July 26, Thursday.

Tengda gaming department, Yan Jingchao has arranged the related matters of this koi activity.

Today, I officially issued the specific content of the global GOG player activity.

The summary of the generals is to inform the world's operators in the world, early issues early warning, online activities, must ensure that the activities will be given before the end of the month.

Looking at the new round of burning money plan, Hu Xianbin couldn't help but feel: "I feel that the competition of GOG and IOI has become more intense, and it is quite a little aggressive."

Hu Xianbin has nothing to do recently.

The development of "mission and choice" has been completed, the next stage of the goal is to develop "Yongxiao Return", but according to the demand, the next month will formally set up, now in the so-called "inspiration stage".

Therefore, he is idle, and it will often pay attention to the situation on the GOG.

Before GOG, although I have frequently burned the campaign, it is not available to IOI, but it has recently been obviously improved in the frequency.

The 515 game festival in May, the summer promotion in June, and the promotion of Koi activities in July, this activity can be said to be a wave.

Players didn't just finish the last month, and it was cool.

In fact, it is strict, this frequent promotion is a little unevenness.

Because of the normal game rhythm, it is an overdraft.

Although the promotion of the preferential promotion can greatly improve the popularity in the short term, it will also overdraw from the future consumer desire.

This is like shopping malls. When you discounted, your business is really good, but after you have returned to the original price, everyone is not willing to buy.

For a game, it is best to do order, and the interval is long, so that players will expect their feelings, and they will not feel tired.

The GOG has burn three waves in the last three months, which is obviously not much in line with this law.

But everyone knows, I will do things, it is definitely reason.

This is obvious because he has reached the stage of heating with the army competition!

This seems to have two shopping malls. If the two are not promoted, then they are made according to the original price; a promotion is not promoted, then the business that is not promoted will be a thousand feet, and the customer is all taken away by the other.

So, can only promote together on both sides, more than anything more, and burn more.

This kind of arms race can't stop once opened, because stopping it means that the previous efforts will be abandoned.

Just like two peerless masters, it must be getting faster and faster, and the faster the knife is, it means that the distance is not far away.

Now Hu Xianbin feels that the general is the peerless master, it is dazzling, and it is dazzling.

Yan Jingyue said: "It is indeed aggressive, but IOI seems to be a state of death pigs that are not afraid of boiling water."

Last summer, the company did not respond to Tengda's promotion, or he had over the entire summer, according to the original six-fold discount.

Although it is also awkward, it seems that the company does not have much impact.

For Tengda, it has always been burned to players, but it also considers an efficiency problem.

Frequent activities will clearly reduce efficiency, which is unfavorable to revenue.

After all, after so long burning, those players who repeatedly sway have been dug more than, and the rest is some of IOI loyal players.

This kind of player, even if I find that IOI activity is better than the GOG, the top is more embarrassed, and I will not really change the game.

Therefore, after the burning money of GOG, the effect will inevitably get worse, this is the problem that the silence is more worried.

Hu Xunbin said silence after a while, said: "Reassure, these problems must always think about it."

"I will definitely know that the more efficient, the lower the efficiency, and now there is some special considerations."

Yan Jing is over-point, agreed.

Looking at the time is almost the same, Yan Jingyue said with the people, announced on the official website, announced the details of this "Koi Activity".

Can't drag again, get as soon as possible.

Today is Thursday, from now on on Friday night, this day, I will leave it to players to add a friend, officially open the moving lottery, publicity, give the koi, then spread it out to give it two Three-level players send coupons.

Time is more rushing, but for the players, this is also a good thing, saving like some activities, for the heat to take a activity to a month, etc., etc.

Just then, Hu Xianbin suddenly said: "Hey? You look at this!"

"It seems that today IOI has just updated a small version!"

: "Well?"

In general, for Moba games, small version updates are very frequent, sometimes repairing bugs, calling a tone value, is also small version update content.

Yan Jing has always focusing on the situation there, knowing that they have no big version update plan in the near future. Only a new hero and a new set of new skin seem to be online.

This is nothing big to update.

But see Hu Xunbin slightly wrong, things are obviously not so simple.

