Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1183 Whisk do weend BUG does not work?


Seeing the evaluation of netizens, Meng Chang is very surprised.

People who are jealous of me, didn't imagine how much?

The person who comes out in the next side is obviously divided into two pieces. Some people say nothing to believe in Meng Caspened personnel, or sprayed with previous, but the people who sprayed more than before.

And some people start to help Meng Chang!

Obviously, DouBtvr glasses's propaganda program was successful, and finally reversed, so many people also changed the impression of Meng Chang, and I did that he did to change evil.

After all, it is not a big sin. If you really have a good change, you can contribute to the society, you can also consider forgiveness.

Of course, if you are forgiven, then how much contribution is.

Although these people are still a few people, at least this sound already exists, and can be heard.

This makes Meng Chang feel very disappointed.

There is even a kind of ourselve to buy a water army.

He is not shaking M, and he does not want his reputation to thoroughly. But in front of the commission, this is all sacrificed!

In order to make a commission, he would rather discreat him, because the more spurred, the larger the possibility of the commission.

"Forget it, the good and mainstream sound is still married, this is enough."

"The basic purpose is reached, or the main energy is all in subsequent operations."

Meng Chang did not pay attention to Weibo, but a video in the collection of favorites, once again looked at the old wets of Qiao's wet.

Mainly to learn the philosophy of "behavioral art" and "break the second wall" in these videos!

For this propaganda program, Meng Chang has a rough idea, but always feels a very important explosion point in the entire program!

What is the explosive point?

According to Meng Chang's own summary, the basic process of the "Bay's Propaganda Law" is Yang - - Yang, each step has a corresponding method as support. But this is the most important thing that the kernel is the key step by "suppression" to "Yang".

How to reverse everyone's understanding?

Need a very persuasive concept as a support.

Qiao Lunar is summarized in the video, from the "game producer" and "return to the shore" two games "behavioral art" and "break the secondary wall" concept, it is very convincing.

These two concepts have been completed in an instant.

And Meng Chang also finds a unique concept on the Dynasty game platform, and can turn it out.

This is the final step and the tough step.

Although I haven't had anything for a long time, I don't have anything, but Meng Chang believes that this unique concept must exist.

the reason is simple.

Since I gave this task, then this task can be done with the propaganda law!

This is just like the teacher after the teacher's test, it must be related to the content of the explanation?

I can't talk about ten within the class, and I will leave a differential work question after class.

Therefore, the standard answer is there, the problem is that Meng Communication can not find it.

Meng Chang brows stained, caught in meditation.



August 13th, Monday,

The Top Test of the "Empire Blade" is busy.

Yan Qi is also, staring at Bug's test and modifying work to prevent people lazy.

"Evil is the door, two days old, the game ran many times, the hand is getting sour, only five or six bugs, and it is very simple. How to measure half an hour this morning, I have found it. Five bugs? "

"It's really strange, it's hard, BUG is also a holiday, don't go to work?"

"Lying in the trough, don't say this, so say that we are more bitter, we are still not as good as Bug ..."

"Hey, now there is nothing, there is nothing, wait for the BUG of the game, you can rest well!"

"Strictly, fortunately, you have come on the weekend, otherwise it must feel that we have touched the fish, when we jumped into the Yellow River and can't wash!"

These people of the test team tested BUG and chatted while chatting.

Because it is approaching, and BUG is too much, it is strictly asking everyone to work overtime weekend, and the test continues to find bugs and develop continuing to repair the bug.

After all, it is difficult to find a Feng Shui Bao. It is so high that the BUG is so high, and it should be competed to win the second, and the utilization is.

However, it didn't expect it that the weekend came to the bug, and the efficiency suddenly became the same as before!

On Sunday afternoon, I found five or six bugs a day and a half. This is really a little outrageous.

Some people think that it has been found in BUG?

The result was duty on Monday and was directly faced.

A little test, BUG is like a spring bamboo shoot in the rain!

Fortunately, Yan Qi is a boss that is in mind, and weekend together to overtime.

Otherwise, the test team's black pot is afraid that it can't get it.

How do you report to Yan Qi?

On the weekend, I only found five or six bugs, so much in Monday, I found so much?

Obviously, it is too much to touch the fish on the weekend!

And the staff of the all test sector touched the fish together.

Fortunately, I've been overtime together, I have witnessed the whole process of a very bizarre, and the test team can be washed frustrated.

Yan Qi is also very wondering, BUG has too weekend?

Also pick the time to string?

