The designers looked at this design, combined with the explanation of Yan Jing and the expression.

Obviously, this design is quite subversive in traditional FPS games.

And it is not the kind of shot of the brain, the subversion of a hi-deeds, but has accumulated many game balance and mechanism innovation, and improved the FPS gameplay.

This game will not be more fun than the traditional blasting mode.

This is not necessarily.

Because the classic model is called classic model, it is because its fun may gradually subsidize, but it will never talk.

At least in a few years, the classic model of the FPS game will still have a large number of players.

But the task of "bomb marks 2" is actually not transcendence, but an additional road.

Just like Yan Jing, I always suggest that it is very clear, continue to take the classic model. The road will hit the "sea fortress" and "anti-terrorism plan", "bomb marks 2" as later people, did not have any Players accumulate, actually very losses.

Therefore, choosing this new type of play mode, which is equivalent to providing another different gaming experience for FPS players, forming misplaced competition with other FPS games.

From this point of view, "Sprays 2" does not need to exceed "Maritime Fortress" and "Counter-Terrorism Plan", and only need to be best in this segment, which can be stable and profitable, which is completely achieved.

Some designers feel that the montage of Yan Jing, I feel that this program is very bold, it is very subversive, and some designers are full of doubts.

Can you have such a new gameplay such as the original entrance?

The Tianhuo Studio is affected by Zhouqi Ran, making a game for profit, in order to avoid risks, the whole is still safe.

Before developing games, it is best to find a prototype from a successful game, and there is no doubt.

Otherwise, once you fail, it's less than a few million, more tens of millions of R & D funds have been drifting, which is not a general game company to bear.

Just they looked at Zhou Wei, I found that Zhou Riyan did not make an objection, so he didn't speak silently.

Zhou Riyan is of course also happening.

Because "bomb marks 2" from the procedure to development, it is not reliable everywhere!

At the beginning, I just put a few comments in the meeting, and then I would like to have a sky-head design. The prototype of this game came out.

Successful game prototype? Market research? Feasibility argument?

There is no one!

This is really contrary to the development process of the habit before Zhouzhongyan.

But he doesn't say much, after all, the general's name is here, and Yan Jing is a very good designer under his hand, and there is a successful experience of GOG, this is not what he can question.

Moreover, this program seems to be relatively perfect, and the problems in all aspects are also considered, not to take risks.

Sun Xiju said: "I have seen some special role mechanisms above the design, such as occupational settings."

"This profession, the occupation that I understand is not the same."

"I originally thought it was a battle career, I didn't expect to be more close to life."

"Is this special consideration?"

The so-called battle profession is a profession that combines combat ability.

For example, traditional warriors, assassins, mage, different professional combat methods are different, some run fast, some remote damage is high.

In the game "Braided Shar, Sun Xi, the profession, is also affecting the ability of combat ability.

For example, the sniper hurts more hurt when using sniper, there must be a certain concerted, anti-detection effect; the assault troops may mainly use the submachine gun, and there is a fast displacement skill; the heavy movement speed is slow but the fire is stronger.

It is not very good to do career distinction in the game of modern war background, but there is no problem in the future battlefield.

All these skills can be explained using high-tech.

At Sun Xi, since the big map has been doing these mechanisms, Yan Jing is also a GOG designer, do you do some skills to play some skills?

However, the occupation written in the Yanjing Super Design plan is more directed to the living profession, that is, the occupation that does not have a direct impact on combat capacity.

For example, the doctor's professional saves is faster, and it can be easily obtained when you search when you search. Medical materials scattered on the map will also be highlighted. You can carry more medical items, you can also use a certain time to renovate these materials. Let them return to more or some other gain effects.

Engineers have the ability to repair the mechanical repair, can use materials to improve the killing power of the weapons, and can repair the exterior wall of the base.

The only thing to fight against combat is a machine gunner. When the heavy-duty machine gun in the operating base is faster, it is more important, but this increase is also very limited, and if you want to play this ability, you must first take it. A stronghold, occupying a fixed machine gun before you can use it.

In addition, there is a series of limitations such as a series of restrictions such as the number of angiographs and bullets.