"Is this not hitting a total of the total gun?"

Hu Xunbin nodded: "So I am so surprised, I am always the god level predecessor!"

"If the thinking of ordinary people, in May and June, it has been active in June, and most of July will not act again."

"There is no contrast to GOG, IOI this version update will not trigger too much against the sound."

"But now, just form a distinct contrast with our activities!"

If the gog does not do anything in this month, then the top of IOI is more, and it will not have a serious problem.

After all, IOI activities, although there are some golden activities, there are also some new content to be obtained by the liver, although it is slightly difficult, but it will not cause the player's universal displacement.

But now there is a comparison with the activities of the GOG, it is not so much!

It can be said that if the two activities of GOG and IOI have not hit together, then they will not have much impact.

It can just hit together, this effect is big!

Hu Xianbin is very admired: "It seems that the total of the fingers of the head company and Dawak Group is just a good fortune, just through some spider marts, fully know the next step!"

"So I specially arranged this koi activity, directly intercept it, give IOI a heavy blow?"

"What are you waiting for? Immediately issue an announcement!"

"This activity is definitely, the more you are, the better!"

The two instantly understand why I have to act so frequently within a short time.

Obviously, the summary has already taken the other's flaws, thinking that the key time to divide the winning and negative has arrived, so speed up the trick, prepare for a good job!

Don't this be the horrible insight?


At this point, Yu Qian is in the office, check the community of this month's publicity program.

As expected, the propaganda effect in the first half of months is very poor, reaching the established goal; and then heaven and month, additional commodity is not.

"Hey, I can only do this."

"I tried my best."

Yan Qian sighted his tone. He also wanted to give Meng Chang more talents, but the difficulty is too high.

The heat of DouBTVR glasses can be compressed for two weeks, and it is considerable.

The firefighter of the VR glasses behind it can only be said to be unexpected, and it is rational. Yu Qian prepared this glasses with a flaming of fire, but never thought that it would be able to fire to this extent.

Ok, DouBTVR glasses did not affect this cycle.

According to the current situation, the settlement of this cycle should still be more stable, and the transformation of hundreds of thousands should not be large.

The specific amount depends on the income situation of each game next week, and the specific amount of fixed assets is fixed at the time of settlement.

For Yu Qian, this is no longer the problem that manpower can change, you have to see God.

"I just don't know what Meng Chang is this propaganda program."

This is the only thing that Qian is worried.

I have a tiger, and I have just got a bootification.

Meng Chang will not feel that he is a commission that is taken by a dark box?

Will you feel that even the generals can only take the bootstrap, you have no play?

In case Meng Chang, don't intend to abide by the agreement, how should I treat him?

Just thinking, the office came outside knocking on the door.

It is Meng Chang.

"Sit, this month's propaganda effect details, let's take a look."

Yan Qian said, handed the laptop to Meng Chang, and observed his expression.

Town next Tuesday is only 31, so it is strict, and when the final result of the propaganda program is not settled.

However, in the current situation, the next few days of DouBTVR can't suddenly explode any negative news, the propaganda results have been identified, and the commission is impossible to change.

Moreover, the 31st is also a settlement day, and Yan Qian does not want two things to rush to a piece, so put Meng Cas in advance, and put this month's propaganda effect to it.

Meng Chang took a laptop and quickly browsed it.

Obviously, this result is also exactly the same as he expected.

"I have no problem, I have no problem."

Meng Chang said, handed back the laptop.

silent, said: "Do you want to leave Tengda?"

Meng Chang shakes his head: "It isn't rational before, I have decided, I will continue to serve as the head of the advertising marketing department in the future, study hard your propaganda skills, never live up to your expectation!"

: "Really?"

Meng Chang nodded, very peaceful: "Really!"

If Yu Qian looked at Meng Chang, trying to judge the authenticity of him.

According to reason, Meng Chang's statement is very in line with the expectation before Qian, should be very satisfied.

Meng Chang continued to stay in the advertising marketing department to do the person in charge, study his propaganda skills, strive to do reverse propaganda, reduce product heat, get more commission, but also help Qian no more money, this is what A win-win situation.


