Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1145 is 28 months, another behavioral art fashion

July 19, Thursday.

At 8:55 am, Qiao Liang was awakened by the alarm clock.

He has two mobile phones, one is the G1 mobile phone of the gull, and the other is a pineapple phone.

And this mobile phone alarm clock is specially used with pineapple. The sound of the pineapple mobile phone comes like a soul curse, as long as it sounds, minutes can stop the heart of the people in the sleep.

Therefore, the wakeup effect is pulled down.

Every time I heard this ringtone, Qiao Liang feels that she is like being sitting in the same way, and she is still awkward.

Originally as a freelancer, he did not need a alarm.

But this time is special, because the alarm should be written on the three characters: grab the glasses!

Seeing these three words, Joe is immediately turned off the alarm, then the drumming interface of DoubTVR glasses is quickly opened.

I have already grabbed two times before, all didn't grab it.

Although Qiao Liang believes that the hand is fast enough, it has proven that as long as the goods from the manufacturer have less, the hand is quick to quickly, because there is always someone faster than you!

This glasses are released, and Joe is highly suspicious. Can this come out of 2000?

Shouldn't you?

When he helped test the game on the late studio, he also seen the product manager responsible for developing glasses. With the financial resources of Shenhua Group and Tenda Group, this VR glasses should be very sufficient, no reason is better.

But Qiao Liang has no way, can only continue to grab.

He is a greeting with Lin Xia, thinking that it is white, but it still doesn't do that.

Because he worried that there would be a total plan.

It is known that the propaganda program of this VR glasses is the total handle.

It is also known that this VR glasses have sent at least dozens of out, giving various UP master and anchors, there are many small anchors of many thousands of powders, but they did not send Qiao Liang.

Is it that I have forgotten?

Qiao Liang felt impossible.

Most of the reasons are for the reasons, but always deliberately!

So, if Qiao Liang takes the initiative to find Lin night, I want to try a white VR glasses, which does not match the general idea, it is possible to chaos the entire propaganda plan.

So Qiao Liang decided, or buy it with your own strength!

Although I haven't grab it twice in a row, but as the saying goes actually.

He firmly believes in his own speed, you can buy success sooner or later!

The heart is medcurving countdown, and the mad button is in less than one second, and the speed will be paid after the payment interface!

After seeing the success of the payment, Joe Liang suddenly excitedly from the bed.


The previous two Qiao Liang also successfully arrived at the payment interface, but when paying, the goods have failed, the goods have been sold out.

This shows that he is only one step away from success, and it may be a few seconds between the last lucky one.

This time, Qiao Liang broke out, finally succeeded!

The order is completed, and the product is estimated that it can be sent to the home by the little brother of the anti-wind log in a few hours.

He returned to the product details interface, I want to see that the pleasing "sold out" button.

The human psychology is so strange. When I bought it, I hope I have a good time, let yourself be a leak; after buying, I hope to sell it immediately, let others can't buy it.

This is like queue to buy limited amounts of things, I just bought the last one. At this time, people who saw the long team behind them were sighing, there will be an inexplicable comfort.

At this time, Qiao Liang is with this mentality, returning to the product details page.

However, the gray "sold out" does not appear, and the page is still available on the page.

This makes Joe Liang a little disappointment.

"How is there any goods?"

"Oh, it may be a little bit a little more, or the hand has been grabbed quickly, and the hand of the hand is slow."

"In any case, it will be sold out in dozens of seconds."

Qiao Liang got up to brush your teeth, took a bread from the refrigerator, but once again opened the phone, this page still shows that there is goods.


Qiao Liang was speaking.

Potholes this is!

I know that this time it is so sufficient, why do you want to set a alarm clock so early!

"I have to see when I was sold out!"

Qiao Liang did not serve and continued to stare at the phone.

After five minutes, he stared tired, put the mobile phone aside, and started to continue to play the game before you didn't pass the customs, see a few minutes.

In stock.

In stock.

Still there is goods!

The state of the original order is turned from "out", and it has become "distributed" from "transfer", even after lunch, this page still does not appear "Sold out" !

Qiao Liang is completely speechless.


"I thought I had a good character to break out, the result is so much this time, there is anything!"

He also looked at the fan group and watchd on the Internet. Sure enough, people who grabbed DoubTVR glasses are not too much.

Not only that, there are many old players that have been grabbed, have said that there is more publicity pages on DoubTVR, a new game called "Animal Island"!

Seeing this, Joe Liang suddenly understood.


"It seems that now is the end of the game!"

I have heard that this unreasonable propaganda program is that when Qian is always closed, Qiao Liang already has doubts.

