Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1174 This is the magical Tenda?

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It is a pity that this kind of good thing is obviously unlikely, unless the players of this platform are prays, they can only see this little smaller in front of them, can't see the future DLC update, version adjustment, discount Sales, it is not considering other players.

It can be imagined that this system will not have much impact on those that really excellent games.

There is no way, and the excellent game will be popular, and Yan Qian can't find the right reason to kill these games.

This mechanism is mainly to kill those games that are relatively poor, and hurt some quality flat games.

A more junk game will always have some players to buy, which will also generate income. The more games you have, the less money is natural.

Considering the initial period this is a small spam platform without any name, and it is also the five or five minutes of black heart, and should only receive garbage.

So most games will be crazy by the players, after coming, the platform will not make a penny, is it not beautiful?

If the player is really like a buffer, for 50% purchase, no matter where the game is crazy, let this platform cool faster, then it is more perfect!

Tang also returns a notebook: "Director, I have been remembered."

Yan Qian nodded, for Xiao Tang, he was still very assured.

Whether it is an obedient, it is still assured to bring the game platform.

"Then what do you want to let you go to the game platform?" Asked Qian.

Tang also obviously thought about it: "I want Yada sister to go with me!"

: "?"

Good guy, waiting for me here?

Li Yida is also one of the main designers of Tengda. After paying Hu Xianbin, it has retired Hi River and lake for a long time.

With Li Yada to do the person in charge of the game platform?

No wonder Xiao Tang said, "Don't come to find someone to work", it is scheduled to be planned!

This makes .

But let's think about all, I have promised. If you don't agree now, you may not go.

Moreover, the surface looks Li Yida is rushing, starting to touch the fish, knowing that she is not lurking in the Tenda game department, secretly engaged in destruction?

Wrap her away from the game department, go to the game platform to get started with the small Tang, although it is unfavorable to the game platform, but it is a good news for the Tenda game department.

Li Yida is the most existence in the long-term planning of Tengda. There are very few people who know her, and even those who even meet her in other departments of the company.

After all, Tengda's development is too fast. After Li Yada "retreats to let the sages", Tengda Group quickly expanded and recruited a lot of newcomers.

It is not to worry about leaking the relationship between the game platform and Tengda.

I want to go, it seems that it is not acceptable.

Of course, everything must have a premise, that is, the game platform must be a small Tang.

Yu Qian finally nodded: "Well, but have a request: You can't ask Li Yada, she just goes to get my hand, after one or two months, waiting for the game platform to go on the right track, you can formal Take over, she is going back. "

Tang also nodded softly: "Good school."

She thinks, still goes to see the situation first, if I don't have to come to this job, I will say it.


Ten minutes later, Tang also came to the upstairs and shouted Li Yada to the meeting room.

Then, a new company is established to establish a chanting game platform, told her.

Li Yida pushed a thick glasses, and the face was shocked.

"To make a game platform, but you have to completely clear the relationship with Tengda?"

I don't mention the person in charge of Xiaotang first, and I have to call her to help, and the game platform itself makes Li Yada feel very outrageous.

In her opinion, Tengda wants to make a game platform, it is simply a lot of things.

There are so many good games, there are a large number of very loyal players, you can make money to make money, you should do it!

But the problem is, since it is necessary to make a game platform, what is the truth with Tengda clear?

In this way, the reputation, players and games of Tengda, etc., all in use, this game platform is basically equal to the beginning of zero, except for money, nothing.

It is of course money to do game platform, but it is far less than enough.

Obviously, you can play simple model, but you have to make a difficulty of hell. What is this?

There is still a little doubt.

To make a game platform, it is necessary to set up a new company, which is investigated by the dream, but it is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tengda, but only 70% of the shares. In addition, 30% of shares will be assigned to all backbone, veteran employees.

These shares, Li Yada is of course a part.

Although the company did not develop, the shares basically didn't use it, but it could not be achieved, but it was also a shares after all.

In short, Li Yada feels that this is a little strange, not too much like the fact that there is always the act of new industries.

But if the details, I think this is like a woman who is doing it. After all, I always have to stand alone. If people make people guessed that he is not a total.

Li Yada strives to think about it, there is still no shortprint.

"Don't you say why do you want to do this?" Li Yada asked.

Tang also shook his head: "No, the senior says, I will understand later."

Sure enough, it is a consistent style.

Li Yada took a moment after thinking about a moment: "Ok, I will go with you."

"Before I removed the person in charge, mainly, I feel that the game department is Ji Ji, no need me."

"But now, since it is useful to me, then of course is a unshirkan!"