...... .

It seems that this change is a bit too hard?

A month ago, Meng Chang also wanted to run a tear. After a month, it would be very firm to continue to work hard in Tengda.

Although I have passed the general demonstration during this period, I have only helped him take the boot!

Just a guarantee, let him want to go, become a dead heart?

This reason does not seem to be sufficient.

But Yu Qian Zuo Xi right thinks and feels impossible to have other possibilities.

Meng Chang decided to stay, definitely in order to take it.

Since it is for commission, then you must find a way to do a reaction, and press the heat of the product.

What do you think, will be beneficial to yourself.

Therefore, Yu Qian considers it. It feels that although there is a little little flaw, the overall is still good, it should be no problem.

Think of this, Yan Qian nodded: "Well, I want to pass it."

"Take a rest in these few days, starting next month, we must do new propaganda programs."

Meng Chang nodded: "Good ."


Delivery Meng Chang left, Yan Qian stretched out of the boss chair.

This cycle, there should be done it, how much money can be lost, just look at God.

"Hey, the announcement of Koi activities has been issued?"

"I also reported a name."

Yan Qian is also reported to himself.

After all, if you can take it to Koi, the highest bonus is 100,000!

Of course, this probability itself is very low. The total number of global players participating in the lucky draw is estimated to have a 550 million, and only 100,000 koi of the highest prize is only one.

Tens of thousands of probabilities, if you have to be pumped with Yu Qian, it is also enough.

It is estimated that this is not a dark box to operate, no one will believe.

Yu Qian did not expect the winning prize, even if you do a denominator? Heavy participation.

If it is true, it will be beautiful.

Since 100,000, get a million unlimited burning amount to the system, then win 100,000.

Is this not forming a forever, white is 10 million system funds?

Of course, this kind of thing is thinking.

Although Yu Qian is very confident to his luck, he found that his luck seems to have a place to take effect in some people who have no eggs. Once his personal property is concerned, his luck is completely bad.

After the newspaper is finished, Yan Qian will look at the players' comments on activities.

"Everyone has added friends! In case it is time to get to the name of the koi, but if you can't finish it!"

"Add me to add me!"

"This activity is too exciting! There are activities in three months every month, cool!"

"Let me pull down the winning rate!"

"It is actually very good, you can get a secondary reward, you can white skin."

"Do a GOG player is really happy! Look at the activities of the next door, just laugh!"

"IOI players have envied two eyes."

"I have a few dead hardship IOI players can't help but picked up the GOG account raised before."

"There is no way, IOI this activity is a bit ugly, and more ugly is more ugly!"

It is quite normal in front, basically in planning a friend.

The number of people registered is not too big, and the winning rate of Koi will not change. But Koi wants to give coupons to first-level lucky players, they must have established a friend relationship before the draw.

In case of 100,000 bonuses, you can have 100 lucky player coupons. If the total number of friends is less than 100, isn't it very embarrassing?

So, this day is more than a big friend, which is convenient to people, it is convenient, and the probability of obtaining a coupon will increase.

But the painting in the back is wrong.

Yan Qian is a bit wonderful, how can I pull it around IOI?

What is "IOI this activity is a bit ugly"? Is Eric not at all in China? Where is the new event?

With confusion, Yu Qian open IOI's official website, check the new version update content.

After a few minutes, Yan Qian was unbelievable to open his eyes, and some can't say it.

"Do younger hair, this is !!"

"Don't follow my burning money, how do you make a lot of money?"


"Even if you make money, don't do it now!"

Yan Qian is thoroughly speechless, this is too smoking!

Is the company a brain? Do you have to engage in this hand before I settle?

Is this not a clever?

Yan Qian also thought it had been killed after IOI. I thought about the time to hurry the inhalers, saving the settlement. But I didn't think that IOI took the initiative to get together!

Eric! You are so bad!

I accidentally hurt my brothers, and I was a bit uncomfortable.

But he can't do it, it is now impossible to stop because it is at a critical moment before the settlement.

I don't want to put it a little, it is not enough!

I can only have the tears to continue to turn over ...

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