July 18, Wednesday.

Advertising Department.

Meng Chang looked at his computer screen, if thought.

This is what he summarizes, the total propaganda program, as well as the effects of this set of schemes.

As the saying goes, live to the old, learn to be old.

Meng Chang was originally thought that he was playing with heat, promoting the product, but after seeing the summary, he knew that he was still far away.

This time I have the opportunity to promote the general publicity and operation of Guan Jiao, of course, I have to look serious and carefully!

At the same time as he thought, the phone rang "" tone.

Meng Chang took a look at it, not from the eyebrows, like colors.

Bank card arrives notified, two thousand!

These two thousand pieces are obviously this month's guarantee!

Because the propaganda program has been released for two weeks, even Meng Chang can see that the propaganda effect is not good.

The general propaganda program for this time is targeting VR glasses. So far this VR glasses have a reputation on the Internet.

Although the people who bought their hands gave praise, the problem is that the players who have not bought these are really praises, or manufacturers buy a water army brush?

Plus "Animal Island" has not yet, this glasses have not been equipped with a special cattle VR game masterpiece, so although a lot of publicity has been carried out, it has a little effect.

Tenda's work efficiency is so fast, the two weeks have just arrived, and the guarantee has been hit.

Considering that there is still 4,000 basic salary at the end of the month, this means that the income of Meng Chang this month has been properly raised to 6000!

Of course, 6000 is not much, but for Meng Chang, this is already a historic breakthrough.

"I didn't expect that I was really easy to do."

"This VR glasses project, how to look at a death project, I didn't expect that in such a difficult situation, I also reveared to reverse propaganda."

"Have to say, genius is genius, no matter what, it is a genius."

Meng Chang was completely intuitive.

This time, the general propaganda program is staring at him, and he is still very worried. He will not engage in some dark box operations, let the propaganda program of the VR glasses project become "unreasonable" success.

If it is true, then Meng Chang is absolutely not promised.

However, a series of ways, let Meng Chang are completely open, and it seems that there is no black box operation, which is completely completed.

So, Meng Chang was seriously summed up, learning, hoping to use these techniques that .

This feeling is like a lot of anime or movie, Master is not willing to say to the bottleneck's apprentice: "I only do it once," you are optimistic. "

This demonstration is too expensive!

If you can learn this kind of technique, every month is trying to get 200,000?

Now Meng Chang has already summed up all the techniques used to use, listed in the form.

But he still has a unique question.

I always do this, what is the benefit of Tenda Group?

For Meng Chang, he did the reverse propaganda program is completely to make itself success, but for the summary, let Meng Chang anti-direction propaganda, reduce the visibility of the project, is it not reduced Tenda's income?

This problem has been plaguing Meng Chang.

Before the Meng Chang did not think about the matter, it didn't study.

But now, in order to retain him even personally showcase the way to reverse propaganda, this makes Meng Chang's suspicion.

Is it necessary to do this level?

What kind of purpose and motivation are driving him?

This is to make Meng Chang very plentiful.

However, after the total reverse propaganda program all sorted out, after Luo listed, Meng Chang suddenly felt that he seems to catch a little bit.

It seems that as long as you study the reverse propaganda program given by the bail, you can find out the real motivation of the total!

Thinking of this, Meng Chang once again turned its attention to the computer screen, check the "" summed up after carefully observing.


First Article 1 of the Pan: Selected items, refined cutting.

Meng Chang attaches the failure before you, a very important reason lies in that he did not open different items.

Although Meng Chang can choose a publicity project, he has not realized this, so that the difficulty of promotion has increased sharply.

On the other hand, after being promoted by Meng Chang, I specified VR glasses, the VR glasses project with "Animal Island" game was separated.

Only publicity glasses is absolutely not involved in "Animal Island".

To know that Tengda's project is highly associated, many departments have natural linkages, and if they cannot cut these related items, the failure probability of reverse propaganda is naturally increased.

Conversely, as long as the segmentation is completed, the reverse propaganda of a single product is more prone to success.

