Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1170, wit Hu Xianbin and Huang Sibo

August 6, Monday.

Yan Qian fell to wake up naturally, then lying in bed and played two hours of mobile phone, until the fishing of lunch was sent to the doorstep, this is not willing to get up.

When a salted fish is really cool!

On the weekend two days, Yu Qian played the game at home and played a dark.

After all, the settlement of last month has been completed, and it is easy.

This cycle, how much is more than half a year, this is just beginning, it is completely unhappy.

Play it for two months first!

Of course, this is just an exaggerated statement. The company is still staring at the point. It may be unexpected, and it may be uneasy to discover, early arrangement.

But in any case, these two months really can relax a little.

"It is clear that summer vacation, but it is necessary to work hard."

"I am so tight!"

Yu Qian feels very worried.

He is in 2009, and it is now in August 2012. There is another month of schools to be officially started, and Yan Qian also officially upgraded to the big four.

The big three did not hang, the most dangerous time has passed.

For Yu Qian, this is obviously a bit less normal. After all, he did not have a few lessons in order to lose money.

As for why there is no hanging department, the reason may be complicated. For example, Yu Qian is a liberal art. It is very useful to use his classmates to take a borrow, and there is no huge incentive. Don't give up your school.

Of course, more likely, it is probably the old professor who is responsible for the judgment, has dropped a few hair, and strives to work hard with the trial paper, and complete such a feat.

After the next week, after the excellent employee was selected, Jia Xu started to prepare the travel agency.

He has always been very resistant to tourism, which actually on the preparations for travel agencies, even full of power.

As for Huang Sibo and others ... there is only the shake of Sithers.

Yan Qian felt that this is not a very successful ending, which has neither losing the glorious tradition of Baoxu travel, and has not allowed to make Baixu's so rich tourism experience, and let the wicked people who like to watch Baoxao have been punished.

The most important thing is, arrange someone to travel, Tenda's work is not slowed down again?

Just perfect!

It's just that this travel agency apparently prepares for a while, sending the first batch of small mice on the road, it is estimated to wait for a month.

I really hope that the day can come early!


After lunch, Yu Qian strolls to the office and prepares for two hours, see the work report sent by each department, and then go back to continue playing the game.

After all, it is Monday, and I will come to the company to see it. This is a tradition.

However, just came to the god of Shenhua, I saw Hu Xianbin pulling the suitcase, waiting for the taxi.

: "You are ...?"

Hu Xianbin said: "Oh, I have always been handed over this morning, I am going to start immediately, go out to travel."

"The people who are accompanying are also looking for, let Huang Ge will go with me."

: "Huang Sibo?"

"Hey ... You are too fast, I mean, Bao Xu is ready?"

"And, are you going to play in China?"

Huang Sbo comes with Hu Xianbin to travel together, this is of course no problem. Huang Sibo as the first person in charge of the flying yellow studio, go out to travel for a month, can drag the progress of the work on the yellow studio, and Yan Qian is of course not.

These two people have moved very fast, and they have completed it in the morning. This is no problem. After all, the more legal problems are separated, and you can slightly slow down some work progress.

The problem of Yan Qian is that Baoxu is ready, do you go out to travel?

In the weekend, I can't go to work. Bao Xu can't be able to do a good job in the travel agency within one or two days. Don't say that people are in the trip, even the registered company is afraid that it is too late.

What's more, this kind of "talking about travel" is obviously limited in the destination, can only play in China, or to a few countries that can be swamful.

Whether it is domestic or foreign, it is the same reimbursement, why don't you go abroad?

Hu Xianbin is a bit awkwardly coughing two: "Cough, , I have worked too hard, I can't wait to travel to relax."

"And I don't like to go abroad with Huang Ge, there are still many fun places in China, so this time I am going to travel."

Yu Qian also didn't care too much. This tourism is originally an employee to choose a place. It is only necessary to reach the standard, which is not limited.

As long as the employee is really traveling this month, it is not possible to sleep in the hotel every day or play the game.

Since Hu Xianbin is too tired, you can't wait to go out, then there is no reason to stop.

As for domestic or abroad ... this doesn't matter, see personal preference.

