Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1182 What is the core explosion point of the propaganda program?

August 10, Friday afternoon.

In the conference room of the Dynasty Game Platform, Li Yada, Tang also also had several core members to see the publicity program given by Meng Chang.

If everyone has no problem, then Meng Chang will take advantage of this propaganda program for the last working hours this afternoon and use this weekend two days.

Everyone is still seriously looking at the program, Meng Chang asked: "I heard that there is already two games that have come to cooperate yesterday. What is the situation?"

He also has to master the specific situation of the Dynasty game platform.

Meng Chang felt that although he has been prelimating on the Pan's publicity law, according to the previous experience, there is a preliminary estimate of the change of the game platform, but this is a new project, and the past experience cannot be completely moved.

Still you have to master the latest developments, so you can do fine-tuning for the details to ensure the best promotional effects.

Of course, this so-called "best promotion effect" refers to the preparation stage can trigger more disputes, get more commissions, and can cause more reversal at the end of the end, get more heat and popularity .

In this regard, Meng Chang knows that he and the total interests are consistent at a higher level.

Li Yada replied: "The situation ... is more complicated."

"The two companies' games, BUG is a lot, so I will turn back to make them modified. One of them did not contact so far, I feel that more cooperation is the blow; the other is to ensure that all BUG will be finished. I have to send the test team to the modification, but ... "

"But what?" Meng He asked.

He is somewhat curious, this sounds good things?

The second company guarantees that all BUG will be repaired, and even send the test team to revise, which is equivalent to binding directly with the Dynasty game platform!

What is the harm?

Li Yadondon suddenly said: "But embarrassing, they may be too low to estimate the number of BUG existing in the game."

"Yesterday afternoon, their boss was strict with development and testing, I found it in this afternoon, I found out more than 30."

"This morning, Yan Qi also shouted the entire test team and rented a batch of stations at the same level."

"I originally thought that more than 30 bugs were almost the same. As a result, I didn't think of the time in the morning, I found more than 30, and I am also a new bug."

"So ... they originally launched the time, only forced to be delayed."

"To finish these bugs, at least for a few months, and this is still not taken into account the new bug continues to continue. Conservative estimates, it is very optimistic that the stable version is very optimistic in one month."

Changing BUG is different, because BUG may be interrelated between each other, modified a bug, may trigger a new bug.

So, there are currently more than 60 bugs, but more advanced in the short term is also possible.

Meng Chang was also dizzy: "Ah? What is this company, it is too unreliable. How did these BUG do not measure?"

Li Yida spreads the boat, say not to ask me, I don't know.

Tang Yishi is the next next to the head buried the head and pretend to see the propaganda program seriously.

Meng Chang really wants to open: "Nothing, just two companies, may be just a good luck, just hitting two small companies that do not relieve them."

"After the publicity program is boiled, there will be certain improvements to the visibility of the game platform. When it is, it will be more than the player or to talk about cooperation."

Li Yada is silent for a moment, saying: "If you say this, true ..."

"But we have to make mental preparation in advance, if all games are extended because of bugs, then our platform may have the initial situation, but may only be forced to postpone."

Meng Chang immediately shook his head: "That's absolute!"

Junny, how can the game platform extend?

Extended the publicity plan that will disrupt my, what should I do?

Although now the "Bay Propaganda Law" will be unified to Meng Chang's commission and the success of Tengda project, but to Meng Yong, the commission will always be the first, this will not change.

Li Yida said: "Only in the worst case can only be like this, otherwise there is no game on the platform, how do you send?"

Meng Changshi asked: "Who said that there is no game on the platform?"

"The essence of the is that you can die casually, you can do not consider the consequences. Even the bigger death, the better the post-promotion effect will be."

"When there is no game on the platform, I will go online, there may be no lines there in other companies, but in the , it is completely feasible."

Li Yada: "..."

Although it sounds a bit magical, she saw Meng Chang, she chose to believe it.

After all, Meng Changcai is the head of the propaganda department of Ziji Qin.

As the employee of Tengda, Li Yida will certainly not make the other departments of interference, and the parallelism is guided by this kind of matter.

