Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1184 Flying Yellow Studio, ready to start! (Qiqi monthly ticket!)

At the same time, fly yellow studio.

Zhu Xiaote made an actor in the conference room with the backbone members of the flying yellow studio, and the actors who have worked together with Cui Wei, Lu Zhi, Zhang Zu Ting, Lin Jiaqiang.

Huang Sibo is not here, because he travels with Hu Xianbin, and walking very well ... Oh, no, hurry.

Zhu Xiaould a person a little difficult, but also a flying yellow studio has been consciously cultivating the directors of the next generation, so the person in charge will immediately have someone on top, there will be no such sansis.

The "successor" script has already been written, and even the pre-preparatory work has been arranged almost.

This time, it is to last for the script, unify the idea, and then prepare to officially start shooting.

This shot is different from the past, it is to take a team of teams with the team, and the characters in the play are dominated by foreigners. Naturally, from abroad.

Therefore, Zhu Xiaote has not intended to find an actor from the country.

But Lu Zhi is obviously a sweetness in the previous cooperation, saying what to play a dragon in the movie, do not give the dragon set.

Zhang Zuting and Lin Jiaqiang also said that this is busy must help, even if it is just a few minutes?

Zhu Xiaote is really difficult, but I have to think that these people are all forcing. Fortunately, the English level of these people is good. There is no problem with the stalks. Even if there is a little bit of smashing, it seems more realistic, it can still be dublished later, so the problem is not big.

Zhu Xiansheng briefly introduced the basic content of this shooting.

"This time we have to shoot in the form of a web drama, a total of 12 episodes, each episode is about 50 minutes to an hour."

"The 12 episodes have been sent to everyone, and it also attached a brief story inferior, so that everyone can better understand this story."

"After the shooting is completed, this drama will be released in China. May work with the video website with a single-speaking form, there is no overseas schedule."

"How is it not a focus? After all, the film quality is good, and now I think of these times."

"Today, the original author Cui Wei is also coming, if you have any questions about the story, you can mention that Cui Wei and our screenwriter team will answer as much as possible."

Lin Jiaqiang is also present.

Compared with Lu Yao and Zhang Zutan's coffalk, he is obviously not enough, but after all, it has been cooperated with Tengda. So I will help me, and I have not expected how much more thanks.

If it is still the fault image, then he can only play the star, and the passenger string is obviously not appropriate in this drama. But now he will lose weight, just play a passerby, no problem.

Just, at this time he turned on this script, showing a slightly difficult expression.

Can this?

The shooting of the flying yellow studio is really full of slots, more than any of the past!

First of all, such a large investment, but also to shoot with the crew of the country, just shoot a web drama, not a movie.

Second, all of this web drama is English dubbing. It played a story that happened abroad, but there was no plan to be released abroad, priority.

Once again, from the theme and content, it is a movie of a superhero theme. In fact, it will not be stained with the traditional superhero, and the whole episode can not even find a traditional sense of good people, the biggest The protagonist is even more bad.

At the end, the original originals of this novel have been connected in the end of the Chinese online, and the effect is not very good. The interpretation of domestic web readers is not very high.

Can this?

How to look at the temples.

Lin Jiaqiang secretly looked at Lu Zhiyao and Zhang Zutin, found that although these two people were firm, but in fact, some small movements also exposed their confidence in this script without 100%.

Obviously, no matter how many times have happened, the next miracle will not happen, and it is still suspected.

This is human nature, not to mention the difficulty of this time.

Zhu Xiaotee is obviously aware of this, so he will meet unified ideas in advance. If the internal personnel have a skeptical attitude to this web drama, it is afraid that it will take a lot of detours.

It's all old acquaintances, so everyone will no longer hide, telling their own confusion as a field.

Zhang Zutin first opened.

"This script is ... It's quite special. But do you have to use a web drama? As far as I know, I have known the form of a web drama, I have some low cost, small production content, after all, the web drama The profitability is limited. "

"The big investment also wants to recover the cost, it is best to make a movie, earn an box office, and earn a global box office."

