July 31, Tuesday.

I finally arrived at the settlement.

This weekend, outside is a snapped blood.

The GOG's "Koi Activity" was successfully completed, and the lucky koi players were drawn around the world and sent a coupon for nearly 10,000 players.

As for ...

Koi of course did not smoke.

Although it is also divided into 100 yuan coupon of the secondary player, but ... this coupon is completely free of eggs!

His number is the whole skin, because all overhead in the game can be reimbursed in the banner of "Experience Game".

Yu Qian is more concerned about the situation on the IOI.

According to the reason, if there is no koi activity in the GOG, IOI's new version will not be so miserable.

After all, this new version of the event is not all the golden activities, and there is also some kinds of welfare, and there is always no strong than any activity.

What's more, the new hero can be done, the new skin is also very handsome, discussions on these game content can cover the players' sounds to a certain extent.

But the problem is that just hitting the GOG's koi activity, this is very embarrassing!

Originally, it is also a special pit.

The more critical problem is that in the eyes of players, this is no longer in the first time.

It has been three consecutive times!

When the 515 game festival, GOG made activities, IOI engaged in promotion, and sent a car and was also exposed;

When the summer promotion, GOG gave three to 50% promotion, IOI did not move, gave a six fold from it.

After the first two incidents, many players have already fired a belly.

As a result, this time is more, people go directly to 100 million coupons directly, in order to celebrate the day of active, there are generous people.

Results IOI new skin is not only not discounted, but also price!

Can this bear it?

As the saying goes, there is another again, and there is no need to have another four.

With three activities in three months, the results were all hung by GOG on the ground. This is really a very doubt that the finger is not good, or is it an attitude?

From this new version of the gold content, most of them are the latter.

Therefore, the online screams are covered with the sky, and the fingers will be drown!

The company is also very embarrassed, this pot is not going to be back, it is what Dawak Group decided.

But this pot is impossible to ignore, you can only bear these screams.

I can't dare to be screaming by the player, I can only be the horrible shape of the turtle, it is really sad, see tears, and Yu Qian is a bit can't bear.

But he can't do it. In order to assault money to complete the settlement, you can only let the brothers are suffering.

I hope that the situation in the next month is optimistic, the pressure loss should be so big, can give the brothers to put water, let IOI have a little breath!

In front of Qian, the system is automatically displayed.

[Wealth Conversion System 2.0]

[Host: ]

[Earnings conversion ratio 1000: 1, loss transformation ratio 10: 1]

[Will be settled ...]

[Will be re-estimated the value of fixed assets ...]

[System funds: 6.72 million +320 million (11.48 million)]

[Fixed assets: 300 million 20.28 million]


[Ming Yunshan Zhuang Chamber "set (120,800)]

[12 households in Shuguang No. 1 (43.89 million)]

[Zhidong Garden Commercial Residential Building 77 (25.8 million)]

[Building 8, No. 8, Building 9, Building 9 (29.73 million)]

[30 households (77.83 million) in Building 5 (77.83 million)

[24 households (26.48 million), No. 3 Building, Hua Xin Mushu Community]

[Old Industrial Zone Farmers Market (11.7 million)]

[62 stores along the old industrial area (9277 million)]

Seeing this long string of numbers, Yan Qian has fallen into a long silence.

"I can go to Nima!"

"The news of the subway before the settlement, this is the matter?"

Yu Qian almost gasd the blood.

According to the value of the fixed asset update, the total should be about 270 million, so that the loss value is around 16.28 million, means that Yu Qian can turn 1.6 million personal property.

However, the news of the second phase of the subway is coming out.

The traveled shops in the old industrial zone have skyrocketed, and there is more than 90 million from the original 60 million in a short period of time. After the farmer's market has been transformed, the value has also risen from more than 7 million to nearly 1200. Wan.

The real estate around other subways has also increased, such as the villa of Ming Yun Villa has risen more than two million.

It is simply takeoff!

Originally converted to 1.6 million, now there are only about 1150,000 left.

In other words, these fixed assets have a total of 450,000 personal property of ...

The key is that the value added of these fixed assets is nothing benefit to Qian.

Because he bought these fixed assets, it is necessary to use it as business activities. It cannot be hoarded, so appreciation or not, it does not affect the usual production and operation activities, and it will not help the Manqian manufacturing losses.

Can only say, maybe this is a life!

