After listening to the explanation of Yan Jing, everyone nodded.

Obviously, this is especially persuasive from .

Because g , has been responsible for the balance between data and game mechanisms, in this regard, is definitely unable to regularly.

Many times, how is a person's ability, not all depends on his own talent or effort, but also on his platform.

When a person has arrived at the right platform, even if his talent is not much, the ability will grow forward.

And if a person is very good, there is no suitable platform, and his talent is also difficult to activate.

Just like history, why are those celebrities in the early Han Dynasty to get a small place?

Not because this small place is outstanding, so many talents, but because they follow Liu Bang, there is a high enough platform that can be continuously improved.

Similarly, the chaos will be famous, because they grow faster in frequent wars.

GOG is a great platform, and Yan Jing is here for so long. It can be said to witness the rise and prosperity of this game, there is different thinking in different stages, long time, in this regard, it is very deep.

Of course, the balance of GOG is not unpredictable, and it is often sick by players.

This is normal. After all, the strong hero is going to cut, but it is not painful, but it is too much to cut a knife; the weak hero, strengthening less, no change, strengthen more It may also be stronger.

In addition, there is a huge difference between the groups of players, a hero may be completely different in the fish pond bureau, the High-end Bureau and the career tour, which makes it difficult to balance the problem.

However, in general, it is better to be in charge of GOG, it is still better in terms of the balance of the game, this is because he can advice from the professional players and professional tactical analysts from DGE clubs. Opinions can be heard from the player group.

When thinking about the FPS game occupational balance this problem, Yan Jing is discovered that the professional setting of the FPS game is best not to move the Moba game or MMORPG game, so this design is made.

At this point, the entire design of "Bravs 2" is explained.

There are still a lot of work, such as this big map is specifically a layout, how to distribute the stronghold, every item refreshed, what is the level of the player, how much is the special road available ...

However, there are other designers to help finish, such as big maps are the work of the Guanka designer.

Yan Jing is a master designer, as long as it guarantees that the big direction is not running.

After a short silence in the conference room, Sun Xi said after a while, "I have no problem here."

Other designers have not said anything.

Zhou Yuyan looked at it and nodded: "Well, then it is so taking it."

If it is another person's design, these designers may have to mention some questions and discuss discussions.

But the programs of Yan Jing are really no problems can pick, after all, the resume is in this.

Some innovative gameplay has no precedent, but it is successful or fail, no one dares to pack.

In this case, it is better to trust Yan Jing and Yan.

In case you have been advised here, who is the game failed?

:: "Then I will continue to refine the plan. If you trouble you, you will assign the designers you want to do to the group, stare your progress, you will start writing the design."

Sun Xi nodded: "Okay, this is my job."

He stunned and asked again: "Monday? Hey ... Saturday?"

If the designers are default 996 when the game is justified in accordance with the default process of the Tianhu Studio.

Even some designers are more responsible for the design plan, and the description of the design will be designed until the meeting before the meeting, ensuring that the description can be completed as scheduled.

Although this happens is that the workload is unreasonable, after all, everyone is coming, so most of the designers have been used to, there is no complaint.

So Sun Xi also thought that tomorrow, there must be overtime to write a design plan, and the result is not to mention this matter at all.

Yan Jing's ultra-MAI has said: "Take a rest on the weekend."

"This ..." Sun Xi looked at Zhouqi Ran under the consciousness.

Zhou Wei Ran's twice: "Mr. Brother, the work mode of Tengda, I have something to hear, but each company has the situation of each company, can't move blindly, right."

"The designers of our studio are not as strong as Tengda, and they are used to slow work, sometimes there is more time to work, and the details of the program are better."

"Do you want me to see this, you still follow the work on Tengda, what else do you see according to the original procedures in our studio?"

Zhou Wei is obviously not wanting to open this mouth.

On the one hand, it is worried about the quality of the game.

After all, in his opinion, Tengda can pull full because employees are very efficient, and the efficiency of people here is not so high.

Normal holiday, there is no tight feeling during the development period, in case the development node can't complete what to do?

On the other hand, I am afraid of affecting other people's mentality.

Everyone in Saturday came to work overtime, but "the bomb marks 2" project group did not come, the other people did not feel unfair? Don't you want to work overtime?

Time is money, the game development is the same. It's hard to go out again, and Zhou Wei felt very distressed.

Of course, he doesn't feel that he has died, after all, when the game makes money bonus, he has always been generous than other old version.