"The form of the Internet, foreign themes, foreign actors, English speech, domestic broadcasts have to be equipped with subtitles ... These restrictions have repeatedly narrowed the audience group, turned into a pretty niche."

"Do you really recover cost?"

For Zhang Zutin and Lu Zhi, they are not very important to recover costs, after all, they are fixed. This turning fire can grow their popularity, and there is nothing to lose.

But they are worried about that this time if it fails, it may cause a blow to the flying yellow studio, whether it is financial or mentality.

In case of this failure, the flying yellow studio lost the trend of Tiangao flight, an unrestrained imagination and adventure, and the quality of the work was declining. Isn't it a pity?

So, it is necessary to remind it.

Zhu Xiaote replied: "Zhang Shu, you asked these questions, all the special requirements."

"In fact, when I started, I also had the same ideas. I feel that this success rate is not high. But after I carefully think about it, this drama, I have to shoot this!"

"First, this kind of theme is to take abroad, just like the original" struggle ", you must choose abroad as a background, otherwise there is no taste."

"Secondly, the amount of information contained in this script is very large, and there are many key scenes. If you split into a movie, at least to split into three, and it will also lead to a lot of key information."

"Even if the split is successful, you can do it alone. Every movie is actually the meaning. The whole story is cut off. It must be in the form of an episode to display the full kernel from the original display to the audience."

"As for why considering domestic ... is because this story is actually only domestic audience, standing in the perspective of the bystander to better understand its deep meaning."

"It is not to say that foreign audience must not understand, but, we must prefer to have a domestic audience."

"Some points, we can only make such choices. Although this success chance is lowered, I believe that since it is auspeted, it is auspeted, as long as we carefully shoot, it will definitely stand out!"

Lu Zhiyi couldn't help but ask: "What is the kernel of this story? In fact, I have a bit not very understanding. I have a storytell, I only know that it is a despicable bad man to implement a series of plans, and finally succeed "

Zhu Xiaote replied: "According to my personal understanding ... This story should be in conjunction with" beautiful tomorrow "and" struggle "."

"As for it, what is the specific meaning ... we still let the original author say."

After finishing, he looked at Cui.

This situation is not the same before. The previous script is mainly based on the general idea. As for how to interpret the general creativity, you have to look at Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaote's play.

But this script is completely original, and there is no involvement, so the final interpretation is definitely or in the original author.

It is also because the author is not a bail, everyone is not particularly trust in this script.

Cui Weiqing cleared, said: "In fact, my story is really inspiration from the summit."

"Simply summarize," Beautiful Tomorrow "," Struggle "and" Successors "are common in some ways, and have a certain image of the reality."

"Struggle" and "Beautiful Tomorrow" are associated, "Struggle" in the "Struggle" has developed several decades, and the technology has taken several leaps and breakthroughs. The entire social structure becomes more extreme, and it will become "beautiful" Social structure in tomorrow. "

"And" successor "is more like a story that happens in a parallel universe. The premise of this story is to make a hypothesis that this is a" superhero relies on beliefs, super anti-desearism "world, So how would the story will develop. "

"Just like the concerns of social structures in the" beautiful tomorrow ", I am surprised that the story in" successor "is equally full of this concerns and distrust."

"This kernel is exactly the same."

"In fact, the subject of this story is that I am always I chose. I just didn't understand the intentions of the generals, I feel that the theme of superhero can't write things."

"But I woke me up, he said three sentences, respectively: 'Super hero theme can also be written to domestic readers',' Does not necessarily let domestic readers like these superheroes' and 'put these The semi-hero written is also available. "

"I thought for a long time, I finally understood. It turns out that I can use our own cultural perspective to make a subversion of popular superhero themes. It is necessary to observe the Western story in the cultural perspective of Huaxia. Deconstruction, tear the perfect coat of these works, show its inner full show! "

"Just like" struggle ", the meaning of" successor "is to decise the false 'Ideal States in Western cultural works, showing some social problems in a more absurd form."

"I have a real circle, and many problems are easier to see."

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