Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1176 engages a special training base!

Yan Qian also looked twice twice, quite satisfied.

I didn't find anything that could be improved!

This is a thing that wants to be a rare thing, because of the past program, no matter what industry, no matter who has developed the program, Yu Qian can always pick a lot of problems.

But this time, Yan Qian actually felt that this program was perfect!

Moreover, now the new industry, Qian will try to clear the relationship with Tengda.

But this time it is not necessary.

On the one hand, it will be difficult to do because travelers Baixu is too loud, and it is difficult to do it. On the other hand, it is not necessary.

If you really want to spend money, you will come!

Yan Qian feels that this idle egg pain should be a very small number.

Sure enough, travelers Baoxu do travel programs, very reliable.

If each of the Tengda Group is like Baosheng, how many brain cells have you spent?

Praise, you must praise!

Yan Qian is very satisfied with this program: "Very good, press this program!"

"Other preparations are well said, only this wild experience experienced professionals ... Where do you plan to find?"

Baowu said: "I have found it."

Some accidents: "Oh? So?"

Baixu silent for a moment, said: "It is actually when I went to the Sahara desert, I met."

"His name is a retired special forces, who used to serve in the southern border. Outdoor survival is part of daily training, without replenishment, for the longest in the original forest, more than half Month, including rock climbing, speed reduction, parachute and other extreme sports are also very proficient, arrange these game houses of our company, should not be left. "


Good guy, who said that makes Baoxao travel useless?

Isn't this a person?

Listening to this tone of Baowu, how seems to exclude himself outside the game house?

But then take a closer to Baoxu, look at his tough body, the dark skin ... Now he is a game house, it seems to be a bit unpleasant.

"Do you want to see him? I have already contacted him on Friday. He has reached Beijing yesterday."

Yan Qian silently felt emotion, on Friday, after the best employee, I called the wild survival master on Friday?

It looks ready to come.

"Okay, in this case, you will see it."

"Talk to him, you can also disseminate some of his doubts."

Yan Qian is not worried about others, travelers are recognized by people, it must be very reliable.

Mainly worried, the pre-occupied travel pretext is the person in charge of Tenda, and may not be the person in charge like Hu Xintin. Although everyone knows that the responsible person is very confused with ordinary employees, but for the outside world, The person in charge of the Tenda department is already a fairly faceless identity.

In case this apartment, this is a scruple, don't dare to get rid of your hand, what should I do?

So, I saw a meeting, telling him that there is a balance to support you, don't weigh your hands!


Baoxu played a phone, after about an hour, Samah came.

The body is very straight, the corners are distinct, the mental state is very full, and it is practiced, and it seems to have a point in the style of the thunderstorm.

Yu Qian is very satisfied.

As the saying goes, the famous teacher can go to the public.

Let this professionals arrange, let Baoxao take off, and arrange it properly!

"Head, hello!"

Sama is also the first time I see the legendary, I am very honored.

After the handshake, Yu Qian screamed to sit down on the sofa.

"After the matter of suffering, you listen to Bao Xu. I saw you this time, mainly I want to call a few words."

Samuo is immediately intended, nodded: "You can rest assured, I listen to Baoxu said that more than half of the internal participation in the suffering, some of them have made a lot of achievements, is the middle backbone employee of Tengda, even It is a higher leadership. "

"I know that the employee of this class is definitely a very valuable resource for the company. If you have a good, you are sure to be very distressed."

"So don't use you, I will definitely master the email, I will be in hand when necessary."

"Anyway, this activity is to experience the properties, slightly released, and the problem is not big."

Yan Qian silently took a moment.

How do you say it, I don't know how to look at Tengda, so I will say such a line.

What is "Tenda's Leadership"?

Tenda's leadership has always been only one person ...

others? That's a group of anti-thieves!

What is "in case you have a good, do you really distress?"

I am special on the spot, firecrackers celebrate! Let it be five thousand!

Of course, security and health must be guaranteed, in addition to this, what is it?

No pain No gain!

Case two: "No, you misunderstand."

"I mean, don't do it because they are Tengda's employees, pity them, must increase their strength!"

Samura is a bit awkward: "Ah?"

