On August 7th, Tuesday at noon.

Yu Qian fell to wake up naturally, then got up and stretched a lazy waist.

Don't worry about the settlement, it is comfortable!

Of course, I don't worry is only temporary, but these two months are relatively stable.

Yesterday, after the end of the Dynasty game platform, Yan Qian gave the Liang Li Li, and said with him in advance. He said to build the headquarters of Tengda.

This does not have to be so anxious, you have a long discourse. Let Liang Guangfan consider siting, out of the most basic solution, and then make the board began to build.

Although this building will not be profitable, but how to cover it, it is still very big.

The headquarters building is where most employees have daily work.

How to repair this building can we spend more money, reducing the work efficiency of employees, so that they don't want to go to work at home, even if they come to work, don't want to work?

This is a technical activity.

Therefore, Liang Guangfan site selection, at the same time as a preliminary plan, Yu Qian also wanted to think about it, how to repair this building can reach its own request.

After all, the office locations in Tamad, almost all departments are all rent, although the place is very large, but after all, it is not its own building, many of the hangs are limited.

Now I have a building, it is definitely to make up for the previous shortcomings!

,, , ,,,,,,,,

After all, the other rich corporate covers, providing employees with a good working environment, fundamental purpose is to allow employees to stay in the company overtime.

This is obviously completely laid with the fundamental purpose of the Tengda Building.

Therefore, Qianqian has no way to refer to the successful experience of other companies, can only rely on his own brain.

After eating the lunch of the fish to take the fish, Yan Qian took out the laptop and continued to collect the insee online.

I have been seeing a little more than a few times in the afternoon, I am a little sleepy, the phone rang.

It turned out to be Baoxao.

"The general, some basic situation on the travel agency, I have considered it, and when I have time, I will report it?"

Yu Qian is very surprised, and it is very surprised.

Bao Xu is efficient!

I got outstanding employees last Friday and decided to set up a tourist company. I have already thought of specific arrangements on Tuesday.

If it is other industry, do things will make Yu Qian a little worry, but this is different.

The sooner of the travel agency, the reception, and you can send the backbone employees of each department as soon as possible, and the faster, the better!

"I have time in the afternoon, 3 pm, you directly to the 16-story meeting room of the company."

After the time of Baosheng, after the time, Yu Qian slept a nap, and then headed to the company.


In the conference room, Baoxao handed over a document.

"Some, this is what I think of a good time yesterday, you will have."

"In terms of funds, there is more, so I want to ask you first."

Yan Qian reached out and took the plan, and heard a lot of money, it could not help but show a smile.

"You don't have to worry about the funds, open the flowers!"

The original dream fund is only one million, but it is the standard when Tenda has just set up. With now Tengda's volume, one million can't do it, so the funds that actually get are much higher than this.

Now getting a dream fund, you can re-establish a company. If you want to take the plan directly, you can have a plan, you can, if you are not enough, you can add it.

After the plan, Yu Qian first looked at the name of this company.

"Pressed to travel?"

Yan Qian looked up and read Baoxu.

Bao Xu nodded: "Yes, I have, this is what I think. If you feel inappropriate, you can change it ..."

, : "No, this name is very good, don't change!"

He is happiness, it is simply gratified.

Finally, there is an active name to the project, and it is also in line with the employees I have requested!

Most of the industries, are all famous.

Although these names have been hushed, they have been named, even if they are named, they can't stand.

Too waste brain cells!

This time Bao Xu took the initiative to play a name, and it is very in line with the standard of Qian, which is simply like it.

Percutive travel.

This name is not only straightforward, but also carses a murderous, very perfect!

Yan Qian asked: "Strike, is it only to receive internal employees in Tengda, or also an exterior order?"

Baixu replied: "I haven't thought about it."

In fact, he didn't think about it carefully, but it is not intended to have an order outside.

For Baosheng, the main task of this department is to arrange the previous people to make themselves to travel all over again, so the focus is of course facing internal employees!

