Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1172 Show officer, attack! (Add more for handsome figure)

The game platform must be cautious, because once played, it is blood to earn.

In order to get the high fertilizer, Meng Chang will also race his brain to make the game platform lose money, so his opinion is still very reference value.

Meng Chang took a look after it: "First, this platform must be clearly related to Tengda as much as possible."

Yan Qian couldn't help but look forward.

Say it, Meng Chang!

This is really correct!

Yan Qian also found that many projects are so fast, mainly because of the relationship with Tengda, users and customers have a good sense.

The game platform is also the same.

If the players know that Tengda has made a game platform, it is not necessary to run from the first time?

Other gamers know that Tengda has made a game platform, and she will not run over the first time. I hope to make my own games?

I have collapsed half, which can be made.

Therefore, concealing the "bloodline" of the platform, do not let everyone know that it is actually Tenda's game platform, this is very important.

Of course, the paper can not live, it is estimated that it is impossible to take it forever.

But concealment for a few months, one year, more burning money during this time, is also good.

"Very good, continue to say." Yan Qian nodded and agreed.

Meng Chang, who has been recognized, is more confident, apparently, which represents himself to enter the field of thinking!

"To ensure this, you can't get on Tear on the game, but you must first get the game of other companies."

"The game library is relatively full, and then steals the game on the ground."

Yan Qian nodded again.

It is really like this.

If you come up with the Tama's game, it's not a self-trick.

First, the games of other companies, confuse players, can get longer.

When the players don't think this platform has any relationship with Tengda, it is proud to reach cooperation with this platform, and the previous part of the game.

A new platform has just appeared, there is more place to spend money, as long as the courage is big, it will definitely burning a lot of money.

But new problems are coming.

What is the game of other companies? Does it mean that the platform can make some divided into

If a penny does not earn it, it is impossible. The system does not agree that the platform has to be a complement.

Then ... With more and more games, more and more users, isn't it still going to make money?

Can this problem solve it?

Yan Qian asked: "Is there anything about this platform ... What is the special idea?"

Yan Qian felt that as Meng Chang, a reverse propaganda, will definitely ask some harmful suggestions?

Meng Chang stunned: "This ..."

"There is nothing great ideas."

"Do a good atmosphere, let the players share creative content?"

"Or, do a relatively complete score, score, recommended mechanism?"

Meng Chang also can't understand what is the intention of this question, but since the summary of the summary is still to make this platform to make money, should it give some answered answer?

He can only think of these between him.

Yu Qian felt great disappointment.

What do you say this is!

It's all the suggestions who make me more money, what is the heart!

Forget it, ask Meng Chang, it is obviously too difficult to be him.

The road will go step by step, don't worry about it. Meng He can say that the front is two points, it is already very good.

As for the following questions, when he is a no heart.

Seeing the face of the total disappointment, Meng Yisheng, "", realize that he said his mistake.

But why is it wrong?

What answers do you want to do?

Meng Chang tried to ask: "Then, how do you think you should do?"

I drank my mouth, I took it.

It seems that the game platform is definitely the game of other companies, it is impossible to make money at all.

The key issue is how to make less money.

As long as you make money, then a large number of promotional funds are sprinkled out, and more subsidies and activities can be made to make a loss.

What should be determined?

Is it limited? It may be particularly conscience in a game channel, lead the game manufacturers.

Is it universal? Then there will be a fire in the platform, the game manufacturer still sent the game to this, isn't it earned?

Yan Qie thought that it was still considered separately in the previous period.

It is a high commission in the past, five or five points, other game manufacturers, seeing this new platform is so black, certainly don't come.

Once the platform is likely to have a fire, turn the commission, then only take a complement, earn less.

All games on the platform are generated, which is only one percent, which is the bottom line allowed by the system, and cannot be lower.

I have been engaged in activities in five or five places, give these games, paying some money to players, this kind of burning activity can also be considered.

But this is still not enough, because these measures are only less profitable, not do not make money.

How can I not make money?

