Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1173 Concealing the relationship between Tengda

(The platform name is changed to the Dynasty game platform, I really didn't think of the four words, painting, rouge, engraving, ice, this intention, this intention, can be distorted ...)

Yu Qian, the more I feel that Tang is also very suitable.

I can't get the game platform now!

However, it is not so simple to open a game platform, you have to apply for the corresponding qualifications, you have to start funds, get the rental server, but also have the official platform of the operation system program ...

In short, it still needs some preparations.

But for the current Tenda, this is some of the problems that can be solved.

Professional things can make professional people, the least lack of this side is this professionals in this area. From all departments, some people will take some people from all departments, and give Tang also like the tools, and ensure that this game platform will run normally. .

The only difficulty is how to take this thing as much as possible, so that everyone does not know the relationship between Dynasty game platform with Tengda.

Thinking of this, Yu Qian gave Tang Yi sent a message, calling her office.

After a long time, Tang also knocked on the door outside: "Secretary, are you looking for me?"

Seeing Tang also, Yan Qian could not help but show smile.

"Come, first."

Xiaotang This killing has not been used for a long time. It is mainly to put her in Tengda game, play the greatest utility.

Because the game project of the Tenda Game Department is often the biggest investment, the bigger is the biggest, so that Tang also can affect the "mission and choice" and the two vital items of "mission and choice" and GOG.

Therefore, Yu Qian has used to send her out for more than half a year, and hope that I hope to drag more "mission and choice" and the back leg of the GOG.

It seems that the results don't seem to be significant.

Of course, it is also possible that it has already played an effect, but Yan Qian did not see.

Although "mission and choice" fire, GOG has been developing smoothly, and the surface seems to have a role in the surface, but maybe ... If there is no Tang also, these two projects will be more free?

Have to say, still have this possibility.

Now "mission and choice" officially released, everything is already in order, but also let Tang also play a role in places.

"I am going to transfer you to the post."

"Tenda recently wanted to open a game platform, how are you going there?"

Tang also, the first reaction is to shook his head: "No, the senior, I don't know the game."

Yan Qian smiled: "It doesn't matter, this job does not need to know specially for the game."

"With you in Tengda's more ears, you should be enough to be competent."

"Even if you encounter some small problems, you can slowly explore, slowly learn."

Tang also thought about it, nodded: "That's good, then I will go to the interns with the attitude of learning. Who is my direct superior?"

Yan Qian refers to himself: "I."

"Ah?" Tang also was also a bit confused. "I mean, I have to practice there, shouldn't you do something under the hand of the game platform? Who is the person in charge?"

Yan Qian refers to her: "You."

Tang is also incredible: "I? Isn't I going to practice?"

Yan Qian shook his head: "Who said to be internship? From the beginning, let you go there to be the person in charge."

Tang Yishi's face is flourishing, lingering: "No, the senior, how can I be a person in charge? I will not, and I am big!"

Yan Qian does not think about it: "What happened to the big two?"

"When I was a big two, I have been taking a few hundred people in Tengda, and I have made several games."

Tang also rushed: "I can more than the school leader, I really don't understand the game, and I still have a learning task ..."

,, do you think I know the game?

If I understand, as for a fire?

Then say, because you don't know, I am looking for you!

I have already expected that Tang also will definitely be resigned, so I have already prepared it in advance: "I believe me, you are absolutely no problem."

"People who take them out, all can be alone!"

"What's more, this work is not as difficult as you think, in fact, it is very simple."

"I will pay some employees to make you hand, there is something you don't understand, ask them directly. Again, I'm trying to find me, what is it worried about this."

"As for your learning task ..."

"This work will not be very busy, you will just take some time to handle it. And, you have learned this kind of study, even if you study less than two hours, the scholarship is still a scholarship, there is no impact."

Tang also kneaded his finger to tangled for a while, and finally nodded: "Well, the senior, I will try."

"But I have a request, can you let me pick a familiar person? It's really not, I can let her take me."

Yan Qian nodded: "No problem."

I didn't have any problems on my mouth, but I thought about it, it is impossible to take it for you.

The person in charge of other people do this game platform, can I rest assured?

However, Yu Qian also knows that it is forcibly burst to go to the shelves, the success rate is not high, and the requirements of Xiaotang are still as good as possible.