This is too unusurized!

But again, from he decided to move the test team to this building, in fact, he has given up science and bowed to Xuanxue.

Since I chose my metaphysics, then "Weekend BUG is not going to work" this kind of thing, it seems that it is not so unacceptable.

After all, the only rules of metaphysics are there is no specific law.

"Everyone is working hard, this weekend will only add a half-day class, and if I can't find any bug on Saturday morning, then let's take a break in the weekend." Yan Qi said.

The game has been developed, and the BUG is left, overtime is also in order to catch development.

If the overtime can't find BUG, ​​what is the meaning of overtime? It is better to rest.

Everyone immediately shouted: "Strict total cattle!"

Although it is a small company, the game is not necessarily excellent, and other game companies are like other game companies in the industry, but most employees still think that Yan Qi is a good boss.

It is always more than that of Tengda, but it is quite conscience than a boss than other mobile games.

The BUG found in the test group has been more up, and it is very powerful.

At the weekend, he was worried about it. In case it is a metaphysque, it is not good to have this week. What should I do if I can't find BUG?

Is it not white?

Now I see that bugs appear again, I can finally be relieved.

Strictly continues to be busy with your own.

When I overtime on the previous weekend, he also learned the recent hot events, it is worth paying attention to the content.

The first is that the Demo game platform starts advertising!

The entire propaganda program seems to be conservative, with online web advertising, video advertisement, oscillated offline advertising, it seems that it is not small, it is estimated that there is a lot of money.

By reasonable saying that Yan Qi should be happy, after all, the more advertisements of the Dynasty game platform, the more players, the more players, the more money they earn after the platform, the more money.

It can be problematic in that strict discovery that these advertisements actually have a very low!

Since so far, Dynasty game platform does not say that it is a game, and even the software of the game platform has not been made.

Even if the player has some advertisements, only to jump to the official website of the Dynasty game platform, can't play the game at all.

This talk about how conversion rate?

Although the Dynasty game platform can be connected to the Tenda account, but it can be used to use the APP that is connected to the Tenda account.

All companies invested by Dream Ventures, basically support companies with Tengda accounts to log in, and even a lot of more and more Tenda does nothing, can also use Tengda account to be logged in.

Although this is barely, it is a superiority, but there is no decision role.

How many good games on the platform are the most critical.

But no matter what to say, spending money is better than spending money.

Although the efficiency of this money is very low, at least mixed a face, giving all the players and game developers a message: We are a new platform, but it is more money, welcome everyone to cooperate.

Yan Qi also expects the thighs of holding the game platform. In this case, don't say anything, can't you teach people to make a propaganda program?

It can only be awesome.

Second, the anti-wind logistics can be sent.

Strictly live in Beijing, he can't deal with the anti-wind logistics. This information can be learned as long as a leaflet can be learned.

In accordance with the official publicity of the anti-wind logistics, cross-regional transportation will be shipped. The benefits of this are fast, the disadvantages are limited to certain specific areas, and the number of goods mail is limited, the price is also high.

Strictly did not have any shipments that were expensive and air transport, so they did not put this matter in their hearts, but simply learned.

In the end, there is one thing, that is, I have heard that "Yong Yu Return" has begun to formally establish it!

Yan Qi is an ARPG mobile game, because the relationship needs to work, have played a lot of action mobile games.

"Looking back is the shore" nature won't miss it.

He has always believed that "back is the shore" is the best working game game in China, nature is also very much looking forward to the emergence of new DLCs.

When he heard "Yong Yu Retrieving", he was quite excited. The result was later clarified, "Yong Yu Returning" in August began to formally develop.

This makes Yan Si's slight disappointment, after all, in August, according to the normal development speed, the fastest will receive the end of the year or even next year.

However, there is a message that is better than there is no news, and I have been waiting for more than a year, and I still care more than a few months?

At the moment, I first focus on my own project, and I will fix the BUG all.

Strictly found that the new week, the people who entered the door of the Dao Game platform have changed significantly, and there are many things that seem to come to cooperate.

The advertisement is playing, and the business is constantly contacted the game company, and it is definitely in the door to talk about cooperation.

"These people should not be like us, have you encountered a bug?"

Yan Qi inexplicably born this very metaphysical idea.

But think about thinking, and think that this possibility does not seem to be big.

"We are entrepreneurial companies, there are not many experiences, so many BUGs have not been found, most of them are universal. If these companies have a rich, we should not have our situation ...?"

Yan Qi didn't think too much, and continue to work hard.

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