Yan Jing shakes his head: "I don't think there is this."

"I believe that the designers of the Tianhu Studio are also very strong designers, including art, procedures, and other project staff, are also the top of the industry."

"The reason why sometimes progress is slow, may be just because frequent overtime is low, and the body has not met perfect, so it is invisible to slow down."

"I hope that I can work overtime in accordance with Tenda's development model."

"When the work plan is scheduled, according to the normal workload, if it doesn't make a plus, if it is not enough, it will be extended."

"I have said that I have said that there are many ways to solve the problem, but it will definitely not include overtime. Overtime is just on the surface to solve the temporary problem, but in the long run, it will trigger a lot of new problems."

Zhou Weiyan hesitated, and finally nodded: "Well, then do it."

The game plan has been finalized, and it is even more unfair because this small thing is disputed with Yan Jing.

Although it is uncomfortable, it will definitely drag slowly, but as long as the game can make it smooth, you can make money, this is not a problem.

Zhou Weiwang looked at Sun Xi: "That will be here today, look back, you will then re-screen, choose several of the most suitable designers to" bounce two "project group. After choosing, The program got my office. "

Sun Xi nodded: "There is no problem week."

This will be completed, everyone leaves the meeting room.

At present, the location of the "Bravs 2" project group has all been tuned, and Yan Jing has already had its own position. Every day, the job is to organize the design, and prepare for the early stage.

The selection of the underlying personnel in the project group has almost completed, but there are some vacancies in the middle.

Mainly, the gameplay has not been fully finalized, and it is not possible to make more good at doing, so it is suspended for two days.

Zhou Yuyan attaches great importance to this project, so selecting people is also a special selection.

Sun Xigang sat down on his own station, he heard someone said it next to: "Sun brother, I want to take the initiative to apply for" bomb marking 2 "project to do value, do you see it?"

Sun Xi looked up and hurriedly stood up: "Han brother, this is not very suitable? Your current position is the main plan."

This brother joined the Tianhu Studio than Sun Xi, it is now independent with a project group, it is online, and the results are not bad.

He also participated in these two meetings, but Zhou Wei rossed a good thing in his own project, and there was no special advantage in the FPS game, so he did not choose him, but Sun Xi.

According to reason, this time Sun Xi wants to finalize the list of people is a middle list, and it is a hand to my hand.

Han Ge is that the qualifications are also high than Sun Xi, go to "bomb marks 2" to give him a hand. This is not suitable.

Han brother shakes his head: "Is there anything unsuitable? The project on my side has already left it, I can just give the position to the young people, give them some opportunities for them."

"And recently, my son was born, I was in the side of the person in charge, and I changed to this side ..."

"Cough, of course, I am absolutely not to smash this holiday! Just think that this program is particularly good, this project is very special, you should get some inspiration."

It's all about this, and Sun Xi will understand.

"Good Han, then I will add you on the list first, but this list can not pass ... I have to watch I always agree."

Han brother nodded: "Thank you, the brothers! When you send a list, you will always ask, I hope you can help me let me know a few words, I really pay special attention to this opportunity!"

Sun Xi: "Good Han, I understand."

According to the provisions of the Tianhu Studio, once the bonus will be taken from the original item group, the prize will be taken for three months, and will not take it later.

After all, people are not in this project. What reasons have to continue to divide a bonus?

The life of a game is less than half a year. It is a lot of bonuses as a master designer.

But it is obvious that he is more than three points in the "bomb marks 2", there are three points: the first don't work hard, the second followed by This new project can get some inspiration and growth, the third is once "bracket shady 2" success, not Will there be a bonus?

If you stay in the original project, even if you "bomb marks 2" succeeded, there is no relationship with you.

So after a synthesis, he decided to actively sign up for the project group to join "Disrtustment 2".

After sending away Han Gu, Sun Xi wrote his name on this column of numerical designers as an alternative.

As a result, just finished writing, I saw a few information on the company's interior chat software.

"Hi brother! I heard that" bomb march 2 "project group is not overtime? Really fake?"

"Brothers, the list is time?"

"Be sure to take me, I also spend the upper number in the company's level designer, this is not reasonable to bring me!"

"Sun Ge, can I go to the project group of" bomb marks 2 "?"

Looking at these people a series of news, Sun Xi is a little crying.

Good guy, I heard that I don't work hard, I'm coming!

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