Obviously, directly put the game, don't make money!

The more games you have, the less money is natural.

But the game is not casual, but there is a reason to say that the past.

If you want to take some excellent games, it is better to do it. It is best to kill the quality of the quality of the game.

Yan Qian said after a moment: "I think it can be like this."

"All new games on this platform have a one-week 'trial period'."

"The game of the trial period, develops the most stringent assessment standards."

"After a week, collected the player's feedback. If the feedback is poor, the game will be removed, not allowed to put the platform."

"During the trial period, the game has also produced sales. For the players who meet the refund conditions, the players applied for refunds, we take the normal process for refund; for other players, we will return the price of half the game price, the other half returns to the development Game manufacturer. "

In other words, the game, the platform is not taken!

In this way, many games that were originally able to make money on the platform were brushed, and the gain platform produced during the trial period did not take it.

As for the game that passed the trial period, there is no way. After all, how can there be a game developed by other manufacturers on this platform, and Yan Qian can't find the reason for these games.

However, we think that these games are definitely issued many other channels, and players don't see the purchase of such a new game channel.

As long as the money is much more money, there is no problem.

Meng Chang nodded: "Good way!"

Obviously, the summary of this statement is fully compliant with the basic set of ""!

It will be clearly affected in the short term, but as long as you persist, you can do it in the right conditions, then you can complete the reversal!

Of course, how to reverse it, Meng Chang can't guess.

But he smelled the familiar taste from the sum of the people.

The taste of the "Pan Propaganda Law".

He only needs to develop a propaganda program along the basic principles of the "Pan Propaganda Law", there is a big hope to get the commission!

Seeing Meng Chang expressions, Yan Qian could not help but smile.

Obviously, it is from the heart.

This series of operations, should the game platform you have to burn a long time?

Now there is no software such as the sky, even if it is half a year, after a year, this game platform is Tengda, how is it? Money has been lost.

Meng Xin asked: "The whole, what is the name of this platform?"

"I think about it." Yu Qian was still in meditation.

I have to think about it, discuss a good color.

"Just call 'the portable game platform'!"

The intention of Yu Qian is to hope that this game platform is busy.

You see, other manufacturers' games have been on this platform. After the trial period, half of the money returned to the manufacturer, half of the money returned to players, isn't the game platform, isn't it busy?

If it is called "White Busy Game Platform", it is a bit too straightforward, not very good.

So, Yu Qian thought of an idiom: the checkered ice.

It means, painting on grease, carving on ice, will soon disappear, white feet, labor and unreasonable.

This name is clearly husted to the beautiful wishes of this game platform.

Meng Chang carefully tastes this name.

"Send fat game platform ..."

He knows that the names of

But the name of "Deli" this name, he is now guess.

The first impression is just a "painting" and "rouge", which has a little aesthetic, and has a little ancient rhyme, but this name is not only the meaning of this skin.

Go back and get here.

Meng Chang stood up: "Some, then I will go back and slowly consider the propaganda program."

: "Well, go."

"The task of the game platform, I will arrange a special person to do, there will be news, I will notify you."


Delivery Meng Chang left, Yan Qian began to consider who the person in charge of this portable game platform should choose anyone.

According to reason, Tengda is indeed a talent.

But that is not talent that Qian needs!

Let these professionals go, Yu Qian is very afraid that in order to bring the game platform to fly.

Moreover, this person can't be famous, otherwise it is easy to let people think of him with Tengda.

I don't understand the game, and I am not famous ...

This kind of person has some in Tengda, but it is basically ,,,...

Don't know, it means risk.

In case he is a hidden talker master? After sending the past, it is only to expose after the game platform, isn't that a pain?

Therefore, this person is best to have to know, and it is more known to know.


"If you don't ... send a shovel?"

"Xiaotang doesn't understand the game, and the outside people don't know her."

"And it also brought back toymidal properties, maybe it put the game platform to drag it?"

"Well ... From all aspects, it is perfect."

"It's her!"

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