The rules given by the system are the cases, and after the discount, the system will be included in the system volume, which provides a good way to spend a fast spending money, but this good way also has side effects, which will take up a part of the amount, causing the conversion of money. less.

Sure enough, there is no white lunch.

I think about 450,000 evaporated in the air, I feel a blind pain.

"I will never buy fixed assets in the future!"

"Buying a fixed asset is completely potholes, although it is in the short term to spend the money, but the appreciation will only be more and more troublesome, seriously affecting my settlement."

"Fixed assets, there must be less in the future! I will buy the landlord, I am a puppy!"


"But thinking about the good, there is still one hundred million, not busy."

"Look at Meng Chang, I will feel that life is very happy."

When I think that Meng Chang is busy for a month, I can only take thousands of pieces, and I have been busy for half a year. I can take one hundred million. When I am, I feel that the system has been not thin, what bicycles do you want?

Sure enough, happiness is still more than enough.

The system light is continuing to scroll.

[Founded ...]

[Fortune conversion ...]

[System funds: 6.72 million +320 million (11.48 million)]

[Fixed assets: 300 million 20.28 million]

[Personal property: 27.25 million ( 1150,000 × 110%)]

[Each cycle is more than 800,000, it will receive a significant impact of * mystery rewards (currently available)]

[Currently unfinished project: horror the hostel roller coaster project, the next cycle must be officially opened to open business.

Seeing system funds into personal property, Yu Qian feels more than a lot of heart.

This cycle, it is a lot of purse.

I spent nearly 1.5 million to buy a house, I sailed more than 10 million burn money. In order to give Meng Chang's correct demonstration, I bought a meal army.

Coupled with the overhead of the hetero-hetero-eighty, it is a little bit of pain.

But fortunately, now prove that all this is valuable!

Click on the mystery reward of this cycle.

[Mystery Reward: To meet the company's development needs, open the relevant rules of the infrastructure project.

[Infrastructure Project: Specially referred to the company's daily operations, office requirements, non-profit nature infrastructure, such as office buildings.

[Unbonded infrastructure projects do not affect cycle settlement, but subsequent additional investment must not exceed 30% of the original planned funds. If it exceeds, the current settlement period is delayed based on the exceeding scale.

[The infrastructure project will be included in system funds in the proportion of 100: 1.


Yan Qian couldn't help but look forward.

This new reward is very busy!

The infrastructure project does not affect the cycle settlement, does not need to engage in business activities, will not be profitable, or according to the proportion of 100: 1, it is simply the no two choices for assaulting!

"What did I say just now?"

"Hey ... I will buy a fixed asset again."

"Cough, this is not a fixed asset, you see the system to classify to the infrastructure project, not a thing."

Yan Qian has studied a detailed rule and found that it is very limited although the surface is limited, there is still some restrictions.

For example, Yan Qianhua has a building of 300 million buildings, which is definitely not a matter of one or two cycles. If there is no such rule before, it is very troublesome to cover the building, it is likely to settle the card.

But now, after this 3 billion throws, you can slowly wait for the building, do not affect the settlement.

And because of the proportion of 100: 1 is included in the system capital, the 300 million building is only 3 million, and it will not cause too much pressure to the settlement.

Of course, when the rules of fixed assets have just been updated, Yu Qian is thinking so much.

At that time, he also felt that the proportion of 10: 1 varies the system funds, only 1 million buildings, this is not open to buy?

I found it now, I am not open to buy ...

However, it should be no problem in the short term.

After the infrastructure project is determined, although there is no time limit, it is not allowed to put money in the order, up to 130% of the original budget, and it will be extended.

Subsequent 30% may be to cope with some sudden conditions, billions of buildings can then add 300 million investments, but not unlimited.

Moreover, it is necessary to spend a big price to engage in infrastructure. First of all, there is so much money, and if the system is not enough, it is also one of the limited resources.

This is not a problem, because he is worrying about the money!

"Mission and Choice" movie box office, follow-up sales of DouBtvr, and a variety of hetero-hetero-eight income, so that the loss pressure of the next cycle is unprecedented.

But with this new rule, the difficulty of money is greatly reduced!

"Not bad, this rule appears to be quite timely, the system you finally do personnel."

Although the system is updated every time, Yu Qian is very doubts about this back, but this time, it is a huge great advantage of spending money. If there is any routine, he can only recognize it.

The system light curtain continues to scroll, while loading the next cycle of information, all the rewards currently obtained will come out and make it easy to view.

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