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, let's go, pay attention to safety, have fun."

"Good , !"

Looking at Hu Xianbin's back, Qian entered the building, pressed the elevator button.

Every time, Baixu, every time, it is a very bitter expression, which makes people understand that tourism is a very bitter thing.

It is normal to travel like Hu Xintin.

In the future, we must promote the culture of "Happy Tourism" in the company, so that everyone can fall in love with tourism, fall in love with the feeling of surf all over the world.

Press the 16-story button, the elevator door is closed.

.. . .. ,


"Not all right."

With the opening of the elevator door "", Yu Qian suddenly perceived that Hu Xianbin's smile seems to be a bit complex!

That smile is definitely not happy to travel, at least.

There are other complex emotions inside!

But what is the emotion?

I have been in a hurry, I also found Huang Sibo together ...

Yan Qian came out of the elevator and suddenly wake up.

"Rely! Hu Xianbin's ability, even I dare to deceive it!"

"You are working hard with Huang Sibo, can't wait to travel to relax? That is clear that Bao Xuqiu is recorded after!"

Before Yu Qian has not turned this bent, but after all, he will fight with the employees, and it is not right in an instant.

Obviously, after Baoxu decided to pay with everyone, it has begun to plan the department responsible for travel, and once this department is established, the first thing to rush is the two people from Hu Xi Bin and Huang Sibo.

Hu Xintin is because he just got the second place in excellent employees, according to the provisions, it is necessary to travel, and Huang Sibo is because "Private Revenge" is absolutely the first place in Baoxu.

Therefore, these two people have to take advantage of the time of Baoxu's travel agency, hurry up!

In this way, when Baixu arranges the first list of the travel agency, Hu Xianbin and Huang Sibo can escape a robbery because they are already traveling.

After all, they choose to choose to play some cities in China, relatively relaxed.

To make Baoxu arrange, it is estimated that most of them are in the Sahara Desert, the South and Arctic, Siberia, and the East African Prairie, absolutely comfortable.

How do these two scenarios go to the selection, use more?

Yu Qian is very admired.

"You both are very piths."

"Then I have to let you understand what is called 'smart and smart," "

"Looking back, saying, travel agency slowly planning, it is best planning for a month. Waiting for these two people to travel back, they will seamlessly arrange out!"

"Also let you feel the happiness of 'seamless connecting'!"

Yan Qian did not immediately shouted back, but decided to let them be happy for a month, and after the autumn.


Come to the office, Qian took a cup of coffee, then opened the work report of each department.

Overall, there is nothing particularly worthy of attention.

After all, the projects of the various departments of Tengda are basically walking with the settlement cycle of Yan Qian. Now many projects have just begun to develop, and they have not arrived at the poor.

Finally, Yu Qian opened the report of the Tenda Game Department.

"Well, like expectations," Yong Yu Retrieving "has officially began to develop."

"There is nothing special actions on the side of GOG."


"What is this!"

The work report is not just a daily work content, and there are some news related to this department.

But it is a message that seems to be less eye-catching, let Yan Qian raided raided!

"The official platform has once again gives our company, due to Tengda game, Yanyang game, late studio makes the outstanding contribution to the game industry, the official platform decided to divide us and the platform is divided into 19 We account for 90%. "

The sentence on the report did not seem to be particularly excited. Obviously Hu Xianbin and Yan Jing are all believe that this division change is a late and early, and even a bit late.

The official platform has always been strongly supported by excellent creators. As early as June 2010, the division of Tengda has changed from five or five to three or five.

However, from three or seven, it is more difficult to mention it, but it is more difficult, not only the sales need to have good sales, but also have a significant influence and excellent reputation.

After all, it is divided into it, and the official platform has only one unit, this is a quite exaggerated preferential policy.

Official platforms are more than just a platform, in addition to providing various recommended resources, it is also continuously updated, safeguarding the official editor, and provides exchanges for designers and art, contacts, and daily operations needed to operate. of.

Therefore, one is divided into only a very small number, a very small number of game companies can get it.

After two years of accumulation, Tengda Group has released a lot of popular classic games.

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