Anyway, I will fool her to do the person in charge, wait until the thief boat, and then I want it.

"Then I simply talk about this game platform, you will write a little."

Tang also rushed: "Sitle, senior, I will take a book."

She quickly got up and left the office, after a moment, took a notebook back.

Yan Qian nodded, um, good memory is not as good as bad, remember that some are always true.

Although this game platform is quite casual, some basic provisions should be clear to Xiao Tang.

These regulations ensure that the game platform has a longer time, burning more money.

"First, to register a new company, Tengda is investing in a new dream, accounting for 70% shares. The remaining 30% of the shares will hold all the backbone employees of the new company."

"Don't disclose the relationship between this company and Tengda, don't give it to Tengda's industries."

"For example, don't go to Tengda's game, don't go to the TPDB website, do not link the industry to Tengda's surrounding industry, and so on."

"Not just you, all the employees of the platform must keep this."

"As for why ... don't ask now, you will understand later."

For how to cut the new industry with Tengda, Yan Qian also thought about it for a long time.

Tenda's funds must be entered into these industries.

If it is a wholly-owned subsidiary, it is easier to expose, but if it is a company invested in venture capital investment?

Then it is relatively easy!

For example, Che Rong's star bird fitness, as well as other companies in the dream venture capital investment ... Most people do not treat them as Tengda.

After all, Yuan Dream venture capital investment is completely unable to pick, the company has too much company, and there is no lack of performance.

Then, the new industry is hidden in a company invested in the company, can you significantly reduce the risk of discovered?

If you deliberately, all the employees are confidential, just like the Power of Qiu Hong, then the possibility of being discovered is further reduced.

The TPDB website is a hidden danger. After all, there are employees in the entrance, and the various departments of Tengda can be found on the top. But if it is not a wholly-owned subsidiary, it will not appear on the TPDB website.

It is now not similar to the website of the sky, and the ordinary netizens don't go to the root of the planing. It is difficult to dig out the relationship between the Dynasty Game Platform and Tenda Group.

Tang also did not ask more, and bowed on a small book.

Yan Qian continued: "There is also a problem with the game and the trial period ..."

Simply put, the game of the game is divided into five or five, all the games must pass a week, and the trial period is just off, refunds.

Tang is also alleged halfway and stopped.

"Director, I am not too understanding here."

"May 5th is well understood, the trial period is also very understanding."

"But if the trial period has not passed, it is to say that the player has no game, and can you only get half a refund?"

Yan Qian shook his head: "Of course not."

"The game has a refund time limit. If the player plays this game, there is no more than a refund time. For example, only two hours, then take the normal refund process, full refund."

"But if it exceeds this refund time limit, it means that players have experienced the fun of the game, and even experienced the most interesting part of the game. At this time, the full refund must be unfair to the manufacturer."

"So, half of this money gives players, half giving the manufacturer, means: this game is poor, it is necessary to buy it, but players can buy and keep in their own game library. So, players and manufacturers Will not be very losses. "

Anyway, no one can leave it to my own platform.

If you give a player, it is too attractive to the player; if you give the manufacturer, the attraction of the manufacturer is not small, and the persuasion is not obvious. Therefore, Yu Qian decided to open, half, so you can advise the players and persuade the manufacturer.

Tang is also nodded, indicating that he understood.

But soon, she put forward new problems.

"But if the player gave all the games, it is not recommended, let all the games of all trials are all under the frame, is it equivalent to buying a game half price?"

Yu Qian got a laughter.

Is there such a good thing?

You have not been too optimistic, I don't want to think about this kind of thing!

Obviously, Xiao Tang is still too simple, don't understand the doorway of this.

Yan Qian explained: "This kind of person must exist, but it will not be the mainstream of the player group."

"If you consider this extremely extreme case, players play a bad review in the trial period for half price, let it get off. The result is that this game will not be in our platform. Any update, follow-up DLC, etc., there is no one; and, after the player wants to buy this game, you can't buy this game. "

"So, if you think that a game is excellent, you want to play long time, it is best not to let it get off; if you think a game is not like, there will be no loss, then You can vote to get it. "

"We will not induce players to make choices, players choose, bear the consequences."

"Most players are also related to the relationship between the interests and long-term interests."

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