Tang is also very happy: "Great Yadissa, there is, you can rest assured!"

Li Yida smiled: "You don't have a happy morning, I will strictly follow the general requirements, only give you the hand, no more ideas."

"Since the sum of you will choose your person in charge, there must be his truth. Must be because there are some flash points on you."

"So, if you encounter problems, you have to think independently, don't rely on our inherent experience of our old employees, it may be in turn of the general expectations."

"Ah ..." Tang also a little lost, "But I don't understand anything."

Li Yida said: "When I just gave a person in charge of the game department, I didn't understand anything, this is normal."

"I am recalling now, it may be because I don't understand anything, so I can do it well. Now let me do the person in charge, but I have lost it, but I have not kind."

"I believe me, I will say that you can, then you can."

Tang also nodded: "... well."

I thought I had Li Yida, I can take a handkerchief, nothing else.

It seems that things are not so simple.

However, Li Yada's words also gave her some confidence.

In Tengda's more than a year, Tang also participated in a lot of work. Tenda's colleagues are very good, she is no longer as she close and introverted.

Since joining Tengda, Tang also felt that he had a care, but he had always been a shovel, making a meeting to record, and the contribution to make the intern salary that he got it is really a bit.

If you can really give this game platform, it is not bad for Tengda.

"Okay, the problem of the game platform, you don't have to worry, I will prepare for the preparation, I will help you do it."

"As a person in charge, you don't have to intervene, your main job is to try to figure out the general intention of the."

"Waiting for you to go, it is not far from success."

Tang also nodded: "Okay, ok."

"You go back and wait for me, I will hand over this work, let's talk."

Take away Tang also, Li Yada returned to the station, caught in meditation.

Then, she gave Hu Xintin who had already traveled to travel, simply talked a few words, and gave him a call to the author of "Yong Yu Returning", let him come to Tenda game.

Yu Fei has been in Yangzhou, in the inspiration class, the content of "Yongxuan Retriever", but also came to Tenda game several times, and several person in charge of Tengda exchanged some details of the game, it is also more familiar. .

After more than half, flying.

Li Yada came to the meeting room with him.

"What's wrong with Li, is there any problem in the game plot, need to be revised?" Asked.

Li Yada shook his head: "Not a story on the plot."

"This time, this time, it is mainly to let you help a busy. Of course, I will talk to the finance."

Laughing in the smile: "What is Li Jie, what is this, if you need help, I can't help, what is the matter?"

"If you say, I want to help what I am busy."

Li Yadondon: "When two months of master planning."

I thought I didn't listen to it: "Ah?"

"Main planning? What is the main plan?"

Li Yida said: "Of course is the main plan of Tengda game, is there other owners?"

I finger myself: "I?"

"I am mainly planned?"

"I have a root of the game." How do I be a master plan! "

It's horrified, or I have already met Li Yida, I almost think that she is joking.

Game design is a very professional job!

It feels that I feel that I am just an ordinary author. Writing this book can be hit by the summary of the story. Which is what you can do?

Li Yada explained: "It's just a temporary course."

The flying front is shaking like a rush: "Top breaks are not!"

"Li Sister, this can not be joking! It is very serious!"

Li Yidad nodded: "I am very serious!"

"You see, the situation is like this."

"Yong Yu Returning" was originally Hu Xibin, but he got the second place of excellent employees. Tour. It is more in a hurry, so he will give me this. "

It is reasonable to fly.

After all, Li Yada is the main designer "back is the shore", Hu Xianbin handed over the work to her, let it be in order.

Li Yida continued: "But I just received any appointment, to transfer to other departments, this is especially important."

"So, I passed by Hu Xianbin, from you to stare at" Yong Yu Returning "project, until Hu Xi Bin came back, no problem?"

"In fact, it is not difficult. The design is already done. Everyone should do anything, don't use your reminder, just take a idea when you encounter problems."

"It's not allowed, you will call me or Hu Xibin."

It is also nothing to say in Flying.

Although it is quite reasonable for each step, let a network author come to the main plan?

What's more, it is still the main plan of the industry's most powerful Tenda game department, it is leaving!

"That ... is this, do you always agree?" Asked.

Li Yada thought about it: "There should be no problem.

"This way, I will give ."

Li Yida took out the mobile phone and reported to the summary.

Soon, she hangs: "You see, I will say that I will definitely agree, but also specially support!"

Yu Fei: "..."

Is this a magical Tengda?

The project is still developing, the main plan ran out to travel, just find a network author to come to the agent, leave the spectrum!

But since , what else is there?

It also wanted to be a teacher's playing addiction.

"Well, then I will do my best to do my best."

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