After so many years of hard thinking, combined with the "game producer" propaganda method, Qiao Liang has a rough conjecture.

But this guess is not particularly perfect.

Qiao Liang wants to wait for the VR glasses to find a suitable timing, and then do the video to do this.

But I haven't grabbed it, so this is delayed.

Now, the timing is finally arriving.

Qiao Liang immediately started to prepare the video.

First write a copy, record a part of the content, after the VR glasses are here, add the rest of the content, and strive to release the fastest speed!

Of course, this one-phase video, I want to introduce "Animal Island" game, I can't come.

Although Qiao Liang has already played in advance, this game has been very understandable, but after all, the material is recorded, and it takes a long time.

Therefore, Qiao Liang intends to be demolished into two videos.

The first short video will talk about DouBTVR itself, telling the publicity plan used by this glasses, as well as the true relationship between the late studio and Tenda Group.

The second video tells the "Animal Island" excellent VR game in detail.

One after another, I absolutely make the truth in the world!


at night.

Meng Chang is still distressed in his own rental house, is still distressed in the last step of the "Bay Propaganda Law".

I don't want to understand this, I am afraid that I can't sleep peace of mind.

Meng Chang also has a feeling, once you completely enlighten the " ", then the subsequent commission can definitely get soft, waiting for yourself will be infinite bright future!

But it is precisely that the card is in this last step, it is very uncomfortable.

Why do you want yourself to advocate in the end?

What kind of purpose do you want to reach?

What is the benefit of him?

Meng Chang wanted to pass anyway.

He turned over the latest comments on the Internet.

Today, DouBTVR glasses have been fully released, and the "Animal Island VR" is also officially released. This glasses are evaluated, which is fully recovery.

For this, Meng Chang is actually not very unexpected.

After all, the general promise is to maintain two weeks and get the bootstrap.

Now that the Bao Shu is got, the balance is not necessary to die, and the sales of VR glasses can be opened again.

Previous evaluation of VR glasses is not good, mainly because of the less selling, people who want to buy have grievances, so public opinion is very good.

Now openly sold, most people who want to get the real thing, and naturally, this glasses are really good, and the word of mouth will slowly pick up.

This also means that the high delivery is not expected.

However, Meng Chang did not care, because the summary has fully demonstrated the "Bay Propaganda Law", as long as Meng Chang has learned, we will work hard to extend the time.

From the two weeks to a month, isn't that it is full?

The general is already a righteousness, and Meng Chang felt that he was not greedy.

The current urgency is to unlock the last mystery and make your own "".

When I wanted to take much commission, I will take much commission; I want to take a few months, take a few months.

Is it not beautiful?

Seeing the random comments of the players, Meng Chang also has a feeling, but it is still not clear enough.

After all, the sales of glasses just released, "Animal Island" is just released, most people are still experiencing, and there is no way to reflect on the Internet so quickly.

Just then, Meng Chang suddenly lit up.

Qiao Ni wet updates the video!

The title of the video is: "24 months, another behavioral art"!

Meng Chang did not hesitate, immediately got it in.

Sure enough, it is related to VR glasses!

As the old acquaintance of Tengda Group, Qiao Ni Wet can always make a unique interpretation from some special perspectives.

Previously, Meng Chang's wet to Qiao's wet can be said to be focused, and he is afraid that he is broken his own.

But now his mood is completely different.

Qiao's unique perspective, maybe you can inspire him, answer your question that he has been confused?


"Hello everyone, I am still your Qiao Ni wet."

"This video is not long. I believe that everyone has led to something I want to talk about after seeing the title."

"I open the door to say that this DouBTVR glasses are not good, but this is actually the same propaganda method with the" game producer "with more than two years, which is the behavioral art."

"There may be many people don't agree. After all, many people have not got DouBTVR glasses. I have been influenced by online public opinion. I feel that this is a predominary, passionate, actually there is no real material. Product."

"So ... please keep me: Do you pay attention to this glasses?"

"Doubt, that is, doubt, doubt, uncertain, don't believe it."

"Do you not have this state now?"

After listening to this opening, Meng Chang couldn't help but stunned.

Behavioral Art Declaring?

Obviously, in the eyes of Qiao Niki, the total roots are not propaganda in reverse, but in the forward propaganda.

However, has always used a specific method. Most people don't understand, not accepted before they are reversed, so the propaganda program will not depend on the effect.

Now, Qiao's wet is obviously sump, explaining this specific propaganda to everyone!

The first reaction of Meng Chang is that it feels very outrageous.

Not likely?

The first thing of the PR is not to reverse publicity, is it to mention me?

Moreover, how can this propaganda plan be related to behavioral art?

With doubts, Meng Chang continued to look down.

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