Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1169 Baoxu's ultimate anti-kill (2/2 for bald and 2)

August 3, Friday.

The pre-preparation of the best employee selection is all ready.

The person in charge of the departments gathered together, and the employees of the department are also ready to vote on the app on the TPDB website.

The person in charge gathered together, and I talked about the reception of the department and talked and laughed.

Only Baixu is zoomed in his own station, his expression is sluggish, and his face is desperate.

He has already presented his own tragic destiny.

This can't blame others. If you want to blame yourself, you can play it with you!

The idea of ​​Before Baixu is that if you don't do things in the department, you will make others feel that he has nothing to do, so that the second person of the outstanding employee will assign him to accompany him.

So, as long as you are busy, others should be embarrassed to find him.

So Bao Xu went to the snack market to help, create a "I have something to do".

But I didn't expect it, I was not careful, I was big!

The snack market is too hot, not only the interview with the TV, but even the newly published subway line, it also has a relationship with the snack market and the thrill.

For Bao Xu, this contribution wants to take a little difficult to take the first place of excellent employees, but if you want to take the second place, it is afraid to be more than enough.

After all, Baoxu took the second place of excellent employees, naturally with an increased aura.

As early as before, I asked him to eat in the unknown restaurant, giving him a letter, and Li Zong said the news report, Baixu felt that he was cold.

But until today, it is officially filling.

Baosao is still thinking, do you want to say something you are sick?

But let's think about it, and it seems to be more tragic at home.

Or come to witness your own destiny!

Where he didn't see, Hu Xianbin and Yan Jingchao made a eye, meaning "all according to plan action"!

Soon, the vote is officially started!

There have been changing histograms on the big screen. Everyone has taken out the mobile phone and find the best employee's selection channel, and it has made a valuable vote.

The histogram is rapidly changed, and several names stand out, and the number of votes is increasing.

Among these names, there is a very smooth, such as Hu Xintin and Yan Jing, and they have kept in the forefront.

But there is also a relatively special, such as Baoxu.

The histogram written by Baowu is often opened, and suddenly the number of votes suddenly chase, and finally in the second place.

Seeing the change of this histogram, everyone all strongly helped smile, and strive to make themselves not laugh.

Look, Bao Ge travel, this is the voice of the masses!

And Baixu is an insurance stall.

Obviously, Baixu is getting more and more black, everyone of Tengda is not innocent!

Finally, the increase in the histogram slowed down, Hu Xianbin, Baoxu and Yan Jing more three people stayed in the top three, and the gap between each other was not big, although the number of votes was still slow, but the position was basically fixed.

Yu Qian can't help but feel silently.

Hey! Baoxu, this can't blame me, it seems that I don't send the table, I'm doing the same, I want you to travel, I can't save you.

Baixu is sitting on a chair, there is no expression, and it seems that he has completely accepted his.

It's over, there is no miracle.

But when the voting is about to end, the eyes of Baoxao suddenly smashed and faced.

The miracle really happened!

I saw that the column map on the big screen had unexpected changes, and the second place was suddenly increased by dozens of votes, surpass Hu Xi Bin came to the first place!

Because the gap between three people is very small, although these dozens of votes are not much, they have played the role of reversing the Qiankun.

Speak deadline!

Looking at the ultimate ranking on the big screen, everyone is trapped.


what's the situation?

Baowu is not the second place?

Is it a problem?

When the best employee selection results came out, everyone was warmly applauded, but many of them forgot this time. Until Hu Xianbin and Yan Jingchao took the head to applaud, the people had returned to God, followed by applaud.

Yan Qian also stunned, and then showed a little disappointed expression.

It's not Baoxao to travel?

This best employee selection is simply no soul!

However, if it comes back, it is stated that the ticket é is cast from Tengda, and the results cannot be changed.

Yu Qian took the trophy to Baoxu: "Congratulations! Think about how to use it."

When Baixu came to wake up at this time.

He is not very happy because he got outstanding employees and dreams funds, in fact, he is not interested in this place.

He is because he doesn't have to travel!

Although there is still the risk of accompanying, but ...

I have got out of the excellent employees, I also found me to accompany? Is this right? As long as it is a bit of human nature, it should not come out this kind of thing?

Therefore, Baixu felt that he was safe in this half year, and it could be comfortable to housing games.

"Head, how do I don't think about it? I can't let me think about it, I will say it again." Baowu said.

He had never thought about himself will get a dream fund, and naturally did never thought that he had to use this money to start.

Yan Qian nodded: "Of course you can."

After saying, Yu Qian also looked to Hu Xianbin: "This time is hard, let go, let go," Yong Yu Ren "is handed over to the people, just cultivating new people."

"According to the practice, you can specify a colleague to go with you, want to choose who?"

Hu Xianbin also immersed in the joy who was eliminated by the first one, as for the specific choice? Not important at all.