"Well, then I suggest you consider all of the platform all games in the platform, and prepare it in advance." Li Yada reminded.

In the worst case, this is likely to happen, and no luck can be held.

Meng Chang remembered his little book: "No problem, I will return to the propaganda program, it is not difficult."

When two people speaking, others basically pay the propaganda program.

"This program feels ... is a bit ordinary?"

"What is ordinary, it is a bit too among."

"If it is other platform, it is nothing, but our platform is not famous, no user, no resources, if the program is more mediocre, it is estimated to be white flowers, and let you have our name. There is a little impression that it is unobstructed for drainage players. "

Everyone in Block is basically an industry in the industry, so I immediately see the problem of this program.

In Meng Chang's program, only some very basic propaganda methods, such as buy web advertising, video advertisement, or to some application markets to buy recommended bits.

The program of advertising is also very common, except for the name of the game platform, there is no impressive slogan.

What's more, the current Dynasty game platform is not online, there is only one official website.

There are some advertising clicks, you can jump to the official website, and some advertisements can even be able to jump on the official website, but also need to play a "Dynasty Game Platform" to find.

This conversion rate, the effect of this drainage, can think about how low it.

Meng smiled and smiled: "Everyone thinks this program is normal, because I don't spend any thoughts in this scheme."

Everyone is all.

"Ah? Are you busy with items?"

Meng Chang shakes his head: "Of course not, I am busy this month this month."

"My time, all spend on the video of Joe's old wet."

"I have to better master the essence of the Pharaoa Propaganda."

"Everyone said yes, this is indeed a very mediocre propaganda program, the promotion effect is very poor."

"But as I said, this is part of the propaganda program. In this promotional method, the pre-propaganda effect does not need to be considered at all, and even the worse, better."

"The first goal of pre-propaganda is to let the people as possible about the name of the 'Dynasty game platform', as they will download the game platform, become a user, that is the next stage of the program needs to consider the problem "

Li Yida couldn't help but ask: "That ... how to do the next step?"

Meng Chang: "Temporarily first confidential, wait until that, you will naturally know."

Everyone can't help but look at it.

If it is said that this is said that everyone is sure that I don't say it.

But what is wrong with Meng Chang, there will be some suspicions.

Li Yada looked at Tang and also hinted that she was the person in charge. At this time, I should have a form.

Tang also nodded tomorrow: "Well, I, I believe you."

Meng Chang owed to: "I am grateful."

Since the person in charge, others will no longer question, but their own breaks, go to their own things.

After leaving the Dynasty Game platform, Meng Chang immediately rushed back to the advertising marketing department immediately, and putting this propaganda program to implement it.

Then, Meng Zhang was sent a Weibo.

"New partners! Thanks to the trust of the Dynasty game platform, let me provide the marketing propaganda program, hoping to be mutually beneficial, cooperative, and also hope that everyone can pay more attention to the Dynasty game platform!"

With the previous Weibo, the content is similar.

It is still the same style, sincere, in fact, the details feel disgusting, so that you can maximize your own bad name, while dragging the mouth of the previous period in the previous stage of the game platform.

Of course, now dragging the water, which is not only given to your month, and it can fly higher in the future.

After a while, Meng Chang opened Weibo's comment area to view the response of netizens.

"Rely, you have a scammence to scour?"

"Don't say, Meng Chang seems to be true to evil, and the VR game of the studio is not the propaganda of the studio."

"Wipe, this credit must be attributed to him? Isn't that the product of the studio does it?"

"Just, I feel that this shameless family is a kick, and the luck is good, the studio is forcing!"

"No, don't you see Qiao's wet analysis? The success of late studio is not accidentally, there must be certain weight. Meng Chang as the person in charge of the propaganda program, to say that all credits are definitely not Suitable, but it is also a role. "

"Yes, I always think that Meng Chang is definitely a smart person, but his smart is not used in the right way. Does he really changed the evil to come to Zheng, but I don't think this time I don't have to use a colored glasses to see this platform. It is still objective. "

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