There are some ability to make occupations, and there is no occupation, but to make props or routine skills, such as anti-reconnaissance.

There are two different anti-reconnaissance methods in the game, one is an optical camouflage effect, one is a reflective effect, the former can make himself integrated with the environment, so that other players are not easy to find, and the latter is let themselves The radar detection disappeared.

These two detection effects can only be selected, and they should be replaced according to the actual situation. For example, the large base points have radar coverage, and the area covered in the wild radar is better.

Of course, in order to prevent optical camouflage, these resources will make certain restrictions, while players can have "small and portable radar".

This ability is actually used to develop a profession similar to "ghost", but does not do this, but make it a universal props, everyone can use it, of course, there are certain quantities and time limit.

Yan Jing said: "In this regard, my consideration is ... Although the battle career seems to be higher, the game is richer, but it is easy to play in the FPS game."

"That is to look richer, but actually let the gameplay more."

"The balance of FPS games is difficult to do, even with the core of the FPS game."

"FPS game must be a second, I am, my game, this is a big premise, if you make the equilibrium of Moba game, you must let the remote occupation give to the trekpening career scraping, which is obviously not suitable."

In the Moba game, many shooters are clearly holding a gun, but play some tank heroes and assassins still need a lot to kill.

This is because the shooter is originally long. If the damage is high, the group battle is likely to become a brain four guaranteed one. If you play, you will see where the shooter output is even more embarrassed.

To ensure that the game balance, it must form a cycle of recycling, and some restrictions on the output capabilities of the shooter.

But the FPS game can not be like this, otherwise it is not the most basic fun.

To keep the core gameplay of the FPS game, if you add fighting career, balance is hard to do.

: "I will give a relatively popular example. If there are several different types in the FPS game: tank occupation, slow movement, high defense, more bullets; sculpture, displacement speed; sniper occupation, there is certain The concealment effect, high damage; the treatment of occupations, you can add blood to your teammates. "

"Then I ask you, which occupation should I choose?"

Sun Xi wants to think: "Tank profession or treatment career?"

Yan Jing shakes and shakes: "If you choose a tank profession, you will find yourself into a living target. The master chooses that the profession will fly everywhere. You can't catch it. Will find that you are only in the team, but you can cut you with your enemy. "

"So the treatment question, why not keep me? Others may think, this milk is good, how can I die?"

"At this time, you may think that the job is so powerful, I also play, then the problem is coming, although you are really better than before, I have encountered other masters that have also played the profession, you are still white."

Sun Xi suspected: "No, it is so strong that the occupation is so strong, the game is not balanced, weakened."

Yan Jingyu asked: "What exactly do you think it is more appropriate?"

"The setting of the projection is flexible. When the master is used, the murder is invisible. If you change its damage very scraped, the master simply plays the tank or sniper, this game may become tank or sniper The world. "

"MOBA games are different, because you can do cycle changing relationships, remotely given this kind of thing to be ahead."

"But everyone in the FPS game is a gun, which is a long-distance scraping, which is equivalent to directly destroying the FPS game."

"You can reserve this pleasure, the FPS game is a 'you second, my second, you', the job is natural, there is a huge advantage, you either cut the waste, cut to no one to play, or How to cut it does not reach the effect, the master is used or no solution. "

"It's falling into a dead cycle for novices, and does not play the projection. It is hung by a big man. It has played a sudden career or hit it by the big.

"In addition to the big men who really play, other players' game experience will be destroyed."

"FPS game is fun is in murder, death is fast, novice can kill masters through the perines, as long as it is not the difference between the gap, I will not have the power."

"So, these special mechanisms must restrain, displacement skills, whether it is transient, acceleration or sliding, can not give, more, the more gaps, the more gaps, the more no game experiences." "

"The distinction between life career is obvious. In order to make players in the second phase of the battle, some people are responsible for booting the artillery point, some people are responsible for searching for medical materials to save people, and some people are responsible for repairing machinery."

"If you want to occupy a base, let it recover, you need to work together, you need to coordinate cooperation in different occupations, and the commander must also allocate a good man."

"No matter what profession, the gap between the battle will not be too big, so that the game experience of the novice player can not maximize the game experience of the big player, the game is more than dozens of games."

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