It doesn't matter if the people outside are reception.

: "The order outside is also, so investing more."

Baoxu did not understand what it means, but didn't think much, just nodded: "No problem."

He thinks that this travel agency only receives the internal staff of Tengda, although there is much money, does not make money, but it is not what is nothing to do. The general may feel that only the internal employee is put into huge money, and it is a little amount.

So receive some of the customers outside, profit from blood.

But it is actually not such a thing.

It is because the system has a very strict definition of this matter.

If this department is only open to Tengda's internal staff, then it belongs to part of employee benefits, and the funds allowed to spend are very limited;

But if it is a normal company, travel agency, open-out of the outside world, then it is a profitable industry, which is a profitable industry, which is allowed to increase.

Since you can spend more money, why not?

Of course, open to the outside world means that this industry has a profitability, this is a hidden danger.

I have to see how the package of Baoxu can do it.

Baoxu introduced: "The whole, just like the name of this travel agency ', I hope that during the process of travel, you can bring a completely different from the general travel experience to everyone."

"The suffering travel will take customers to some environmental harsh, hard conditions, unique scenery, in this extreme environment, more of them to feel the unusual, feeling of a happiness, feeling."

"At the same time, you can also enhance your physical fitness, put it into your work in better mental state."

"In order to further improve the challenge, travel content should be completely confidential, customers will not know where the next destination is, there is no one knows everything in the trip."

Yan Qian is just listening, I feel a bit desperate.

Also say what strong body, improve your physical quality, put it into your work with a better mental state?

Good guy, I believe in you.

This is clearly retaliary, and all the employees who want to make Tenda feel your pain!


Dry beautiful!

Yu Qian is completely a state in which it is not too big. Anyway, it is not yourself, what is it worried?

But there is a problem.

Yan Qian asked: "If it is really harsh, the conditions are traveled, and the security issue is still guaranteed."

Baoxu nodded: "Of course! We are suffering, no death, safety will definitely ensure that there is no loss."

"In this regard, my program is also written."

"First, you have to find a professionally experienced experience in the wild, conduct training for everyone before departure. Including physical training and professional knowledge, must ensure that the physical quality of people before departure."

"Secondly, when making a plan, the choice of location is fully considered and evaluated, and some dangerous places will not go, only to those who are more difficult but unharitable."

"Again, there must be a security team when traveling, except for the wild survival experience, there must be a logistics support personnel, and once a special situation will be disposed of."

"Finally, considering that travel is very tired, travel time is also very long, so we must fully rest in travel, improve standards in diet, rest, etc., do a good job plan, prevent excessive fatigue."

Yan Qian turned over the bottom, and the program was also written in this program, and it was written very detailed.

For example, in the last point, although there may be some links in travel, it is going to be wading in the mountains, camping in the wild, looking for food, but this experience cannot be too frequent.

When it is more fatigue, it is necessary to return to rest immediately. It will not have a lot of survival in the wilderness, so that the damage of the body is relatively large, and the average person can not do it. .

In short, this program is summarized, how to make the passengers suffer in the case of ensuring safety.

Yan Qian couldn't help but nod.

Yes, it seems that Baoxu has not completely black, still has some humanity.

Of course, he may also want to have a long flow, and then kill the pig. After all, it really can't take care of the customer. This trip will not be done, but it can keep them constantly suffering if it is necessary to ensure that customers have been energetic.

Although this plan is very tragic, I like it very much.

Because it is obvious to burn money!

It is necessary to use the Baixu's program. Is it necessary to hire a field survival expert? A logistics team is also indispensable? In the outside of the hotel, accommodation, it is inevitable is also very high?

These can be worthless!

Tenda internal staff to travel, the company is reimbursed, this is also calculated. But if the company is thinking, this overhead can be absolutely less.

Who is the usual money, spend money to find a crime?

So, is this travel agency not fully earn money, but always blood loss?

Thanks to the money, it also affects the work of employees, it is simply two!

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