Of course, this segmentation is not casual, and must be the second point.

Article 2 of the Pan Propaganda Law: In-depth understanding, comprehensive control.

Before Meng Chang did only understand these projects, but did not control it.

In order to promote the VR glasses project, it is an obvious to the first point "segmentation" to the first point "segmentation".

This means that Meng Chang wants to succeed, and can no longer promote the publicity of the programs, regardless of others, and must have a deep participation-related project, and even the time to delay the project online, this success rate is higher.

Article 3: Word-of-mouth cutting, clear relationship.

Tengda's word of mouth is great, so that after the single project is on the set of Tenda's aura, the netizens have a good impression, and the reverse propaganda is naturally not successful.

Therefore, you must find a way to separate the word of mouth of this project and the whole Tengda Group's reputation, let netizens can be objectively, fairly, rather than understanding this is certainly a good product.

Article 4 of the :

Pull up the expectations of netizens, such a real thing, netizens will feel lost, think this is not the same. Even it is a good product itself, and it will be in a short period of time, and it is natural to complete it in reverse propaganda.

Article 5: Limited purchase restrictions, guiding reputation.

In order for this poor style to continue, the first purchase purchase must be limited, and the public opinion will be guided through the water army.

Most netizens can't buy products, because they are restricted, and they can't judge those who speak online. This poor style will naturally continue.

Article 6 of the Propaganda Method: Segmentation Time and Precise Planning.

It is impossible to conceal it forever, so it must be accurately planned. Let this state last for two weeks, continue until the end of the month, and each time node has a precise calculation to ensure the final success of the program.


Meng Chang discovered that as long as it did this six o'clock like a bail, it was indeed stably completed reverse propaganda.

Even if the last thing is not so perfect, the time will control some problems, insist that the two weeks get the guaranteed commission is not big, and will not be as good as they have.

In other words, the summary of this propaganda program is indeed, it is true to show him an efficient and feasible reverse propaganda method.

As long as you do it, you can do it, how to practice, constantly imitate, Meng Chang can also get a commission, even after skilled, hoping to impact high-income commices.

So the most critical problem is, why do you want to do this?

If Meng Chang has learned, every plan is reversed in reverse, the project is not fire, Tenda does not make money, what is the benefit of ?

This makes Meng Chang not understand.

He faintly felt what, but it was still a bit blurry, and it could not be determined.

After these six " " seems to have other things, he did not summarize it.

This kind of thing is very important, and it can be said to be the core and essence of the entire "Bay Propaganda Law", but also the ultimate answer of all the issues of Meng Chang.

what is it……

Meng Chang brows wrinkled, caught in hardship.


At the same time, Yu Qian is in the office, also grows away.

I have determined that the Bao Bao has already hit the past, I can be relieved!

With your own decisions, the reverse propaganda is finally a great success!

Although it seems to be relaxed, but in fact, there is still some of themselves in his heart. In order to reverse publicity programs, it can persist in two weeks.

Even the waist is pleased to have a water army, it can be said that he does not hesitate.

Fortunately, all payment is rewarded.

Two weeks have arrived, according to the previous agreement, Meng Chang definitely won't go.

As for Meng Caspere, I realized something from this demonstration ... that is not what I can expect or control.

Anyway, a good brother Eric has left, can't lose another good brother Meng Chang.

This matter is understanding, the big stone that Yan Qian has been hovering is finally landing.

"Okay, the game can be sent."

Yan Qian used internal chat software to send information on the late studio, telling them "Animal Island" can be officially launched.

In order to ensure the reverse propaganda program is unloraity, Yu Qian specially found a lot of reasons, such as testing more "Animal Island", and repair the bug again.

Hard to drag more than a week.

Now promise Meng Chang's guarantee has been got, and the distance is less than two weeks left, almost can also let the game will be sold, and the VR glasses will be canceled.

It is absolutely impossible to sell more than two weeks.

Of course, profitable pressure will continue until the next cycle.

But the next cycle is so long, then it will be said.

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