Yan Qian said that he said: "In the future, the suffering travel will also absorb customers in the outside world."

"If the internal staff of Tengda is loose, but it is strict, is it true?"

"If you are very loose for Tenda employees and customers, isn't it completely violated the spirit of suffering?"

"Therefore, treating Tenda employees and customers must be toned, even more strict requirements for Tenda employees!"

"I see you this time, it is to let you rest assured that if you encounter someone doesn't work, then come to me, let me help you solve!"

Samura was shocked, and the image of a strict father was built in the mind.

Who said Tengda managed loose?

It's entirely a gap!

Manage loose companies can develop so quickly, have you got a huge success?

It can be seen from the trip to this matter, and the requirements of Human always have the most stringent requirements!

Samua nodded: "No problem, I have finished the task!"

Qian Qian is very satisfied, seeing to Baixu continued: "There is another thing."

"Written in your program, in order to ensure safety, you should conduct training for all people before departure, including physical training and basic knowledge."

"This special training is where is it?"

Baowu said: "Hey ... this is not too thinking about it. However, since it is mainly due to physical training, it is still trained in the hosted gym."

Yan Qian immediately shook his head: "How do you?"

"Physical training is only part of training, but more importantly, it must be adapted to various needs of fields."

"In the gym, I will practice my iron, practicing muscles, although it can be strong, but it is actually a lot when traveling outside."

"I think, still practicing a rock climbing, speed drop, catching fish, ignition, and tent these practical skills."

"It is difficult to practice the muscles, and it is only the muscles. Although in that special environment, although it is definitely strong than ordinary people, it will not be too big."

"What do you think?"

Samura hesitated, said: "Hey ..." The truth you said is of course very right. "


"For ordinary people, just ensure good health, good physical fitness, then a little bit of hardship, it is enough."

"After all, I will take care of everyone."

"Although there is a lot of help in rock climbing these professional training, so many project training also requires special venues, and it is not necessary to expect any necessary overhead, not very necessary."

Yu Qian is not happy.

What is the necessary overhead?

As long as it is overhead, it is necessary!

"It must not!"

"Our Tenda's purpose is to excerfene, can you make it?"

"Pressed travel is not only required for physical fitness, but more importantly, you must master the corresponding professional skills, you must have a hitch!"

"As for overhead? That is not the problem you need to consider."

: "I give you enough funds, go to a 'suffering travel' special training center."

"Before you travel, you must first go to this place to travel, master a series of necessary skills such as rock climbing, speed drop, catch fish, and fire, must be skilled!"

"Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to various field survival training including endurance training. For example, walk on the fingerpad, let your feet can adapt to long time ... In short, you are a profession, you can think of it."

"Be sure to make sure you will start again!"

Samura's heart is convinced: "I understand that I am, you are right!"

I have to admit that I still think of it too simple.

He has not been profound enough for this job, and thinks it is just like a variety show with some stars. It is just a full crossing, mainly, and puts more water.

But I will not see this.

On the one hand, there must be strict requirements after going out to travel, so that the whole process of suffering is more meaningful, not to take the horse, shallow; on the other hand, there is no big matter before going out to travel, prepare everything.

, ,

It's a good boss!

In this case, then you can't let the total heart.

Be sure to cooperate with Baixu, let these Tengda's employees have tried to the fullest, and they can not waste the total feelings!

Seeing the expression of Sam, Yan Qian knows that his flicker is a great success.

Coupled with Baoxao, this is not to arrange the people who go to travel.

Oh, Hu Xianbin and Huang Sibo have run very fast, thinking that success is successful.

But they will never think of what is the change in landing in this month!

"I am relieved in this way, you have taken time to arrange it. Especially the training base, you must have a time preparation, strive to get it within a month."

Yan Qian is calculated, and Hu Xianbin and Huang Sbo are almost almost returned after a month. It can catch up.

It's late, there is no way to realize "seamless connection", and it is quilted to mean.

Just like playing the game, although the smooth operation and clumsy operation, the final result may be the same, but the former is more handsome!

Baoxu nodded, confidently said: "You always have a good time, I must arrange them clearly!"

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