His first reaction is a selection of sorrow, but Yan Jing is also responsible for the daily operation of GOG, more work, and Hu Xi Bin goes out to travel, many things in the game department need to look at it.

If the two person in charge go out and play, what should I do if the work on the game department?

So Hu Xunbin didn't want to choose anyone else.

On the side of the Huang Sibo, the two sounds: "There is no suitable candidate? Find a brother!"

Hu Xunbin squatted: "Ah? But Bao Ge will get the first place of excellent employees."

Huang Sibo asked: "It is necessary to say that the first place of excellent employees can not travel?"

"To say, Bao Ge's credit is so big, after getting a dream fund, go to the brigade to relax, this is not normal, is it very reasonable?"

Everyone is all stunned.

Can you still?

But let's think about it, say it is good!

This kind of person can be anyone, there is no restriction on the rules.

In this case, why can't you be a bag?

Baixu took the trophy on the side, and looked at Huang Sibo in incredible, only the trophy in his hand was not a knife.

Shameless old thief!

Good guy, I still think about letting me travel like this?

Revenge, this is definitely retalian!

Baowu still remembered that Huang Sibo got the second place in the excellent employee to make him accompany him.

In order to kill the chicken monkey, Baoxu took Huang Sibo to the East African Big Rift Valley and the Sahara Desert.

Obviously, Huang Sibo is very revenge, so I have to retaliate now!

Baosao is very speechless. According to reason, Huang Sibo contributed huge in the game and movies of "mission and choice", and he is more traveling.

The result of the last voting is Bao Xu himself.

What does this explain?

Explain that the whole Tengda is being targeted!

Baoxao looks to others, I hope to get a little help from them.

However, everyone has begun to attach the proposal of Huang Sibo.

"Yeah, Huang Ge said no problems, no means that the first place in excellent employees can't help."

"Bao Ge is a tourist person, travel is also very reasonable."

"Traveler Baoxu does not travel, then the traveler?"

"Don't hesitate, please choose the package!"

Many people are lying on the wind, and Hu Xianbin let him choose Baoxu.

Although Hu Xintin is still hesitant, it is obviously a little shake, and sometimes sneaked with Baoxu from time to time.

Baowu is thoroughly speechless.

A good guy, a big one Tengda, no one can stand up and tell me a fault?

This makes an old employee feel sad!

Since you are so ruthless ...

Then don't blame me!

Hu Xunbin has not yet come and specifically let who accompany him, Baosao suddenly opened.

"Some, I think how to use the dream fund, please approval."

: "Oh? Let me listen."

Baixu said: "I think that travel is indeed a good thing, it is able to open your eyes, you can exercise."

"Although Tengda's tourism activities have been much more than other companies, it is still not enough."

"Many people who should travel, have not got opportunities."

"So, I decided to use this money to set up a tourist department, specializing in the most special and challenging place to travel in the world!"

"In the future, Tengda's tourism activities should be institutionalized, normalized, so that more and more colleagues have experienced to the East Africa Rift, Sahara Desert, Antarctic Northern Pole, Siberia Tourism!"

Just waiting for everyone to watch the joke, I suddenly petrified.


Finished, finished!

This is definitely a public enroll!

I thought that Baoxao went to travel is a nail, I didn't expect that Baosao came to a wave of ultimate self-explosion, and it was in the world!

In the future, it is uncomfortable to see the Xu Xu, direct tourism arrangement, who is suffering?

Huang Sbo's face is particularly ugly.


From Baixu to see your eyes, wait for this department to be established, he is afraid to be the first to go!

As for the specific to East Africa, the big rift is still going to Siberia. It's hard to say that it may be necessary to read Baoxu's mood, but it will never be a place!

Yu Qian was also surprised.

Hey? Bao Xu Niu Ji!

In this extreme case, I thought of the way to turn over, and successfully rely all of people?

The only unfortunate thing is to give himself a given himself.

But for Baowu, no matter whether he set up this tourist department, it is afraid that it can't escape the fate of tourism. In this case, it is better to take the initiative to do the head of the tourist department, so you can also arrange the clothes in the service.


Yu Qian immediately nodded: "Yes! Your proposal is very good, and it is very conforming to Tengda."

"Tourism is really institutionalized, normalized, so that more employees see the vastness of the Sahara Desert, and the beauty of the Egyptian pyramid."


"Well, the best employee selection is successful, everyone will go back to continue!"

I am full of satisfaction.

But others can be different.

At the end of the best employee, everyone has a laughter, and the heart is satisfied, and only the Baixu is almost hurt in the corner.

But this time, the situation is completely reversed!

Everyone has a little, some difficult to accept this ending.

The Baoxu is a trophy, which is awarded, is like an imperial history of the hometown, leaving the first place.

At the time of the road to Huang Sibo, Baowu did not forget to show a proud smile, and the pride and ridicule of the victory.

Sample, still want to pit me?

See how I will arrange you back!

Ready to go to the Sahara Desert to eat the sand!

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