange a Chinese role?"

Yan Qian patiently advised: "The protagonist is determined, it is a foreigner, even if you arrange a Chinese role, you can only be a small angle, run the dragon."

, the road is away, you will be a component with a component, and now it is the most hot actor in China. Please go to the main character, should you like a long team?

Playing so many films don't shoot, follow the flying yellow studio shot network drama? Also play a dragon set?

If you want to do this, I am afraid that it is not a brain into the water?

However, the road is said to be said: "What happened? I have never looks like it!"

"I don't say it, no matter what theme is the subject of this web drama, I have died!"

"Don't always say you don't want to say, I am not the kind of uncomfortable person!"

The road is obviously misunderstood.

He felt that he did not open his mouth, it must be a big coffee level, let him go to the web drama to play a role, a bit embarrassed.

Therefore, how is the relationship between the road, and the relationship with the flying yellow studio? This busy is sure!


Yan Qian looked at the road, a face of speechless.

This is a trouble!

He is now looking for a post.

The Emperor is not to give me the dragon, and I don't want to go, what should I do? Online, etc., very anxious!

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